Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




"Ah, I see………. You two love birds gone to see a late night show have you? I think you missed the curtain call mate." He said in a slightly mocking tone aimed at Paul. He didn't think how Crystal might react to this. He didn’t think before he spoke sometimes.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hey man... Put much more acid in a comment like that and you'll burn your tongue." Paul looked at Jack and snorted. He never minded Jack before and really he had no real problem with the guy. He just came off as way to friggin' serious and depressed for his own good.

"Chill man, we've been though hell tonight. Well Crystal has been through more but hey."


"Did I do that?" Her voice was barely a whisper. Then she caught her breath with a gasp. "Oh God - "


Jack took another look around the smashed windows of the building. He didn't see the body bags at first.

"What? You been running around smashing windows?" He asked, not sure what was going on yet.

Then he saw the body bags.

"Oh [censored]," he said and looked back at Crystal. "What did you do?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"WHOA! Everyone HOLD UP! Crystal didn;t do ANYTHING more than defend herself from those damn Thriller freaks. One of those hyped up ragmen threatened her and she fought back... HARD. Damn well near melted his brain I'd guess. Beyond that the windows blowing out was a side effect."

Paul turned and looked Crystal hard in the eyes.

"You didn't hurt a single student. I can attest to that. I left several med-packs and everyone was accounted for. Those bags are for the Vahz... guess they have to tag the cadavers like a normal corpse."

Paul stood up tall then and looked at both of them.

"Look, while we're talking here Doc S is in some deep doo-doo. We gotta get to him!"

When he got there he couldn't believe his eyes. This was far worse than anything he'd happened to come across in his dealings with Dr. Vahzilok's creations. There were windows blown out and bodies every where. The only words that he uttered as he landed a few feet from the theater were "My God... What happened here?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Whoa... PINK! Sweet outfit dude!" Paul's ferret-like attention span betrayed him once again but he soon shook it off. He looked at the new commer and took in the sight of the man.

"You have got to get me the name of tailor man. But we had an attack by the Vahz here! Look I was just saying we need to get into the sewers and try to find Doctor Sanstad, Girl Genius, and Harris... If they're going after the Doc's family as well I have no clue what to do... He doesn't give the info about his family out to ANYONE."



The Sewers:

Everything happened so fast that Harris did not have time to object. Erik fired some kind of radiation at him which freaked him out when he started glowing green. Then he was being carried at top speed down the tunnels and then the next thing he knew he was in a burning room.

"De-Cloak Penny! We need you to lead us OUT of here!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"You could warn me before you do somethng like that."



The Campus:

"You didn't hurt a single student. I can attest to that. I left several med-packs and everyone was accounted for. Those bags are for the Vahz... guess they have to tag the cadavers like a normal corpse."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Only with a lot more tags." Jack said with his hands in his pockets.

"Look, while we're talking here Doc S is in some deep doo-doo. We gotta get to him!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"The docs in trouble?" Before his question could be answered a very brightly dressed hero landed right next to them. Jack dropped into fighting stance but quickly realized it was not an attack. He almost laughed, the guy was wearing Pink. Paul seemed to like the costume.

"You have got to get me the name of tailor man. But we had an attack by the Vahz here! Look I was just saying we need to get into the sewers and try to find Doctor Sanstad, Girl Genius, and Harris... If they're going after the Doc's family as well I have no clue what to do... He doesn't give the info about his family out to ANYONE."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well then..... Count me in. I suggest we find out some how and go and help them." Jack said stating the obvious.

"Maybe Pretty in Pink here can help us?" Jack said pointing to the new hero.



((OOC: The J. Jonah Jamison comment was meant to be a reference to who Steven Harris was like in Connor/MW's opinion, probably should have made that clear in my post.))

"You have got to get me the name of tailor man. But we had an attack by the Vahz here! Look I was just saying we need to get into the sewers and try to find Doctor Sanstad, Girl Genius, and Harris... If they're going after the Doc's family as well I have no clue what to do... He doesn't give the info about his family out to ANYONE."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well then..... Count me in. I suggest we find out some how and go and help them." Jack said stating the obvious.

"Maybe Pretty in Pink here can help us?" Jack said pointing to the new hero.

[/ QUOTE ]

Master Wonderful turned and looked at the three students. "Did you say 'Harris?' You mean Steven Harris? I came here trying to find him to keep him from doing something stupid when he found out about... well, I'll explain on the way. We need to find them fast. Oh, and the name isn't 'Pretty in Pink.' I'm Master Wonderful.' The pink super hero flashed his glinting grin that seemed make a "ting" sound as the light refected off his teeth.



Master Wonderful turned and looked at the three students. "Did you say 'Harris?' You mean Steven Harris? I came here trying to find him to keep him from doing something stupid when he found out about... well, I'll explain on the way. We need to find them fast. Oh, and the name isn't 'Pretty in Pink.' I'm Master Wonderful.' The pink super hero flashed his glinting grin that seemed make a "ting" sound as the light refected off his teeth.

[/ QUOTE ]

"This way then..." Crystal led the way down the street, to the sewer entrance that Doc S had taken. "He went in here," she said, and pulled at the grate, which remained solidly closed until the others helped with it, at which time it opened with a threatening creaking noise.

Crystal stayed at the entrance a moment, screwing up her face against the stench. She knew where they needed to go. She didn't know how she knew... but she did. "This way," she said, and headed down into the darkness.




The sewers smelt bad. Jack could smell it from just crouching over the open man hole cover and now he had to go in there. Jack liked the doc, he'd put up with a lot of crap from Jack and was still willing to teach him. Although he didn't care much about another chance Jack liked the Doc for giving him one. That was why he was willing to go into the sewer now. Plus there was Crystal. Jack didn't trust Paul to be able to look after her.

Jack looked up from his crouched position up at Master Wonderful. "After you pretty boy."

Once inside the sewers Jack tried to catch up with Crystal as she led the way. He walked along beside her with his hands in his pockets.

"So........ You’re a mutant too now." He said feeling rather stupid.

"Well.....better get ready for the rest of the world to hate you for what you are. People always hate what is different, what is strange to them. Even if it is better."

He guessed from the look on her face this might not have been the smartest thing to say.

"I'm sorry. I really should think before I open my mouth, force of habit. I guess I've just too many negative experiences as a mutant. Gives you kind of a down wards look on things when you've been through what I have. I'm sure you'll be fine, someone as smart and good looking as you."

He smiled at her hoping she would return it.



"So........ You’re a mutant too now." He said feeling rather stupid.

"Well.....better get ready for the rest of the world to hate you for what you are. People always hate what is different, what is strange to them. Even if it is better."

He guessed from the look on her face this might not have been the smartest thing to say.

"I'm sorry. I really should think before I open my mouth, force of habit. I guess I've just too many negative experiences as a mutant. Gives you kind of a down wards look on things when you've been through what I have. I'm sure you'll be fine, someone as smart and good looking as you."

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal gave him a smile. She did smile a lot. But she looked puzzled also, as she thought about her answer. Finally she responded, "I think you are wrong you know." At his look of surprise she added, "If I am a mutant... and I guess I am... I know a lot of things will change. But... not everyone will hate me. Some will... others won't." She shrugged. "Really not any different you know... some people hate me now, because I am a woman, or because of the color of my skin, or because I am too outgoing to suit them... people will be people. Some will be jerks... others will be cool. And I think..." She thought about this hard, "I think I will be all right." She looked back at him. "You know, I worry about you sometimes."

She said this in her usual caring way.



"You could warn me before you do somethng like that."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny decloaked and waved at them. "Doc! Harris! This way!" She led them around corners and even up a promising slope, then stopped them around a corner. "OK, down the hall around this corner are a bunch of Vahz. I will distract them - you run down the hall and take the first left. I will catch up."

She shot down the hall and let the Vahz see her. The moment the mortificator brought up his bow, she engaged her jets, which she had gotten working again while they stopped, and shot forwards, bowling them over. They gave chase, spitting acid, and she pulled them around a corner.

Once she was certain that Harris and Doc had made it around the corner, she cloaked again. It took a few minutes to lose the Vahz but eventually she worked her way back, found Harris and Doc far down the hallway, and decloaked again. The entire affair had taken less than five minutes. "We might have to do that a few times," she smiled at them. "Come on... this way."

And she continued to lead them down the hallways.



"Now listen here you. That was a very expensive camera you broken and I don't........."

"Uh oh... tell me, how long ago did you fight THESE guys?"

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hey, that camera almost gave me away! Do you know what I am working on! Some villain might have seen that footage and come to my office to get the Super Strength Genera.... oops...." Said Experiment in a hushed whisper... Then, grunts came from the right, and an Eidolon stepped forward. "So, we finally know who you are Experiment 2.0... or should I say..." Experiment covered his microphone right before the Eidolon said [color= red]"John Ballard?[/color] Just then, his PDA picked up a new life form in the sewers... and it was coming his way. "NO! TURN BACK! ANYONE COMING THIS WAY, TURN BA-AAAAAAAAAGH!!!" and he was sent hurtling forward from a Rikti weapon... he knew the holder.. "Lost.... and Vahz...." He spoke into the Mic. again. "YOU DIDNT CLEAR THE TOP LEVELS OR SOMETHING?!"



"You know..." Paul stated out of no-where as they walked. "Doctor Sanstad is a mutant... No one I know of ever gives him crap. Not like he'd take it either but hey."

Paul shrugged and looked at Jake. "Look man... Life sucks at times. Just grab a helmet and go with it is what I say. I'm not the best liked guy on campus and hell I was totally shunned when I showed off my brain to others my age, but you know what? Screw them. All that is important is that you enjoy life, and try to make it beter for yourself and those you love."

With that he gave a quick hug from behind to Crystal as they moved. It was breif embrace, but tight enough to show true emotion.

A moment later however he had walked over to Master Wonderful and left Jake and Crystal to talk. He could almost see the fumes comming out of Jake's ears and thought it would be better to back off for a bit... He could only pray that his mouth would stay shut.

"So... Wonderful... Um... Why the heck did you get caught up in all this. And if you don't mind me asking, what's with the Pink? Not that it's bad or anything... Hell I've seen stranger. But I gotta admit, shows that you're a REAL man to wear that with a smile!"



Paul shrugged and looked at Jake. "Look man... Life sucks at times. Just grab a helmet and go with it is what I say. I'm not the best liked guy on campus and hell I was totally shunned when I showed off my brain to others my age, but you know what? Screw them. All that is important is that you enjoy life, and try to make it beter for yourself and those you love."

With that he gave a quick hug from behind to Crystal as they moved. It was breif embrace, but tight enough to show true emotion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal smiled at Paul as he darted back, then looked sideways at Jack. "It is just... you know you... you always seem so sad... like everyone hates you... and everyone doesn't hate you." She smiled at him in her usual caring way. "We like you, Paul and Dr Sanstad and I... all of us. You have friends - we're your friends. You're not alone." Her eyes were concerned. "And I don't want you to feel like you are. I want to... make it all better for you somehow."




[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh, what do you want from me!" Penny said in annoyance, leaning towards Erik's mike. "I am in the Mark III stealth suit for crying out loud, it is not like I have armament or anything!" She flipped her panel open and looked at her indicators: though she had done minor repairs, and though the suit had been charged up by the device that Omega had left, there were far more indicators in deep red than in bright green. "Look, Erik - tell him to get out if he can. If he can't... we ought to be able to triangulate his position... I think he is still way above us though...."



"We might have to do that a few times," she smiled at them. "Come on... this way."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Hell we can do that as many times as it takes so long as we get out of here in time..." Erik grumbled. He put Harris on the ground and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about the sudden boost and grab... We just need to move as quick as possible. I'll warn you next time."

Pausing he turned and grinned at Harris. "Oh, and that feild only sped up your metabolisim. It won't harm you, and in fact it may get you to shed a few pounds. Not the best in crash diets, but it sure whipped me into shape when I first tried it... Oh, and you'll be hungry as hell later."


[/ QUOTE ]

"Crap on a crutch!" Erik began swearing in almost a constant stream... "Get the hell OUT of there! The Vahz and Lost are waging war against each other for territory! We didn't clean out ANYTHING because we were KIDNAPPED get me?!?"

He looked at the other two and winced... "We have to find a way up... Faster than how we're going now..."

To himself he began to whisper a mantra... under his breath over and over. "Enid... be safe, please be safe..."

__________________________________________________ _



He looked at the other two and winced... "We have to find a way up... Faster than how we're going now..."

To himself he began to whisper a mantra... under his breath over and over. "Enid... be safe, please be safe..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny chewed thoughtfully on her lip. "I know how we could do it," she mused. "We could take the monorail. The old monorail... the Black Line."

The Black Line had been called the Black Line because it was the line that had once taken city workers to various points in the underground sewers to run maintanence on things. It had been lost in the Rikti war, when the sewers had been overrun with invaders. It was presumed to be working, but in the control of the Vahzilok.

It would be certain to be heavily guarded. It would be the ride from hell. But it would also be certain to be the fastest way out... if they could get to it.

"There's an old black line terminal less than a mile from here," she said. "If it is still working... it should bring us almost to the surface."

She knew the risk. It was not unlike the one she had taken to follow Harris down here in the first place. It would be far safer to take the slower method... but time was of the essence. She searched Erik's face, and Harris's, waiting for their response.




"Crap on a crutch!"
"Get the hell OUT of there! The Vahz and Lost are waging war against each other for territory! We didn't clean out ANYTHING because we were KIDNAPPED get me?!?"

He looked at the other two and winced...
"We have to find a way up... Faster than how we're going now..."

[/ QUOTE ]
As experiment was picked up by an Eidolon, he heard a knife being un-seathed. "Let go Stitches! You trying to curl my suit up or something? If so, then I have a present..." and then, he brang his foot to the Eidolons chest, kicked off, and landed on the knifers back, bashing him to the ground. "Ah... nice and ea-" but before he could finish, another blade had slashed his back. "I really have to learn not to gloat..." he thought to himself. He turned, and shot a spike right into the slasher. As he looked around, they had surrounded him, and the only exit was blocked, and he knew people were coming down the lines both ways. "Maybe if someones phsycic?" he said as the enemies closed in. He thought as loud as he could... or atleast he thought he was.... "IS SOMEONE OUT THE...I think I mighta left the TV on... I wonder when my show is on?"



"So... Wonderful... Um... Why the heck did you get caught up in all this. And if you don't mind me asking, what's with the Pink? Not that it's bad or anything... Hell I've seen stranger. But I gotta admit, shows that you're a REAL man to wear that with a smile!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Master Wonderful's smile faultered a little. "Well, I'm trying correct a couple screw ups I made a little while ago. I picked up a report that these zombies were attacking a hospital. It turns out they were there to accuire a specific target, a woman named Amy Harris. Unfortunately, I, uh, got a little distracted and first lost the reaper who took Mrs. Harris and then got attacked by a Nazi hit squad and lost the second reaper.

"As far as the pink goes. Well, an apparent side effect of my powers is that they cause my hair and the area around my eyes to turn pink for a while. So I figured what the hell and made my entire costume pink." The grin widened again. "Besides, as you said, it takes a real man to wear this color in public."

The pink clad hero paused. "Oh, I told you my name, but I haven't taken the liberty of asking what yours are. I don't want to just call you 'Ms. Supportive,' 'Angst Boy,' and 'Friendly Guy.'"



The pink clad hero paused. "Oh, I told you my name, but I haven't taken the liberty of asking what yours are. I don't want to just call you 'Ms. Supportive,' 'Angst Boy,' and 'Friendly Guy.'"

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal heard this and cracked up. Her giggle was geniune and yet it seemed almost foreign in such miserable surroundings. "I'm Crystal,' she said, looking back. "This is Paul," she smiled at him, "And this is Jack," she smiled at him too.

Then she paused. There was a terrible racket coming from nearby. "And - and someone - is thinking at me," her brows furrowed.

"IS SOMEONE OUT THE...I think I mighta left the TV on... I wonder when my show is on?"

[/ QUOTE ]

She broadcast, and in Experiment's mind slipped the word, Hello?

She wasn't even sure how she was doing it... but she knew where the thinker was (whoever he was) and knew also he was in some sort of trouble. "I don't think he is far - this way - " She started heading down one of the tunnels, fast, at a run.

((Tag Experiment, Mr. Wonderful, Jack, and Paul))




[/ QUOTE ]
As he heard this, Experiment knew someone was in this tunnel... a Phsycic. ["Um... Who is this? he thought to someone out there.



Um... Who is this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal hesitated. She had never done this before... it was an odd way to initiate a conversation. My name is Crystal... who are you? Um... this sounds like a stupid thing to say but.... were you thinking at me?



((OOC: Sorry I didn't have time to spell check this properly. Postings going to be a bit slower from me for a few days, I got my parents over visiting from England. I'll post for Harris later.))

Crystal gave him a smile. She did smile a lot. But she looked puzzled also, as she thought about her answer. Finally she responded, "I think you are wrong you know." At his look of surprise she added, "If I am a mutant... and I guess I am... I know a lot of things will change. But... not everyone will hate me. Some will... others won't." She shrugged. "Really not any different you know... some people hate me now, because I am a woman, or because of the color of my skin, or because I am too outgoing to suit them... people will be people. Some will be jerks... others will be cool. And I think..." She thought about this hard, "I think I will be all right." She looked back at him. "You know, I worry about you sometimes."

[/ QUOTE ]

"You do? I'm fine.....really," Jack said while he rubbed his forehead. "I just have a negative look on things I guess. The constant headaches and occasional black outs that come with my powers don't help."

"You know..." Paul stated out of no-where as they walked. "Doctor Sanstad is a mutant... No one I know of ever gives him crap. Not like he'd take it either but hey."

Paul shrugged and looked at Jake. "Look man... Life sucks at times. Just grab a helmet and go with it is what I say. I'm not the best liked guy on campus and hell I was totally shunned when I showed off my brain to others my age, but you know what? Screw them. All that is important is that you enjoy life, and try to make it better for yourself and those you love."

With that he gave a quick hug from behind to Crystal as they moved. It was brief embrace, but tight enough to show true emotion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack listened to the words of encouragement from Crystal but when similar words came from Paul he didn't simple was Paul. The fact that he hugged Crystal didn't make him feel any better. He knew they were together and he had no chance (that he knew of) but it still made him angry.

Paul then walked of to talk to Master Wonderful.

"Idiot," Jack said under his breath.

Crystal smiled at Paul as he darted back, then looked sideways at Jack. "It is just... you know you... you always seem so sad... like everyone hates you... and everyone doesn't hate you." She smiled at him in her usual caring way. "We like you, Paul and Dr Sanstad and I... all of us. You have friends - we're your friends. You're not alone." Her eyes were concerned. "And I don't want you to feel like you are. I want to... make it all better for you somehow."

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack smiled. She seemed to really mean it and he picked up on something else she had almost least he thought he did. He was about to speak when he heard himself being called, "Angst Boy."

"I'm Crystal,' she said, looking back. "This is Paul," she smiled at him, "And this is Jack," she smiled at him too.

Then she paused. There was a terrible racket coming from nearby. "And - and someone - is thinking at me," her brows furrowed.

[/ QUOTE ]

"What?" Jack asked, puzzled.

Crystal looked like she was trying to think hard. Then she ran off running down the tunnels shouting for them to follow. Jack ran after with the others.




"There's an old black line terminal less than a mile from here," she said. "If it is still working... it should bring us almost to the surface."

[/ QUOTE ]

"Anything to get out of this dump sooner is fine by me." Harris said.

He had started to notice something strange. His broken hand was starting to feel better. In fact he could wiggle his fingers and it didn't hurt. It was definitely getting better and quickly since it had happened.

"Say….… this green glowing thing you blasted me with, will it help my hand heal?" He didn't want to let them know his hand was already better in case the answer was no. If no was the answer then something very strange was happening and that worried him.



My name is Crystal... who are you? Um... this sounds like a stupid thing to say but.... were you thinking at me?

[/ QUOTE ]
Experiment was very surprised by this... and lost his focus as a blast from a Rikti Rifle hit him in the back.
"Hello? I am Experiment 2.0, and you need to get out of here! Apparently, the sewers is a battle field for the lost and the Vahzilo-" just then, he was hit upward by the eidolon which had gotten back up, and he was knocked out cold.



Experiment was very surprised by this... and lost his focus as a blast from a Rikti Rifle hit him in the back.
"Hello? I am Experiment 2.0, and you need to get out of here! Apparently, the sewers is a battle field for the lost and the Vahzilo-" just then, he was hit upward by the eidolon which had gotten back up, and he was knocked out cold.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal felt a thrill of fear, knowing what had happened. Adrenaline flooded her system, and she reached out and pulled - hard.

She could not have said precisely how she got hold of Experiment, or what mental pathways she used to pull him to herself. But she pulled hard... and he popped out of the air, teleported to her side by sheer will. She fell on her butt from the exertion of it.

"I didn't know I could do that," she said to herself, winded, then staggered to her feet and shook his shoulder. "Hey - Mister - Experiment... you OK?"

"Crystal - What did you do?" Jack's eyes were round.

"I pulled him to me - "

"And THEY followed!"

She followed his finger - and saw the Vahz charging up the tunnel. "Um... run?"



As Experiment got up, and saw the Vahzilok following him, he turned tail and ran... right into someone. He fell on the ground, and looked up at the big man in pink. He felt like screaming, then looked at his sides, and saw 2 other men, and looked behind him, to see a girl. Then as he looked back, the Vahz had gotten closer.

[/ QUOTE ]

"I agree!" Experiment shouted, as he saw the front line of the Vahzilok had almost reached them.

"Everyone! GET DOWN!" Experiment shouted, and spike potruded, then he looked like he was going to explode! Then, the spikes, filled with poison, went flying forward into the Vahzilok line, and they fell, showing more, and the eidolon. Then, he made more spines, pulled one out, and threw it into someone. He did this several times, till the only things left, was the eidolon... and three he hadnt noticed! "Ugh..." he groaned. He was weakened by the Spine Burst. "I cant take them all.... by myself...." he said, and he pulled the microphone to his mouth again. "You guys out there, I need your help... I found 4 people... and were under attack by 4 eidolons... Sanstad.... can you hear me?"



She followed his finger - and saw the Vahz charging up the tunnel. "Um... run?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"You run if you want," Master Wonderful said as he stepped forward, "but I'm itching for a round two."

Master Wonderful flashed Cofident Grin #3 (the "This is going to be fun smile.") and addressd the front Vahz. "Welcome the Butt Kick Cafe. I'm your maitred'. Today's special... knuckle sandwich."

His confidence faultered when he finally saw the seemingly endless number of the undead masses coming down the hall, causing his grin to change to Confident Grin #5 (the "Ah, nut bunnies." grin which actually doesn't look all that confident at all). "Um, I don't think I have a table big enough for you and your friends..."

Master Wonderful turned back to the others and said, "Ok, I'm going to agree with Crystal. We need to high tail it out of here."

((OOC: If you think the numbered grins are over the top, let me know and I'll not use them again.))