And yet another thread




Hi, Arcana, I decided to PM you the response. I don't wish to derail the thread too much with the discussion



Who is in the second group for kinetics?

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Havent tested it yet, but I would say kin would be good against DA scrappers and Fire Tanks...

Low defense and no knockback or slow protection.

Regen scrappers will be screwed against kin because of the - regen in transfusion. And thats all they get...



Havent tested it yet, but I would say kin would be good against DA scrappers and Fire Tanks...

Low defense and no knockback or slow protection.

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Kin is abysmal against DA. I can barely end drain them with transference (I guess something in DA gives end drain resist). Siphon Speed's slow is easily mutable, with both SS and SJ overcoming it with ease. Rad's slow is more effective in this respect, on top of being more effective in neutralising DA in general. I don't even know a Kin who takes Repel due to how ineffectual it is both in toggle dropping and kb'ing.

Fire Tanks, I'm not sure. Works okayish against them, I guess, but not any moreso (really, works worse) than Rad or Storm.

Regen scrappers will be screwed against kin because of the - regen in transfusion. And thats all they get...

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-Regen in transfusion is negligible even to a non-regenner, as far as I can tell. The effect is so small that I have trouble distinguishing it in PvE, let alone PvP where it is purportedly even weaker. Additionally, Regen has resistance to end drain. Regen's nemesis is Radiation as it really can substantially reduce regen.



-Regen in transfusion is negligible even to a non-regenner, as far as I can tell.

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Actually, two applications should shut down a Regen's regeneration quite well.

The effect is so small that I have trouble distinguishing it in PvE, let alone PvP where it is purportedly even weaker.

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Having teamed many times with Kineticist Defenders and Controllers, I know for a fact that they're able to completely shut down an AV's regeneration rate (at least in case of the Defender completely -- for a Controller it's either the same or really close -- hardly any difference noticable).

Additionally, Regen has resistance to end drain. Regen's nemesis is Radiation as it really can substantially reduce regen.

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Regen has no resistance to end-drain. What they do have however is two +End powers that make them gain it back faster. In my own PvP experiences (and I must admit, I have some, but most certainly not as much as a lot of people out there) both Radiation & Kinetics are really harsh on my Regen (Controllers & Defenders, although Controllers are by far the more dangerous).



Actually, two applications should shut down a Regen's regeneration quite well.

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Really? I'll test it again I guess. I tested it on TS and I couldn't notice and effect, and neither could the Spines/Regen I tried it on. I apologise if I am in error!

Having teamed many times with Kineticist Defenders and Controllers, I know for a fact that they're able to almost shut down an AV's regeneration rate.

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Sorry, I should have been more clear. I do notice it if I spam it on an AV, although it doesn't seem to shut it down, as you say.

Regen has no resistance to end-drain. What they do have however is two +End powers that make them gain it back faster. In my own PvP experiences (and I must admit, I have some, but most certainly not as much as a lot of people out there) both Radiation & Kinetics are really harsh on my Regen (Controllers & Defenders, although Controllers are by far the more dangerous).

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Bizarre. I tried Transference out in PvP on several opponents, and both DA and Regen scrappers' endurance was substantially less drained than many other players (we're talking less than half of what occurred on some of the others).



Hrm, well, admittedly, I haven't done any PvP recently, so if things have changed, I am mistaken. I have always been very wary of Illusion/Kinetics Controllers in PvP fights, for reasons mentioned before

As for the resistance to end-drain, I am quite positive Regen doesn't have any, but I would not complain *at all* if they added it somewhere in the course of I5/I6

Perhaps I posted to fast. The things I described were, to my knowledge how they were, but as I have not done *any* testing, and you seem to have, I might very well just be out-of-date here



Hrm, well, admittedly, I haven't done any PvP recently, so if things have changed, I am mistaken. I have always been very wary of Illusion/Kinetics Controllers in PvP fights, for reasons mentioned before

As for the resistance to end-drain, I am quite positive Regen doesn't have any, but I would not complain *at all* if they added it somewhere in the course of I5/I6

Perhaps I posted to fast. The things I described were, to my knowledge how they were, but as I have not done *any* testing, and you seem to have, I might very well just be out-of-date here

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Ah, okay. Well, I think I'd be justified in complaining that it does have it, actually. It's one of the few things Kinetics really has in PvP and it seems everyone and their grandmother now gets resistance to it (well, no not really but it's still frustrating). Transference doesn't even drain out those who have no drain resistance (seems to be around 1/3-1/2 a bar with 3 drain SOs on those with no resist). I wish they'd bump up the -recovery effect. In fact, I wish they'd boost the secondary effects of Kin in general.

I'll still test things out again this weekend if I can.



Now if we could just lure him into our forum...

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I read the Scrapper forum, too. Just only about 10% as often as I read the Stalker forum. I also glance into the general AT, Tanker, Corruptor and Brute forums, but those even less often than the Scrapper forum.

Yes, I spend a lot of time at home reading.

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I just wanted to say that your visiblity is VERY much appreciated. Even if I disagree with some ideas, at least I know what is going on.

I really do feel that if you can explain things to me, then I am alot less likely to think (Dooooom) thoughts. And alot more likely to say "hey they are trying, give them a break."

So thank you again for just trying to keep us informed.



One thing about kin is that can boost its damage more than any other defender, expecially when combined with sonic blast.

Its also the only AT that can keep hasten up pretty much perma after ED because of siphon speed.

The only reason kin should have much trouble with DA is because of opressive gloom and cloak of fear.

Anyway, I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a controller I was teamed with in warburg.

She were quite surprized how easy she could hold an invuln scrapper with both unyeilding and unstoppable running at the same time.

Key word there was "easy".

When I explained that the devs had dropped the scrapper mez protection, the response was:

"Wow, thats a pretty bad nerf. Its not like I had much trouble holding them before. Now its just too easy."



One thing about kin is that can boost its damage more than any other defender, expecially when combined with sonic blast.

Its also the only AT that can keep hasten up pretty much perma after ED because of siphon speed.

The only reason kin should have much trouble with DA is because of opressive gloom and cloak of fear.

Anyway, I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a controller I was teamed with in warburg.

She were quite surprized how easy she could hold an invuln scrapper with both unyeilding and unstoppable running at the same time.

Key word there was "easy".

When I explained that the devs had dropped the scrapper mez protection, the response was:

"Wow, thats a pretty bad nerf. Its not like I had much trouble holding them before. Now its just too easy."

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What kind of Controller was it?



I'm mixed feelings about mez resists having played a variety of AT's,
My Scrappers( 1 dm/regen & 1 kat/da), & WS( in dwarf mode), can for all intents and purposes ignore mez effects, and
very rarely get mezed
My Defenders, mezes are the bane of their existence
My Dominator, PVE is managable, but in PVP I fight heroes who either ignore my mezes, or are prey to my mezes, unless I can build a mez effect fast enough, and keep in mind CC is my primary dmg mitigation.

So what we have is a number of AT's which can to some extent ignore mez effects, others who are breakfree addicts, since otherwise their dead, and others who depend on on mez effects. Just my thought perhaps the devs should revisit the current system of mez's and mez resistiance & protection.
-Give all AT's access to mez resistiance/ protection in the form of a new Power Pool called Discipline, each power in it would
be an inherient resist to one or more mez type, with the 'weaker' mez types like immobilize be at the lower end of the set,
with holds and more exotic type of mez effects like confuse & fear being at the high end of the set, I know mez resistiance is
spread out through out the power pools, but I'd rather their all concentrated in a single set, and maybe also include taunt & placate resistiance in the set as well.
-On all powers that offer mez resists, allow for slotting for magnitude of resistiance, powers should be balanced so that
a melee with both the appropiate Discipline power and the mez resist they get in their defense set both 3 slotted have the
same mez resist as they have today. What this translates to is that even, non-melee's will be able to get some mez resistiance
and melee's will still be able to have better mez resists
-On mez powers, allow for slotting of magnitude of the holds to increase the magnitude
-Combine all mez resist & mez protection effects, so accelerate metabolism will offer mez resists, and if the mez resist power
is still active after the mez, the duration is shortened
-Give dominators and controllers an alternate power in each of their primaries, that debuffs mez resistiance, possibly two alternate powers, a single target version and an AE version, possibly with each dominator or controller being able to debuff
only one type of mez effect which their set has.




In complete bluntness (directed to the powers that be, not you, Castle), mezzing is an absolutely crap balance tool. There is nothing that is not a bug, and I mean nothing, in this game less entertaining and more frustrating than being mezzed.

Being mezzed means you don't play the game. You watch all your toggles go away and get to watch as you die. So why this change? I really, really want to know.

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How many games have to be made before developers actually learn from one of them?

Status Effects, Mez, Stun, etc. are NOT FUN. Understand?

They are a crutch used to artificially and instantly ramp up difficulty in a completely unpredictible, unmanageable way.

It is bad enough that CoH/CoV lacks any sort of diminishing returns or temporary immunity from status effects/crowd control after one wears off. This is what allows you to be "chain stunned" or "chain mezzed."

But on top of this, to now lessen protection against these things is just asinine.

Shouldn't it be obvious how much these effects are despised just by reading every single character build discussion on the forums?

Every single melee build makes sure to have protection against every kind of crowd control.

Why? Because being stunned/mezzed/etc is absolutely miserable.

As the person I quoted already said, it takes you OUT OF THE GAME. You are NO LONGER PLAYING YOUR CHARACTER. That is not fun. Sitting there helplessly watching your character and not being able to take action is not fun. It is PASSIVE and miserable.

Please do the smart thing and reverse this very unwise change.

What you need to do is REDUCE the amount of status effects/crowd control powers used by NPCs (and PCs in PvP). They are absolutely horrific, they are not fun, and they are an obvious and lamentable crutch in game design.


If this is a PvP change then fine. Please keep in in PvP only.

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This is the only part of the post I disagreed with. Crowd Control powers in PvP are even worse. As bad as it is to be chain-mezzed in PvE, dying in PvP because of this is even worse.



This is the only part of the post I disagreed with. Crowd Control powers in PvP are even worse. As bad as it is to be chain-mezzed in PvE, dying in PvP because of this is even worse.

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So, what do you suggest for those players that live for Controller type powersets? I'd wager that they find face-planting to an overwhelmingly powerful and equally "unresistable" melee attack (followed by a long run back into combat) equally un-fun. Let 'em have their Holds and Mezzes... I've seen quite a few suggestions on these forums from players using actual tactics (as opposed to the power Tactics) to put the jump on Trollers not paying attention, fixated on a specific player while others sneak up behind them and swiftly gank them when their power ends, etc.)



Thread naming: please use descriptive names so that seraching on thread names is effective. Thanks.




Status Effects, Mez, Stun, etc. are NOT FUN. Understand?

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I couldn't DISAGREE more! PvP without crowd control skills/spells sucks. It does NOT take you out of the game... getting booted to your desktop does that. It adds a separate element to the game besides damage and healing.

Any good pvp game has a load of status skills, and it's the best players who build their characters to defend against it, as well as use it to your advantage. Without holds and roots, pvp is simply DPS, and THAT is B O R I N G. Who wants to play a game where the only two things you do in pvp are damage and heal?

Not I!

It brings a total package to a pvp game and gives it depth, as well as encourages teamwork and strategy!




We've reduced base To Hit from 75% to 50% for PvP purposes. This change was made to give Defense sets more effectiveness. With the ED changes, coupled with the prevalence of +To Hit buffs it was necessary.

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Defensive sets stink (along with every passive now, thanks to ED) and instead of actually doing something to improve them and bring them up to par, we'll just nerf everyone else to compensate! Brilliant!

You've all no clue what to do or how to "balance" this game. Wouldn't a %defense against ToHits (similar to EA in CoV offering some defense against defense debuffs) been a better idea?



We've reduced base To Hit from 75% to 50% for PvP purposes. This change was made to give Defense sets more effectiveness. With the ED changes, coupled with the prevalence of +To Hit buffs it was necessary.

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Defensive sets stink (along with every passive now, thanks to ED) and instead of actually doing something to improve them and bring them up to par, we'll just nerf everyone else to compensate! Brilliant!

You've all no clue what to do or how to "balance" this game. Wouldn't a %defense against ToHits (similar to EA in CoV offering some defense against defense debuffs) been a better idea?

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It is just as proper to look at it as everyone in PvP zones gets a 25% defense buff - and since defense stacks on pre-existing defense, the buff is a bigger buff for defensive sets than non-defensive sets.

The two ways of looking at it are entirely symmetric.

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