Rikti/Zookeeper badge




I think I've killed over 1000 monkeys alreadt dunno if I've hit the 2000 mark yet. Ummm Houston we're talking genocide numbers here. I kill about 100 monkeys per minute so the numbers are gonna be really really high. (unless they really want this to be a 30 min badge)



I'm going to Monkey Island!!! WOOOOOOT!!!

(in case you're wondering what kind of crack I'm on, go to the northwestern islands off Peregrin. Not recommended for those without fly or below level 50.)



Oh and by the way, for those that have been to the Monkey Island, it does look like a zoo there. Or at least a barn/farm full of monkeys.

Maybe that is why it is called the Zookeeper Badge.



I am Guybrush Threepwood... mighty pirate!

To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.



so does anyone actually have th is badge yet?

sorry if thats been answered already, it's late and im still curious...it's one of the few badges i don't have atm



Oh and by the way, for those that have been to the Monkey Island, it does look like a zoo there. Or at least a barn/farm full of monkeys.

Maybe that is why it is called the Zookeeper Badge.

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Monkey Island!!! Get in.

Is there a monster/AV one called LeChuck?



Oh and by the way, for those that have been to the Monkey Island, it does look like a zoo there. Or at least a barn/farm full of monkeys.

Maybe that is why it is called the Zookeeper Badge.

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Actually one of the ruined animal pens looks like the raptor cage from the first Jurassic Park film



Oh and by the way, for those that have been to the Monkey Island, it does look like a zoo there. Or at least a barn/farm full of monkeys.

Maybe that is why it is called the Zookeeper Badge.

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Monkey Island!!! Get in.

Is there a monster/AV one called LeChuck?

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Sorry.. I've explored the area my self, afraid not :/ .



me and a friend killed together 3,8k monkies yesterday, we each got 30%, so I believe you need roughly 12k, though people say 8k :P



Yah, but... but...

How many do you need? Do you actually need 2500 monkeys, or will a couple hundred do?

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Gosh, that would be pathetic if really need to kill 1000+ monkeys, oh well, on the bright side, they are easy to kill...

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I hope thats sarcasm, 'cause I had to kill 10,000. and I did it before group kills counted. SO I killed 10,000 monkeys and have nothing to show for it except the same stupid badge evryone else will have after 2500.

Yeah for you guys, but that sux. They should have a special 2nd badge available only to those who already got 10,000.
But that won't happen cause it would be a reward for game loyalty, (ie: giving a break to those who have played pre new changes)and they don't do that with this game.....

Man what I would give for a chance at the Isolator badge.



You do know that this thread is a year old?



Nope I just saw a place to vent, and didnt look at the date, I am dumb.

Though my statement on the subject stands, since the amount of monkeys has been reduced in I5.



Nope I just saw a place to vent, and didnt look at the date, I am dumb.

Though my statement on the subject stands, since the amount of monkeys has been reduced in I5.

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People are never satisfied with anything...



Hows so? I was satisfied after I got my zookeeper badge, now I am not because it's lost its worth. It used to be hard to get, now it's not so I think those that spent the extra effort should be rewarded.
ie: Greater work= Greater reward.



Hmmm not yet got my badge, but working on it. I have to agree though. In all fairness, those who got as much as 10,000 monkeys should get a special badge. Maybe Zoo Owner?.. with a pet monkey?



or monkey spanker... Primate pugelist... apeinater... Kong killer... A.P.E(alien primate exterminator).. and so on...



Hows so? I was satisfied after I got my zookeeper badge, now I am not because it's lost its worth. It used to be hard to get, now it's not so I think those that spent the extra effort should be rewarded.
ie: Greater work= Greater reward.

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Did it occur to you that perhaps the reason they lowered the limit is due to the fact that they're trying to discourage herding- and the limit of 10K on that badge kinda encouraged it?

('course I'm wondering if they'll ever revert those little hairless imps from having psi-lance having made that change... ah well...)

As to 'extra effort' I spent it too and frankly I don't much give a damn, and can't see why anyone else would.



Lost its worth? It's a badge...

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say