Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




Harris was puzzled that Erik offered to help him after everything he had done. He couldn't understand because if someone had done the same to him he would have sued them back to the stone age. He certainly would not be talking to them calmly and offering help. It made him think. Harris still sounded depressed and quite as he spoke. He hardly made eye contact and his shoulders slouched.

"We can get out that way. If we take the second left it should lead to a ladder up to the surface"

He looked at the others, only moving his eyes not his head. They were both looking at him puzzled how he knew.

"I did a report down here three months ago about crime fighting in the sewers and possible health hazards."



"Looks like you're stuck with me for a while Harris. And don't worry Penny. I'll relay everything to him. Oh, and here. This little gadget Omega gave me should be fully charged now. Hope it fits with your suit."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny's eyes were round. "Where did you GET this?"


She took it and opened a panel on one of her enormous gloves; inside were various displays. "I think it will fit -" She slid out a similar box from a slot and all the displays suddenly went dark, " - if I can make a few adjustments, just like-" the new box suddenly slid into place, and all of the displays lit back up. She shook her head, amazed. "The next time I see that robot I will buy him an oil change - I think we're back in business!" She snapped the panel closed again.

"We can get out that way. If we take the second left it should lead to a ladder up to the surface"

He looked at the others, only moving his eyes not his head. They were both looking at him puzzled how he knew.

"I did a report down here three months ago about crime fighting in the sewers and possible health hazards."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny looked interested. "Really? You got this far down without getting yourself killed? You're SURE you don't have superpowers?" She joked, then frowned at him. "I never saw that report... did I just miss it?"

"Um Penny? could you fix this little guy up before we head out? I don't know how much damage it can take but I'm sure I may have fried it when dealing with... Adam."

[/ QUOTE ]

She took it and looked at it. "Not as bad as you think," she said. "I... um...well..." Her cheeks were pink, "I read that paper that you wrote for the Quarterly Physics Journal, about radiation and I..." Her voice dropped until it was almost inaudible, "... have been playing with it pretty extensively." She looked heartily embarrassed and cleared her throat. "Anyway," she said in a stronger voice, "These things are shielded to glory.... you just blew all the breakers... If we do this, and this, and that...." She handed it to him. "Try it now."

When he did so, a voice suddenly filled their ears.

"OK, scan away!" came the first voice.

"Dr. Sanstad, Professor at Paragon University." The second voice was mechanical sounding... the voice of a computer.

"Thanks... can you scan anyone around him?" after a little while, the answer came.

"Harris, the guy who-"

"-Knows who I am... I will still keep my word to him... if he tells anyone... Oh no, my mic. is up!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny wasn't sure how to respond to this. "Um..." She looked at Dr. Sanstad, "It's for you." She hit the mute button on her own mike, and whispered so it could not be picked up, "Someone has found the microphone that I dropped, he has to be in the sewers or we wouldn't be picking him up."



He looked at her and smiled gently. His bright blue eyes sparkled, a sight rarely seen because of his sunglasses.

"I love you..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal's face was wet and her eyes were like wet violets, but her expression was as if the sun had just come out of the clouds. Her smile was one that would make a man want to go through 100 miles of hell, just to see it again. "(sniffle) Really?"

Then she was in his arms, bawling on his shoulder, bawling because she was happy and because she was scared and because she was still reeling from the sudden discovery of mutant powers. But mostly she was in his arms and safe there, and the stormy psychic powers slowly began to still themselves under his calming influence.

He was her hero.



Penny wasn't sure how to respond to this. "Um..." She looked at Dr. Sanstad, "It's for you." She hit the mute button on her own mike, and whispered so it could not be picked up, "Someone has found the microphone that I dropped, he has to be in the sewers or we wouldn't be picking him up."

[/ QUOTE ]

"What in the nine hells..." Erik took the mic and blew into it twice. Looking up at Penny and Harris he chuckled and shrugged.

"Um... I used to do a lot of theater... bad habit I got into with the microphones."

He took the earpeice and put it back in his right ear.

"Hello? O.K. can anyone read this? This Doctor Sanstad, Or Mighty Bio-Man, Girl Genius, and Harris..." Pausing Erik raised an eyebrow and then looked at Harris.

"What the heck is your full name anyway man? I feel like an evil teacher calling you by your last name all the time."



Penny looked interested. "Really? You got this far down without getting yourself killed? You're SURE you don't have superpowers?" She joked, then frowned at him. "I never saw that report... did I just miss it?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well.....I didn't come down here myself per-say. We hired some freelance heroes to come down here and get the footage for us."

"Um Penny? could you fix this little guy up before we head out? I don't know how much damage it can take but I'm sure I may have fried it when dealing with... Adam."

[/ QUOTE ]

After a few moment of tinkering GG got the thing working again.

"These things are shielded to glory.... you just blew all the breakers... If we do this, and this, and that...." She handed it to him. "Try it now."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris felt left out not having a head set of his own and he didn't like being left in the dark. The two heroes were obviously trying to talk to someone they could hear.

"Whats going on?" He asked but they were to busy to reply to him.

"Hello? O.K. can anyone read this? This Doctor Sanstad, Or Mighty Bio-Man, Girl Genius, and Harris..." Pausing Erik raised an eyebrow and then looked at Harris.

"What the heck is your full name anyway man? I feel like an evil teacher calling you by your last name all the time."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris couldn't belive it. What was his name? He felt a little bit of the anger he would usaully have felt at this point but he pushed it away. He still needed to get out of here alive.

"Steven......Steven Harris."



Crystal's face was wet and her eyes were like wet violets, but her expression was as if the sun had just come out of the clouds. Her smile was one that would make a man want to go through 100 miles of hell, just to see it again. "(sniffle) Really?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Yes really... Heck I was comming over to the Bio-Labs to take you out tonight! Dinner on the quad... I wanted to show you my new fusion cooker, and my mad lobster-thermadore making skills." Paul smiled and held Cystal close, gently caressing her hair.

"I... Want to help you Crystal. I'm sure when Doc S gets back he can help you as well. Come hell or high water I'm here for you." He caressed her cheek softly and then sighed.

"Too bad I'm out fifty bucks for that bottle of wine. I was really hoping you'd like it! I read up on wine tasting and stuff and everything..." Chuckling, Paul hugged Crystal again and then looked concerned.

"Hey... Where is the Doc anyway? And why was everyone in the lab so late?"



Harris felt left out not having a head set of his own and he didn't like being left in the dark. The two heroes were obviously listening to someone one.

"What’s going on?" He asked.

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl Genius covered her mike. "Someone is on the mike, he is talking to Dr. Sanstad... oh, hell... here." She removed her helmet again, showing a sheaf of blonde hair that seemed to shine even in the dim light. Without her helmet on, she seemed very young... barely in college, if that. After a moment of fiddling around, she detached the earpiece from the interior of the helmet and handed it to him, before replacing the helmet on her head. "This will enable you to listen in: I'll turn on the autotext translation in my goggles," she fiddled with the control panels in her arms, "And just read along."

A moment later she straightened - and disappeared from view. "I am going to go and scout," she told them. "You talk to our visitor, if he is not buried as deeply as we are, he might be able to get some sort of a distress call out... I mean, if he is who he says he is."



"Too bad I'm out fifty bucks for that bottle of wine. I was really hoping you'd like it! I read up on wine tasting and stuff and everything..." Chuckling, Paul hugged Crystal again and then looked concerned.

"Hey... Where is the Doc anyway? And why was everyone in the lab so late?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh - OH!" Crystal's eyes got wide as she remembered. "Listen - Paul - the Doc's in trouble! This afternoon, Girl Genius came to identify a photo of a Rikti she had seen, and she and Doc left afterwards to bust some Vahz. But this reporter guy - Harris, I think his name was - followed them - but he got caught, and he had this notebook... and it had information in it about Mrs Sanstad and everything, and when the Vahz took Harris into the sewers, Doc followed, and the last thing we got from him was that we were supposed to call the special number and tell his wife to get to this safe house he had set up." She shook her head. "We have been calling that number every five minutes since he left and we haven't gotten an answer on it yet, ever, and the cops went to his house, but said no one was home. And Doc left like twenty hours ago and he hasn't been back yet..." Her voice trailed off. "And that was why the Vahz hit the lab, it wasn't just a random hit - it was for US, they came for US."

She took his wrist and held it hard. "Whatever you are going to do - I am going to help. I know I can help. Paul, we have to do something!"



((OOC: Wow. This turned in to a longer post then I thought it would be :P))

The Sewers:

Harris put the head set on but kept his hand over the mike. He was going to leave it up to Erik to talk. It was just Harris's journalistic curiosity that made him want to hear what was going on.

The Hospital:

Although the reaper was still held firmly by the throat it laughed.

"What are you going to do now......Mr Hero." It asked in a mocking tone.

The Campus:

Jack Striker (aka: Stright Jacket) reached the door the med building on campus and took one last quick look around to make shore no one was near by. It didn’t take him long to pick the lock, he had got it down to a fine art. In a few second he had the door open and was inside.

He took a small torch out of the pocket of his leather jacket and turned it on. It lit up the hallway in front of him. The light hurt his eyes. His headache was already getting worse, which was why he was here. He needed supplies.

Once inside the storage rooms it was a simple matter of picking the locks on the cabinets and looking through the bottles of various drugs till he found the stuff he needed. He’d been letting himself into the building for a little late night “shopping” for the past few months and no one had figured it was him or bothered to improve the security.

Jack was a mutant as well as a student in Dr Sanstad’s class. From an early age Jack had suffered from painful headaches and blackouts. No one could figure out what was coursing them or do anything to ease his pain. Shortly after his eight birthday he started to manifest mutant powers and discovered he could project his pain onto others, thus relieving himself of the pain in the process. However it was only temporary, the pain always came back shortly after. With the supplies he was picking up tonight he could take a little of the edge off….for a while.

He had a negative out look on life. Years of anti-mutant bullying will do that to a guy. When his mutant abilities had first surfaced he couldn’t control them. The other children feared him because of this but it didn’t stop them bullying him. Even his friends turned on him, saying their fathers said mutant were no good.

Slowly, over time he taught himself to control and focus his abilities. He took revenge on the children who had made his life a misery. One was seriously hurt. He didn’t regret doing it, he was happy he did. However he decided the best way to stay out of trouble (and jail) was to use his powers to become a super hero.

Now at age nineteen he had a reputation on campus as a trouble maker, although he had never been court doing anything. Most people knew about his mutant abilities but no one new he was playing hero every night. Playing hero, that was all it was to him, playing. He didn’t care about the people he saved. He only cared about hurting people. The people breaking the law of course but that was all he cared about, making himself feel better. Most people hated him anyway because he was a mutant; because he was better then them. That’s how he thought about it at least.

He’d skipped out of Dr Sanstad’s class early today. Most of the other students had stayed to work late. Jack didn’t care anyway he was sure Dr Sanstad was close to kicking him out of the class. The only thing that would make him want to stay was Crystal but she only had eyes for another student…………..called Paul.

Thinking of Paul made Jacks headache worse. He didn’t like Paul at all. Jack picked up the bottles he needed and stashed them in his pocket. He would mix them up when he got home.

As he walked back across campus he started to notice all the broken windows in the buildings. He stopped realizing just how many had been smashed. He looked puzzled, too many for simple vandals. He looked around. The med building, the art building, the gym and even the theatre.

The windows of the theatre were smashed just like the rest of the buildings but the door was wide open too. He thought about it for a moment. He thought about walking home and ignoring the whole thing, it wasn’t his problem.

“Might as well.” He said to himself as he headed for the theatre.



(OOC: Sorry for the belated post, been getting some vector calc. done for my class tomorrow.)

Although the reaper was still held firmly by the throat it laughed.

"What are you going to do now......Mr Hero." It asked in a mocking tone.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Well, if you must know, this for starters." With that, Master Wonderful gut puched the villain, putting him down for the count. He possitioned the unconscious reaper over his shoulder and then jumped out the window a flew away from the hospital. He didn't get very far, however, being hit by rocket shot from a near by roof, nearly knocking him out of the air. The pink hero spun around to see a group of Nacht standing on a roof preparing getting ready to fire another rocket at him.

"I so don't have time for this." Master Wonderful sighed. Then his perpetual grin got bigger. "But who am I to not let Vogel's goons have their fun."

He proceeded to fly directly at the Nazi's, forcing them to scatter. Landing on the far side of the roof, he dropped the reaper, stretched a little and dropped to his fighting stance.

"You wanna play? Let's play."

The pink wonder launched himself into the fray going after the heavy ordinance first. While he was making short work of the Nazi with the rocket launcher he was getting pelted on all side by his comrades, and he was starting to feel the sting of their blows. He was soon shifting his attention between his foes, attempting to keep as many off their feet as he could so he could give himself a chance to focus through his pain. Eventually, the battle turned in his favor as now went toe to toe with only the black clad Underofficer. It was at that moment that he noticed that the reaper that he had been carrying was no long where he'd left him.

"Man, you made me loose my lead." With that, Master Wonderful hit the final Fifth Column soldier with a mighty uppercut, sending him over the edge of the building. Frustrated, the pink hero flew off to see if he could find information on who the Vahzilok's comatose hostage was and who they planned to black mail into aiding them.



"Hello? O.K. can anyone read this? This Doctor Sanstad, Or Mighty Bio-Man, Girl Genius, and Harris..."

[/ QUOTE ]
"Hello? Hey, I think I can hear you... bit muffled... Where are you?" Experiment asked through the mic.



"Hello? Hey, I think I can hear you... bit muffled... Where are you?" Experiment asked through the mic.

[/ QUOTE ]

"YES!" Erik shouted and then grinned. "Look we're about 8 levels down in the sewers here, and it's not pretty. There appears to be a war going on and we need to get the hell out of here and back to the surface."

Pausing, Erik looked at Harris and then cursed under his breath. Covering the microphone he slapped himself upsdie the head.

"Damnitt... I should have asked for an ID or SOMETHING. For all I know I just gave away our position. Look, we'd better move. You lead on carefully and show me this exit you know about, I'll keep talking to this guy and see if he pans out while I follow behind you and cover our [censored]."

He looked at Harris nodded. "Sound good? Lets go..."

With that Erik began a slow movement back into the tunnels. The sounds of the battle were still echoing through the chambers nearby, but obviously they were far removed... for now.

Uncovering the microphone and putting it back in his ear Erik tapped it again.

"Look... We have no clue who you are or even where. We need some assurances that you're not a Vahz or Lost trying to track us down. I need ID or something."



"They came for... Those monkey humping, ragdoll looking, taking it in the ear for a beer RAT BASTARDS!"

Paul was pissed. The Vahz were abitious but never this overt in an attack. Doc S was a good friend and he would be damned if anyone hurt his favorite Professor. The fact that they also tried to hurt and take Doc S's students hostages was only adding fuel to his fire.

"O.K. then... You wanna help then you have to show me where the Doc and Girl Genius went. Oh... and remind me later to post to her forums."

Paul stood and offered his hand to Crystal. Smiling he gently ran a hand through her hair.

"I have to admit... I LOVE your hair. Not that I didn't before but this is just cool. Kinda like the dreamsiciles you like."

Chuckling Paul dug into his pockets and pulled out a cell phone. He made several quick calls in rapid succession, telling people to come help out at the campus, to look for Vahz running about, for the Cops to get off "their lazy donut eating [censored] and FIND Mrs. Sanstad," and a last call...

"I have a buddy... well not really a buddy but more like an involuntary lab-rat I know." He said to Crystal. "I wanna make sure everything is covered before we go. He can keep an eye on things here and stay in contact with us..."

Mumbling under his breath he waited... "Providing he finally learned how to use the DAMN PHONE!"

A loud beep could be heard and a deep voice echoed through the receiver. "What do you mean speak into this funny little box? What? People will leave me messages here? Is writing not good enough any more? I KNOW my name is Hrimnir, why would someone not know that if they are calling me?" A second beep sounded, cutting off the bizzare answering message. Paul shook his head and tried not to laugh.

"Big man, this is Wild-Card... You called me Thorson. Look some of those "Minions of Hel" are loose on campus. Could you keep an eye on stuff there? I'm going out to help some folks."

Nodding, knowing that the assistants studying Hrimnir would get him the message Paul looked back at Crystal and gestured towards the ladder.

"Let's haul M'lady... Doc S saved my *** more than once school-wise. Least I can do is return the favor. Lets go get him."



"YES!" Erik shouted and then grinned. "Look we're about 8 levels down in the sewers here, and it's not pretty. There appears to be a war going on and we need to get the hell out of here and back to the surface."

"Look... We have no clue who you are or even where. We need some assurances that you're not a Vahz or Lost trying to track us down. I need ID or something."

[/ QUOTE ]

"OK, for Starters, most Vahz cant talk, and if they could, where would they get a mic.? and secondly, I am on the top floor..." Experiment rubbed his ribs... "The HARD... first floor... My ID? Experiment 2.0, Known Affilitations, Paragon Ci... I mean Order of Anubis, Known Powers... dont care... Do you need anything more to convince you? Apart from the fact I just fell from a building right through the floor?"



With that Erik began a slow movement back into the tunnels. The sounds of the battle were still echoing through the chambers nearby, but obviously they were far removed... for now.

Uncovering the microphone and putting it back in his ear Erik tapped it again.

"Look... We have no clue who you are or even where. We need some assurances that you're not a Vahz or Lost trying to track us down. I need ID or something."

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny ran ahead invisibly. Her voice came to Erik and Harris as a computerized voice now, for she had given her own 'comm unit to Harris, and was simply having the chat typed on her virtual keyboard read by the computer into the broadcast channel. She had showed them both how it worked before she left, not wanting them to be alarmed by the computerized voice.

It didn't look like there was anything between them and the ladder that Harris had spoken of, so she scrambled up it to the door, which was set in the ceiling, with the ladder going up to it. But when she touched it to turn the wheel, she frowned, looking at her heat sensors: the wheel was hot.

OK, guys, she typed on the virtual keyboard, It's clear to the ladder Harris was talking about. But the wheel is hot! I don't hear any noises, so I am going to try turning it... don't turn the corner yet, OK?

She tried to turn the wheel, ready to let go the moment that it did anything alarming, and discovered it was stuck. She had to engage the power-servos in the suit before it would begin to crank, which it did with a resounding squeak.

She could see the flames even cracking the door a quarter inch. However, there were still no noises or vibrations, and so she lifted it enough to take a look.

All the heat sensors in the suit jumped dramatically. There was fire everywhere. This was a room that had been filled with barrels, most of which were toppled, shattered, punctured, or otherwise ablaze. But that was not what gave her the shock.

The face of the Lost Gunner stared at her when she opened the door. At first she thought that she had been discovered; then she saw that he was dead. He looked perfect, his eyes still open, and she swallowed her heart in horror. Perhaps he didn't deserve it, but she reached out and closed his eyes with a shiver.

Lifting the door higher, it became apparant how fierce the battle had been. There were bodies strewn carelessly here and there, both Lost and Vahzilok, some of them ablaze, others in pieces. She was very glad that she had filtrated air.

Though she could not seen an immediate end to the fire, clearly the battle here was over - she could not see or hear anyone... at least not anyone who was still alive.

She closed the door to make her report, but did not turn the wheel. I found the door, she sent back to Harris and Erik, and in their ears the mechanical computerized voice recited the words. And it looks like it goes to the seventh level... it might even go to the sixth. But there is a problem. There was a battle, there are... well it is pretty bad. The main thing I am concerned with is that there is a lot of fire, it's hotter than anything... we might be able to pick our way through, but we would have to be quick... what about smoke inhalation? My air is filtered, but I am worried about you, you don't have suits or anything... Do you think we should chance it?



"OK, for Starters, most Vahz cant talk, and if they could, where would they get a mic.? and secondly, I am on the top floor..." Experiment rubbed his ribs... "The HARD... first floor... My ID? Experiment 2.0, Known Affilitations, Paragon Ci... I mean Order of Anubis, Known Powers... dont care... Do you need anything more to convince you? Apart from the fact I just fell from a building right through the floor?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Erik shook his head and grunted.

"It's a microphone, not a camera. So when it comes to you falling through the floor I have no clue about that. We're 8 levels down surrounded by Lost and Vahz trying to kill each other. Also, one of our group initially assumed you had found a microphone we had lost earlier. If you you're picking us up with your own equipment however, that's even better."

Erik looked over at Harris and whispered, "Hey, what's your feeling about this guy? I can't really read people well."

Pausing for a moment Erik snorted again and almost growled into the mic. "As for Vahz not being intelligent, tell that to the bastards who ambushed us, kidnapped Harris and I, and are now on their way to get to people close to us. We're a BIT touchy now, and discussing the cognitive capabilities of the Vahz is not on the agenda... Getting the hell OUT of here is. So in a nutshell, can you help?"



Nodding, knowing that the assistants studying Hrimnir would get him the message Paul looked back at Crystal and gestured towards the ladder.

"Let's haul M'lady... Doc S saved my *** more than once school-wise. Least I can do is return the favor. Lets go get him."

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal nodded, and headed easily down the ladder with him. "I can show you where he went..."

The windows of the theatre were smashed just like the rest of the buildings but the door was wide open too. He thought about it for a moment. He thought about walking home and ignoring the whole thing, it wasn’t his problem.

“Might as well.” He said to himself as he headed for the theatre.

[/ QUOTE ]

Crystal almost ran right into him when she ran outside. "Oh - " She stopped, "Hello Jack."

She looked tired and rather scruffy, with scrapes and bruises here and there. This was unusual for Crystal, who was generally neatly dressed. Her new hair (and eye) color was unusual also. But her smile was the same.

Crystal had never understood Jack's melancholy mindset. She was eternally optimistic and unfailingly cheerful, and though various problems might get her down temporarily, she was never down for long. Now she looked as if she had had the worst day in the world - which she had - but she smiled at him just the same. Though it was quite true that she had eyes only for Paul, Crystal was one of the few people who was always genuinely glad to see him.

"Are you all right?" She said. With anyone else this might have been a passing phrase: with Crystal, it was because she was truly concerned. "I didn't see you in the lab, did the Vahzilok bother you at all?"

Though her attention was on him, and she was clearly concerned for his well-being, her hand unconsciously snuck towards Paul's as she spoke.



The Sewers

Harris rolled his eyes when he heard the voice on the other end of the mike.

Erik looked over at Harris and whispered, "Hey, what's your feeling about this guy? I can't really read people well."

[/ QUOTE ]

He covered his mike with his hand. "I know this guy. I interviewed him a few days he assaulted me when I found out........"

Harris trailed off remembering what Experiment 2.0 had told him he would do if he ever told anyone about his secret identity.

".....I mean.....yes....I know this guy."


The Campus:

"Crystal," Jack said in surprise as she nearly ran into him. Jack was wearing faded jeans, a brown T-Shirt and a leather jacket. He spoke with an English accent (several students had joked that he sounded a little like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer on TV).

"Oh - " She stopped, "Hello Jack."

[/ QUOTE ]

He was happy to see her as he always was. He smiled at her then looked puzzled when he saw that she was looking a little worse for wear. She looked like she had dyed her hair too but before he could say anything she asked him.....

"Are you all right? I didn't see you in the lab, did the Vahzilok bother you at all?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"I wasn't feeling well so I......Wait........Vahzilok? What are you talking about? They have been here? Bloody hell, I missed all the action. Are you alright?"

Then Jack spotted some one behind her. He leaned to the side to look past her. It was Paul. Jacks jaw tightened. Jack slowly straightened up. The jealousy he felt made him momentarily forget what Crystal had just said.

"Ah, I see………. You two love birds gone to see a late night show have you? I think you missed the curtain call mate." He said in a slightly mocking tone aimed at Paul. He didn't think how Crystal might react to this. He didn’t think before he spoke sometimes.



"Ah, I see………. You two love birds gone to see a late night show have you? I think you missed the curtain call mate." He said in a slightly mocking tone aimed at Paul. He didn't think how Crystal might react to this. He didn’t think before he spoke sometimes.

[/ QUOTE ]

"What are you talking about?" Crystal's voice flared up. "Do you have any idea what's been going on? We've been held hostage by the Vahzilok for eight hours," she gestured towards the lab, "And - and - and..."

Her voice faltered suddenly as she took in all the broken windows, the lawn littered with safety glass. It sparkled and danced in the brilliant lights of police cars and ambulances. Both hands went to her mouth; her eyes were brimming. "Did I do that?" Her voice was barely a whisper. Then she caught her breath with a gasp. "Oh God - "

Some of the medical technicians were bringing out body bags.



"What are you talking about?" Crystal's voice flared up. "Do you have any idea what's been going on? We've been held hostage by the Vahzilok for eight hours,"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Sorry, I didn't mean that to come out how it sounded." He said to Crystal but he still looked unhapply at Paul.

Crystal didn't seem to be hearing what he was saying. She was looking at horror at the campus.

"Did I do that?" Her voice was barely a whisper. Then she caught her breath with a gasp. "Oh God - "

[/ QUOTE ]

Jack took another look around the smashed windows of the building. He didn't see the body bags at first.

"What? You been running around smashing windows?" He asked, not sure what was going on yet.

Then he saw the body bags.

"Oh [censored]," he said and looked back at Crystal. "What did you do?"



Steel Canyon - MacBeth Technologies, Ltd. American Headquarters - Top Floor

Master Wonderful pacedaround his private workout room on the top floor of the American headquaters of his father's company. He was frustrated and angry with himself. Twice in the same day he'd let himself lose leads on information about the Vahzilok's current plans.

"Why Connor!? Why did you have to go and be so COCKY!"

As if to puncutate his last word, the normally grinning superhero hit a near by punching bag, causing its contents to explode in all directions.

A slightly perterped voice came from behind him, " Ach, ye must really be more careful with yer equipment. We cannea just continue to write these off as faulty manufacutering pracitces."

Connor MacBeth turned and looked at the aging Scotsman who had been acting as his personal assistant and guardian since he was shipped off to America as a child by his father twenty years ago. He smiled at the elder gentleman. "Yes, Martin, I know. It's been a rough day for me so far."

Martin grimaced, "Unfortunately, it seems that it's going to get rougher. That is if you intended to go through with this. I feel I must remind you that..."

"..That my father doesn't approve of my habit of risking my life to save those lower than me," He'd heard this spiel ever since he got these powers manifested themselves. "I know. But what would you do if you were in my position, old man?"

The elder man gave a sad smile, "I'd not let those monsters rest 'til Hell saw fit to remove them from this mortal coil."

"So, how bad is the info, old friend?"

Martin sighed and handed Connor some papers. "It seems that those zombies decided to take a woman by the name of Amy Harris."

Connor looked up from the documents. "As in the J. Jonah Jameson of network television in Paragon City?"

"The same. I've tried to find his location, to see if he'd found out about the attack, unfortunately he come up missing. Last place that he was supposed to have gone was Paragon University, apparently trying to dig up dirt for one of his 'Under the Mask' expose's. Unfortunately, reports are coming in that the university was also just attacked by the Vahzilok. Police are searching the scene now."

Connor grinned, "Well, that's as good a place as any for Master Wonderful to start searching."

As Master Wonderful started to head towards the roof, Martin grabbed his arm to stop him. "Connor, you may want to take these with you." He pulled out a box containg five syringes a smokey pink substance in them.

Master Wonderful gave a crooked smile. "Martin, I hardly think that I have to worry about mind control when dealing with the Vahz."

"You can never be to careful, Connor." The look on Martin's face was stern. This was a look that Connor was all to familiar with. He decided that it would be better not to argue with the old man. Taking the container he put it in his inside coat pocket for safe keeping. He ran up to the roof and flew in the direction of the university as fast as he could.

When he got there he couldn't believe his eyes. This was far worse than anything he'd happened to come across in his dealings with Dr. Vahzilok's creations. There were windows blown out and bodies every where. The only words that he uttered as he landed a few feet from the theater were "My God... What happened here?"

(OOC: Tag Crystal, Jack, and/or Paul.)



((OOC: The husband of Amy Harris and the reporter/presenter for Behind the Mask is Steven Harris, not J. Jonah Jameson.))



Erik shook his head and grunted.

"It's a microphone, not a camera. So when it comes to you falling through the floor I have no clue about that. We're 8 levels down surrounded by Lost and Vahz trying to kill each other. Also, one of our group initially assumed you had found a microphone we had lost earlier. If you you're picking us up with your own equipment however, that's even better."

Pausing for a moment Erik snorted again and almost growled into the mic. "As for Vahz not being intelligent, tell that to the bastards who ambushed us, kidnapped Harris and I, and are now on their way to get to people close to us. We're a BIT touchy now, and discussing the cognitive capabilities of the Vahz is not on the agenda... Getting the hell OUT of here is. So in a nutshell, can you help?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Yah, I can get you out... just a question... Can Steven hear me? If so, then I will just remind you of our little deal once I get you out of here." Just then, grunts and splashes came from one side, and charging and ranting came from the other. "Uh oh... tell me, how long ago did you fight THESE guys?"



The Sewers:

"Yah, I can get you out... just a question... Can Steven hear me? If so, then I will just remind you of our little deal once I get you out of here."

[/ QUOTE ]

With out thinking Harris took his hand off the mike.

"Now listen here you. That was a very expensive camera you broken and I don't........."

"Uh oh... tell me, how long ago did you fight THESE guys?"

[/ QUOTE ]



"Yah, I can get you out... just a question... Can Steven hear me? If so, then I will just remind you of our little deal once I get you out of here."


With out thinking Harris took his hand off the mike.

"Now listen here you. That was a very expensive camera you broken and I don't........."


"Uh oh... tell me, how long ago did you fight THESE guys?"

[/ QUOTE ]

At the first comment Erik shook his head and snorted. Looking at Harris he smirked. "Now you see one of the reasons why I don't bother with a secret identity. Makes for way too much sress trying to keep it a secret. That and every geigercounter I pass goes nuts..."

"Don't get baited by the guy Harris. We need to stay cool."

When the low rumble came over the Mic erik cursed.

"Penny we need to move! If this guy is picking up movement then the battle has spilled into the upper tunnels!"

Erik looked at Harris and then let loose a burst of radiation. A dull green glow enveloped both of them. Suddenly the world seemed to slow down.

"We need to haul Harris. Get to the ladder and I'll be right behind. Lets go NOW!"

Erik fairly pushed/carried the reporter as he flew at top speed towards the ladder Penny had found.

"With your metabolisim sped up you may breathe faster, but it will give you the speed to get out of here Harris... smoke and all. We're gonna make a break for it at top speed O.K.? Penny you lead."

Erik exploded upwards into the room engulfed in flames. He looked about for Penny while beginning to cough.

"De-Cloak Penny! We need you to lead us OUT of here!"