Rikti/Zookeeper badge




I found the problem with the Zookeeper badge. It was never supposed to put a bar up, which is why it took me so long to find a problem.

I fixed the problem, and made it so a bar and hint appears so players should see progress on this one now. I will get this up on Training Room asap.

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I always wondered why it is named the Zookeeper Badge.



Wait, so there's no bar, but was it counting whatever we had to defeat before? Or will we have to start over on whatever it was we were supposed to defeat?



are we able to get the badge now? even tho a description bar doesnt show up? or is it impossible without this fix to get that badge? i have killed about 200 rikti monkeys without getting one, figured it was a kill 500 rikti.



Common, its a Ritki badge named Zookeeper. What Ritki mobs would logically belong in a zoo?

100k inf says the badge requires an arseload of monkeys

500k inf says it wasn't counting squat



200K inf says this is part of the vangaurd accolade.



Your really do have to like the DEVs for this game, they do thier job(s) better than any that I have encountered.



It'll be interesting to see if the badge is retroactive or not. Anyone know if kill amounts transfer from Live to Test?



says the badge requires an arseload of monkeys

[/ QUOTE ]Sorry, I'm having difficulties getting a conversion on that amount, whats that in metric.



100k inf says the badge requires an arseload of monkeys

[/ QUOTE ]

Makes you wonder where the Rikti get their monkeys



says the badge requires an arseload of monkeys

[/ QUOTE ]Sorry, I'm having difficulties getting a conversion on that amount, whats that in metric.

[/ QUOTE ]

3.8 boatloads. Not to be confused with buttload, which is of course another imperial measurement.

Oh, and 1 boatload = 48.2 barrels.



Oh, come on people, how tough is it to go to Crey's and kill an [censored]-load of monkeys?

Answer: Easier than shooting fish in a barrel.



Your really do have to like the DEVs for this game, they do thier job(s) better than any that I have encountered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell yeah to that!



A group of 3 of us did about 2500 monkeys in about an hour and a half. All I can say is: Thank you Positron, you the man!



Oh, come on people, how tough is it to go to Crey's and kill an [censored]-load of monkeys?

Answer: Easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus, it's as fun as a barrel of ... well, you know...



A group of 3 of us did about 2500 monkeys in about an hour and a half. All I can say is: Thank you Positron, you the man!

[/ QUOTE ]

Woh! They musta been flying outta you're butt!



gah.. i hope i get that badge automatically cuz i killed over 5k of those riktis not before but after issue 2 went live. i'm no.1 on the rikti nemesis top 3 list of the month... so that badge best be flying my way asap.



It'll be interesting to see if the badge is retroactive or not. Anyone know if kill amounts transfer from Live to Test?

[/ QUOTE ]

Even if it's not reto-given, it won't be a big deal, Monkies spawn in truck loads and are easy to kill



So... is it two hundred, or one thousand monkeys, now?



Yes I have heard of the problems on this badge even though the only Rikti monkeys I've killed are ones harvested from portals.Do different types of monkeys affect this badge more(like ordinary,wild,and what ever else type there is)?P.S. I've walked into a level 50 Monster with a level 8 illusion controller and didn't get killed(he's on top of the MOnster Isle in Inifiny with Superior Invisiblty on).

TW/Elec Optimization



Yah, but... but...

How many do you need? Do you actually need 2500 monkeys, or will a couple hundred do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Gosh, that would be pathetic if really need to kill 1000+ monkeys, oh well, on the bright side, they are easy to kill...



Yah, but... but...

How many do you need? Do you actually need 2500 monkeys, or will a couple hundred do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither of us know, between us we've killed about 2500+ monkies, but we were killing the Vicious Ones on Rikti isle, it moght only count normal Rikti Monkies (like the ones in Crey's Folly), neither of us have gotten the badge yet, so posisbly it is not turned on yet but will be with the next patch



says the badge requires an arseload of monkeys

[/ QUOTE ]Sorry, I'm having difficulties getting a conversion on that amount, whats that in metric.

[/ QUOTE ]

3.8 boatloads. Not to be confused with buttload, which is of course another imperial measurement.

Oh, and 1 boatload = 48.2 barrels.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO. This made me burst out laughing.



Oh, come on people, how tough is it to go to Crey's and kill an [censored]-load of monkeys?

Answer: Easier than shooting fish in a barrel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Plus, it's as fun as a barrel of ... well, you know...

[/ QUOTE ]

5 stars to you, sir.

Coffee out nose hurt bad.