OOC: What do your characters do?




Patchworks works for Crey though he doesn't realize what they're about. He's much too naive, and I think they aren't sure what to do with him.

Candi has been working for Antonio Nash, whom she has a big crush on, and trying to decide what to do with her life besides superheroing.



Night Shrike and his CnC are complicated...but basically their funding comes from two sources: an individual and a large Paragon City corporation(no, not crey)



Trak workman's comp pay from the city for his work during the Rikti war speeding everyone out of harm's way and such. He now works with other heroes withing the Grid to maintain the power from Terra Volta and keep the medical teleporters online.

As for Summer Heat? well, when he's not being a superhero, he's an exotic dancer at a night club called 'Victory's Finest'. He is not proud of where he works.

Summer Heat



Mithril Zeta, is a substitute teacher who is taking classes at Paragon University to get his full teaching license in English. He’s older – late 30s. and was a full-time teacher before he got his powers. For more info on him, take a look at the Paragon University RP

Newton’s Apple is a full-time hero. He does odd jobs to survive, particularly heavy moving (with gravity control, it’s not really heavy lifting.) Right now, he can be found in the Two-Six RP.

The Ancient Doctor is an eccentric old man who has vast knowledge of the healing arts over the last several thousand years. He’ll hang out in hospitals, and medical staff will occasionally ask his advice on bizarre cases.

Ka’Senne sees herself as a guardian of the Perez Park woods. Her goal is to get the gangs out of the park and turn the park back over to nature.

Azurus Rigason is a troll hunter. He spends a lot of time in the Hollows and Skyway.

The others I’m still working on. I have some rough ideas.



Coolant System is an employee of a technology firm called BIT Corporation. He earns his keep by field testing new gadgets for the company and making contacts through his heroic activities. As you would imagine, people recently rescued are usually happy enough to take a card; that's good advertising. As a bonus, a payroll-hero is good PR for the company and works as a tax write off.



Pratz Strike is currently First Citizen of his hometown, Pagoda City. Not a bad gig, considering he helped pay for the spells and technology used to levitate a chunk of dirt the size of Boston out of the ground and keep it afloat, then paid for building and digging materials to excavate it, build a modern town on it, and let's not forget the whole Interdimensional Gate System somewhere in the heart of the city. Of course, he only recently got to go back home, so for the few months while his Gate Key wasn't letting him go back to Pagoda City he used the hero stipend to rent a room and feed himself. Even as a superstar he never became very famous in Paragon, preferring to be one of the people in the background for all those televised arrests for all the really famous heroes. He figured as long as the other heroes knew him, the public would benefit whether they knew his name or not.

Alix Warstar's title is currently Political Officer Of The Rel'sek To Earth. However since this title only pays Rel'sek credits and not Earth dollars, shi's been staying in a local miltary barracks that has small rooms for visiting superheroes. Unfortunately this is chewing up most of hir hero stipend, and leaving hir just enough to eat off of. But all is not lost, as hir political duties for hir people do often include political dinners and talks with several government officials. If they only knew how many of those dinners went home in doggie bags! Alix takes it all in stride as a officer. Shi reflects on all this as a 'lean time' and keeps working towards things getting better.

Puce, as a demon, needs no mortal sustenance. This doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it, though. Although the hero stipend doesn't really go a long way, Puce always seems to have quite a bit of money. Maybe it's from all the contests she wins, or the legion of drooling fanboys who seem to try to keep track of her, or the half dozen poor souls she's mesmerized into idiocy, or some other even less heard of method, but it's enough to keep her in a large apartment in Atlas near the hospital, and enough to where she's covered all the windows in dark hangings. And what does she do while she's not heroing? Whatever she pleases...



Kegan AKA Scrap Cat of the Millennium Paladins

Is a Freelance Photo Journalist. Since she has plenty of opertunity to get great story as well as the proff to go with them. Kegan and her sister Izzy live across from Gemini Park in a nice little Loft apartment. She is currently living in the server dimension known as virtue. Check out her story at The Millennium Paladin Chronicles.



Wind of Mind holds a job as a waitress.
Silent Memories is a tailor at Icon.
And Fiery Love is a slacker.

"NO....No clowns" - Positron
50s: Smasha (SS/SD Brute), House Rules (Mind/Thorn Dom), Wind of Mind (Illusion/Storm Controller), Coraxa (Kat/Inv Scrapper), Summer's Dream (Fortunata)



Moth had most of his worldly fortune (15 platinum pieces) on him when he was booted off an Atlantean space station to land in Paragon City. He still has 12 left. Occasionally someone will ask him to make them a sword, but he doesn't ask much for that seeing as he enjoys crafting for people.

Slan doesn't need a job or money - she/it/they is powered by practically any available energy. Doesn't need to sleep, but the Slan itself has other projects - Earth is not the only world overrun by Rikti.

Mr. Long takes things out of corrupt companies' bank accounts to keep him in the style to which he is accustomed.

Moth Twiceborn, Slan, Mr. Long
Jane Droid, 43 Earth/Emp, Alix Frost, 43 Ice/Eng
Warlock Krelleth, Level 50 Zombie Mastermind
Virtue Server
"Some people find fault as if it were buried treasure"



Hmm, well, lets see....

Hollow (my main) is a graduate student at Paragon University in addition to being a hero (and leader of the Knights of Paragon on Virtue). She is trying to finish up her PhD in Anthropology.

Thevshi (the first character I ever created on the old CoH rping boards) is a teenager who has been signed to a record lable as a pop singer.

Major Whitney Thomas is a Major in the US Air Force. She is a medical doctor and also a trained xenobiologist.

Dee Farrington is a teenage girl who doesn't have to do anything as both side of her family are very wealthy.



Bar-Fly sleeps mainly on rooftops and his diet is probably better not discussed in polite company, over dinner, or at all really. He's still wondering why the Vhazilok smell like "Chanel No. 5". Currently looking into the "Housing for Heros" project.

'Ouzo is a recent immagrant and immediately signed up for the "H4H" project and currently resides at the Whitmoore Apartments. Although his family owns a shipping company in Greece, his stipend is enough to keep food in the fridge and grain in his home-made copper still while he's here seeking his purpose.



Izzy is Unemployed ... Just Eats Kegan's food and Kill Bad Guys.



Edward Stark (Cosmic Joke) is a professional hero. At 7'3" and 450 pounds, he does not lend himself easily to more mundane pursuits, so he makes his living off of the bounties of the bad guys he brings in. That and a modest investment portfolio given to him by his parents when he left home keeps the rent paid and food on the table.

Amanda Frye (Freedom Fries) has a teaching job at the Paragon School for the Gifted, where she teaches chemistry and physical science. She holds several degrees (double Masters in Chemistry and also Engineering from MIT), is an expert in metallurgy. She is also an accredited arson investigator for the Paragon City Fire Department, whom she works for on an on-call basis.

Maxamillian T Carnage (Max Carnage) is one of two sons born to Wolfgang R. Carnage, founder, CEO and Chairman of Amalgamated Bio-Works Incorporated. As such he has a very healthy stipend from his father, who not only approves of Max doing hero work, but sees that his son lacks for nothing for doing such noble service to mankind.

John C. Justice (John Justice) is a Deputy United States Marshal, attached to the Paragon City Police Department. He is also a forensic pathologist.

Thomas MacInnes (Major Liberty) was a stuntman for the motion picture industry working on the Major Liberty! series for United Film Productions. Tired of always being in the background and never getting credit for his hard work Thomas had a friend of his in the props department make him a more durable version of the uniform he wore on the set and came to Paragon City to actually become a hero instead of just playing one on the silver screen.

Louis R. Whitmore (Rocko Gibralter) is an expert civil engineer, who specializes in deep core mining projects. He spends more time as a technical advisor these days because his hero work leaves him little time for long absences from Paragon City.



Kalador Gives History Lectures at a University in Paragon City, & Is a Retired Antique Dealer.

Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool



Blazing Embers used to be a hired Pyromaniac for whoever could afford him. He was sentanced to fifteen years in Prison for starting a fire that swepted through Paragon City twelve years ago but earned early parole as long as he used his contacts to help out heroes. So he has a desk at the King's Row PCPD but mostly works various places around the field.

VoltaicSentinel, since he's only seventeen, he has a part time job at The Wizard Well Comic shop in Talos. Just a little ways from the tram.

Galvanic Sparks doesn't have a job outside of heroing, he's too busy putting the Teen Squadron's new headquarters together but he likes to tinker.

Daniel Stevens is only twelve so he approaches heroing like a game. He's too young to work but he also tinkers, he collects pieces from the criminals he arrests to build models of the space ships he's been in ((since he's from the future and his mom is the future Captain Galacto)).

The rest, I haven't decided yet and I don't play them enough to worry .



Mercedez is a waitress/bartender at her uncle's bar in Kings Row.

Jett is currently living off of her savings but will probably need to find a job eventually.



Lady Lumos - Her identity isn't really a secret. Her real name is Leslie Harrison. She's a fashion model, always had a big flair for style and fashion, good looks just made it seem like the ultimate dream job to her so she went with it. She's VERY fastidious about keeping her hero duties and her modeling career seperate. The last time a fashion designer asked if 'Lady Lumos' could model for something instead of Leslie she cut all ties with the designer. She doesn't like the idea of a hero in costume endorsing anything.

Ebony Feline - Investments and wits got her where she is. She ended up falling in love with another hero, who on his untimely demise, left her a sizable amount of money to ensure she never lacked for anything without him.

Rowena Skye - Southern born and bred, her family is one of the "old southern money" families dating back since the days of cotton picking. She now works for an international paranormal investigation agency that also keeps her well paid.

Nocturnae - To be technical, Nocturnae doesn't even need money. She's an immortal entity, while she can be wounded and incapacitated, death isn't part of her vocabulary, and after a couple of centuries of keeping good and evil in balance you tend to kind of horde up cash... Or atleast Nocturnae does since she's greedy as sin.



Well, I've got lots of them, so here goes...

Dancing Edge is a former covert agent of the United States government. She can't tell you much more than that, though for those with enough connections there is some question over the "former" part of that first sentence. She is still on the government's payroll for a number of reasons which may or may not include the possibility that she is still working for them on the side...

Starblade is a college student, but the fact of the matter is that she spends more time doing hero work than she does studying. She does not really make any effort to hide the fact that she is a hero, though she does not advertise it either. Her family is well-off, and pays most of her expenses, though the research organization responsible for the experiment which induced her powers also contributes.

Shadow Ruby is just plain rich. She is, in fact, a former villain; having purchased a powerful magical artifact, she was seduced by its evil and followed its dark urgings for several years before a brush with death at the hands of a hero showed her just how far she had fallen. Now she is a hero herself, using both her power and her fortune in a determined effort to redeem herself...

Liberty Star - Full-time hero, part-time college student. As a child, Liberty always told people she would be a hero when she grew up, most dismissed her words as the dreaming of a child. Well, she's proven them wrong; in spite of having no real superhuman abilities, she has honed her martial arts abilities to legendary acuity. She doesn't make much money at it, of course, and a lot of what she DOES make goes into maintaining her costume (the superjump boots are expensive) and the motorcycle which serves as her primary transportation. She has considered talking to an agent of late... maybe her story would make good movie material...

Starflash isn't a hero. Never mind the license. Never mind the combat suit. She's a physicist, and she'll tell you that all day long if you argue with her. The fact that the Foundation has her out fighting crime in their experimental non-lethal-combat suit is beside the point... she isn't trained for this, she just does it because the other scientists on the team asked her to... and because she believes in the cause.

Krystalyne is a high-school student. Don't let that fool you, though, she's not hurting for income. Blessed with a remarkable intellect and a fascinating affinity for technology, she has made quite a name for herself as an inventor. Much of the gear she has designed has been put into service by DATA heroes, providing her with a steady source of income. Even after becoming a hero herself--she builds ALL her own gear, including the Cryo-Gauntlets and Power Boots that provide the bulk of her power--she still sells numerous inventions to corporations and govenrment organizations... not to mention other heroes!

Flare Dancer (who I just started on Virtue, and may get a name change) is the latest in a thousand-year-old order of demon hunters. It doesn't really pay much, but she's young enough that her family supports her in her endeavors so far. Still, being something of a rebellious sort, she does things her own way... and that includes moonlighting as a crimefighter. As she sees it, it just needs to be done...