Tanker Guides and FAQs




Superman Returns, an I8 INV/SS Concept Guide based on Havok's Superman 3.0.

SS/INV Tanker on Virtue
Superman Returns (INV/SS Guide for I8)



I'd like to request an Ice/Stone Tanker guide if anyone would be so kind.



This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Tankers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Tanker guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides.

Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I1: 6/30/04, I2: 9/17/04, I3: 1/5/05, I4: 5/5/05, I5: 9/1/05, I6: 10/28/05, I7 6/6/06) - e.g., if it was posted in March/05, it is an I3 Guide.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Tanker GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). Some idiot named Chriffer sifted through the hundreds of individual threads to find the postings. In the future be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread to make things work smoothly!


Juzam's Tao of Tanking for Beginners [I7]
Tanker Primary Information for Issue 7 (BuffyASummers ) [I7]
So you want to know about Taunt... (Circeus) [I6]
Tanking for Teams: The Anvil (BlackSly) [I3]
A Guide to Lowbie Tanking and Surviving Spillover (Lycaeus) [I3]
A Beginner's Guide to Tanker Primaries 1.0 (Paradoxe) [I3]
The MinMax Army's Guide to Sustained DPS (da5id) [I3]
Initiating Battle: A Guide For the Large Team Tank (Super) [I2]

Superman Returns A.K.A. Superman 4.0 (Hero14) [I8]
Invulnerability/EM Guide For The Unhappy Tank (Sister_Andara) [I8]
Tiffany Seville’s Inv/Fire Guide for I7 (Tiffany_Seville) [I7]
INV/SS Tanking in Post-I6 Paragon City (The_Hegemon) [I6]
The SuperTank! Inv/SS/Fly Build (Vox_Populi) [I6]
Guide to Invulnerability: The Basics (Sword) [I6]
Invulnerability/Super Strength - The "Lasher" (Thors_Mitersaw) [I5]
Weathering the Storm 2.0: An I5 Invulnerability/Super Strength Guide (Iron_Vixen) [I5]
Kara's Watch Out for Self and Survive I5 Build (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (SvZurich) [I5]
Robobot's Guide to I5 Tanking (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (Project_Robobot) [I5]
Immortal-Nite’s Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide for I4 (ImmortalNite) [I4]
Smersh's Invulnerability/Fire Melee Guide V1.0 (Smersh) [I3]
Invulnerability for Tankers - The Basics (Sword) [I3]
Magnus Star's Invulnerability/Super Strength Build (Magnus_Star) [I3]
How to Build Superman V3.0 & Invulnerability/Super Strength+ Guide (_Havok_) [I3]
The Cuddles Build: Issue 3 Invulnerability/Super Strength (Cuddles) [I3]
Lady Tara's I3 Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker (Lady_Tara) [I3]
It's Krunch time! Revising Krunch V2 for Issue 3 (Skulker) [I3]
Pulverizor's Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide (Pulverizor) [I3]
Brick And Mortar - A Post 34, I3, Invulnerability/Energy Melee Build (da5id) [I3]
Invulnerability/Energy Melee Post-Issue 3 (GoodFoo) [I3]
Invulnerability/Battle Axe (Major_Kreissack) [I1]

The Red Five I7 Fire / Super Strength Guide (Kyrin) [I7]
My Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Build Post-I5 (Nfinity) [I5]
Being the Brute Squad - A Look At Fiery Aura/War Mace Tankers (Chalyss) [I4]
Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanking, the Infurno Way (Robotech_Master) [I4]
A Guide To Making a Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Tanker V2.0 (GladDog) [I4]
Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide (Cleat) [I3]
Fiery Aura/Stone Melee Guide (BrimstoneGale) [I3]
Coalfire's Fiery Aura Guide V1.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I3]
Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tank Guide V2.0 (Mephe) [I3]
Spiral's Fiery Aura/Super Strength Tanker Guide (Spiral) [I3]
Fiery Aura, A Fire Tank Primary Guide (Moot_Point) [I2]
Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide V0.8 (Saccade) [I2]

Growing an Ice/Ice Tanker (DocSharpe) [I7]
Tanking with an Ice/Em tank (bulkmale) [I7]
Ice/Ice build guide (AettThorn) [I7]
Darth's Guide to Ice/Em Tanks in pvp, v 1.5 (DarthJoe) [I7]
The Living Glacier: Being the Ice Tanker (ccelizic) [I7]
Energy Absorption Calculator & Guide (Circeus) [I7]
Driving an Ice Armor/Ice Melee Tank with Arctic Ant V1.1 (The_Arctic_Ant) [I4]
Basilisk's Quick Guide to Ice Armor (Basilisk) [I4]
Ice Armor/Energy Melee Guide (Kyrin) [I3]
Dynamo Frost's Ice Armor FAQ (Dynamo Frost) [Pre-I1]

The Uber Defensive Stone/Fire Tanker (Maurice)[I7]
Ode to Roxstar - A Guide to Stone Tanking (Roxstar) [I7]
Mor'gan's Totally Awesome Guide to Stone/Ice Tanks (Morgy) [I7]
Completely Stoned, Again: The Stone/Stone Guide (EsoKujo) [I7]
Guide To My Thoughts On Stone Armor (Rexpendable) [I3]

Comprehensive Guide to Tanker Secondaries (docbuzzard) [I4]



Thanks Chriffer! I updated the main Tanker link post to Guides with your revisions.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



Any Ice/SS guides or advice out there?



Any Ice/SS guides or advice out there?

[/ QUOTE ]

Talk to Welldone bro.



hey guys i wanna make a tanker for pvp. I dont know what to make though. I wanna be able to beat anything 1 on 1 in pvp basically. Out of all the Tankers, which would be the best 1 on 1. If lets say the answer is Ice/Energy... would there be another TANKER build, such as Stone/Super that could beat it?



Shalom all. I find myself here on behalf of a friend who took her tank to 50 back in I4, prior to "ED". The character has since been on the shelf gathering dust for lack inspiration to respec/reslot to make ED compliant. Looking for a solid Inv/Stone build, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

My gratitude in advance.



Is there one for Stateaman Power Set?

Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker



Statesman is an unreleased AT called an Icarnate.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I had posted this some time ago on the Tanker Forums and linked it in the guide section. The link destroyed with the great forums purge many moons ago. I have had many people inquire about the original post over the months and finally managed to salvage the draft off an old laptop. Although this was written before ED and the great Defenses Nerf many of the points are still pertinent today. Feel free to add anything that I may have failed to include or is no longer useful in the age of mediocrity.

Herding: A Brief Look at a Practice Used by Tankers in Team Settings

Hello, I am a tanker. I have played a tanker on and off since May of 04 and have seen most of the goods and bads associated with Tankers in regards to CoH. It would seem that recently I have personally witnessed a small regression in the overall state of tankers in regards to team play. There are many theories as to why this may or may not indeed be the case and I will try to avoid that subject in this post. What I would like to address is the subject of effectively corralling villains in a team oriented setting – more commonly referred to as “herding”. The goal of this being to help aspiring young tankers to more effectively help their teams by safely and effectively herding up villains in a responsible manner.

[u]Lets start with the Why’s and When’s of herding.[u]

Why do we herd? That is a good question with several different responses. The one that most people generally tend to think about is the power leveling aspect. Indeed, many people utilize this tactic to group large numbers of villains to generate experience at an extremely fast clip. Another reason, and the one that we will focus on in this discussion is to herd villains up into a tight and manageable group so that a team can quickly and effectively deal with a dangerous situation. A responsible tanker herds to ensure his teams safety during a potentially debt ridden encounter, not to just expedite the completion of a mission. Please remember that the bottom line for a tanker is the safety of your group. So the “why do we herd” reasonably needs to be answered with something along the lines of “helping to protect your wards”.

This leads into the question of “when do we herd”. To answer this question I would pose a retort of “when shouldn’t we herd”. I think that question better helps to lay out the ground rules of safe and effective herding. There are numerous answers to this question but a few that are potential team breakers.

* When a team is moving quickly and effectively through a mission or outdoor hunting area it is generally best not to attempt to herd. This can actually cause the opposite of the intended effect and slow down a teams progress and generally cause more debt due to lack of focus.

* When a team has shown repeated displays of impatience or an unwillingness to listen to directions. Both of these traits will generally cause unwanted debt in the near future. An impatient team will usually preemptively attack a herd, and eventually will break up due to people not being willing to wait for a safe delivery. A team not willing to follow directions will generally tend to die regardless, but will do so in increasing frequency under the specter of large numbers of villains being led around by a Tanker.

* When we aren’t equipped to deal with the villains. Do NOT let a team push you into a herding situation when you don’t feel it is in the best interest of you or your team. I have experienced this both as a tanker and as a general member of a team. You can call it “when greed strikes” or something along those lines, but it tends to end in debt. If you have doubts, share them with the team and explain how dealing with single groups in this instance would be better for the group. If certain members object and become obstinate about it, you are probably better off without them in your group and gameplay experience. Certain villain groups just aren’t wise to herd and you will have to make that decision based upon your group settings. Malta, Knives of Artemis and Carnies all carry individual members within their ranks that can not only kill you quickly, but will decimate your teammates as well. I learned this the hard way the first time I tried to herd a cemetery full of carnie Lts and Bosses. By the time I had a large group back to my destination the realization hit me that this group of psi users was going to quickly send me to the hospital and probably eat my teammates up as well. I yelled for them to run, but being the good super group mates they are running wasn’t an option. So the dreaded group wipe followed quickly.

Now that we have the basic philosophy out of the way I would like to offer a few words of advice on safe and effective herding from an old tank. This point of view will generally be from the tankers perspective, but I will attempt to interject views from other AT s as well. Please note that this is by no means all inclusive and is subject to interpretation, but that I have found it to be extremely effective from both a tanker and teammates point of view.

* Corners are your friend. Some tankers come by this skill naturally, and some still can’t grasp it after 50 levels of tanking. The premise is simple, use any and all corners/obstructions to your advantage. Not only at the very end, but during the actual herding process. Cornering helps to ensure that the properly aggro’ed villains will come as close to your tanker as possible to provide them with a direct line of sight for attack. By repeatedly ducking behind corners during the roundup process you will keep a tighter herd behind you thereby making sure you don’t have stragglers lose interest and cause potentially dangerous road bumps for your teammates down the road. This also saves time by not having to repeatedly herd the same areas. The end result enables you to provide a very tight group of villains for your teammates arresting pleasure. Utilize any nook and cranny that is available and remember that many villains will stop and attack at range if at all possible.

* Herd AWAY from your team. It is normally in your best interest and that of your group to start with your team and herd groups of villains that are nearby and beyond to a further destination. When you are properly positioned with your herd in a tight knot, let your team then come to you, not vice versa. This isn’t always possible, but should always be a common practice. The reason being that any time you bring a large group of villains BACK towards your teammates the chances of one of them being unprepared or trigger happy increases exponentially. This usually results in debt. I have seen many decent tankers that utilize the cornering technique to great effectiveness only to bring a large mob right back over an unsuspecting defender or controller that was waiting eagerly to assist the tanker to survive the big bad mob.

* Don’t bite off more than you or your team can handle. It is sometimes a desire to “show off” or to display the raw power of our AT while dealing with large groups of villains. Usually this isn’t wise or in the best interest of your team. My general rule of thumb is that if you can’t individually survive the ENTIRE herd that you pull for an decent period of time then you have probably pulled too many villains. A herd that is too large increases the difficulty in aggro’ management and possibility of debt being incurred by members of your group. The boards are full of stories about tankers describing their extraordinary deeds like herding the entire map of X hazard zone, or taking an entire mission with one herd. What you don’t hear is the sob story of their teammates that died while trying to deal with this overwhelming number of enemies, or that the tank wasn’t able to deal with the group in a timely and efficient manner if at all. In my general experience with an 8 man team I have found it generally safe to pull approximately 4 large groups at a time (tends to be about 50 villains). Any more and it the danger and potential for debt starts to increase dramatically. Some teams are better equipped to deal with large groups than others, so be conservative at first with your estimates and ramp up to the desired level. Much safer than starting high and working DOWN to a safe number.

* Some teams will provide hidden obstacles. This is not always a noticeable issue but it will sometimes be prevalent. One of the first obstacles that comes to mind are pets. Pets are great, no debate on that. What pets aren’t is smart, and that can sometimes lead to very messy situations. Generally try to take wide paths around pets during the herding process and in your setup phase. A pet making premature contact with your herd is a recipe for disaster, so make sure to avoid this at all reasonable costs. Another obstacle is your quick trigger AoE teammie. Many times they will jump the gun by diving into your well managed herd before your team is ready. I have been on both sides of this fence on this issue. Most cases revolve around the damage dealing classes – blasters and scrappers, but this isn’t the only offenders by any means. And yes I have been guilty also. Several times I have either jumped into a group with my buildup/Whirling Sword on my broadsword scrapper or laid down a pre-emptive Stone Cages with my controller. One of the easiest ways to resolve this is to properly train your team by using a bind to state when you are through moving and the team is open to blast away.

* Good communication is essential. Lastly and most importantly don’t take communication and group knowledge for granted. Very simple but very important. Always let your group know when you plan on herding, where you anticipate ending up, and when it is safe to attack. A well prepared group is less likely to jump the gun on a mob, and will make for a safer grouping experience for everyone. And don’t assume that just because the last two herds worked well, that you can continue to progress at the same level of effectiveness without continued communication. People aren’t mind readers, so expect the worst and be diligent in your preparations. Repetition is the key to success. Also, make sure to LISTEN as well as talk. If your big Nuking blaster is afk and you have to sit on that big mob you just skillfully herded up your group may well be in trouble. So make sure to pay attention to all of your teammates and the group chat.

Lastly just remember that this game is about fun. If your group isn’t having fun it more than likely won’t stay together long. Hopefully some of the above tips and guidelines will help you to ensure that your team stays debt free while also enabling a fun and safe herding experience as well as bolster some of the skillsets of the younger tankers out there.

Please feel free to post any other tips and tricks that I may have missed out on.

Good luck and Happy Hunting,




Stone Armor/Energy Melee Tanker v1.0

Jets L50 eLx3 Blaster (1300 Badges) @Jets or @Jets Too
L50 Stalker, 4-Tankers, 3-Scrappers, 2-Dominators, 2-Arachnos, 3-Brutes, Blaster, 4-Controllers, Defender



Edit - Finally got around to putting this as a guide, and updated sections on gauntlet not working (well, most of them, but I left one in just in case it stops working again).

It can be found here

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Any I8 guides for Fire/Energy tank?



sounds like the "Superman Returns A.K.A. Superman 4.0 (Hero14) [I8]" Sounds good to try out and i meaning to ask this Superman Returns power good for PvP?

Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker



Updated April. 18, 2007
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was Ice_Knight


This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Tankers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Tanker guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Tanker Guide Thread or the Guide to Guides thread in the "Player Guides" forum). Chriffer sifted through the hundreds of individual threads to find the postings. In the future be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread to make things work smoothly.

<ul type="square">[*] Taunt Myths (Aett_Thorn) [I8]
[*]Juzam's Tao of Tanking for Beginners [I7]
[*]Tanker Primary Information for Issue 7 (BuffyASummers ) [I7]
[*]So you want to know about Taunt... (Circeus) [I6]
[*]Tanking for Teams: The Anvil (BlackSly) [I3]
[*]A Guide to Lowbie Tanking and Surviving Spillover (Lycaeus) [I3]
[*]A Beginner's Guide to Tanker Primaries 1.0 (Paradoxe) [I3]
[*]The MinMax Army's Guide to Sustained DPS (da5id) [I3]
[*]Initiating Battle: A Guide For the Large Team Tank (Super) [I2][/list]
<ul type="square">[*] Superman Returns A.K.A. Superman 4.0 (Hero14) [I8]
[*] Invulnerability/EM Guide For The Unhappy Tank (Sister_Andara) [I8]
[*]Tiffany Seville’s Inv/Fire Guide for I7 (Tiffany_Seville) [I7]
[*]INV/SS Tanking in Post-I6 Paragon City (The_Hegemon) [I6]
[*]The SuperTank! Inv/SS/Fly Build (Vox_Populi) [I6]
[*]Guide to Invulnerability: The Basics (Sword) [I6]
[*]Invulnerability/Super Strength - The "Lasher" (Thors_Mitersaw) [I5]
[*]Weathering the Storm 2.0: An I5 Invulnerability/Super Strength Guide (Iron_Vixen) [I5]
[*]Kara's Watch Out for Self and Survive I5 Build (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (SvZurich) [I5]
[*]Robobot's Guide to I5 Tanking (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (Project_Robobot) [I5]
[*]Immortal-Nite’s Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide for I4 (ImmortalNite) [I4]
[*]Smersh's Invulnerability/Fire Melee Guide V1.0 (Smersh) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability for Tankers - The Basics (Sword) [I3]
[*]Magnus Star's Invulnerability/Super Strength Build (Magnus_Star) [I3]
[*]How to Build Superman V3.0 &amp; Invulnerability/Super Strength+ Guide (_Havok_) [I3]
[*]The Cuddles Build: Issue 3 Invulnerability/Super Strength (Cuddles) [I3]
[*]Lady Tara's I3 Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker (Lady_Tara) [I3]
[*]It's Krunch time! Revising Krunch V2 for Issue 3 (Skulker) [I3]
[*]Pulverizor's Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide (Pulverizor) [I3]
[*]Brick And Mortar - A Post 34, I3, Invulnerability/Energy Melee Build (da5id) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Energy Melee Post-Issue 3 (GoodFoo) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Battle Axe (Major_Kreissack) [I1][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]The Red Five I7 Fire / Super Strength Guide (Kyrin) [I7]
[*]My Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Build Post-I5 (Nfinity) [I5]
[*]Being the Brute Squad - A Look At Fiery Aura/War Mace Tankers (Chalyss) [I4]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanking, the Infurno Way (Robotech_Master) [I4]
[*]A Guide To Making a Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Tanker V2.0 (GladDog) [I4]
[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide (Cleat) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Stone Melee Guide (BrimstoneGale) [I3]
[*]Coalfire's Fiery Aura Guide V1.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tank Guide V2.0 (Mephe) [I3]
[*]Spiral's Fiery Aura/Super Strength Tanker Guide (Spiral) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura, A Fire Tank Primary Guide (Moot_Point) [I2]
[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide V0.8 (Saccade) [I2][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Growing an Ice/Ice Tanker (DocSharpe) [I7]
[*]Tanking with an Ice/Em tank (bulkmale) [I7]
[*]Ice/Ice build guide (AettThorn) [I7]
[*]Darth's Guide to Ice/Em Tanks in pvp, v 1.5 (DarthJoe) [I7]
[*]The Living Glacier: Being the Ice Tanker (ccelizic) [I7]
[*]Energy Absorption Calculator &amp; Guide (Circeus) [I7]
[*]Driving an Ice Armor/Ice Melee Tank with Arctic Ant V1.1 (The_Arctic_Ant) [I4]
[*]Basilisk's Quick Guide to Ice Armor (Basilisk) [I4]
[*]Ice Armor/Energy Melee Guide (Kyrin) [I3]
[*]Dynamo Frost's Ice Armor FAQ (Dynamo Frost) [Pre-I1][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Stone/Energy Melee Tanker (_Jets_)[I8]
[*]The Uber Defensive Stone/Fire Tanker (Maurice)[I7]
[*]Ode to Roxstar - A Guide to Stone Tanking (Roxstar) [I7]
[*]Mor'gan's Totally Awesome Guide to Stone/Ice Tanks (Morgy) [I7]
[*]Completely Stoned, Again: The Stone/Stone Guide (EsoKujo) [I7]
[*]Guide To My Thoughts On Stone Armor (Rexpendable) [I3][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Comprehensive Guide to Tanker Secondaries (docbuzzard) [I4][/list]



Updated May. 03, 2007
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was Ice_Knight


This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Tankers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Tanker guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides. Also for Issue 9 check out the Inventions System Guides.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Tanker Guide Thread or the Guide to Guides thread in the "Player Guides" forum). Chriffer sifted through the hundreds of individual threads to find the postings. In the future be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread to make things work smoothly.

<ul type="square">[*] Taunt Myths (Aett_Thorn) [I8]
[*]Juzam's Tao of Tanking for Beginners [I7]
[*]Tanker Primary Information for Issue 7 (BuffyASummers ) [I7]
[*]So you want to know about Taunt... (Circeus) [I6]

<ul type="square">[*]Ice Knight's Invulnerability/Ice Tanker (Ice_Knight) [I9]
[*] Superman Returns A.K.A. Superman 4.0 (Hero14) [I8]
[*] Invulnerability/EM Guide For The Unhappy Tank (Sister_Andara) [I8]
[*]Tiffany Seville’s Inv/Fire Guide for I7 (Tiffany_Seville) [I7]
[*]INV/SS Tanking in Post-I6 Paragon City (The_Hegemon) [I6]
[*]The SuperTank! Inv/SS/Fly Build (Vox_Populi) [I6]
[*]Guide to Invulnerability: The Basics (Sword) [I6]
<ul type="square">[*] IO build example: Fire/Fire Tanker (Scrapulous) [I9] [*]The Red Five I7 Fire / Super Strength Guide (Kyrin) [I7]
<ul type="square">[*]Invention based Ice/Ice Tank (Tundara) [I9] [*]Growing an Ice/Ice Tanker (DocSharpe) [I7]
[*]Tanking with an Ice/Em tank (bulkmale) [I7]
[*]Ice/Ice build guide (AettThorn) [I7]
[*]Darth's Guide to Ice/Em Tanks in pvp, v 1.5 (DarthJoe) [I7]
[*]The Living Glacier: Being the Ice Tanker (ccelizic) [I7]
[*]Energy Absorption Calculator &amp; Guide (Circeus) [I7]
<ul type="square">[*]Stone/Energy Melee Tanker (_Jets_)[I8]
[*]The Uber Defensive Stone/Fire Tanker (Maurice)[I7]
[*]Ode to Roxstar - A Guide to Stone Tanking (Roxstar) [I7]
[*]Mor'gan's Totally Awesome Guide to Stone/Ice Tanks (Morgy) [I7]
[*]Completely Stoned, Again: The Stone/Stone Guide (EsoKujo) [I7]


<ul type="square">[/list]GENERAL

<ul type="square">[*]Tanking for Teams: The Anvil (BlackSly) [I3]
[*]A Guide to Lowbie Tanking and Surviving Spillover (Lycaeus) [I3]
[*]A Beginner's Guide to Tanker Primaries 1.0 (Paradoxe) [I3]
[*]The MinMax Army's Guide to Sustained DPS (da5id) [I3]
[*]Initiating Battle: A Guide For the Large Team Tank (Super) [I2][/list]INVULNERABILITY
<ul type="square">[*]Invulnerability/Super Strength - The "Lasher" (Thors_Mitersaw) [I5]
[*]Weathering the Storm 2.0: An I5 Invulnerability/Super Strength Guide (Iron_Vixen) [I5]
[*]Kara's Watch Out for Self and Survive I5 Build (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (SvZurich) [I5]
[*]Robobot's Guide to I5 Tanking (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (Project_Robobot) [I5]
[*]Immortal-Nite’s Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide for I4 (ImmortalNite) [I4]
[*]Smersh's Invulnerability/Fire Melee Guide V1.0 (Smersh) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability for Tankers - The Basics (Sword) [I3]
[*]Magnus Star's Invulnerability/Super Strength Build (Magnus_Star) [I3]
[*]How to Build Superman V3.0 &amp; Invulnerability/Super Strength+ Guide (_Havok_) [I3]
[*]The Cuddles Build: Issue 3 Invulnerability/Super Strength (Cuddles) [I3]
[*]Lady Tara's I3 Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker (Lady_Tara) [I3]
[*]It's Krunch time! Revising Krunch V2 for Issue 3 (Skulker) [I3]
[*]Pulverizor's Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide (Pulverizor) [I3]
[*]Brick And Mortar - A Post 34, I3, Invulnerability/Energy Melee Build (da5id) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Energy Melee Post-Issue 3 (GoodFoo) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Battle Axe (Major_Kreissack) [I1][/list]FIERY AURA
<ul type="square">[*]My Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Build Post-I5 (Nfinity) [I5]
[*]Being the Brute Squad - A Look At Fiery Aura/War Mace Tankers (Chalyss) [I4]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanking, the Infurno Way (Robotech_Master) [I4]
[*]A Guide To Making a Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Tanker V2.0 (GladDog) [I4]
[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide (Cleat) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Stone Melee Guide (BrimstoneGale) [I3]
[*]Coalfire's Fiery Aura Guide V1.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tank Guide V2.0 (Mephe) [I3]
[*]Spiral's Fiery Aura/Super Strength Tanker Guide (Spiral) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura, A Fire Tank Primary Guide (Moot_Point) [I2]
[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide V0.8 (Saccade) [I2][/list]ICE ARMOR
<ul type="square">[*]Driving an Ice Armor/Ice Melee Tank with Arctic Ant V1.1 (The_Arctic_Ant) [I4]
[*]Basilisk's Quick Guide to Ice Armor (Basilisk) [I4]
[*]Ice Armor/Energy Melee Guide (Kyrin) [I3]
[*]Dynamo Frost's Ice Armor FAQ (Dynamo Frost) [Pre-I1][/list]STONE ARMOR
<ul type="square">[*]Guide To My Thoughts On Stone Armor (Rexpendable) [I3][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Comprehensive Guide to Tanker Secondaries (docbuzzard) [I4][/list]



If u play as a tanker always remember to get ur sheilds when u lvl up i forgot and now i die every 10 mins.



Updated June 26th, 2007
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was Ice_Knight


This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Tankers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Tanker guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides. Also for Issue 9 check out the Inventions System Guides.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Tanker Guide Thread or the Guide to Guides thread in the "Player Guides" forum). Chriffer sifted through the hundreds of individual threads to find the postings. In the future be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread to make things work smoothly.

<ul type="square">[*] Taunt Myths (Aett_Thorn) [I8]
[*]Juzam's Tao of Tanking for Beginners [I7]
[*]Tanker Primary Information for Issue 7 (BuffyASummers ) [I7]
[*]So you want to know about Taunt... (Circeus) [I6]

<ul type="square">[*] I9 Inventions Invul/Fire Slotting Guide - Three Builds (gWrath) [I9]
[*] Ice Knight's Inv/Ice Super Psy Inventions Tanker 2.0 (Ice Knight) [I9]
[*] Superman Returns A.K.A. Superman 4.0 (Hero14) [I8]
[*] Invulnerability/EM Guide For The Unhappy Tank (Sister_Andara) [I8]
[*]Tiffany Seville’s Inv/Fire Guide for I7 (Tiffany_Seville) [I7]
[*]INV/SS Tanking in Post-I6 Paragon City (The_Hegemon) [I6]
[*]The SuperTank! Inv/SS/Fly Build (Vox_Populi) [I6]
[*]Guide to Invulnerability: The Basics (Sword) [I6]
<ul type="square">[*] GladDog's Guide to Making a Fire/EM Tanker ver 3.0(GladDog) [I9]
[*] IO build example: Fire/Fire Tanker (Scrapulous) [I9]
[*]The Red Five I7 Fire / Super Strength Guide (Kyrin) [I7]
<ul type="square">[*]Invention based Ice/Ice Tank (Tundara) [I9] [*]Growing an Ice/Ice Tanker (DocSharpe) [I7]
[*]Tanking with an Ice/Em tank (bulkmale) [I7]
[*]Ice/Ice build guide (AettThorn) [I7]
[*]Darth's Guide to Ice/Em Tanks in pvp, v 1.5 (DarthJoe) [I7]
[*]The Living Glacier: Being the Ice Tanker (ccelizic) [I7]
[*]Energy Absorption Calculator &amp; Guide (Circeus) [I7]
<ul type="square">[*]Stone/Energy Melee Tanker (_Jets_)[I8]
[*]The Uber Defensive Stone/Fire Tanker (Maurice)[I7]
[*]Ode to Roxstar - A Guide to Stone Tanking (Roxstar) [I7]
[*]Mor'gan's Totally Awesome Guide to Stone/Ice Tanks (Morgy) [I7]
[*]Completely Stoned, Again: The Stone/Stone Guide (EsoKujo) [I7]


<ul type="square">[/list]GENERAL

<ul type="square">[*]Tanking for Teams: The Anvil (BlackSly) [I3]
[*]A Guide to Lowbie Tanking and Surviving Spillover (Lycaeus) [I3]
[*]A Beginner's Guide to Tanker Primaries 1.0 (Paradoxe) [I3]
[*]The MinMax Army's Guide to Sustained DPS (da5id) [I3]
[*]Initiating Battle: A Guide For the Large Team Tank (Super) [I2][/list]INVULNERABILITY
<ul type="square">[*]Invulnerability/Super Strength - The "Lasher" (Thors_Mitersaw) [I5]
[*]Weathering the Storm 2.0: An I5 Invulnerability/Super Strength Guide (Iron_Vixen) [I5]
[*]Kara's Watch Out for Self and Survive I5 Build (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (SvZurich) [I5]
[*]Robobot's Guide to I5 Tanking (Invulnerability/Super Strength) (Project_Robobot) [I5]
[*]Immortal-Nite’s Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide for I4 (ImmortalNite) [I4]
[*]Smersh's Invulnerability/Fire Melee Guide V1.0 (Smersh) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability for Tankers - The Basics (Sword) [I3]
[*]Magnus Star's Invulnerability/Super Strength Build (Magnus_Star) [I3]
[*]How to Build Superman V3.0 &amp; Invulnerability/Super Strength+ Guide (_Havok_) [I3]
[*]The Cuddles Build: Issue 3 Invulnerability/Super Strength (Cuddles) [I3]
[*]Lady Tara's I3 Invulnerable/Super Strength Tanker (Lady_Tara) [I3]
[*]It's Krunch time! Revising Krunch V2 for Issue 3 (Skulker) [I3]
[*]Pulverizor's Invulnerability/Energy Melee Guide (Pulverizor) [I3]
[*]Brick And Mortar - A Post 34, I3, Invulnerability/Energy Melee Build (da5id) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Energy Melee Post-Issue 3 (GoodFoo) [I3]
[*]Invulnerability/Battle Axe (Major_Kreissack) [I1][/list]FIERY AURA
<ul type="square">[*]My Fiery Aura/Energy Melee Build Post-I5 (Nfinity) [I5]
[*]Being the Brute Squad - A Look At Fiery Aura/War Mace Tankers (Chalyss) [I4]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tanking, the Infurno Way (Robotech_Master) [I4]

[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide (Cleat) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Stone Melee Guide (BrimstoneGale) [I3]
[*]Coalfire's Fiery Aura Guide V1.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura/Fiery Melee Tank Guide V2.0 (Mephe) [I3]
[*]Spiral's Fiery Aura/Super Strength Tanker Guide (Spiral) [I3]
[*]Fiery Aura, A Fire Tank Primary Guide (Moot_Point) [I2]
[*]Fiery Aura/Ice Melee Tanker Guide V0.8 (Saccade) [I2][/list]ICE ARMOR
<ul type="square">[*]Driving an Ice Armor/Ice Melee Tank with Arctic Ant V1.1 (The_Arctic_Ant) [I4]
[*]Basilisk's Quick Guide to Ice Armor (Basilisk) [I4]
[*]Ice Armor/Energy Melee Guide (Kyrin) [I3]
[*]Dynamo Frost's Ice Armor FAQ (Dynamo Frost) [Pre-I1][/list]STONE ARMOR
<ul type="square">[*]Guide To My Thoughts On Stone Armor (Rexpendable) [I3][/list]
<ul type="square">[*]Comprehensive Guide to Tanker Secondaries (docbuzzard) [I4][/list]



Awsome, Edited into the new guides post. The main should be updated soon.