Announcing Our European Community Coordinator




If we can make it work the way we want to, that will be up to you.

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Even assuming that if we choose to play on both it'll mean two subscriptions, I'm happy with this. Thanks for listening!




We would like to offer character transfer, but we are still looking into whether this will be technically possible. More news on this as soon as I have it.

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Hrmm this leads me to believe that if they get this issue put into place for the EU launch of the game. Then folks might very well be able to move from US to US servers as well.

For me and my friends this would be very helpful as we could consolidate all our favorite toons on to one server.

However I see one major pitfall that relates to customer support calls. "I bought a Limited Edition copy of the game to play on the EU servers, Why doesn't all my characters from the US servers which is a non limited Edition have the special features on them?"

This is ofcoarse a problem with changing between accounts and not necessarily just servers. But it will be a valid concern. Especially if say I were to take over a pre-order account from launch that has the niffty streak effect on all the toons made on that account. Now I move my toons from a non pre-order account to a pre-order account or visa versa. Making sure everything works right could be one of the reasons this paticular feature is a bit problematic for Cryptic.

Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)




We're working hard to allow European players with an existing US account to play on the European servers without having to buy the game again.

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"to play" = "to also play" or "to instead play"? Very important difference...

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If we can make it work the way we want to, that will be up to you.

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Best. News. Ever.




"to play" = "to also play" or "to instead play"? Very important difference...

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If we can make it work the way we want to, that will be up to you.

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Excellent - lets hope you can make it work the way we want to then




We would like to offer character transfer, but we are still looking into whether this will be technically possible. More news on this as soon as I have it.

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Bridger thank you for replying. I play MMORPGs from the time of MUDs and Shadowdale in particular...thats a lot as you can see.

I havent yet seen a community leader with such a participation and ready answers as you. Thank you.

As a customer, i will be your nemesis, however with the best and goodhearted intention towards you, the community,and of course the game.

Regarding the quote...its different than the answer in the FAQ. The FAQ answer is disheartening and does not imply the "looking into part". However the answer you just gave here in the forums, says "we are looking into it" which at least means that, all hopes are not lost at least regarding the character transfer!

Seriously hard is to have a definite answer ?

Thank you Bridger for caring enough to answer ! We expect more news on the character transfer matter as soon as possible !




I wish more people would ask cryptic to make the servers Global. I enjoy playing on the US servers and will continue to do so as I will not be transfering. BUT all new European players will be seperate from us.

This means meeting no new European players, some, if not the majority of, European players leaving and going to the new servers.

Why can't we have servers which are global like MANY other games do? I can understand having various language servers but even those could be linked to the current US servers.

And as another question which I have asked before, If I stay on US servers with a UK address why can't I be classed as a UK customer for issues such as competitions and comics?

I know that you guys are much better at answering questions and keeping your players informed then other games but we are customers who pay for this service, just because you are better at it does not mean you are perfect, just better.

And to all you current players out there, please support those of us in the minority over this, if more of you do then maybe they will listen. Isn't that what those of us who are boycotting Marvel are hoping for? That the little guys are not little guys when they gang together.

And to the last poster, not all Business decisions are good ones, I reckon that Marvel thought it a pretty good business decision to sue everything that moved (and wore a cape)

Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy!!!



My SuperGroup is a UK only one. It's great. But half the people want to switch the the UK server when it's out and half of them don't. I for one am not switching unless it's free, and I can copy my characters across.

My question is this: Is the EU release going to happen in any manner which *wont* result in the destruction of my SuperGroup?



My question is this: Is the EU release going to happen in any manner which *wont* result in the destruction of my SuperGroup?

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Look at it this way, once the game is released in Europe there will be no new European players joining the US servers (bar the odd friend of an existing Euro player), so the number of European players is inevitably only going to decrease over time if they stick with the current plan.

There'll be enough stubborn players like me around to feed a fair few strong European based SG's on the US servers for a good time yet I suspect.

Only if they offer a cheap method to move to a European server AND transfer your character over with you are you likely to see a complete abandonment of the US servers by EU players, and as much as I would like to see this happen, I doubt it will so there'll likely still be a good (if reduced) EU presence on these servers.

Basically, I'm sure your SG will survive the EU release, if not you're welcome to come join mine

(And remember there are lots of US players that play during EU times due to odd work hours too.)