Televison Interview (Open interview RP)




((OOC: I was a bit late with my post but I changed the end a little to try and make it fit in better ))

“You dirty SON OF A…!!!”

[/ QUOTE ]

Even though Harris was still trapped in his own memories he heard the sound of shouting from the other room on a sub-conches level. It triggered another memory.


Doctor Erik Sanstad looked at Harris. He was not happy with the question, "Read a book sometime Mr. Harris."


Harris was still blind from the flash but he could feel the thing that now had a hold of him. "I was able to convince my cohort that you would be best alive... Until we got you to OUR labs to see just what makes you such a wonderfully bitter man."


"No, Max your killing her," He begged for his son to stop.


"Why you magnificent ******* Harris."


Harris sat in the waiting room of the hospital, still in shock. The doctor walked over to him and Harris heard the words he dreaded. "I'm afraid I have bad news about your wife. Mr. Harris."


"Robert....why don't you leave the reporting to the big boys and do what you’re good at." Harris smiled. "Get me some coffee."


"Get out of here Max. If I ever see you again.......I will kill you." and with that Harris walked away.


Even trapped in his own mind Harris started to cry as he lay on the autopsy table.

Still unaware of what was going on around him he did not know that Girl Genius was now fighting for his and Eriks life.



"MARINES!" She shouted into her 'comm, hoping the Erik could hear her. "THE BUS IS LEAVING!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

The door next to the murk literally melted under the atomic fire that finally broke free. The first thing to leave the room was the body of Adam, engulfed in green flames and torn asunder.

Erik walked out of the room, his clothes ruined and torn, his hair buring with the green flames, but his eyes were glowing... Glowing with atomic power on a level he had never shown before.

He held up the head of Adam to the stunned Murk and Mire. They were only just now recovering from the blast Penny had set off. Erik snarled and threw the head of the former Lumi at the Mire with all his might. He followed that with a blast of radiation sickness that engulfed the pair but left Penny and Harris somehow untouched.

"You bastards had better pray that you kill me. Because I'm going to break every one of those you sent to my house tonight when I get out of here."

Erik erupted in a green glow that swept over the area. It sunk into his flesh and that of Penny and Harris. Suddenly, the world seemd to slow down while they began to move faster and with stronger moves. Quickly Erik ran to them, and let the healing waves flow off his body into both Penny and Harris.

"We're leaving together or not at all. I'm going to be there to hear you tell your buddy about the suit. Now lets make a break for it..."



The transmission had been cut off only a few seconds ago. Something was causing a huge amount of interference. Omega's scans told it there was something emitting lethal levels of radiation at the end of this tunnel and that was the last location Omega had had a positive lock on either Bio-Man or Girl Genius.

*Engaging primary shield generators. Targeting systems activated. Discriminating filters set for friendlies. Power regulators set to maximum. All systems green.*

The closer Omega got to the end of the tunnel the stronger the rad levels grew. There was a small explosion followed by a crash and a second explosion. Then a severed head came hurtling out the door. A quick scan showed it did not belong to Erik or the human in the armor named Penny. Entering the room Omega Guard scanned the scene. Crouched behind a metal table typical used for autopsies were the forms or Bio-Man and Girl Genius. They seemed to be shielding a third form, human, male. Erik was emitting huge amounts of radiation which explained the interference. Along one wall were a series of collapsed selves. Something beneath the rubble was releasing fumes into the air. On the other side of the table stood two Eiledons, both apparently suffering from mild radiation poisoning. Omega Guard realized that if a normal human were exposed to these levels of radiation they would have been cooked from the inside by now. The human being shielded by the other two was only alive because of the beneficial waves coming from Erik.

All of this was read by the various sensors within the robot's housing. All of it became trivial once it saw the box on the wall with the side torn open and the wires protruding. Omega Guard had been fighting running war with the Rikti for 200 years before Earth had made contact with them. It had come here when it learned of their attack on our planet. It had promised to not let Earth join the fate of its own home world. Stopping them was its primary mission. Databases and scanners began running multiple automate checklists to identify and classify the Rikti technology. In less time than it took the Eildons to realize it was even standing there, Omega knew what the device was and that in its current state it posed no threat. On a specialized channel it sent an encrypted code to Vanguard to inform them of a "loose" piece or Rikti tech.

The Eiledons were still intent one the three crouching humans. True to there nature they attacked. Erik saw them coming. If he stopped the gentle healing waves he was emitting to mount a counter attack Penny and Harris would be exposed. In that split second he saw not only their deaths but those of his family. Both attackers hurls bolts of a black, smokey energy from their outstretched hands. In his accelerated state Erik could seem them curling and boiling as they tumbled toward himself and Penny. He heard a high pitched whine behind him and a new voice, flat, cold, electronic sounding cut onto the com channel he and Penny had been sharing. "Transferring power from Weapons Systems to Shield Generators."
A blue transparent wall that looked like a giant soap bubble appeared instantly between the incoming attacks the crouched group. The smokey bolts struck the bubbles of energy surrounding them and dissipated harmlessly. Erik looked behind him. Stooping to enter the doorway was a robot. One hand extended toward Erik, the other hung at it side, aglow with a nimbus of glowing energy.

"You are in violation of International Law and Vanguard Directive 6. You are here by ordered to surrender and submit yourselves to the law. You have 5 seconds to comply", it said as it eased itself through the door. As it straightened up Erik estimated it was about 7' give or take an inch. It was heavily armored with huge forearms that the scientist guessed housed the generators projecting the shield around them. "You now have 4 seconds to comply."

The Eiledons looked at each other and the an unholy yell attacked Omega Guard. *Primary target locked on. Engaging Weapons Systems.* Blue-white energy washed out off the robot's gauntlets like water from a fire hose. The Murk was struck full in the chest, the force lifting him off his feet and hurling him back through slagged door and into the back lab. As the Mire closed on Omega Guard a secondary energy bubble became visible only a few inches from his armor. The moment she touched it she too was violently hurled across the room. Although momentarily stunned the mire was not really hurt. Shaking her head she stood up again.

"You are now under arrest for assault and resisting arrest as well as your previous violations. Do you wish to continue compiling additional charges ?"



(OOC : I really wish there were some type of spellchecker/proof-reader for the forums - took me an hour to write check and post that and I still had to go bacjk and edit it 4 times.



The entrance of the robot was a complete surprise to Penny.

"You are in violation of International Law and Vanguard Directive 6. You are here by ordered to surrender and submit yourselves to the law. You have 5 seconds to comply."

[/ QUOTE ]

Now that is the way to make an arrest, she thought.

The mires turned and fired. She knew that it was all over.

Her sole thought, in the moment that she saw the blast coming, was that Dr. Sanstad had a wife and a child that loved him, and were depending on him. Above all else, he must come back to them. Almost unconsciously she interposed herself between his body and the blast. He had to come home.

"Transferring power from Weapons Systems to Shield Generators."

[/ QUOTE ]

When she didn't feel the bolt between her shoulder blades, she turned just in time to see it dissipated, the attack of the Mire and Murk, and the robot's response, sending them flying.

"You are now under arrest for assault and resisting arrest as well as your previous violations. Do you wish to continue compiling additional charges ?"

[/ QUOTE ]

The Mire screamed.

But she didn't attack.

At that moment, another explosion followed the one that the robot had made - this one originating from outside. Penny ducked as a shower of bricks and plaster flew inside the room, flinging themselves harmlessly against the robot's shields.

Through the opening came an enormous form - One of the Lost. A Headman Blaster. Upon seeing them, he opened fire with the Rikti weapon he held, then moved aside. More blasters were beyond him, with swordsmen hot on their heels.

Then the first Eramite stepped into the room. This was the first chance Girl Genius had gotten to see an Eramite this close, as it held its arms out and blasted the room with a psychic scream. She was surprised to find herself unaffected. Her helmet was supposed to protect her against psychic attacks, though she suspected that the shields of the robot had had a greater impact.

Abruptly she thrust the unconscious form of Harris into Erik's arms. "Watch Harris for a minute!" she shouted. She had to shout, for now the noise was unbelievable - shots of green energy were zipping merrily around their ears - and then made a break across the room.

"I sure hope these shields are good," she muttered. From behind her, she heard another shouting voice, a voice that sounded like Erik's, saying something that sounded like, "What are you DOING?"

"Going for the dumb terminal before the Lost get to it!"


"This is a dumb terminal!" She shouted back and began tugging at it. "At least I think it is... if I am right, there are more like it down here, and it will be transmitting to some sort of a central location!"

"Are you NUTS?" Six feet away was a Blaster. It turned and saw her fiddling with the Rikti device, and fired immediately.

"Power diversion from secondary to primary shielding generators in ten seconds," she heard the voice of the robot, just before the green bolt splashed off of it.

"Ten seconds, got it, thank you!" Penny shouted back. Other blasters turned, and three more bolts sparkled against the shield, which was now starting to flicker dangerously. "Almost got it - come on - "

One of the swordsman took a swing at the bubble just as another blaster took another shot. "Got it!" She shouted, falling to the ground with a piece of the Rikti device in her hand, as the shield around her faded. She rolled and activated her flash, catching the swordsman by surprise at the end of his swing, light streaming from his eyes.

She saw immediately what had happened: the blue robot had swapped from small, individual shields to a larger, group shield. It had informed her of the swap because she was outside of the circumference of the larger shield - and therefore unprotected. Not for long though, as she ducked under the swordsman's arm, and sprinted for Erik and Harris. "It's time to go!" She shouted at them, as the Lost swarmed over the spot she had been in a moment ago.

"Hey - er - You - with the shields!" She called over the radio. The new, armored being had not identified itself, after all. However, he was clearly the greatest threat in the room, and the Lost were converging on him. So far the lost didn't seem to be doing much damage to the newcomer, but already he had three Blasters, four swordsman, and two Eramites who seemed to be concentrating entirely on him. So far, he was holding his ground... but more Lost were coming, and now mixing in them were still-battling Vahzilok.

She looked around and realized that the Mire was gone - escaped in the confusion - and returned her attention to the newcomer. "I don't know if you had a chance to look around when you came in," she shouted to him, "But there is a battle going on outside, I counted fifty blasters and thirty Eramites! I think discretion is the better part of valor here!"

Wrote this, then re-read bio on character. Realized I had messed up (DOH) and re-edited bits to try and make it true to the known power set.



"Agreed. Please follow me." *Transferring additional power to Repulsion Field. Realigning Force Fields. Power reserves at 30%* The small red bubble that had earlier repelled the Mire Eiledon grew in size and intensity until it was a solid sphere around Omega. Without pause it charged the hole made by the entry of the Lost. As Omega Guard plowed into the group they were hurled away as if batted by a giant hand. In any other situation it would have been comical but at that particular moment there was nothing funny about thier situation.



The effects of the drug Harris had been injected with was starting to wear off but slowly. At first he could only hear what was going on around him but it sounded far away and muffled. It started to mix with the memories he was experiencing.

When he was finally able to open his eyes everything was blurry. All his senses were dulled and he felt strangely detached from what was going on around him. His body was still paralyzed from the drug. In his mind things were starting to get mixed up.

Sarah Jenkins grabbed hold of him.
Abruptly she thrust the unconscious form of Harris into Erik's arms. "Watch Harris for a minute!" she shouted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sarah thrusted Harris into the arms of the doctor who had told him the bad news about his wife; Harris could not remember the mans name. Then the face changed in his mind and the man now holding him was Roberts.

"Roberts......stick to what you are good at.......get me some coffee." He mumbled his voice almost unheard.

Sarah was trying to remove something from the other side of the room while they were being attacked by all the heroes he had interviewed.

He saw someone in blue armor trying to hold them back.
"You are now under arrest for assault and resisting arrest as well as your previous violations. Do you wish to continue compiling additional charges ?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Then the image shifted in his mind and it was his 22 year old son Max.

"Get out of here.....Max...........If I ever see you again I will kill you." He mumbled again.



OCC: Ok Omega sent word to the rest of the Sentinels to help role play here. This is my attempt. If it is unacceptable please let me know.
Ok this post was edited by me. please exuse the post as it was written rather quickly and I did not read all of the forum.
My apologese



"Get out of here.....Max...........If I ever see you again I will kill you."

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl Genius was carrying Harris as they burst from the room. She could hear his mumbling. He was glowing green from Erik's radiation, they all were; whatever Erik had dosed him with seemed to be dissolving the effects of the drug very quickly.

"Harris," she hoped he could hear her, "You are going to be all right. Can you hear me? You are going to be fine, we are getting out of here, we're leaving. C'mon Harris, snap out of it, talk to me..."

She was scared for him. She had never meant for him to be harmed by the Vahzilok and already guilt was gnawing at the edges of her consciousness.

The field produced by the blue robot sent the Lost and Vahzilok flying in every direction, clearing a corridor, and he ran. Once Erik ran, she ran too, bringing up the rear, with Harris in her arms.

The robor's speed was amazing, and Erik could fly almost as fast. She hit the thrusters on the suit and was rewarded by a burst of sparks and a fizzling noise - the unit had been hit sometime, perhaps when she was following Harris and the Eiledon through the battling Lost and Vahz.

A blistering oath escaped her lips - she had worked for weeks on those thrusters, and finally tweaked them just right only a few days ago. She made a mental note to reinforce the shielding on their housing unit, and sprinted at top speed along the corridor the robot had cleared.



"Holy..." Erik just did his best to keep up with the massive robot. He was damn thankful of it showing up at the right moment. His anger of the threats on his wife had worn off and he knew that rage induced boost would not last forever.

He noticed that Penny was lagging behind, but the Vhaz that tired to follow were almost immediately cut off by the group of Lost that had blown the wall open. That battle began again in earnest with the escaping heroes almost forgotten.

Erik looped back and rushed next to Penny and bathed her again in his healing aura.

"Jesus Penny I'm sorry... I'm sorry for getting us into this mess. I had no clue that had... Well ANYTHING like this."

The path ahead was beginning to open up but they still had a long way to go.

"Yo Moses!" Erik could only hope the robot got the joke... Parting the sea and escaping as they were... "We need to head upwards! They'll still be after my family!"

((OOC: Sorry for the HUGE delay on my part in posting folks. Work/Grad school only allows so much. But keep it up. I LOVE this thus far!))



"You are going to be all right. Can you hear me? You are going to be fine, we are getting out of here, we're leaving. C'mon Harris, snap out of it, talk to me..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris looked up at the voice of the person carrying him. The drugs affect were fading and he was starting to be able to move again but things were still muddled in his mind.

"I said if I ever saw you again I would kill you....."

He looked straight at GG with a sudden look of anger.


Suddenly he grabbed her by the throat and started to strangle her.

"Dam you Max." He shouted. "How could you?"



Suddenly he grabbed her by the throat and started to strangle her.

"Dam you Max." He shouted. "How could you?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"What in the nine hells?!?" Erik grabbed Harris's wrists and flared up the protons in his palms. He knew Penny's armor could take the heat, and it was just enough to singe, not burn.

Erik's eyes filled with green fire as he ripped the hands free and damn well near yanked Harris into the air.

"HARRIS YOU ***!" Erik yelled. "Snap out of it NOW! I SWEAR I'm gonna add assult on a designated law enforcement hero to everything ELSE I'm going to sue your lousy *** for!"

He stared at Harris while they both hovered in mid-air... And then the shots from the Lost began to ring out.

"We don't have TIME for you going nutso! You wake up or I'll knock you out so you won't KILL us!"

Shaking the man like a rag doll Erik shifted the weight and gripped Harris under the arms and then shot forward with a burst of flight speed.

"I got him Penny!" Erik yelled. "Lets haul ***!"



"We don't have TIME for you going nutso! You wake up or I'll knock you out so you won't KILL us!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris was suddenly aware of being shaken and the whole world around him suddenly snapped back into focus.

Suddenly he was flying along a sewer tunnel which confused the hell out of him at first. How could he be flying? Then he looked up and saw he was being carried by Erik.

"What......what is going on?" He still felt a little dizzy.



Suddenly he grabbed her by the throat and started to strangle her.

"Dam you Max." He shouted. "How could you?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl Genius was totally unprepared when Harris lunged at her. Though the suit was well protected, she was caught completely by surprise, and Harris's larger weight made the difference, knocking her flat on her rear. She struggled with him for a moment, flipping up her faceplate, so he could see her face. "Harris! Harris, it's me, I'm not Max, snap out of it!"

They tussled for a minute, but only a minute before a pair of green glowing hands caught the reporter and pulled him off.

"HARRIS YOU ***! Snap out of it NOW! I SWEAR I'm gonna add assult on a designated law enforcement hero to everything ELSE I'm going to sue your lousy *** for!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Shaking the man like a rag doll Erik shifted the weight and gripped Harris under the arms and then shot forward with a burst of flight speed.

"I got him Penny!" Erik yelled. "Lets haul ***!"

[/ QUOTE ]

"Roger that-" Penny got to her feet and lunged to follow Erik.... and then found herself going backwards. For a moment she wasn't sure why, until she was hauled into the air, upside-down by one ankle.

A Headman Blaster, initially thrown by the repulsion field, had had time to catch up with them during Harris' distraction. He aimed the Rikti weapon at Girl Genius.

A number of things happened at once.

Girl Genius and the Headman Blaster hit their triggers at approximately the same time. Her trigger activated automated defensive systems in the suit, electrifying it and causing him to drop her with a yowl, as well as the flash, blinding him.

At the same time, a freight train plowed into her body in a burst of green light. It was loaded with crystal chandeliers that shattered in symphonies of raining glass, and fireworks that shot in every direction, filling her eyes and ears with noise and confusion. The pain was unbelievable and she could hear a screaming sound. She didn't recognize the sound as her own voice. The armor might have deflected the worst of the blow... but her faceplate was up from the struggle with Harris.

The med-systems of the suit reacted instantly to the change in vital statistics. By the time she had hit the ground, it had flooded her system with life-saving drugs, allowing her to retain consciousness and some semblance of fighting trim.

The world seemed to be floating, and yet somehow she knew what she was doing. "I'm all right, here I come," she heard her own voice say, and then she was pelting down the tunnel again, after the others, while the rest of the battle picked itself up again in the wake of the deflection shield.



"Yo Moses!" Erik could only hope the robot got the joke... Parting the sea and escaping as they were... "We need to head upwards! They'll still be after my family!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Omega's sensors showed that their pursuers had once again started the battle between them and his charges had stopped a short was back.

*Power resevers at 14%. Deactivating all none essential systems.* All the various colored spheres that had been covering them suddenly faded out. Omega guard was about to return to the three humans when one of them attacked the female. It watched as Erik pulled Harris's hand off Penny and lifted the two of them into the air. Several stray shots came blistering down the tunnel from the raging battle behind them. Slinging Harris under one arm the Mighty Bio-Man began to fly down the tunnel toward Omega.

"Girl Genius do you require assistance ?"

Omega Guard was searching its database for the most recent map of this section of the tunnels while attempting to scan their surroundings both to get their bearings and threat assessment from the near by battle. It turned to see why Penny had not responded. The Headman reached out and grabbed Girl Genius lifting into the air. In the time it took for the exchange of fire between the Headman and Penny, Omega's tageting computer had a firing solution and the big, white and blue robot's arms were raising toward the two. Penny took the blast in the stomach and fell to the ground. The Headman staggered back stunned, disoriented and blinded by the smaller hero's counter attack. Omega's torrent of energy crashed into the Lost member and sent him reeling away into the swadows of the tunnel where it slumped to the ground unconscience.

"Girl Genius, do you need assistance ?", it sound like it was asking if she wanted a newspaper or glass of water. Omega's "voice" was emotionless, no variation in pitch or volume.

A small compartment in its stomach opened and a tray slid out. On it were a number of bright green dermal patches.

"Use this. It will revive you and assist you body in healing." Carefully it lifted one of the patches on the end of its fingure and placed it on Penny's forhead through the open face plate. Penny felt the pain fade away from her as the drugs in the patch did their work.

"I'm all right, here I come,"

[/ QUOTE ]

Together they turned and began to follow Erik and Harris.

(OOC : I was half way through my post when you put yours in Jen )



(OOC : I was half way through my post when you put yours in Jen )

[/ QUOTE ]

Tee hee! Yes, I figured


"Use this. It will revive you and assist you body in healing." Carefully it lifted one of the patches on the end of its fingure and placed it on Penny's forhead through the open face plate. Penny felt the pain fade away from her as the drugs in the patch did their work.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Thanks," she mumbled as her vision cleared. "I can't believe I did that - that was so stupid - every once in a while I think of changing my name to the Village Idiot..."

They pelted down the tunnel. Penny's steps were unsteady at first, but straightened as the healing progressed.

The robot certainly seemed to know where it was going. Thankfully, with his help they soon left the battling Vahz and Lost behind them.

They made good progress for perhaps a quarter of a mile: then they turned a corner and found that it was completely caved in, top to bottom, blocking their way.

Girl Genius sighed, looking at the rubble. It was fresh, probably brought down by the war, as there were scorch marks all over the place. "I vote," she panted, "that we take a short breather... to get our bearings." It was folly to just run around aimlessly down here; they would have to find a new way around, and that would take a moment to figure out. She was panting heavily but basically healthy. She flipped up a small panel in one of her arm gauntlets. There was no green that showed itself in the status report on the small screen underneath. "Energy reserves at 2%... suit integrity at .5%... wow, that is higher than I thought. First of all... is everybody OK?"

She turned to the robot. "Secondly," she held out her hand to it, "We never got a chance to introduce ourselves. My name is," she paused briefly, "going to be The Villiage Idiot, but I haven't registered it yet, so I am listed in the Paragon City Hero Roster as Girl Genius. Thanks... for the rescue. I didn't think we were going to make it out of there."

((OOC: I thought it was time to pause during the action and have some character conversation/interaction. Also, I have to prepare for the NEXT time I blow the characters up, MUA Ha ha ha ha!))



Dark had fallen over the campus. None of the students in Sanstad's lab had even noticed, though the building had been closed and the doors locked as the night had dragged on.

Someone had brewed coffee: now they were all huddled, transfixed, around the computer screens... for someone had set up a second screen with the same display. There were too many of them, now, to watch one screen.

"OK, try it again." Derrel's voice was tired.

Crystal thumbed the mike. "Dr Sanstad! Girl Genius! Can you hear us? Come on guys, answer me! Hello?"


"Nothing," she put down the mike. They had lost Sanstad's feed hours ago. Girl Genius's was still there, but they only had sound, and barely that. The sound, though, was enough to alarm them, as it cut in and out. They got frightening bits and pieces of the conversation, but not enough to really tell what was going on. And nothing they had tried had gotten their signal back down to the good doctor and his companion. They kept trying, though, as they had been trying for hours, rotating positions as people grew tired.

The low hum of voices was constant. "They are not getting it because our signal is not putting out enough power." "But MBM's computer - " " - was built for processing power, not as a transmitter. We're going over the standard antenna, we don't have the power to get to them." "What can we do then?" "We could break into building 2C where the radio students study - " " - and get expelled - " "- and then do what? Do you actually know how to work any of that equipment?" "I still think we need to try and move to a location with a stronger transmitter-"

"Somehow, I don't think that will work," Crystal's voice was small and scared.

"Why not?"

"Because somehow I don't think we are going to be able to get out of the building."

As one, a roomful of heads turned. In the doorway stood an Eiledon, tall and male and watching them. For a moment, students and Eiledon looked at each other. Then they caught the stench, heard the buzzing of flies, and knew that he was not alone.

Screams rose immediately; many of the students bolted. But there was no where to go - there was no other door in this room. The Eiledon moved farther in, revealing a mortificator behind him, and several abominations. A few students - Jack, Andy, Jeremy - were foolish enough to try and struggle and were knocked out at once, before being tossed into corners. They were not killed, but simply knocked out.

Crystal was picked up by the Eiledon. "Y-y-you sh-sh-shouldn't k-k-kill us," she stammered, tears on her cheeks.

It cocked its head... and spoke. Why not? None of them had ever heard an Eiledon speak.

"L-l-live h-hostages have more b-bargaining value...?" She squeaked.

The Eiledon tossed her into most of her classmates, who had been rounded up by guarding abominations. Correct, it intoned.

"Crystal," whispered Darrel urgently, "The building is closed for the night, if they left the security guards alone, no one is even going to know they are here until morning, that is like seven hours!"

"Don't remind me," she whispered back.

The Eiledon turned to one of the reapers. Harris' information was correct, it intoned. You know what to do.

The reaper nodded, and left.

The mortificator shuffled forwards with some equipment, which the Eiledon began to attach to the gear on the table that Penny had left. After a few moments, her voice came in more clearly.


"First of all, it is not your lab, and it is not the Luminous's lab. This lab is here because you have a problem; you're not able to preserve the higher brain functions even of the people you want to save. In spite of all your efforts, you can preserve the form of the body, but not its function. Movement and life, but not intelligence. Only the living have intelligence - the reapers, the Mortificators... and you. You three."

There are only two of us here.

"There are two of you here.... but there are three of you in total. One Luminous ... one Murk ... And one Mire.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, not quite, The eiledon smirked, though - as it had taken the precaution of doing away with the microphone - it knew that it could not be heard by those transmitting. Close... but there are more than just three of us now, I assure of that. His hands worked busily as a mortificator and three reapers approached the penned students. Let's see what sort of surprise we can arrange for the good doctor...



"Holy [censored]" David was horrified at what he was seeing through the lens of the surveillance camera.

"What's up?" Sarah Jenkins asked.

She was board out of her mind, sitting on a pile of boxes holding a cup of weak coffee. Harris had ran of with out saying anything and they had lost the signal shortly after the students had. Even Roberts had not been back.

"We have to get the hell out of here now." He was panicking.

No one knew what he was talking about. Sarah looked at him puzzled as he ran for the door. There was a sudden scream as he came flying back through the door and slammed into the near by wall. Everyone looked in horror as a huge cadaver walked into the room followed by a eiledon. The eiledon looked around the room at the cowering camera crew. One of the crew ran at the eiledon, he was dead before he even got close.

"I suggest no one be as foolish and you might live........a little longer."

"What do you want?" Sarah asked.

"You'll find out but for now we are going to take you to join the students you have been spying on. Get up."


She turned to the robot. "Secondly," she held out her hand to it, "We never got a chance to introduce ourselves. My name is," she paused briefly, "going to be The Village Idiot, but I haven't registered it yet, so I am listed in the Paragon City Hero Roster as Girl Genius. Thanks... for the rescue. I didn't think we were going to make it out of there."

[/ QUOTE ]

Harris had been strangely silent. When Erik had set down on the ground Harris had pulled himself away with some force as if to said, "get off me," with out actually saying it.

Now he was sitting on a pile of rubble with his head in his hands. He was covered in dirt and his shirt was ripped in several places. He gave a little laugh.

"The Village Idiot............that would be fitting." He said with out looking up, almost speaking to himself but it was loud enough for the others to hear.



(OOC :Collecting information before my next post as my resources are not as well networked as Omega's.)



((OOC: ask and you shall receive.... check your inbox.))



"The Village Idiot............that would be fitting." He said with out looking up, almost speaking to himself but it was loud enough for the others to hear.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Harris, be VERY glad I have morals right about now. I ought to irradiate your groin to make sure such an *** like you never BREEDS!"

Erik was glad the man was unhurt, but the fact that this twit had put his family in danger was still casting clouds over how Doctor Sanstad looked at the man.

"What the HELL were you thinking? Why did you have information on my family about you? Do you have ANY idea how hard I've tried to keep that quiet to PROTECT them?"

Erik began to pace and rubbed his temples. Struggling to keep his temper under control his body began to glow with atomic fire slightly.

"Look you Monkey Humping son of a [censored]. I have no clue what you have against Heroes or people like Penny, the big robot guy, and I. But right now, unless you're hiding powers of your OWN we're your best shot to get OUT of here alive. So knock off the bitter angst crap, and either shut the hell up or HELP us."

Erik was hovering now without even noticing. He quickly floated directly into Harris's face. His eyes glwoign with green fire.

"And I can assure you Harris... you and I and my Lawyers are going to have a LONG friking talk if we make it out of here."

Erik turned and hovered away from the man and towards the Robot. Inhaling deeply he did his best to drop his temper and offered his hand.

"Thanks... You really pulled our fat out of the fire."



"Harris, be VERY glad I have morals right about now. I ought to irradiate your groin to make sure such an *** like you never BREEDS!"

[/ QUOTE ]

The words rang in Harris ears. They replayed over and over again in his head like an echo. Erik continued with his little speech but Harris did not register it. He just concentrated on those first few words. How dare he. How dare Erik say those words to him.

Maybe it was the pain of having the memories replayed for him of what his son had done or maybe (and most likely) it was a pain running six years deep from the original events that made him feel such anger at those words.

He felt the anger growing in him like a fire as Erik spoke. How dare he. How dare he speak those words. Then he turned away. Erik turned away to address the other so called hero. Harris felt the anger spill out of him.

"MOTHER *BEEPER*!!," He screamed as he lunged at Erik and punched him hard across the face.

Given Eriks super powers Harris did not know if his strike had any effect. However Harris himself fell to the ground holding his now broken hand in agony.


His manner suddenly changed as he broke down and started to cry. He felt a pain that ran deeper then physical. Six years of sadness and sorrow hidden behind hate and anger suddenly flowed out of him. It was more pain then he could bear. His words came between short burst of tears.

"You broke my *beeping* hand.........*Beep*......... You don't know me...... You don't know what I have been through you *beep*. I wish I could have....... I with I could never have had a son...... then maybe my wife........ *Beep*...... It should have been me........ *beep*."

Harris was crying so hard that when he screamed the pain he had felt for six years no sound came out.

"Mother *beepers*."

He lay down on the dirt covered floor, crying.



In Atlas Park a woman with blond hair lay in a hospital bed. The workers at the hospital referred to her as sleeping beauty and that was the only name that most people knew her by. She was in the best room of the hospital and was well looked after. The hospital received a lot of money for making shore she was looked after and to make shore they did everything possible to bring her out of her long coma.

“How is sleeping beauty?” Darrel the hospital security guard asked Gemma the night nurse. He had been trying to convince her to go out with him for weeks. She refused of course. This was the best line opener he could come up with on this night.

“She is fine,” Gemma said with out looking up from her paper work. Darrels advances were really starting to annoy her. He would not take no for an answer.

“Has…he been by,” Darrel asked.

“Not for a few days,” She said still not looking up.

He paused, “So……Gemma…”

“Save your breath Darrell.” She replied.

There was a sudden scream and a crash as the body of one of the other nurses was flung from around the corner into a near by wall.

“What the *beep*” Darrell shouted as he struggled to get his gun out of its holster.

A large Cadaver came around the corner followed by two reapers. The Cadaver walked over to Darrel and grabbed him by the head before he could free his gun. It dropped him to the floor with his neck broken.

One of the reapers walked over to Gemma. “Where is she?” Its breath smelt foul. “Where is the one you call sleeping beauty? Show me.”

Gemma was terrified but she showed them to the room. One of the reapers walked inside and looked at the form of the woman lying in the bed.

“Yes this is the one.” The reaper looked at the Cadaver then pointed at the nurse. “Take her for spare parts.”

The Cadaver grabbed Gemma and pulled her down the corridor.

The other reaper walked into the room. “Why are we here?”

“Back up plan,” the other Reaper replied as he picked up the chart at the end of the bed and looked at it. He looked up at the woman in the bed deep in her coma, “Hello………… Amy Harris.”



Paul Quinn, otherwise known on campus as Wild-Card, was walking along in the quad whistling happily as he cradled the basket of food and wine for his late-night date tonight.

“Man this’ll knock Crystal’s socks off!” He chuckled aloud. He had everything he needed. A fine wine, glasses, bread, his new fusion-thermal cooker, and a song in his heart.

“Just gotta nip by the bio-building to “Liberate” some lobsters from the marine lab.”

Wild-Card LOVED doing stuff like that. For an 18 year old, he was remarkably juvenile at times. However, the fact that he held a Ph.D. in nanotechnology and was working on a second in Quantum and String theory would make one think twice!

Of course, most physics geniuses normally did not have bright green hair and wear jeans, a tee shirt, and sunglasses all the time. Then again, most physics geniuses didn’t moonlight as heroes either. Not that Wild-Card cared… He was firmly set in his quest to enjoy life to the fullest. And tonight that meant a candlelight dinner date with the lovely Crystal. She just didn’t KNOW it yet…

He loved surprising her. Like the time he had rigged lasers in her room to spell out several Shakespeare sonnets with pictures, or the time he made a fiber-optic rose that changed colors to music… Showing off his cooking skills would be great addition to that list.

So in reality he had to liberate lobsters from the marine lab, and Crystal from her workaholic habits in Doc Sanstad’s lab. Wild-Card liked Erik, and often gave him advice on how best to approach a technical problem. Doctor Sanstad also LISTENED to him and did not treat him like a kid… like so many other professors. Heck, he and Doctor S had even taken apart a set of Ritki armor!

So Wild-Card was whistling loudly, swinging the basket, and looking forward to the smile on Crystal’s face… when he found that the fire escape doors to the bio-building had been forced open.

“What the… WHOOF! Zombie Funk!” The smell was terrible but Wild-Card knew it all to well. Vahz Zombies. Shaking his head he recalled several rants by Doc S on how they were mockeries of true scientists and so on…

“He probably pissed in their poast-toasties. Well… guess I’d better check this out! Wine’s not gonna stay cold forever.”

Wild-Card dug into his back pockets and pulled out two lengths of blackened cloth. These he wrapped about his hands like a boxer and then flexed. The nanotech wiring flared and charged up the cold-fusion cells. In his sunglasses readouts began to speed by.

“Full power baby… Lets rock.”

He grabbed the basket again and delved into the darkness. Thankfully, his sunglasses switched filters to a night-vision mode, and he walked as if it was bright daylight.

Soon however he began to hear voices. Wild-Card shifted the feeds and zoomed in on the open door down the hall and spotted the party.

“Someone is trying to mess up my date tonight…” he mumbled. “Like I’m gonna let THAT happen.”

He punched up feeds and began counting targets in the room. Nodding Wild-Card smiled.

“10 of them and just one of me… This could hurt…”

The Eiledon rounded the corner then and Wild-Card grunted.

“Hello target number one…” he whispered. Quickly he jimmied the lock on the adjoining room and backed into the closed lab. From there he had a straight shot into the next room…

Flexing his hands he began to focus on the Eiledon. His cloth-covered hands began to glow as the energy reactors began to pull up a tremendous amount of plasma and charge it.

At the peak of the charge Wild-Card confirmed the target lock and yelled at the top of his lungs.


The Eiledon turned and snarled.

“Smile big for the birdie stupid!”

The energy blast rocketed out of the dark room across the hall and slammed full into the face of the Eiledon, slamming him into the glass cabinets in the back of the lab. It lay prone on the floor as the smoke from the cooked mask curled up about the head of the thing. Wild-Card knew better than to count it down, but he knew he hurt it… BADLY.

As one the rest of the Abominations and the Mortifier turned and began to charge the dark room.

“Watch your step boys!” Wild-Card taunted as he flung his arms wide. The spray of folded nano-chips responded to the open air immediately, and unfolded into a horde of razor sharp caltrops. The Mortifier yelped with pain while the Abominations simply kept on plodding forward, albeit slower.

Angrily the Mortifier took aim and shot a quarrel at Wild-Card, scoring a glancing blow on his shoulder. Wild-Card winced and almost dropped his basket.

“Hey you twit! I’ve got a bottle of fifty-dollar wine in here! How would YOU like it if someone shot you when you’ve got something breakable!” Wild-Card added a blast of energy at the end as punctuation… Promptly blowing the Mortifier off his feet and slamming him back down into the caltrops. “Kinda like that!”

The abominations still moved forward but Wild-Card knew they would only get through the door one at a time.

“So who’s first to see the doctor?” He knew he was taking a big chance, but at least now these things were focused on HIM and not his date. He hoped they could get out of there… But he also kinda hoped that Crystal saw him acting all heroic and stuff.

That would be even BETTER than the candlelight dinner…



Harris was crying so hard that when he screamed the pain he had felt for six years no sound came out.

"Mother *beepers*."

He lay down on the dirt covered floor, crying.

[/ QUOTE ]

Penny found her eyes brimming. She held up a hand to Erik to forestall him, and approached Harris. "Harris?" Her voice was gentle.

She touched his shoulder and, when he didn't protest, took him quietly into her arms, and let him sob, stroking his back rather awkwardly.

She knew pain when she saw it: and she felt that they had dug down, however briefly, to what had motivated him to hate heroes. She wondered what horrible disaster had befallen him in the past that had been so devastating. But she knew now what he needed, even if he did not want to admit: he needed a listening ear, and a gesture of sympathy and comfort. She rocked him back and forth, as if she had been his sister, and let him cry it out. It felt awkward to do, and yet at the same time felt like the right thing to do.