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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    When did you leave? Just how much we need to catch you up on is important.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Around issue 7 i believe. And thanks for the post so far.
  2. Hello Everyone, My name is Inquistion on Infinity. I Am a lvl 48 INV/SS Tank, and I'm coming back to the Game from a very long retirement. What i'm looking for is up to date info on INV/SS tanking or just INV tank. Slot numbers, effenices, and enhancements. Aggro Capps, any thing like that. thanks for you help. Inq~
  3. you cerntinly do you homework. i cant wait till i see your update. my MIND / EMP is following your recomanded build till 8th, but you already know that. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

  4. Great our first reasponce to an ad!!!
    i'm so excited!!
    Gl to you,
  5. Inquisition

    The WAR ((OOC))


    Appt: 1020
    Name: Chris Stevens AKA Slick
    Location: Wherever the party is.
    Storyteller: Inquisition
    Descirp: At 18 yrs old, Chris was an unfortunate victum of crey ind. human experiments BUT it gave him the ability to create, contorll and cool water vapor. After escapeing the crey facility, he meet an other hero name Inquistion. Inq welcomed him into his house and tought him to use his powers. Now haveing moved out of Inq penthouse in steel at the age of 20, Slick desides to head to whitmoore. He stands at lil over 6ft, and hase icey blues hair, and nicely tan skin. He enjoys parties, and is attending one or throwing one every chance he can.

    P.S. And he is very single
  6. What about your triditonal Superhero in tights?
  7. great lets keep it up, come on super guys and gals, your butt kicking partner may be just around the corner

    and btw, that is an awsome link in your sig!! and i asume your on the Justice sever?
  8. Hello, this post was inspired by something that i never thought i'd see in CoH. A hero Wedding!! Thats right, on the infinity server, two heroes (who did not know each other in rl desided to tie the superpowered knot. So i've desided to start a personals add page for those heroes looking for a special someone to help them through their crime fighting lives.

    if no one post this thrend will die quickly, but....
    if you have been waiting for that right someone to kick the crap out of arch-villians by your side, then post here, with you name, server, and a lil about your self.
    and who knows, maybe with a lil luck and charm, you'll be living a superpowered romace that might make lois and superman envious.

    and just to break the is mine

    Hello my name is Inquistion and i'm from the Infinity server,
    i have a mutant abilty to resit damage, and am rather strong. i'm about 8 ft tall, long black hair, and own a company. i'f you'd like to chat in game, send me a tell.
    gl everyone