About this Section




Could we get this section cross-posted to the European CoH boards? There have been concearns that the European boards will be remote and far avay from the developers. If this section was held in common between the European and US boards, that divide could be lessened.



This section will also host "Official Threads" created by the Devs or Mods.

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FINALLY.....a home of their own!
(Easier to find...)

Thanks CuppaJo!



Sentry, that looks kinda like a gremlin in her mug to me...for anyone old enough to remember them, hehe!

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Of course you mean a Mogwai. It's not a Gremlin till it eats after midnight...

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Wow, you are correct...man i forgot that easily, time for my medication i guess



Sentry, that looks kinda like a gremlin in her mug to me...for anyone old enough to remember them, hehe!

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Of course you mean a Mogwai. It's not a Gremlin till it eats after midnight...

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But what I could never figure out was when could they START eating again? Technically, any given moment of the day is some amount of time after midnight




I thought they had to get wet. I mean eat after midnight before sunrise and then get wet. Am I right or crazy.




they get wet, they multiply.

They eat after midnight (I presume at night) they turn into rubber sock puppets.

Sunlight turns them into raisins.



First, thanks for the "hotline"! I also wanted to thank the developers for a chuckle I had the other night. One of the civilians in Galaxy said (paraphrased) "My brother just got a cybernetic arm from Benedict Technologies. I hear they're the best at what they do."
What a great nod to Zelazny! Thanks!




When do the WLs stop?



I know I am probably posting this in the wrong place, but I feel compelled to give you all some feedback and I can't seem to find a good place. Don't worry, this is a good thing.

I left CoH in November to give WoW a try and have recently returned, thrilled with the new content that has been added since I left.

The more I play this game, the more I am impressed with how the developers are handling a lot of different issues that other MMORPGs face. The function that stands out the most is how the players can group with just about anyone and everyone benefits. The Sidekick and Exemplar functions are fantasatic features that nobody else seems to be able to get right, if they even bother to attempt it.

The ability to adjust the difficulty of door missions is something that I have never seen anybody else try. This is a unique and fresh way of addressing the issues some players face. It has changed my playing experience in so many ways. I am now challenged more and have to think about how to approach a group of mobs, rather than just running in. This means a lot more fun.

I have yet to take advantage of the new Kheldian abilities, but I look forward to seeing how those work.

And to top it off you added a tertiary set of powers for characters above 41. Thanks so much for that.

The CoH development group has really listened to the players and gone out of their way to incorporate ideas into the game in order to enhance the player experience. I can't wait to see what you all come up with next.

So thanks a lot for reminding me how much fun this game is. The fun is what brought me back and is likely to keep me for a long long while.

Take care,

Mike (AKA: Swift Kick Lvl 41 MA/RE Scrapper [Pinnacle])



Not sure if this is the right place but I have to talk about the gameplay in door missions.

"Find 16 books"

"Rescue 7 hostages"

What this amounts to after about lvl15 is wandering around thoroughly bored looking for the last thing/hostage/villain.

Now a few lvls of this is OK, but at lvl 30 where I am now, to still be wandering around looking for the last thing/hostage/villain is getting tiresome to say the least.

As I am on GMT, often when I am online there are few people to team with and I solo a lot of missions. I am so bored of running round an empty warehouse/cave/cityscape looking for a last glowie or mob.

Having spoken to many other players about this I know I am not the only one who feels this way

Thin Lizzy lvl30 Eng/tech blaster



This is Developers Corner, but it seems that Developers rarely post here these days. I'm sure they all have thing they are working on regarding new updates, patches, bugs, testing, however it seems that Devs have stopped coming by much anymore. There are many Official Threads in which psoter are discussing changes and even more so calling out for justification on changes, and there are Dev Responses.

Just an observation



Well one thing I know for sure is you guys have made this game very enjoyable to play at begining! and now you have done Just what UO did to its community and what EQ did later too. RUIN a PERFECTLY good game with your lack of insight and listening to a bunch of cry baby little kidds who should be doing there damn homework anyway.

Battlefield 2 comes out tomorow and I will NOT pay for a game to play when Devs make it stupid and rediculous I have been here since the begining Just like I was for UO, Diablo, EQ etc etc, you wanna ruin the game guess what ? me and my Money go elsewhere.

I have a 50 Fire/Rad controller you have nerfed this toon more then any other toon in the entire game Half of his damn powers dont work for CRAP now, and the ones that do still work are almost useless. Have fun making your game in the eyes of the little kiddies cus this 40 year old is gonna be OUTTA HERE!!

~ Chosen Angel - 50 Fire/Rad Controller - Victory



I have a 50 Fire/Rad controller you have nerfed this toon more then any other toon in the entire game

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Are you kidding? Did you miss the multiple nerfs per issue that some sets get and the multiple buffs per issue that Rad gets?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Well one thing I know for sure is you guys have made this game very enjoyable to play at begining! and now you have done Just what UO did to its community and what EQ did later too. RUIN a PERFECTLY good game with your lack of insight and listening to a bunch of cry baby little kidds who should be doing there damn homework anyway.

Battlefield 2 comes out tomorow and I will NOT pay for a game to play when Devs make it stupid and rediculous I have been here since the begining Just like I was for UO, Diablo, EQ etc etc, you wanna ruin the game guess what ? me and my Money go elsewhere.

I have a 50 Fire/Rad controller you have nerfed this toon more then any other toon in the entire game Half of his damn powers dont work for CRAP now, and the ones that do still work are almost useless. Have fun making your game in the eyes of the little kiddies cus this 40 year old is gonna be OUTTA HERE!!

~ Chosen Angel - 50 Fire/Rad Controller - Victory

[/ QUOTE ]

Ruined how exactly? Me and my stable of characters are still having fun.

(Or was that some kind of joke post? There's a bit of irony in there that makes me wonder)



I have a 50 Fire/Rad controller you have nerfed this toon more then any other toon in the entire game Half of his damn powers dont work for CRAP now, and the ones that do still work are almost useless.

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Dude, they've nerfed regen almost every issue since release. I have a fire/rad myself, and while I'm not familiar with the end game yet as he's only 28, he kicks butt. I don't know what you're talking about, but by the time he reaches 40 or so he's going to be able to do things that my /regen scrapper used to be able to and now can't.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



I just wanted to know the reason why in every issue the "devs" have an urge to lower the powers of many (if not all) class of heroes. It most certainly do not make this game more interesting ... so why? We spend hours (and money) enjouying the game, why do you feel like changing it? Some caracter become totally useless after the changes ...

You made some very good add ons over the months, new caracters, new ennemies, new maps, new powers, winter and halloween special ... and the game itself is great! Excellent work on that part. But you have this great success on your hand, so don't ruin it. Every day i play i hear people complaining and telling me they will cancel their account.

I just wanted you all to know that you did a great job at designing the game ... but please ohhh please stop sabotaging that work by lowering the powers of the heroes we make. Of course in the 1st few months of game play you might have made a few miscalculations ... and you had to correct it. Regeneration scrappers where more like tankers, so you lowered their healing rate and powers definition ... some toggles where too powerful, you managed to make them "clicks" power or added more ennemies who could remove thoses toggles... controllers where making too little damage to actually make a difference so you upgradded that a bit. That is all good, even if it was a bit frustrationg sometimes it's normal to adjust a few things. But after more than a year of development, it's just NORMAL that we find some powers more interesting and that we find some tricks to help us out. Actually theses "tricks and tips" are what's keeping this game alive i think.

Also realize this simple fact ... every caracter we create demands time and by dramaticly changing their effectiveness you simply say to us all "we don't care how much work you all put on building your heroes". Yes, sometimes it's fun to try different builds, but if that means always starting over all the times, you will lose a lot of clients. Why not boosting some less popular caracters such as "dark scrappers" or "ice tankers" instead? (ice tankers have been lowered twice already even if they where quite rare if you ask me .. but maybe i'm wrong)

I'm simply telling you that "we love the game" ... so keep adding some new stuff in, but stop "changing" our heroes (max number of aoe hits, max number of taunt effect, max number of pets, etc etc) that's simply playing with fire if you ask me. After all .. what good is a tanker who can't hold the ennemies attention .. or a blaster that gets killed the moment he targets a large group ... or a controller that can't hold his foes long enough to be helpful. I've tried them all and i truly think you should not make too much changes that will be "significant" on the effectiveness of the Heroes of Paragorn.


A bit intrigued custumer