Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




"Look...I know if it was not for you...both of you. I would be dead by now. I don't know if my life was worth saving yet, Penny." He gave a weak smile. "I know that this is all my fault...... I'm......... sorry."

He cleared his throat and when he spoke again his voice was back to normal, trying to hide his embarrassment of showing his feelings.

"Anyway, enough of this... lets get out of here." He said.

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny put her hand on his arm and smiled at him. It was a geniune smile, in spite of the seriousness of their situation. "Make sure your life was worth saving," she said in all seriousness. "If it hasn't been in the past... doesn't mean it won't be in the future." Then she let go of him and refastened her helmet. Her helmet had a sliding panel as the lower half; most of the time she had it retracted, so that at least part of her face was visible. Now, however, she slid it into place and locked it. It protected her entire head. Her voice came only through the radio now. "Let's do this thing."



Sarah swung the car smoothly into traffic as the cargo van headed down the street.

Her guess had been right: when she had arrived at Dr. Sanstad's residence, there had been a full-scale battle taking place. Now the van, with Dr. Sanstad's wife inside, was pulling into traffic, and she was following.

She had borrowed the taxicab from a friend who owed her a big favor. Other equipment - such as the specialized rifle she had used to fire the magnetic homing beacon into the open back doors of the van when it had been on the lawn - had been borrowed from other contacts.

And, unlike her compatriots, Sarah had some skill at tailing a potential story. After a couple of blocks, she turned aside, going down a side-street, and ran parallel to the van, two blocks over, before turning back into the main path, using the homing device to track it when it wasn't in sight.

She was not at all surprised when it stopped next to a grate which doubtlessly led to the sewer. And it seemed that luck was with her: there was a group of Vahz waiting there - with a small knot of cowering, terrified people among them... mostly homeless, by the look of them.

Sarah parked the taxi in a safe spot and radioed her contact, telling him where he could pick up the car, before slipping out of the car. She paused momentarily to check the shirt button camera - a trick borrowed from her boss - and found it was working properly. Satisfied, she crept gingerly towards the knot of people with the Vahz. If she could do this just right...

Sure enough, she was pretty close when a Mortificator whirled on her. "Hey! Where do you think you're going!"

Sarah pretended to cower. "Nowhere! I am just standing here!"

"Get back with the others!" He pointed his crossbow at her.

Sarah, hands over her head, scampered to the cowering group. Perfect! The mortificator glowered at her, but turned away after a moment. That gave her a chance to look around at the rest of the group. And one of them, to her surprise -

"Roberts?" She sidled up to him.

He jumped. "What are you doing here?" He whispered.

"I'm doing my job.... looks like you muffed yours, hmmm?"

"I know what I am doing!"

"Yes, you really look like it. I suppose you lost the camera?"

"Oh shut up!"

Sarah had time for a smirk, and then the Vahz were shooing them all into the grate. She moved with the others, craning her neck to see Mrs. Sanstad. She was there, leading the way like a queen at the head of a procession. The Vahz had tied her hands behind her back, but she didn't seem to be especially bothered by it. Sarah nodded in approval, and began working her way towards Mrs. Sanstad.

"I feel obligated to tell you that you are making a mistake," Enid told the Eiledon who was leading them downwards. "When Erik comes home and realizes what you have done, he'll be furious. I hope you enjoy radiation burns. I will certainly enjoy watching you get them."

The Eiledon looked back at her and then continued down the hallway, unruffled. "We know your husband will be furious," she could hear the smirk in his voice, "In fact, we are counting on it."

Left out a paragraph again. SIGH!



"Come on, come on, please work." He pleaded while he clenched his eyes shut. He was leaving himself open to attack but he didn't care.

[/ QUOTE ]

For a brief, shining moment - he had her. He could feel her, holding out her hands to him.

Reaching into her mind was like reaching into the springtime and everything that spring was: warm sunshine and brilliant flowers and soft grass and those lazy, luxurious days spent on your back on the grass, looking at the sky to make shapes out of the clouds.

She held out her mental "hands" to him, and he took them - and he felt the crushing blow somewhere in reality, the faint pulse of surprise from her as spring faded into night, and night into the total blackness. The connection was broken and he knew - beyond any shadow of a doubt - that Crystal was hit, wherever she was, and had crumpled into unconsciousness.

On the heels of that thought, before he could even react to the shock of the broken connection, a scream ripped through his mind - not his own, and not Crystal's, but rather the scream of an Eramite. It had walked right up to him while he had been distracted.

The resultant fight was vicious but brief, and surprise was the deciding factor. Jack might have been able to match the Eramite in a psyche-to-psyche fight: but his defenses were down, every particle of his being involved in trying to reach Crystal, and the blast hit him with full force. The Eramite followed up before he had a chance to get to his feet again; in less than a minute, it was all over.

The Eramite paused, scanning around for others while it stood over Jack's fallen form, as the other Lost gathered around: then, with a grunt, it stooped, picking him up easily, and carrying him away, into the darkness.


OOC: Talked this post over with Jack's player prior to writing his capture. Mr. Marvellous is technically there, but because his player is not available at the moment, I am leaving him out of this post for the moment. I am hoping to resolve exactly what to do via PM when he gets back (Wave!) Until then, I plan to leave the fate of Mr. Marvellous unspecified.



"Yo, small stuff!"

"That's Small Arms!" Remington turned to say something to the bastardization of his costumed name. That was when he took in the sight of the four people about 100 feet away. However, two of those individuals seemed to have pistols to their heads. And the other two were...

"The friends you were lookin' to hook up with, I assume, Mauro?"

Even with his demonic mask over his face, the smirk in Mauro's voice was evident. "Oh yeah! And I figure unless you want to see the heads of your friends scattered all over the street, you'll get off of me now."

Small Arms looked at the two people being restrained by the other Hellions. "Not friends of mine." He looked back down to Maruo. "So now where were we?"

"Wha? Are blind or something? I said my friends would blow the heads off those guys if you don't get off of me! You want those people dead?"

"No, not particularly. On the other hand, there's a lot more people who are gonna get killed if I don't get that Superdine off the streets."

"What kind of game are you playing, boss?" Terrie's voice came quietly over his headset. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Trust me." was all Small Arms said, though his response to Terrie could easily be mistaken for a comment to Mauro.

__________________________________________________ _

"Tell me, Rich, why ain't he gettin' off of Mauro? He's gotta know we ain't jokin' about doing these two?"

"I know, I know!. Shut up, Brian, an' let me think!" The Hellion took a few seconds and a deep breath before speaking. "Yo, small stuff, you think we're screwin' around here. We'll pop caps in each of them. One at a time, if you don't let our boy go. You got ten seconds. Nine...eight...."

__________________________________________________ _

"I'm surprised they stayed in school long enough to learn to count down from that high," Small Arms muttered. His rifle was still in one hand. Though it functioned as a typical assault rifle in many ways, it was still a custom weapon, designed by Small Arms for Small Arms. And despite its being specially designed for his smaller size, the amount of damage it was capable of doing was greater than M-16. Especially with the few modifications he had added over time.

With the pressing of a stud just above the trigger on the side of weapon- something he was able to do with just the moving of his index finger- a small panel near the grenade launcher ejected a box-like object into the air. It hovered and began to expand slightly, folding out like a Chinese puzzle box of circuitry. In less than a second, a small, roughly hexagonal object floated and began orbiting Small Arms.

He never even looked at the two men as he brought his finger back to the trigger.

"So much for your rescuers, fair damsel," he said, with a rather lopsided grin.
__________________________________________________ _


Rich never made it to 'five' before he was flung backwards by the solid shotgun slug that struck in him. Sean heard the snap of the man's collarbone, and felt like throwing up.

"Awww, I hate my life." Brian stated. A second later, the second slug took him out as well.

Sean's breathing was raspy as he tried to slow his heart down. It seemed to want to vary from beating out of his chest to wanting to outright stop. Thankfully, it seemed that neither option was going to happen. At least at the moment.

Yet, despite the blood pounding in his ears, Sean did notice another sound. A pair of sounds more specifically. Two groans came from the ground. Somehow, despite being shot, both men were still alive. More or less incapacitated, but alive nevertheless.
__________________________________________________ _

Small Arms brought his rifle back down, tapping the muzzle heavily on Mauro's chest as he spoke to the man. "If I remember correctly, you were telling me that I needed to give up?" He took a large bite of the celery stick which had held in his other hand the entire time.



It protected her entire head. Her voice came only through the radio now. "Let's do this thing."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny gave them a thumbs up, and then disappeared from view. In spite of all the damage it had taken, the suit still bent light beautifully. They had the briefest glimpse of her gingerly opening the door of the grate, and then she was gone.

Penny hit the floor and almost landed on the Vahz: they were thick here. Moving almost like a dancer she wove between abominations and mortificators, even between the Eiledons who were dotted around here and there.

She reached the car without mishap and snuck inside. It was befouled and filthy, smeared with dirt and grime, but the controls, though well-worn, seemed to be in working order. "Erik - Steven - can you hear me?" No sound issued from the soundproofed helmet, but the radio came through just fine. "I am in position: once you send out the radiation field, I will cover Harris when he makes his run to the car. Ready when you are!"



The resultant fight was vicious but brief, and surprise was the deciding factor. Jack might have been able to match the Eramite in a psyche-to-psyche fight: but his defenses were down, every particle of his being involved in trying to reach Crystal, and the blast hit him with full force.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack fell to his knees. He knew he had already lost but he didn't care about his own fate. His last thought before the darkness took him was about Crystal. Then he fell onto his side, out cold.


"Jacks a mutant, yucky, yucky mutant." The children chanted.

Jack lay on the ground rolled into a ball. The kick to his stomach had knocked the wind out of him, he was having trouble breathing. The child who had delivered the blow stood over him. His face was covered in freckles and his red hair was blowing in the wind. Despite being a mutant Jack was an easy target for the other children, he could not control his powers well.

"How do you like that. You mutants are what's wrong with this city," Timmy said repeating the words he had heard his father say time and time again. He gave another kick to make his point.

Jack was crying now and struggling for breath. Normally his friend James would come to his aid in situations like this but that had changed. Now James stood among the crowed. He was not joining in with the others. He just looked on Jack with pity then walked away. He did not want to defy his family who had told him he could not be friends with Jack anymore.

Jack life had become a living hell since the other children found out about his mutant powers. His friends had turned on him and although they would not say it his teachers were afraid of him. He wanted to die.

"Jacks a mutant, yucky, yucky mutant," the children chanted again.



Jack fell to his knees. He knew he had already lost but he didn't care about his own fate. His last thought before the darkness took him was about Crystal. Then he fell onto his side, out cold.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Eramite hit Jack with another mental blast after he collapsed, to be certain he was unconscious, then stood up and looked around. Satisfied there was no further interference, it picked him up, slinging him over its shoulder, and headed down the tunnel. The group of Lost followed: there was a scattering of humans in the group, and three Headmen sprinkled among them.

The sewer network was a winding, senseless maze of tunnels that went off in every direction. The Eramite seemed to know exactly where it was going, though, as it turned left and right and headed down.

Gradually the little group of Lost began encountering more Lost, dotting the sidewalks and shuffling around. As the Eramite continued downhill, and the numbers of other Lost around became greater, the composition of its group began to shift. One by one, the humans peeled off, heading in different directions. A couple of other headmen joined.

Then, as the Eramite continued to go downhill, the composition of the Lost themselves began to change. The humans which made up the majority of the Lost on the upper levels began to lose their humanity. After a while there was an equal number of headmen and humans. Later, there were more headmen than humans. Eventually, the humans disappeared altogether, and the Eramite was walking through other Headmen and Eramites.

Then the Headmen themselves began to thin out, and the numbers of Eramites began to swell. By the time the Eramite reached its destination, the Eramites outnumbered the Headmen.

Its destination was a door - a door that was quite out of place in the slimy, grime-coated sewers. The door was silver, shiny, futuristic, and quite new. No dirt or scum clung to it. It had no apparant way in - no doorknob, handle, or hinges. But when the Eramite approached it, it slid back smoothly, revealing the interior of an elevator. Only the Eramites entered the elevator: not even the Headmen got past this point.

The elevator hummed smoothly for nearly four minutes before the doors opened again - and opened into a world that seemed strangely out of place.

It was small, but featured three sleek, shining levels of ultrafuturistic technology. Lightning coursed in columns over power cylinders, and brightly-colored panels lit the walls, showing diagrams and graphs here and there.

This was the centralized Rikti automated facility.

But there were no Rikti here. This place was too small to warrant live Rikti personnel. No one stood at the brightly lit panels, or bothered the buttons or levers. The facility ran by itself, without the need for biological intervention. It drew much of its information from a series of small control boxes scattered throughout the sewers. Not all were operational now: the Vahzilok had found some and dismantled them for their own plans. A robot named Omega Prime had found others and dismantled them as well. The majority, however, remained hidden and fully functional. This place was deep in the territory of the Lost, and neither the robot nor any Vahzilok had ever penetrated this far into the realms of the Lost.

This place was populated entirely by Eramites, many of them the typical Aberrants and Rectors seen in the sewers and sometimes even on the streets.

Here, however, were other Eramites, Eramites never seen in any other place. Eramites that had not existed before. These were the Anomolous: bigger, stronger, less human even than the Eramites they had come from. Their movements were Rikti-like. And there were many of them. The place operated in an eerie silence, punctuated only by the noises of the automated facilities. All commands and conversation happened on a telepathic level. It was a quiet, clean, futuristic Hell.

The Eramite approached the Anomolous with the results of his scouting mission, lifting the unconscious Jack off of his shoulders and holding him up. A ring of Anomolous formed around him, all of them extending their twisted, deformed hands in his direction.

The Anomolous were stunningly telepathic. Jack was hit with a staggering amount of telepathic energy from every direction. This energy was maintained for a minute or two before he was lowered again. A decision had been reached.

The Eramite took his prize down to the next level. Here, in the center of the nest, was an enormous, shining machine. Its heart was a cylinder, and inset along the sides of the enormous cylinder were a number of smaller, transparent cylinders of some clear material.

The door to the cylinder opened with a gesture. Clearly designed for Eramites, Jack looked too small to fit inside easily. Nevertheless, the Eramite took some pains to secure him. Rather clumsily, it stripped off his leather jacket, tossing it aside as useless. Ominously, it landed on a small pile of other discarded garments... garments the owners had never returned to retrieve.

The straps and manacles were all silver, seamless, and shining. The first pair were above Jack's head: though he was tall enough to reach them, it was only just barely. The Eramite secured his wrists, leaving him stretched on his toes, before setting additional restraints around his arms, chest, waist, knees, and ankles. The final piece was a sort of headband which went around his temples. It had lights and a set of dangerous-looking antennae which, even in their inactive state, spat sparks gently into the air.

Having secured his prisoner, the Eramite closed the door of the cylinder, enclosing Jack inside of it, and walked to a control panel, pressing several buttons, and putting his hand on a large lever. The machine, in response to the buttons being pressed, made a dreadful humming noise that vibrated and throbbed through the floor of the facility. The sort of noise felt even in the soles of the feet.

One of the Anomolous turned. The Eramite paused, then removed his hand from the switch, pressing the buttons again to still the machine. Like a large animal put back to sleep, the wierd, vibrating, growling noise faded away.

No words were necessary. More prisoners were on the way down. The machine could Change many humans at a time: there was no need to run it for a single subject, if it could Change more. There would be only a few minutes delay: they would wait.

The Eramite walked away from the controls, leaving Jack exactly where he was, locked in his cylinder, awaiting the Change... the one which would turn him, too, into an Eramite, and swell the ranks of the Lost by one.



"What ya gonna do freak?" Timmy shouted and kicked him again.

That was the final straw. Jack didn't want to do nothing and hope it would all stop anymore. He wanted to hurt someone. Every part of his body hurt. He was into much pain to stand but he was able to force himself off the floor onto his knees. He had a look of such pure anger, pure hate on his face. The group of school children stepped back suddenly a little scared. Even Timmy did not look as confident as he had.

"You want to know what I am going to do?" He said as he pointed a shaking hand towards Timmy. Jack was almost laughing, he just didn't care anymore.

Timmy took another step back looking more worried. Jack had a look of pure painful concentration on his face. Suddenly Timmy grabbed his head in pain and screamed as Jack gritted his teeth and tightened his metal grip on him. Timmy's screams were horrible.

"No, Jack your killing him," someone screamed but he would not stop. Everything was starting to shake, getting faster and faster. There was an terrible humming noise that made him feel like his ear drums were about to burst. It was getting louder and louder........


............suddenly Jack was awake. He had no idea where he was but the noise was deafening. He screamed out in pain, it felt like his head was going to explode. He wanted to hold his head but he could not move his arms.

Then suddenly the sound started to stop as it seemed to power down. The vibrating slowed, then stopped. Jack felt nauseas and dizzy as he fought to re-capture his breath and calm down. His eyes darted around the room he was in, it seemed like some kind of chamber. He couldn't move any part of his body. He was completely strapped down.

"Ok, ok....calm down Jack." He always did this. Whenever he was in bad situation by himself he could not stand the silence so he would talk to himself.

"Calm down. Ok. Your in some kind of chamber. You can't *beeping* move. *Beep* Think...think...what's the last thing you remember.....right.....I was trying to teleport crystal...something hit me.......someone......a Eramite. *beep* *beep* *beep* Right. Ok."

Then he noticed something. "Mother *beepers* took my Jacket."



"Now, where were we, before being so rudely interrupted"

Gathering what remained of his bravdo, Mauro said "That's pretty trite, even for you"

Small Arms pained look lasted a moment. "I'm sorry. How about this? Before I head out next time, I'll hire a professional scriptwriter to, you know, spice up my quips. In the meantime, though, how about those answers you promised. Each moment that you delay, your friends might end up bleeding to death."

"Right, boss. I've all ready called for an ambulance."

The smile Small Arms wore was genuine. Depsite any doubts that he had when he began this arrangement, they had been quickly elminated when Remington realized just how well the younger woman seemed to know what he needed.

"I'm listening, Mauro."

__________________________________________________ _

Morton recovered faster than Sean had. He had run back into their truck, grabbed the camera, which had still be running. However, the camera had been on the seat during the entire hostage 'crisis', and so there was no visual record of what had happened, only audio.

Still, Morton did not let that stop him from filming the two men writhing on the ground near Sean's feet. He zoomed the image in, hoping to get their faces but was surprised to see that, although the collarbone was broken on the one, there was no entry wound.

"Sean, Small Arms used non-lethal ammo! No wonder they're still alive."


Morton looked up from the camera eyepiece to notice that Sean was still quivering. His breathing was still raspy. If Morton were a psychologist, he'd probably call it 'shellshock'

"Sean, man, look at me," Morton said, just loud enough to be heard over the noises of the evening. "It's cool, Sean. No need to be afraid."

Sean looked over slowly. Morton could see that his eyes were wide, and his pupils opened all the way, probably more than necessary for the lack of ambient lighting. There was also a dark stain running from down the front of one of Sean's pants legs.

"Sean, it's me, Morton." He approached slowly, with all his moves taking exaggerated time. Sean was as about as skittish as a doe. And the last thing Morton wanted to do was chase the producer down if he ran.

Thankfully, he seemed to be coming out of it. His body did not seem as tensed and his breathing became more regular.

"Sean, you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. It's just....I've done a lot of stories over the years, but I've never come as close to being killed as that. I...nevermind." He tipped his head toward where the two men still seem engrossed in conversation. "You still filming that?"

"Yeah, but I can't make anything out. We'll have to get closer to have any audio."

Sean seemed reluctant to respond, but after a deep breath, he said "Okay, but slowly. And once you think you've got the range for audio, we'd better stop."

Morton only nodded, then started walking foreward, listening intensely for any scraps of the conversation.

__________________________________________________ _

"I don't know where the Superdine is exacly coming from. I know it just hit the streets about a week ago." Mauro sneered as he continued. "You guys have pretty much destroyed every lab of the normal stuff we made, so someone had to work from some place new. I'm not sure where, but I know it ain't in any of the buildings that any of the gangs use."

"And what about the makers?"

"That's the odd part." Small Arms detected honest (or at least as honest as Mauro could be) confusion in his voice. "Despite the fact that it's been out for over a week now, no one's stepped up and laid claim to it. I figured it was 'cause no one wanted to have their place suddenly infested with masks. But at the same time, none of the gangs have been fighting among ourselves like we normally do, even when being partners."

"You mean, you all aren't killing each other for a cut of the profit"

"Call it what you will. The stuff's apparently damned addicitive and even more potent than the original."

"Yeah, I've seen the results of a few regulars. It ain't pretty. I'm surprised anyone's willing to take the stuff, with the kind of side effects it creates."

Mauro tried to shrug under Small Arms' weight but could barely move, so he gave up trying. "Hey, I don't use it myself. The Trolls are bad enough. Strong but dumb as a post. But more of the Hellions and I'm being told the Skulls as well are taking it." This time, he did manage an involuntary shudder. "And I thought their Bone Daddies were bad before..."

"All right, if it ain't you three, what about the Family or the Tsoo?"

"As far as I know, those two might know about it, but they ain't makin' it. Actually, now that you mention it, I'm surprised that they haven't tried to muscle their way in."

Small Arms felt a rumble in the ground beneath them. He ignored it initially, thinking that it might have been the subway trams rumbling by. However, the overhead rail did not run anywhere near where they were. And Mauro seemed to notice it. Then Small Arms followed the Hellion's line of sight.

"Just what the hell are you two idiots still doin' here? Get going! You can thank me later. Right now, I'm a little busy here."

The two did not back off, and when he looked at this this time, he noticed that one of them was carrying a video camera. *Great, just what I don't need*, he thought. *They're not stupid enough to be tourists that just want a picture of a hero to take home with them. Those type would have burned rubber just after I dropped those two punks.*

"Oh, no bloody way! Turn that damn thing off, you bloodsuckers. I told Harris once before I wasn't givin' him an interview." He stood and stepped off Mauro's chest. However, just before the man could attempt to squirm away, Small Arms put one small foot back on his chest, then leveled the rifle back at him. "You and I ain't finished with our teaparty," he said without bothering to look down.

The two new men were going to reply, when the ground seemed to shake violently. The reporters fell on their backsides, with Morton barely able to save the camera from smashing onto the concrete. Small Arms still managed to stay up, as his center of gravity was fairly low to the ground. Mauro rolled slightly, before Small Arms pushed down harder with his boot.

The blast of a manhole cover, concrete and sewer water caught everyone by surprise. The body that rapidly followed the manhole cover was a greater surprise, especially since the manhole was less than a dozen feet from the group. Unfortunately, unlike the manhole, the body landed right in the middle of them.

This time, Small Arms did jump away from Mauro, tucked into a roll, and came back on his feet, only a short distance away from the body. And a quick glance at the form and weapon which it held brought nearly a dozen questions to his mind. The first of which he spoke aloud.

"What in the world's a Headman Swordsman doin' here?"

The answer that came from the shattered manhole prompted more questions, which he knew would have to wait to be sorted out later.

Beacuse the Abomination that rose from the hole was far larger than anything that Small Arms had ever known Dr. Vahzilok to make.

Yet it ignored the group of humans and went directly for the Headman, who had somehow survived a blow that would have crippled, if not killed, most men.

"Uh, someone want to explain just what we got in the middle of?" Sean asked.



((OOC: Typical double post from me! Erik first, then Paul. Oh and sorry for not replying to PM's... Good GOD it sucks that you can't get everyone on one friggin' E-mail. Look, to streamline this a bit more here's my address so we can contact each other easier:

Doc Sanstad

"Erik - Steven - can you hear me?" No sound issued from the soundproofed helmet, but the radio came through just fine. "I am in position: once you send out the radiation field, I will cover Harris when he makes his run to the car. Ready when you are!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"I read you Penny... Harris, be ready to run like your [censored] is on fire."

Erik inhaled deeply and then focused all his energy on the control booth.

"BANZAI!" he shouted, drawing as much attention as possible. He flew at top speed towards the booth and placed his arms over his head to brace for impact. The glass shattered and he could feel several cuts bloom blood upon his arms.

The Vahz stood in total shock before one shouted "SHOOT YOU FOOLS!"

The air came alive with Zombie vomit, Crossbow bolts, and energy fire from various Edilons.

"I'm in position and I have their attention... Make your run!" Erik said as he ducked under the counter of the booth. Several bolts slammed home above his head as he did a quick tissue regeneration aura. The bleeding stopped for the most part while Erik stood, picked out the idiot in the central mass moving towards the booth and fired his modified radiation infection.

The sickly green and red energy waves soon cascaded off the poor zombie in the middle of the mob and quickly spread out to infect everyone standing close by. Soon it was as if no one had ever fired a crossbow before or knew how to use their powers. The limped forward however, advancing on the booth while Erik focused to keep the aura up.

"The feild is on place and I'm giving the go-ahead for the train! Tracks ahead are clear! You guys are good to go!"

Erik quickly punched in the commands and set the train in motion. "Move it guys!"

__________________________________________________ _

Paul Quinn AKA Wild-Card

Paul was lost in the haze of energy surrounding him as he fired non-stop. His fusion cells were quickly becomming depleted, as were his reserves of Caltops and web grenades. The area around him was a total mess, littered with fallen Lost, Caltrops, Webbed Headmen, and energy residue.

"HA! Want some? HERE! Oh you want some too? TAKE IT! SUCK IT DOWN YOU [Censored]!"

He kept on fighting up until the point he felt Crystal, who had been by his side the entire time... suddenly vanish.

"What in the hell?" He muttered. Looking for her, he paused in the firing. In that moment a Swordsman made a desperate charge towards Paul. It was also then that in a final moment Paul roared and released the power restrictors on his palm wraps.

It was one single blast, but it blew the Swordsman back, through 2 sewer walls, and embedded his body firmly into a steel support in the tunnel beyond.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU MONKEY HUMPING, RITKI LICKING, SONS OF [Censored]" His rant cut short by the sudden volley of fire and the combined blasts of three Abberants. It was overkill to be sure, but they had tired of this maniac.

Paul could feel his body almost ooze away from him as he slowly decended into blackness.

"Crystal... What did you do with Crystal..." He muttered as the Lost slowly approached him. One of the larger Abberants looked down at him and stunned Paul again.

In one final gasp Paul fought, and held up his middle finger as high as he could before saying... "For you... and the Horse you rode in on..."

One of the Gunmen snickered as the hero finally collapsed. The Abberant Erimite looked at the little convert and snorted in disgust before gesturing that this fallen human should be taken below...



((OOC: Well, I'm back a little sooner than expected. Thanks to Jen for doing part of putting MW in the restraints.))

The moment he went unconscious, the dreams started. Rather they were more nightmares than dreams. Before now they'd always been the same: he would find himself layed out on a strange examination table surrounded by odd shapes who looked like they were wearing some sort of biohazard suits, however, they never looked quite human. These shapes chattered to each other in some strange toung, sounding vaguely human and yet somehow not remotely human at all. He would look into the clear mask of one of his captors and he would see something that looked like a hybrid of human and Rikti. That is never until this time. The room he was in still had strange apparatices and he was still strapped to an examination table. However, this time some of the figures clear looked human, although they were still in the biohazard suits. He also noticed, mixed in among the humans unprotected figures who looked like they were of the Rikti, the only difference was their faces seemed to have more human characteristics than they should have. However, the result was still the same, who ever they were their intention was to expirament on him.


Perhaps twenty minutes after Jack had been placed into his tube, an Eramite came in with the next prisoner.

Master Wonderful's brilliant pink suit contrasted heavily with the asteure environment of the lab. Like Jack, he was unconscious. This time, however, Jack could see exactly what happened.

As before, the Eramite brought the captive to the group of Anomolous. The Anomolous ringed the unconscious hero, pointing their hands towards him. His body jerked under the onslaught of psychic power as they examined him.

The decision was silent, made wholly on psychic wavelengths. Though no word was spoken, the Anomolous put their hands down at the same time, and the Eramite brought Master Wonderful towards the same device that Jack had been placed in.

Like Jack, Master W. was stripped of his jacket and his shirt: Jack had been permitted to keep his short-sleeved T-shirt, but apparantly the long-sleeved shirt that Master W. was wearing bothered the Eramite.

The tube, also, was somewhat different: it was darker, and its straps were black instead of silver. When Master W. was secured, he had no headband, like jack, but rather a head restraint, with strange, glowing nodes at the temples.

The Eramite walked to a different panel, waving his hand over a different set of controls. The noise that the machine made was a completely different one; instead of the deep vibrating noise, it made a much softer whirring sound.

In the top of the tube that enclosed Master W., a light turned on. It slowly moved downwards over the unconscious hero. Its purpose was obvious: he was being scanned. Once the light had gotten to the bottom of the tube, it turned off, and the machine whirred and hummed for a moment.

Master W.'s body gave a sudden, sharp jerk, even unconscious, as if he had been shot. Afterwards, there a ding. It was the same sound, oddly enough, as Jack's microwave made when he was finished heating up a TV dinner.

The Eramite returned to Master W.'s tube and removed him from it, turning him around to carry him to Jack's section of the machine. When he turned his back, Jack could see what the tube had done to his companion: at the base of Master W.'s skull was a small, glowing point of light - some sort of chip or nanodevice. There was something about it, its color perhaps, that made it seem threatening.

Master Wonderful was put in the tube next to Jack's, and bound in the exact same way. He was fitted with an identical headband, and left to slump, unconscious, against his bonds. The Eramite closed the tube and walked away, mingling with the other Eramites on the floor. None of them approached the machine... apparantly there were still prisoners on their way down.


A few seconds after the Eramite had started mingling amongst the others, Master Wonderful let out a horrified cry as he came to consciousness with a start.

He looked around the room in horror. He'd been in a place like this only once before. He struggled against his restraints but it was no use.

I must inform you, Connor MacBeth, that unlike the last time you were held in a Rikti facility, steps have be taken to subdue your adrehnaline induced strength, said a voice in his side his mind. Master Wonderful looked around trying to find who it was that was speaking to him psycicly trying to figure out how it new his name. You are quite easy to read, Connor MacBeth. Far easier than the one who put you in this situation to begin with. That is how we know your name. We also know this will be the third time you've been altered.

THIRD time? Connor thought to himself. I've only been altered once before this. Only the Rikti ever did any expiramenting on me.

I know that this is not the first time someone has told you this, but believe me, Connor MacBeth, the Rikti were not the first to experament on you... A new form moved into Connor's field of vision. It was a far greater atrocity than any Lost he'd seen before, seeming to move more like how he remembered how the Rikti did. And inspite of it's inhuman appearance, it somehow seemed all to familiar to him. Though I don't need to read your fractured memories to tell you that, experament #529. I could have told you, because it was I who preformed the first set of procedures on you. Before I became what you see before you. Before Crey Biotech 'let me go' for doing so called 'bad science.' Even before you're father sent you to this country all those years ago. Back when you were in that boarding school, a school which I ran. Though my name means nothing now, you once knew me as the headmaster, Dr. Adelbert Syn!

This time Master Wonderful responded outloud, having worked up enough strength to flash a week Confident Grin #7 (the "I'm so going to have fun annoying you." confident grin, which light seems to gleam off of in even the darkest places), "I'm sorry, who are you?"

He got a sharp headache for his trouble. It wasn't enough to knock him out, but it still hurt like hell.


((OOC Note: I'm not outright intending for Adelbert Syn to be the main bad guy (though he could be for all we know). He's just a convinient way to create exposition around the part of Master Wonderful's background that he's blocked off.))



((OOC: Good idea. Here is mine: ))


The Vahz stood in total shock before one shouted "SHOOT YOU FOOLS!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Once the path was clear Harris made a break for it. In blind panic he felt like he was running faster then he ever had in his life.

The train was only 30 meters away. He looked at the group attacking Erik and prayed to god none of them turned around to see him.

25 meters. His legs and lungs were starting to burn. He was out of shape.

20 meters. He could see the faint outline of Penny waiting by the door.

15 meters. He tripped on a lose floor tile and came crashing down to the ground. The pipe fell out of his hand and hit the floor with a loud metallic clang. One of the large zombies turned around and looked down at him. Just before its fists came crashing down on Harris he was able to get to his feet and start running again.

10 meters. He felt like he was going to collapse.

5 meters. Almost there.

With a last burst of speed he jumped through the open door of the train and ran for the controls with out saying a word to Penny. If it was not of the fear he would have collapsed out of breath on the floor. He looked at the control panel trying to remember what to do.

Erik quickly punched in the commands and set the train in motion. "Move it guys!"

[/ QUOTE ]

He couldn't remember what to do. His hands were shaking. The zombie had followed him and was now trying to climb through the doors of the train. Suddenly Harris remembered and punched one of the buttons. With the control on the platform and the train active the train started to move.



Jack watched as they took Master Wonderful out of the first chamber. He spotted something in the back of the hero’s neck. He had no idea if the same had been done to him or not when he was out for the count.

"What are you *beeps* doing?" He shouted. It was no good. The fact that he could hear nothing from the outside told him that the chamber was sound proof and they would not hear him. It must have been shielded too some how because he found he could not use any of his powers.

He couldn't see Master Wonderful anymore when they put him in to the adjacent chamber. It was only a small head sized window that allowed him to see the small amount of the lab he could. Since he was still a short distance from the window it meant it was not much. When no one was in his view he felt like he was totally alone again. He hated it; not knowing what was going on out side the chamber (apart form the very small area he could see) and not being able to move. He hated being helpless.



The Headman stood up just in time to see his undead opponent charging at him with a witless growl. The Headman pulled the Rikti blade he had somehow managed to hold through the attack that had launched him into the street into a defensive posture. Neither one of the creatures noticed the small gathering of humans which had been present when they had made their surprise entrance.

“Oh Lord, this is just what I don’t need!” Small Arms said under his breath.

“What was that?” Terrie asked. “I can hear some kind of fighting going on, but you don’t seem to be directly involved.”

“And if I have any say, I won’t be.” He gave a rapid account of what had just happened as he got to his feet. “But if they continue with this up here, I’m not about to get a chance to get out their way.” He winced as he watched the sword nearly disembowel the Abomination. Some one definitely threw up, though Small Arms did not have time to spare a glance for the person with the weak stomach.

Another surprise happened then. The Abomination came to a stop, as had the Swordsman. Everyone, including the Swordsman, gaped as the wound on the Abomination closed rapidly, the rancid organs that had been exposed drawn back inside and the wound closing in an almost zipper-like fashion.

“Oh, this is bad, Terrie. Normally, it takes a pretty long time for a zombie to heal a wound, if it can at all. That Abomination had its gut cut open, but the wound just completely disappeared.” Small Arms’ mouth suddenly became very dry. “I’m getting these guys outta here. If I need to fight, I don’t need them getting’ in the way.”

“You want me to put out a call for whatever heroes are available?”

“Not yet. I’m going to try to see if I can get them back underground. At least there, they won’t have a chance to hurt as many civvies. But get the cops to secure the area.” He threw his rifle back over his shoulder. “I’ll probably be busy for the next little while, darlin’. I’m turning off the radio for right now to keep from being distracted.”

“Okay. Boss…Remington, be careful. I really don’t need to look for another job right now.”

Small Arms gave a brief chuckle. “Don’t worry. I’m not looking to make it any easier for Crey to buy me out by getting myself killed. I’ll be back as soon as I can”

“Good luck. Terrie, out.”

Small Arms felt that he was going to need all the luck he could muster. He knew, despite what he said initially, he would have to try fighting the two of behemoths. It was not something that he was looking forward to, as he still doubted his chances of success by himself. Still, first things first…
“Gentlemen, and I used that term very loosely, I suggest that you get outta here as quickly as you can.” He looked at the continuing fight. The Abomination was struggling with the Swordsman for control of the gigantic blade. “It’s about to get a lot worse around here before it gets any better.”

(OOC: My email's )



(OOC: Sorry about being away so long, went on vacation to Florida!)
After what felt like hours, Experiment awoke, noticing that his PDA had activated a breath pack, and as he turned his head, he knew it had saved him. He was entirely covered... that was after what seemed like an earthquake. A rock had fell on his head, and many others buried him. As he looked through a crack, he saw one of the students.... the girl called him paul.... being dragged away, and looked to the other side, to see a lost Headman out on the street... and the rubble was pushed away as experiment exited, and he pulled up the Mic.
"Where are you guys.... Sanstand, those kids, werent they your students? One of them was kidnapped by a Lost Eremite... and I lost 'em, my device cant detect them.." just then, Experiment spotted the Headman coming toward him, and he was smashed against a wall with the sword. After a VERY brief battle (And a tantrum), the Headman was down again. As experiment stood there, he knew he had to help the students. Even if he didnt know them, apart from the girl, who was obviously phsycic, he didnt think any of the others had powers. "Sanstand, I am going after the students... hey, I have a reading on you... and 2 other life forms... I know one is Harris... who is the other?" he asked into the mic. again.



(OOC: I have two email addresses - and . Sadly, the IT administrators at my workplace can never figure out which one to block (currently I am locked out of Yahoo, but into Hotmail, a situation which could change at any time.) All I can say is, please copy BOTH addresses when you email me. I will likely get one or the other.))

Penny was working on the hinges to the door when the train started, throwing her on her tail with a BUMP. She scrambled up again and started work immediately - one hinge was off, and the other one was coming loose...

A moment later, she had it. She pulled the door, got nothing, and engaged the servos in the suit to actually get it out of the frame and into the car. There was a protective railing just outside, and she leaned over this as far as she could, holding out her hands. The platform had already faded into the distance, but in the blackness of the tunnel beyond, she could see a streak of green rocketing towards them. "Erik!" She called to him, reaching out as far as she could. "Catch my hands!"

She prayed that he would reach the train in time - it was rapidly picking up speed.



When none of the other men started to leave, Small Arms gritted his teeth and marched up to the pair of reporters. “What you waitin’ for?” he snarled “Your head to be chopped off or to burn from zombie upchuck? Get out of here!”

Still neither moved. The one with the camera continued to film, seemingly oblivious of the danger he was in by remaining. The other seemed to be rooted to the ground in terror. And looking at the ground near the man, it was not hard to figure out who had thrown up earlier.

Mauro, on the other hand, seemed all too eager to leave the area. Small Arm realized that he might have been a gang banger and tough when dealing with the normal pedestrian. But throw him into a situation like the one he had found himself in suddenly, and like all bullies, his cowardice became all too obvious.

“Uhm, guys, you might want to really leave now,” he began quietly, then raised his voice to just below a shout “because my snitch is just about to steal your truck!”

That seemed to get their notice, as the both turned to see what was happening near the unmarked panel truck. As Small Arms had said, the Hellion was working his way to the truck. He was only about halfway there when he heard the bellow of the small hero. Breaking into a run, he scrambled to get to the driver’s side.

The one with the camera lowered it slightly and looked at his companion. “Sean, man, please tell me that you took the keys out of the ignition.”

Sean began patting down his pants pockets in vain. “I didn’t get a chance. When those two guys had guns at our heads, I never turned off the truck.”

Small Arms palmed his face in frustration with a gloved hand. “Great,” he said under his breath with clenched teeth. “Fine, follow me. Now!”

Despite his order, he never bothered to look back as he broke into a brief jog to close the distance with Maruo. Despite his diminutive stature, Small Arms was a trained athlete, and, even for him, closing the distance was not a problem. Granted, he helped himself by lobbing a web grenade which landed right at the would-be thief’s side. It exploded into a mist of fine white sticky threads, which held Mauro fast to the ground. He could move in them, but not out of them. They would last only a short time, but it was time enough to make sure Mauro went no further to the truck.

Only when had made sure that the man was stationary did Small Arms check on the other two. And although not surprised, he was definitely now angry. Neither had moved more than a couple of feet backward from their original spot. The cameraman was still filming and the other, probably the producer, was giving directions.

“That bloody tears it.”

Activating the anti-gravity circuits in his suit, Small Arms flew quickly at the two men. By now the two massive combatants had torn up much of the landscape near them, between fists, alien swords and projectile vomit. The two reporters were safe for only so much longer.

Without bothering to announce himself, he grabbed each by the collar of their shirts. With a sound of surprise from each of them, Small Arms arced back toward the truck, then, about 10 feet from the ground, dropped them as he landed on the top of the truck.

“Listen to me, if you don’t get the hell out of here right now, I’m goin’ to forget that I’m suppose to be saving your sorry hides and shoot both of you in the kneecaps, right here, right now! What part of ‘this place is dangerous’ do you two geniuses not understand?” When Sean started to speak up, Small Arms brought his rifle around. Even without aiming it at the man directly, it was more than enough to silence him.

“I don’t give a damn if this is a story in the makin’, and you two think you’re gettin’ a scoop.” He looked at the cameraman. “And if you want to film me holding a weapon at you, screamin’ at the top of my lungs like some lunatic, go for it. I’ll send the camera back to Harris with a wreath of flowers and a note of consolation, telling him I feel sorry that he had idiots like you on his staff.”

He waved the muzzle at them. “Get your butts in the truck in the next 5 seconds or so help me…”

Unlike the two Hellions from a short time ago, Small Arms never even needed the time to start a countdown; both men were all rushing to get into the truck. Small Arms smiled and jumped off the back of the truck. He turned to see that there was a lock on the outside of the rear doors. With a single shot from his rifle, he blew it off. Then after walking around to the driver’s side, he found Mauro nearly free. Without missing a beat, he drove a fist into the larger man’s groin. With a whimper, Mauro fell to the ground, clutching his groin. Scooping him up and throwing him over his shoulder, Small Arms marched back to the rear doors, yanked one open and threw Mauro inside. Other than the sound of the air being knocked out of his lungs, followed by another whimper, the Hellion made no other sound.

“Since you two owe me a favor for bothering to save your lives, take Mauro here someplace quite a distance away. It’ll be a little while before he can do much other than hold on to his family jewels, so he shouldn’t give you any problem.”

“Wait, what about you?” Sean asked.

“I’m the hero, remember? I’m supposed to remain behind and fight the bad guys. I’m goin’ to try to get them back into the sewers before the ambulance for your would-be carjackers gets here.” He raised his rifle. “Now go!”

There was only a brief hesitation on Sean’s part before he revved the engine and took off. In that brief time, Sean finally recognized that under the gruff exterior, the seemingly unrefined manners and rather unusual methods of the small man dressed in all black, there was a person who deep cared about others. Enough so, that he was willing to do whatever it took to keep them safe.

And for the first time, Sean started to understand what motivated these so-called ‘heroes’.

“Godspeed, Small Arms,” he whispered, as the truck took a corner and disappeared from sight.



In one final gasp Paul fought, and held up his middle finger as high as he could before saying... "For you... and the Horse you rode in on..."

One of the Gunmen snickered as the hero finally collapsed. The Abberant Erimite looked at the little convert and snorted in disgust before gesturing that this fallen human should be taken below...

[/ QUOTE ]

Though Master Wonderful and Jack were positioned so that they could not see each other, they were both positioned so that they could see Paul, when he was brought in over the shoulder of one of the Eramites. Like the others, he was unconscious. Like the others, he was held up and circled by the Anomolous for a scan. His gloves were still steaming from their expenditure of energy.

The Anomolous seemed to take a long time with Paul, continuing the scan for several minutes before lowering their arms. The Eramite took him towards the same machine that Jack and Master Wonderful had been placed in. Like Master Wonderful, Paul was first placed in the scanning tube.

The scan ran twice; and when the Eramite came to get Paul out of the scanning tube, he removed both sunglasses and belt, which he dropped on the pile of clothing containing the jackets he had removed earlier. When trying to remove the handwraps, though, he hit a snag, seeming to have difficulty trying to get them off.

He was still working on it when another Eramite brought Crystal in, unconscious like the rest of them had been, and took her to the Anomolous.



"Now back to those two knuckleheads", Small Arms said, grinning slightly, as he watched the truck round a corner and leave the area.

The two beings were literally trying to choke the life from each other. Being already dead, it was having far less effect on the Abomination. And though, as he manuvered his way behind them, he could hear gagging sounds from the Swordsman, he seemed just as determined not to fall as the zombie. They were so preoccupied in trying to kill (or re-kill, as at the case may have been) each other that they totally ignored the smaller figure moving toward the gaping hole where there had once been a manhole cover.

The targeting drone that he had used to shoot the two Hellions earlier still circled him, like a small humming moon. Small Arms used it so often that it was only when he thought about it did he usually realize that it was or was not there. Now, he was glad he had launched it all ready.

He knew what he needed to do, regardless of whether he was likely to survive it. But he need to land his shot just precisely to ensure gaining the attention of both of them. Tricky, when both beings were rolling on the concrete, trying to strangle each other.

Raising his rifle, Small Arms hit another switch, activating his M30 grenade launcher. Though firing a grenade was in no way similar to firing a sniper rifle, patience, in both cases, was a virtue.

The drone fed wind and distance information, among other things, to his goggles, which were as much for shooting purposes as just eye protection. Their movement was what made things difficult. It certainly was not because they were small targets by any stretch of the imagination.

At least not relative to a four-foot tall man.

"Come on, come on, you big bastards...Give me that one open shot..."

He pulled the trigger, firing the grenade with an explosive pop of air. The grenade made a shallow arc, since the distance was not that far, but it was on target. It passed right between the bodies and exploded before going all the way.

Though he was not close enough to be harmed by it, Small Arms felt the rush of heated air from the explosion. For the two targets, however, the full brunt of the blow hit them dead in their chests. The Headsman, who had been on top, choking the Abomination, was thrown clear of the undead warrior by a good ten feet. The Abomination, on the other hand, was actually blasted down into the ground slightly and skidded a bit backwards.

However, neither one seemed that hurt.

More importantly, both were now well aware of a new adversary. And more than a little angered that their dance of death had been interrupted by a new partner.

Defiant as ever, Small Arms yelled at them, "Come on, you bastards! Hit me right in the nose!"

The Headsman Swordsman and the Abomination briefly looked at each other, seeming to communicate silently and came to a similar agreement. At almost the exact same moment, they got to their feet and began firing on the little man, the Abomination with it acidic projectile vomit while the Swordsman used a more mundane pistol.

"There are times like these I hate bein' right," their target said, just before he jumped into the hole He didn't need to turn around to see that they followed him. He could hear their thunderous footfalls as he activated his flying circuits.

Now that he had their attention, he just had to figure out what to do with it, though running away seemed like a damn good start.




Jack was still. He couldn't move if he wanted to but he was not even struggling at this point. His eyes simply darted around the chamber as he looked for some kind of weakness, some way out.

"Come on Jack, think. What would MacGyver do?" He said to himself.

Though Master Wonderful and Jack were positioned so that they could not see each other, they were both positioned so that they could see Paul, when he was brought in over the shoulder of one of the Eramites. Like the others, he was unconscious.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Paul. Paul. Wake up you dumb *beep*. Where the hell is Crystal?" Jack shouted as he started to struggled hard to free himself from the restraints again. He was trying particularly to pull his left hand out of it strap.

"Dam it, he wouldn't even hear me if he was awake." Jack said to himself as he stopped struggling again. One of the Eramites walked up to his chamber. Its face filled Jacks view as it looked in through the window. The glass fogged with it breath as it looked at him. Once it walked away he could see the lab again but everything was blurry.

He could make out the blur of movement, someone else being brought in. He hoped they were just moving Paul again but when the fog cleared he saw that was not the case.

"Oh no"

.....another Eramite brought Crystal in, unconscious like the rest of them had been, and took her to the Anomolous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack started to pull on his left hand again trying to get it free. His wrist was starting to bleed as the restraint dug into it. He gritted his teeth through the pain. It seemed impossable to get his hand free but he was not going to let that stop him.



After splashing through the sewers, Experiment saw 3 Abominations blocking the way. "Well, you picked a bad day to get in my-" then, he choked on "way" by seeing, when they moved, a group of lost, and an Eremite at the front... "WELL DAMN! THIS DAY IS JUST COMPLETELY OUTTA WHACK!" he said.... and got a whack as well, and fell unconscious.



While it hurt, he'd gotten the reaction he'd wanted from Syn. He spoke again, his grin widening into Confident Grin #8 (the "This idiot is way to easy to annoy." grin), "You know, I think the name 'Sin' is an insult to the consept, seeing as how are uglier than it!"

He was hit by another, more painful mind blast. He ignored the pain and attempted to break his bonds again. Again with little luck.

"I assume this device transforms people into what ever ugly monstrocity you call yourself. Some genious you are! Making a psycic who's weak to his own power!"

Another mind blast wracked his body with even worse pain than the last two. He focused past the pain an attempted tried again to break his bonds. Still nothing.

"Heh, you clearly lack any intieligence to think beyond what your actions will do for you!" He was shouting at the top of his lungs now, smirking at the once human doctor. He was paying no attention to the fact that Paul and Crystal were now being brought in. "That's why Crey fired you! It's because you and your labs were using your funding to do expiraments that Crey Biotech was not paying you for! It's because you were trying to alter the genes of any student who passed through the walls of that school! Even if that student was the son of the President and CEO of MacBeth Technologies! You just don't like the fact that I've shown how stupid you really are! HA!"

Master Wonderful knew he'd hit the nail on the head with that statement and that it struck a nerve with Syn. He was now getting hit repeatedly with mental blasts, causing him to convulse uncontrolably. He stuggled with his restraints and felt them cut into his wrists and give ever so slightly before pain subsided. He was feeling drained and weak, but he was still concious, all though just barely. He weakly lifted his head up and looked out the window at his assailant, showing Syn Confident Grin #2 (the "You know I'm right, don't you." grin).

The being who was once Adelbert Syn narrowed his eyes at Master Wonderful. Whatever you are smiling about, Connor MacBeth, you won't be once the machine starts.

((OOC: Note, MW is probably to weak to attempt to do any more damage to his bonds at this point, but the pain forced his adrenhaline to pump hard enough to allow his arms to get them to their current weakened state. Don't plan on this trick happening again any time soon.))




The being who was once Adelbert Syn narrowed his eyes at Master Wonderful. Whatever you are smiling about, Connor MacBeth, you won't be once the machine starts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Adelbert gave the signal to start the sequence.

Jack had almost got his hand free when he heard a mechanical sound. He turned his head as much as the straps allowed him and saw a syringe slowly being extended towards his neck by a robotic arm. He started to panic and pulled his hand even harder. It felt like he was about to dislocate his thumb but suddenly his hand popped out. Then it was a simple matter of sliding his arm out from the strap around it. He was too late, the needle pushed into his skin. He grabbed it but the robotic arm held it firmly in place.

As the drug spread through his system Jack could feel his blood start to burn. His whole body went rigid. He almost bit his tongue of when his teeth clenched shut and he started to shake violently. Now his whole body felt like it was on fire. Voices started to flood into his mind.

“w-w-w-What is happening-g-g?”

“t-t-t-The new Superdine is reacting with his mutant DNA and other chemicals already present in his body in an unforeseen way-y-y?”

The voices were so loud, it hurt his head. They seemed to vibrate more then echo. Jacks skin started to tingle all over then started to go numb as he shook more violently.

“s-s-s-Shut it down-n-n.”

The machine suddenly stopped.

“h-h-h-He is trying to self teleport-t-t”

“t-t-t-That’s not possible. Our scans showed he could not-t-t.”

“i-i-i-It’s the drug-g-g.”

There was a blinding flash of light and suddenly Jack was out side the chamber but he could not control it. He was there for only a second then suddenly he was in the chamber again. Another flash and he was near Master Wonderful’s chamber.

The Anomolous pulled out their guns and fired but Jack was already gone with another flash of light. For a second he felt like he was inside one of the walls. Then he was on the floor between two groups of Anomolous. They turned and opened fire but he disappeared again and the bullets ripped through both groups of Anomolous. Before the bodies had even hit the floor Jack appeared behind another Anomolous and grabbed him. They both teleported and a second later the lost was imbedded in the wall, only his hand and half his face sticking out. The whole situation was chaos, he was moving to fast.

Suddenly he was on his knees near his chamber. The lost turned and aimed their guns.

“s-s-s-STOP-p-p!” One of the larger Anomolous shouted to the others with his mind.

Jack stayed on the floor with his head hung low and his body shaking. There was a flash and he disappeared for a second but reappeared exactly where he had been. He phased out a few times but always came back to the same spot. The flash that came with it had grown dimmer. His hair seemed a brighter shade of red and his eyes were bright like green fire.

“j-j-j-Jack, It is Jack isn’t it-t-t?” the voice in his head was trying to be calming. He could tell it was coming from the larger Anomolous even though it was not moving its lips. “j-j-j-Jack I understand you are confused about what is happening to you-u-u.”

Jack looked up. His eyes were wide and he was blinking faster and more rapidly then normal. His whole movement was jerky and skittish. Everything seems sharper to him. Colors were stronger. He was able to take in every single detail of everything he was seeing. He looked at his arm. He could see every single hair with such detail but he could not keep his mind focus. It kept jumping from thought to thought. His eyes darted around the room.

“w-w-w-We can help you-u-u. w-w-w-We are trying to make you stronger-r. n-n-n-No one will ever hurt you again-n-n” the Anomolous sounded like it was trying to talk a jumper off a roof.

“Open the chambers.” Jack said with some effort.

“j-j-j-Jack, Just think-k-k…..”

“Open the god dam chamber NOW!!!” Jack shouted at the top of his voice.

The large Anomolous gave the equivalent of a psychic nod to the Anomolous at the controls. He pressed a button and with a hiss of gas the chambers slowly opened.

“w-w-w-We can help you. You want Crystal, yes? We can give her to you-u-u. w-w-w-We have ways of changing the way people think-k-k.” The large Anomolous said.

Jack tilted his head to one side. The pain was starting to feel good. “You’re afraid.” His voice sounded strange. “You are trying to hide something from me.”

Suddenly he felt what they were trying to hide from him. With a flash of light he disappeared and reappeared almost on the same spot but he was now standing with his hand firmly holding the head of the lost who had been trying to sneak up on him. It was holding a device that looked like the one in Master Wonderful’s neck. Jack sent a pulse of pain so powerful into its head that it did not just blind it, its head literally exploded. Jacks clothes and face were covered with blood. The headless body dropped to the floor. The sealed chambers would have shielded the other from any psychic energy that was leaking out of Jack.

Criminals had often been killed by heroes pursuing them. This was often due to a mistake or because the hero had little choice but a hero had never (or rarely) killed in such a bloody and awful way. With out even turning around Jack spoke again. His breathing was deep and slow.

“Open their restraints.” He demanded

With out objection the control was pressed to open the lock on the straps. Jack fired a beam of energy at his comrades so powerful that if it had not been for healing it would have done them a lot of harm.

((OOC: I hope I did not hijack events to much. Jennifer came up with a good idea and I kind of ran wild with it. The others might not have been injected yet if you want because the chambers (could) start one after the other. Jack has had this strange reaction because of his mutant DNA and the chemicals in his body from past drug taking.))



"Erik!" She called to him, reaching out as far as she could. "Catch my hands!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Once he had the train moving Erik hit himself with the radiation that sped up his metabolism. He knew he would need that extra speed if he were ever going to catch the train.

Again he rocketed forward and out of the booth, allowing himself to go at speeds he never had before. The Vahz fired again, but with the sickness field in place, their shots were liable to do more damage to themselves than to him.

That was until a massive black blast caught him square in the chest knocking him out of the air and into the tunnel.

“You’re not going ANYWHERE Doctor Sanstad!” The voice was more of a roar than actual words. Erik flipped over to see one Eiledon, more massive than any other he had ever seen, come charging towards him like a maddened bull.

“What in the… I don’t have TIME for this!” Erik rolled and jetted upwards before blasting the ceiling just above the charging Eiledon. The blast rocked the cavern and began a small cave in, allowing Erik the time necessary to surge forward after the train.

“Penny, come in! DAMNITT!” Erik felt in his ear only to find his communicator had been lost somewhere along the way. Swallowing hard, he focused all his energy on the train and surged forward again. He could feel his muscles begin to ache as his body cried out in pain.

“INCOMING!” He roared as he chased down the tracks. Behind him an angry roar sounded and he could faintly hear the sounds of rocks being dislodged.

Below was written by Jennifer8, I did a bit of tweaking but I’ll be damned if I take credit.
Penny was leaning out alarmingly far, both her hands stretched towards him. She could see his face now, lit by a green glow, absolutely determined. But the train was now gaining true momentum - she didn't know how fast he could fly. She could see the determination in his expression - but also the strain of what he was doing, something that looked like exhaustion. She was scared for him.

She tried to reach out even farther. "You - can - do - it - "

Their fingertips brushed for a moment; then Erik fell behind again as the train picked up a sudden burst of speed. Penny almost fell over the railing, then steadied herself and reached out again. Erik was making a huge effort now: the green behind him was blinding and sweat was pouring down his face. For a moment she thought he wouldn't make it. She knew quite definitely that she would not have.

“Damnitt!” Erik yelled as he did a final surge towards the open door on the back car of the train. “It’s like the last scene out of Back to the Future three! I catch up and the damn train moves forward!”

Then their hands met again, and she snatched his wrists and pulled with all her might. He flew into the car and they tumbled over each other. The form behind him vanished into the blackness as the train pulled ahead again. The sounds of the tunnel begining to crack up behind them echoed but soon they were moving at a speed where they could feel safe.

Penny got to her feet first, looking around as the train reached its full and considerable speed. No one was on board the train but them - and they were climbing. Rapidly.

Her face was lit. "Erik - I don't believe it - you made it - we made it - we really made it! I didn't think we would but we did! You were right, you were right all the time! We're finally going to get OUT of here!"

She was still laughing when the hand from the darkness closed around her arm. The glow about the thing’s body was visible as a sickly yellow-black. Erik swore that if it had not been for the mask it was wearing the thing would be leering at him.

The Eiledon was the same one that had given Erik such trouble in the station - it had to be the same one. Somehow it had caught up to the train, just as Erik himself had. “I said… you’re not going ANYWHERE.” It snarled.

It threw Penny over its shoulder like a rag doll, out of the car, and into the darkness beyond. A moment later, far behind him, several bright flashes lit the tunnel as she presumably hit the ground, and was gone.

Having removed the obstacle, the Eiledon climbed over the railing, flung out his arm, and suddenly the car was filled with pitch-blackness - blackness heading straight for the center of Erik's chest.

The blast knocked Erik off his feet and onto his back, leaving him coughing and gasping for air. His body screamed in pain from overexertion but he was still able to crawl to his feet. A massive shape moved through the darkness and hit Erik square on the jaw. The blow sent him reeling backwards as the growling voice filled the darkness.

“The Doctor wants to see you Erik. Did you really think he would not have people watching his precious station?”

Erik was able to crawl back up only to have a boot hit his stomach. He slammed into a row of benches and could feel pain shoot up and down his body.

“What the Doctor wants… The Doctor gets. He never said he wanted your legs… just you. Lets make you a bit less mobile and more manageable huh?”

Erik inhaled deeply and focused as best as he could with the pain lancing through his body.

“The Doctor can kiss my hairy white [censored]…” He spat as he pulled on the last of his reserves and pulled every stray proton in the train cabin to him. This he charged and sent out as a massive wave that tore into the Eiledon, shredding the black costume and blowing the massive beast out the cabin door. It roared in pain, but was quickly silenced as attested to by the sickly wet thud that was heard just for a second as the train rolled on.

“Harris…” Erik coughed… “Harris stop the… We have to go back… Penny… Oh God Penny…” He lapsed into unconsciousness and his head hit the metal floor of the train with a resounding thud.

The train moved on… Smashing through several blocks of old rotted wood, past abandoned stations filled with warring Lost and Vahz, and past large signs saying “END OF LINE.”



((OOC: DHOT! Sorry to break the tension here folks but I have to give you all fair warning. Tomorrow will be the last day I can post until Teusday of next week. I'm taking a trip over Labor Day weekend and will be no where NEAR a computer. Also... I'm going to ask for the REAL Enid's hand in marriage. Wish me luck! --->Erik))



((OOC: Good luck. You’ll be fine. I’m sure things will turn out better for the real Enid than they are for fictional Enid ))


“Harris…” Erik coughed… “Harris stop the… We have to go back… Penny… Oh God Penny…” He lapsed into unconsciousness and his head hit the metal floor of the train with a resounding thud.

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris ran into the car just in time to hear Erik’s last words and see him hit the deck. He had heard the fight from the driver’s cabin where he had hidden. At the time he had no idea what had happened to Penny. Now he felt alone. Penny was gone and Eric was out for the count. He was suddenly more scared then ever.

"No, no, no," He paced up and down. "So close, so close, we are almost out of here. I can't do this, I'm not a hero. I want to get out of here."

He bit his lip and looked at Erik on the floor. The words Penny had said came back to him. Make shore you life is worth saving.

"[censored]" He shouted as he came to a decision he would rather not take. It was probably the first time he had thought of someone else first for years.

He ran to the door of the car and smashed the glass covering the emergency stop button, which he then punched. There was a sudden jerk as the break slammed on. Harris was thrown off his feet and hit the ground. The train was still moving; it was slowing but still moving. Harris had not seen the end of the line sign.