


probably be seeing "black portals" opening up and letting out really nasty mobs loose upon the city!!!!

"Your Town is under attack!" "clang! clang! Clang!"



Sweet Mother of Justice!



All your Paragon are belong to Rikti?!



Now we know what has been causing the strange FPS drop-off....energy signatures, culminating in the CoH XP SP 2 patch in a few days!

j/k an in game event would be pretty fun!



Maybe he's toying with us.

Maybe in 2 days, he'll start a thread:

"Special announcement! The special announcement is that last night I had pizza for dinner! Hahahahaha!"

Yeah, it's a trick I bet!

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be even funnier if people logged on and all villian mobs at 20+ had capes.

I couldn't do State's job, I'd be too tempted to troll folks.



Or maybe...

Statesman will appear in Atlas and whip out the boombox emote!



My bet: You'll see Shadow Shard Reflections all over the city and in high level zones the Rularuu.

Let them come, my blade shall cut them down!



I hope it isn't Thursday.... I have to work and then I have a test that night.... Please be Friday.

The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki



...ever since I got myself into Crey's Folly for the first time, everything has been acting weird.

*Did you know there are monkeys, and other weird things there?
So should I be looking for things that are regular strange, or a new strain of bizzare? lol

This is sooo scary! Now I'm never going to log off!



Aww man and I'm away this weekend



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. [ . . .] We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah and the big event would be a painting of a krayt dragon

Hmmmm . . . I wonder if SOE has offered to buy out NSoft and will now take over development of COH. Stateman's description would seem to fit such a scenario!

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be sooo cool. A krayt dragon in Atlas Park. Perhaps an army of ancient night sisters invading Talos Island.



"So baby, I was telling you about the time I took down 25 fami....

*phone ringing*

oh, hold on I got a call....uh huh...uh huh.....really? You don't say? Sorry babe, the city needs me, I gotta go"

"I'll call you FlyinPiranha you badass sexy [censored]"

*flying away*

" <trailing off> I know you will sweet thing......"



Hmm, nothing like a good event to give everyone some debt to work off in RSK mode.

I hope its Saturday so I can actually be around to see it.



i hope its an in game event. ever since i heard of the invasion at the end of beta i've wanted to participate in one.

Mahogany Jones - AR/Fire Blaster - Lvl 50



Hero 1 is gonna return with an army from the British empire dimension and kick the crap out of City hall badges for causing so much trouble.



Now we know what has been causing the strange FPS drop-off....energy signatures, culminating in the CoH XP SP 2 patch in a few days!

j/k an in game event would be pretty fun!

[/ QUOTE ]

Invasion of the Bill Gates? Slowing frame rates Paragon wide and forcing heroes to install SP2. We'll need at least 10 lvl 50's to take out one.



can we get a heads up to when this is going to be??? i missed all the invasions in beta and i need to know so i can fake an anurisim and get out of work....



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn you, Statesman!! DAMN YOU!! Even your official announcements are an enigma. (What's the plural of "enigma" anyway? Enigmi?)

You're starting to remind me of the guy in charge of the Homeland Security Department, Tom Ridge. "I don't know where. I don't know when. But something very bad is going to happen!"

Perhaps an event on par with the Rikti Invasion of Beta? I'll be MOST impressed if that's the case. I was JUST starting to get a tad bored with the game, and now, "They pull me back in!!"



Tingling in anticipation!!!
Now I'm gonna have to spend ALL my time playin' Coh...grrr work.
Can't wait States...



Odd energy signature...sounds suspiciously like the Terra Volta thing...nevertheless, I'm gonna be gone a few days, if something really cool happens and I find that I missed it, I'm gonna cry .

Either way, I'm beginning to see why it's called "Cryptic Studios"...



Or he saved a bunch on his car insurance by switching to Geico.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah, they saved a bunch on development costs by switching to Geko

[url="http://tinyurl.com/4ylgy"]The Wanderers[/url] of Virtue
We farm fun!



Moo-laru you think?......Guess I should get my pepper spray ready.



I'm doing my best not to get my hopes up. Watch it be a Rikti monkey loose in city hall.




On a serious note, Defenders Unlimited will be there.