The WAR ((OOC))
[[Wyrd! Ooh, who are ya Blue, might we have met once at Brushwood?]]
Apartment: 605
Name: Max Nortis A.K.A Black Shadow
Current Location: Whitmoore - His room
Storyteller: Lennox
Description: 6'0 Skinny Figure. Age: 24
Summary: Very shy young man. He is always seen wearing black and he stays in the shadows rather than the light. He has been at the apartment for 3 days now and has not been seen at all. He sneaks out at night to search for his destiny, as his super hero alias Black Shadow. Black Shadow dress in black hooded robes and conseals himself in the dark.
(A very special thanks Steele_Magnolia for much of the information found in these notes.)
Finding your way:
Get off the tram in Steel Canyon's southeast corner, and your home sweet home can be found northwest from the exit archway. Slipshod suggests to go stand on the roof at /loc -4205.9 228.1 1613.2 [[1958386]], and you can get from the roof corner to top of the tram with one good superjump bound. Or you could try the front doors at /loc -4146.5 -100 1600.0 just 248 yards north-northwest of Yellow Line in Bronze Way.
There are a few details that have evolved differently in the story from than the picture. The biggest is that all apartments have balconies or are connected to a fire escape. The other big one is how the number of stories and floor numbers have warped a bit over time; part of the flux from all the heroic energies, no doubt. Clearly there are sixteen floors of windows for apartments when looking at the building, yet that number will not likely match the numbers used by the storytellers. Like any good story, these little details change over time. No one is likely to try to make such inconsistencies fit together. Lastly, most people have the stairs going up from street level, instead of down; too minor a point to worry about.
The Whitmoore also has recently installed security guards who double as doormen to check IDs if Mr. Green is not around. A police drone also now has permanent duty outside the front doors. The police, fire, and ambulance departments are on fast dial, due to some previous problems with small and large-scale violence in the building. For a while, a few groups or hordes of villains were lobbed into the building when a storyteller got bored. One of the reasons for the "don't destroy/damage" the Whitmoore attitude currently in place. That's not to say that it can't happen, but it shouldn't be anything less than a serious plot development. There are strong reasons for the precaution, for otherwise some less-than-wise posters would turn the Whitmoore into a pointless, illogical battle zone where nothing makes any sense.
Currently most damage has been repaired. The building look pretty good, although parts are still old or run down. A few construction crews can been seen modifying various apartments, as the moving tenants have arranged. Also, not too long ago a flood of ghosts were let loose in the building [[2305423]], but they've been quiet for the last bit.
Entering the lobby:
The city has a policy of checking all ID cards [[587467]] before allowing admittance to the building. Mr. Green is the doorman and manager, working the day at the front desk by the main doors. He's an elderly dapperly dressed gentleman with exceedingly good manners, discretion, and strong sense of decorum. He is also one of the few common-pool characters that anyone is free to write for, within his personality and duties as outlined.
There was a row of elevators [[587467]] that somewhere during various constructions got reduced to one - currently not working again [[3158729]] . Additionally, a nearby door is open to the stairwell that climbs up the inside of the building, with multiple landings between the exit doors at each floor. The stairwell ends in a door access to the roof.
The rest of the main floor is taken up with public bathrooms, laundry room, a small eating area that also hosts the vending machines (snacks, soda, ice) and a free coffee machine, with other general table/chairs/etc scattered around the generous open room. Also mailboxes for each apartment are located here, with a directory of the current residents posted publicly.
Moving in:
If you haven't already gotten your apartment, go to Mr. Green to present your registration for an apartment (usually from City Hall). Alternately, he'll have the forms needed to register before giving you a key to an apartment. Apartment quality is highly variable. Some people choose to start with the more run-down rooms, others with decent ones. A couple have even given themselves penthouses (thankfully rare).
The city doesnt have the money to fully furnish every room to the owners liking, since the hotel took all their furniture when they were bought out. Utilities are free [[587467]], so there never is worry about water or electricity. But many new tenants make some adjustments by dipping into their own funding to better suit their own personal needs. Just remember that it is a historic building, so refrain from too many extreme modifications to the facade.
Meeting the other tenants:
Amongst the heroes, most are willing to go unmasked and trust their fellow heroes discretion. Some have secret IDs, some allow the public to freely know all about their life. Some go masked all the time (in one case, because of a mutation). But mostly people give their hero name and a common/first name if they are comfortable with it.
Introduce yourself slowly. Let people get a feel for who your character is, how you write, and how often you are committed to posting. Don't force an intro right off the bat. Coordinate with private messages (PMs) when you do start interacting. Almost everyone will respond positively to PMs for advice, and coordinate with you as you make an effort to fit in.
Learn some of the others history, even if you can't draw on the information until it comes up again in your part of the story. Do read the thread backstory, or at least start working on it. Some plot threads go back a good half of the 530+ pages, and a few of the current posters go back even more. It's important to at least have an idea of what is going on. While it isn't necessary to read the whole thread (a task that can keep you from having time to post your own segments) it is highly recommended. At a minimum to go back and read at least SOME of it. Very little is more irritating than someone who jumps on and outright says "I'm not going to read any of it, but here I go!" To see what is considered even more offensive, learn the basic do's and do not's of role play (RP).
Finally, meet the other storytellers online! The in-game global chat "Whitmoore Apts" was created [[2414111]] for everyone to join.
Great to finally see that it IS the building I thought it was.
Apartment: 636
Name: Adam Swan AKA SoundTrak
Current Location: Whitmoore
Storyteller: Trak
Description: age-TBA, 5'2" 160# mostly muscle, caucasian, neon green hair, bold green eyes
Summary: Adam is a recovering drug addict that has recently been rendered blind by unknown motivations. He initially plans to abuse his ID for housing and benifits, though in truth he knows he can never return to the life he once had. Adam is currently in foul relations with the Hellions, though other villain groups may follow in suit with them against the blind hero.
Summer Heat
Appt: 1020
Name: Chris Stevens AKA Slick
Location: Wherever the party is.
Storyteller: Inquisition
Descirp: At 18 yrs old, Chris was an unfortunate victum of crey ind. human experiments BUT it gave him the ability to create, contorll and cool water vapor. After escapeing the crey facility, he meet an other hero name Inquistion. Inq welcomed him into his house and tought him to use his powers. Now haveing moved out of Inq penthouse in steel at the age of 20, Slick desides to head to whitmoore. He stands at lil over 6ft, and hase icey blues hair, and nicely tan skin. He enjoys parties, and is attending one or throwing one every chance he can.
P.S. And he is very single
Brief update:
The Dark Harrier has moved into apartment 1007, and intends to renovate as soon as is feasable.
I guess this one made permanent.
Apartment: 720
Name: Sky Brandon AKA Hyperbolt
Current Location: Whitmoore Apts.
Storyteller: Trak
Description: 22, 6'0 160# runner's build, brown hair, pale blue eyes
Summary: Sky is in his last semester of college at Paragon University, living at the Whitmoore under his alias while he attempts to finish education as a computer programmer. He considers Adam a close friend, since he sees the same vulnerability his father had when Sky was young.
Summer Heat
((Since I keep finding a use for her... ))
Apartment: unknown
Name: Crystal Stone
Current Location: unknown
Storyteller: BainofWar(greetings) or ppl I trust
Summary: Mother of Nathan Stone, aka HCA 01. Had her naturally very high intelligence modified at the age of 14 by a classified government program. During the process the researchers discovered she was pregnant with Nathan. As she was a verifiable loner at the time, the source of her condition remains unknown to anyone but her. She was able to prevent them from ending the pregnancy, but at the cost of not being able to identify herself to HCA 01. This agreement was nullified by her assassination at the youthful age of 39.
Apartment: #310
Name: Jovani
Current Loc: Her apartment
Storytell: Me, Jovani
Summary: Jovani is an empath/dark. Age is around 18y/o, but her exact date of birth is unknown. Standing about 5-5', has a slime build, short white hair, very blue eyes(which she got from her father, the human side) and very easy on the eyes. She got her powers from her mothers side, who was a race of immortal dark witches on her home planet, Kerr, which made her immortal as well. I will be posting more of her backstory the more I get into the RP with her. So stay tuned!
Apartment: None, prefers to sleep in the halls.
Name: Cat Queen Emily
Current Location: Breakfast at HC's
Storyteller: Whitmoore residents who find her.
Summary: Once an aspiring veterinarian till the Rikti war destroyed her dreams. She spent the time since living on the streets with stray cats. She was bonded with a Nictus only a few hours before Nathan found her. Unbeknownist to the energy being, she was holding a kitten when it bonded with her. As a result Emily has developed ears, a tail, and the ability to communicate with animals.
Apartment: 501
Name: War Club, a.k.a. Johnny Spiritfeather
Current Location: Just arrived
Storyteller: MadGremlin
Summary: Native American who can command spirits. Big, jet-black skin, carries an ancient club.
"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan
Apartment: None, currently residing in the sewers of Paragon City
Current Location: The aforementioned sewers
Storyteller: Steele Magnolia
Description: 5'0" 95 lbs red hair, green eyes, 14 years old, cybernetic eye (if you look closely enough).
Background: Maggie Riley AKA Artemis 2020 (Archery/Devices Blaster) is named for the year she comes from, born in 2006 to MSSgt Gevin Riley and Helen Markov following devastation wrought by a Council supervirus, and raised in a world rocked by war and anarchy.
In a world of every man, woman, and child for him or herself, she had her Dad. Now she doesn't.
And the Circle is going to pay for that, if it takes the rest of her life to kill them all.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Name: Blood Wolffe
Apartment: somewhere on the fifth floor.
Story Teller: Blood_Wolffe
Description: Approx. 6'2 with canine teeth and blue wolf eyes.
Summary: Taken at birth and experimented on by Crey for 20 years until they decided he was a failed project. The scrapped the project and him, leaving him for dead in the woods of Alaska. He was going to just die when a mystic wolf bit him, transferring its power and soul into his body. He then gained powers (energy/fire) and his senses functioned at a supernatural level. Crey now wants him back, and occasionally tries to recapture him.
Name: Doc Mayhem
Apartment: 1023
Story Teller: ProfessorBlues
Description: Male Caucasian, approx 50 years old, has long grey hair tied in a ponytail and a neatly trimmed beard. Carries a katana. Eyes glow dark purple (blacklight effect). KAT/DA Scrapper.
Summary: Doc is a retired Kendo teacher who has discovered that his DarkForce 'mutation' has started to undo the aging process, stabilizing his age at a respectably healthy 50 years old. He's an ex-hippie, not especially friendly but personable, studies Zen Buddhism but doesn't practice it as a religion (more of a meditation technique). Uses Teleport power pool, has yet to learn how to teleport himself. Can ride motorcycles (and loves to do so) but does not currently own one. When Dark Armor effects are active, Doc's voice changes and will be written in black text.
Name: Sweet Seduction
Apartment: 1023
Story Teller: ProfessorBlues
Description: 19-year-old humanoid female, bluish skin, large almond-shaped eyes, tufted ears and tail, and two polished rams horns growing out of her forehead. Not much body modesty. Lives with Doc Mayhem - assume budding romantic interest. Ill/Sonic Controller
Summary: Cindy Seward and Molpe (a Siren from mythological Greek legends) were combined into one being by a Circle of Thorns summon spell gone haywire. The two share the same body, and are fully aware of each other. Treat them as mother and daughter, although at times they may act more like twin sisters. Molpe is mildly perceptive to most magical, mythical, or spiritual happenings, as that is the realm she was taken from. Assume all powers stem from use of her voice - deaf or hearing-impaired heroes will be immune or resistant, those with sensitive hearing will be susceptible. When Molpe is speaking, the voice takes on additional harmonic tones, and sounds slightly more musical. her thoughts and speech are in blue text.
Environmental Notes: Apartment 1023 has been thoroughly soundproofed (thanks War Club!) as Sweet Seduction has some minor control issues with her powers - she sings in her sleep occasionally, and also lets subliminals creep into her voice when she is stressed.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Hero Name: Magik Squared
Real Name: Brian Olson
Apartment: 222
Description: 5'10" 140lbs Pure Gold eyes, Pure Silver hair Style of hair is long down to the small of his back. Pure Bronze skin with mystical symbols appearing and disappearing through his skin, almost like they swim through him.
History: Born to Father C.E.O. (known Villain last known location Rogue Isles) and Mother Winter Rose (also know Villain) 5 years ago Brian was born, a year later Lord Recluse sent a full force of soldiers to take out C.E.O. in the process C.E.O. Lab and base was destroyed. All was presumed dead. Tell one year ago Brian surfaced in Paragon City asking for a Hero's ID, Azuria backed his claim to be a hero. Nothing is known where or how Brain survived the Total Distortion of is fathers base, or how this apparent 35 year old can be the 5 year old son of C.E.O.
Apartment: 666
Name: Julia K Winters
Current Location: Whitmoore Apartments
Storyteller: Skythianox
Summary: Yes she is aware of the ominous room number, however she really gets a kick out of having it as a kind of inside joke about her own fiendish extra dimensional heritage. She tries to be a nice and decent person and a good heroine, but she suffers from instinctive urges to maim, kill, murder and destroy. Luckily she tends to direct this towards the bad guys.
UPDATE on Doc Mayhem and Sweet Seduction's apartment #1023 (seeing that we seem to be entertaining folks from time to time)
It is a studio/efficiency, 1 room with a seperate bathroom (thank you Mr Green, for making it one with a tub instead of just a shower stall!) It has the usual toiletries, as well as a large first-aid kit stashed under the sink.
There is a balcony facing east, which currently has no furniture on it - Doc uses this as a place to do stretching exercises, as well as enjoy his morning tea. The sliding doors have bamboo screens hanging in front of them from the ceiling - these can be rolled down for privacy or shade, or up out of the way. Normally they are rolled up.
The kitchen area is simple, with an L-shaped counter that juts out from the wall. The stove and oven are in the long side of the L, against the wall, whereas the double sink (no dishwasher) is in the jutting-out section. There is a rack above the counter that has several small pans hanging from it. A hydroponic tray with herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, and chives) is set on the end of the L.
On the other side of the L is a small 'dinette' table, with 4 chairs. In the center of the room is a futon, which usually is in couch configuration. Bedding is kept in a footlocker style box that doubles as a coffee table. The couch faces east as well.
There is no TV, but a small stereo system resides on a bookshelf, along with several shelves of books (Zen Buddhism, astral phenomena, a Sanskrit and English dual-translation edition of The Kama Sutra, and also a few newer volumes on Greek mythology and philosophy).
An older armoire takes up the wall next to the door - it contains several cotton gi's as well as a lot of jeans, tie-dyed t-shirts, an old fringed leather jacket with a 'peace' armband on the left arm. One section holds a few skirts, blouses, and other 'girl clothes', although it seems to have a large number of men's dress shirts; Cindy likes wearing loose shirts.
In the far corner is a shrine with a Buddha figure, two incense burners. Above it, mounted to the wall, is a rack that is used to store Doc's swords; one is a practice "bokken" made out of bamboo, and the other is his katana, "Blade of Spring Dawn".
An oriental rice-paper and wood screen blocks off this area from the rest of the room. The screen is moveable, and can be folded and placed against a wall if needed.
Several large pillows are scattered on the hardwood floor in lieu of chairs.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Hero Name: Suicide-Run
Real Name: Unknown (Currently answers to John Doe)
Apartment: None Yet
Description: ((OOC: I'll write this up as per his APB from S.E.R.A.P.H. and Vanguard... Internal documents))
John Doe appeared at our doorstep after being discovered by police. He stands 6'4" and is encased in some sort of strange organic armor. All tests performed currently show the tissue of teh armor has DNA consisting of 5 base pairs. How this can function is unknown, and how a human host is bonded to this obviously alien material is also unknown. Technically John is alive, but his cellular makeup is totally altered. Some preliminary MRI and X-Ray analysis have also shown that his internal organs have either been removed or altered totally. The armor seems to be his life support as well as the key to his powers. John suffers from amnesia and has no knowledege of who he is, what the armor is, or how he came to be bonded with it. All attempts at fingerprinting have proven futile, same applies to DNA testing, dental records, and blood-type. John is simply too altered by the suit for any of these methods to be effective. Further research is reccomended, but governmental agencies have expressed interest in subject. Pressure from the Vanguard group to collect him is mounting, and John is responding poorly to treatment here. Things may come to head soon, be advised John is a WEAPON, proceed with caution.
APT.: 698
Name: Coldfire Kaiser
Current location: cleaning apartment
Storyteller: coldfire_kaiser
Summary: After spending all his money on enhancements, Coldfire Kaiser lost his house and had to rent a cheap apartment. He saw the ads for Whitmoore Apartments and here he is. He has Fire Blast and Ice manipulation, plus fly, hover, stamina, health, swift, invisability, and grant invisability. He is currently Secruity level 37. He wears black jeans with red flames, black combat boots, black large leather belt with red notches, black t-shirt with a red skull on it and red flames on the sleeves, black fingerless gloves, black spiked shoulderpads with red tips. He is white, has dark red tuft and spikey hair, he always wheres red and black sunglasses as well. He has a black cape with red flames on it with a reversable inside, and he has flaming eyes (natural orange of flames). He has a bad attitude and he likes beating the crap out of people who mess with him. He likes long walks on the beaches of Talos Island and slaughtering masses of Crey operitives in Brickstown.
APT.: 311
Name: Scott Frost, Detective, Paragon City Police Department
Current location: Entering the lobby
Designation: Male Mutation Tanker
Storyteller: mithrilzeta
Summary: Scott is the eldest of three sons of Gregory Polcynski, aka Professor Frost I, a science-based superhero from the 1960-early 1970s. Gregory legally changed his name to Gregory Frost before his sons were born, making his sons Frosts.
Scotts is own ice generating powers developed in his teenage years, although his superstrength appeared during a crisis at his fathers Antarctic base.
Scott attended Crescent University in pre-law, but decided that being a lawyer was not for him. He then attended the Paragon City Police Academy and graduated 4th in his class.
He served was a patrolman in Steel Canyon, Atlas Park, Perez Park, and finally Baumtown. He had to clear gangs out of the Whitmore many times during his patrolman days. Has some pretty bad memories of the building. He was promoted to Sergeant while in Atlas Park, and then Lieutenant while in Baumtown.
He served with valor when the rikti invaded, and has not forgiven the gangs who still inhabit his beloved Baumtown. He has a hope that Baumtown will one day become an inhabitable area again. Hes not holding his breath though.
His two brothers Ray Frost, a blaster, and Jacob Frost (Frost Byyte)(Dont call him Jack. He hates that.), a controller - are a source of great comfort and great irritation for Scott. In other words, a fairly normal sibling relationship.
General Personality: Cynical with a soft heart. Very observant.
Appearance: 62, 180 lbs. Long narrow face and long roman nose. His long hair is white with light blue streaks and pulled back into a ponytail. Long droopy mustache. Glasses with round lenses (these frequently fog up.) He is always wearing thinsulate lined clothing to help protect those around him from the cold he generates. He frequently wears a white robe, sweatpants, and white gloves. His police badge is usually clipped to the belt to the robe.
Name: Laine Jordan
Apt. #: 418 (coincidentally her birthday )
Age: 20
Current location: Settling in.
Archtype/Powerset: MA/Regen mutation scrapper
Description: 3'10"; very slender; red, windblown hair falling past her shoulders; innocent face with pouty lips; wears long-sleeved shirt with jeans and fingerless gloves.
Disposition: Stand-offish. Was hurt deeply by her friends' rejection of her when her powers manifested, and so lives in a sort of self-imposed exile from others. She does deeply wish for close friendships again but seems to work against herself in that respect.
Hunting tactics: Walking down dark alleys alone (the goons fall for it every time. ).
Scrappers: Because no plan survives first contact with the enemy intact.
(( *low whistle* Over 700 pages of RP! I would like to join in, so here's my bio at the moment. Feel free to tell me to ---- off. ))
Apartment: Underneath stairs, northwest stairwell.
Name: Darque Kitten
Current Location: (TBD, have not joined RP yet)
Storyteller: Darque_Kitten
Class/Origin: Magic Scrapper
Powersets: Dark Melee, Dark Armor, Speed, Leaping
Summary: There's just something odd about Darque Kitten. It's not difficult to identify: Not only does she look like one of the anime-cat-girl type heroes often found around Paragon City, but she behaves very much like a cat that happens to be walking on her hind legs. She seems incapable of communicating except by a combination of body language and feline vocalizations. She's taken up residence, much like any stray, underneath the stairs in the Northwest wing of the apartments.
I haven't RPed this character in the Whitmoore thread for quite some time, but I'm posting his info just so he can continue to have a place to stay.
Apartment: 317
Name: Alphonse "Big AL Bino" Bannon
Current Location: Varies
Storyteller: Revampinator
Summary: Big AL Bino is a huge (over 7 feet tall) bruiser with pale white skin and matching hair. His size, strength, and coloration are the result of a genetic mutation that kicked in during adolescence. In high school, the Kings Row native had briefly enjoyed a football career until the murder of his brother, a member of the Skulls street gang, by a member of the Hellions. Al had been groomed by the Skulls to join their gang, but his violent refusal earned him the gang's eternal wrath. Discovering his mutant gifts were useful in beating up bad guys, Al entered a career as a superhero shortly after high school graduation. He moved into the Whitmoore Apartment building, though he rarely spends time in it other than to shower and sleep; the rest of the time he's adventuring or hanging out in coffee shops.
Oh, EXPLETIVE! I can't edit my previous post. =u.u=
(( And for purposes of scale, DK's 6'2" and around 200lbs, with an athletic build. ))
For level and power references I will be updating my character sheet(s) as I level up the characters in the game. Also, as backstory for each character is revealed (and they all have it, so there), it'll be there. The following two characters may or may not be introduced to the Whitmoore Apartments thread, but I do so love playing them in CoH, so probably at some point they'll be added in. Like the current crisis, where Tanks and Healers could come in handy?
Name: Evyrgreen
Real Name: Gaoth Síorghlas (pron. GEEH SHYORglas, translates to "Evergreen Wind")
Apartment: None as yet. Apparently lives in a tree?
Age: Unknown, probably a lot older than she looks.
Apparent Age: Late teens, early twenties.
Height: 4'3 3/4"
Weight: 73lbs 6oz (give or take. She keeps floating off the scale just to annoy people.)
Skin: Light green
Hair: Dark green
Eyes: Emerald
Registered Hero Class: Defender
Primary Power Set (Empathy): Healing Aura, Absorb Pain, Resurrect
Secondary Power Set (Psychic): Mental Blast, Psionic Lance, Psychic Scream
Power Pool Powers: Hover, Fly
Personality: Claims to be a member of the Daoine Sidhe (pron. DUHnee SHEE, "People of the Hills"), or irish fairies. Given her thick irish brogue and almost constant use of irish gaelic, she at the very least knows enough about the Sidhe to fake it.
She takes a certain barbaric delight in dashing into a fray, claiming that she's a celt (undeniably true) and that fighting is what celts do best (historically proven). Despite her seeming love for a good dust-up, she's a very dedicated healer, often choosing the expedient of taking her patient's wounds for herself rather than let them expire.
Despite her claims to be one of the noble Sidhe and her dedication as a healer, she is, outside of a crisis situation, almost obnoxiously playful.
Name: Scarlet Jezabel
Real Name: Jessalyn Beall
Height: 8'3"
Weight: Somewhere in the quarter-ton range. Beyond that, it's neither polite nor sane to ask an eight-foot powerhouse her weight.
Skin: Dark grey
Hair: Blood red
Eyes: ??? (Never removes wraparound shades.)
Apartment: None yet. Still lives in old apartment -- considering moving due to extreme lack of secret identity. (See below, or just her measurements above.)
Registered Hero Class: Tanker
Primary Powerset (Invulnerability): Resist Physical, Dull Pain
Secondary Powerset (Super Strength): Jab, Punch
Power Pool Powers: Hasten
Personality: While outwardly gruff and bitter about her obviously no-longer human form (being an eight-foot stone wall, as she refers to herself sometimes, makes it difficult to get on with a normal life, so she has no secret identity), secretly, as a resident of the crime-ridden neighborhood known as the Gish, Scarlet Jezabel is very happy with her new, powerful body.
You might have seen her flyer nailed to telephone poles (wooden or otherwise, super-strength has its advantages):
Putting together an ad-hoc team?
Certain doom impending?
[/ QUOTE ]
The number on the flyer is her cel-phone. Research shows that while a relatively low security level (SL9 at the time of this posting), she has a rather remarkable success rate even for Paragon, both teamed and solo.
[[Smoke some frop for me]]