Character Inspiration: The Story of Your Creation





As many of my friends might know, I am a big fan of the old cartoon show ReBoot. This show is responsible for my first encounter with computers, so my characters outfit relates to that of ReBoot's main character, Bob; well the top half anyway.

Another big influence I guess would be Dragonball, the powers sort of drived from that though most people I see mimicing Dragonball characters go with scrappers instead of blasters, oh well.

I always liked Gambit from X Men, well from the old cartoon show on fox. Of course I wanted a raincoat, but it's not available sadly.

that's all I could think of that influenced my character.



Here are the inspirations for my characters in order of most played to least.

Name: IceFlare
Server: Victory
Archetype: Mutant Fire/Ice Blaster.

Iceflares has many inspirations. IceFlare is me, at least if I had mutant powers. I chose Fire/ Ice as I feel it represents my personality, Hot headed but also cool. I was also inspired by Iceman of the X-men. I read in an old comic that Bobby was always afraid of being laught at and one day just desided to act the clown to escape that fear.

Name: GTO
Server: Victory(for pwrgaming) and Virtue(for RPing)
Archetype: Natural Scrapper/ Invulnerability.
Inspiration: Obviosly the GTO anime series. After watching the last episiode I wondered what he would do. After COH came out I made it as after escaping the police he made his way to the states. and after seeing the hero's on TV desided he would become the best hero in the world.

Name: Anibus Blade
Server: Virtue
Archetype: Magic Dark Scrapper
Inspiration: One night while trying to come up with a magic character, I came up with the Idea of a reluctant gang member trying to get out of the gang life. Since I wanted him to also have an egyptian theme, I desided that after a failed robbery of a Circle of Thorns stronghold Anibus was used in a ritual to awaken Anubis, the egyptian god of Death. Anubis was not pleased and instead granted Anibus with the powers of Ammit(the soul devouring demon) and the ability to way the hearts of man and judge the wicked.



OOC: they should have rain coats and trench coats ReVAmp, the only thing is there would be Neo clones runnin around all like "I KNOW KUNG FU" and alot of people like Gambit so there would be alot of people like that too, but they would be sweet



Character name: Moncro

Server: Champion

Origin: Magic Dark/Dark Scrapper

Inspiration: My two favorite classes to play from other games are martial artists, such as monks (EQ) or TKAs (SWG), and necromancers (EQ). After reading the class and power descriptions, it looked like I could have both here. A dark/dark scrapper fights like a martial artist, but has a lot of life tap abilities reminiscent of a necromancer. So "Moncro" is short for monk + necromancer.



Character name:Geariven
Origin: magic kinetic/energy defender
Inspiration: Started out as something from greek mythology (I'm a fan of mythology in general) and got twisted from there.

Character name: The Techmonkey
Server: Virtue
Origin: tech assault/devices blaster
Inspiration: He's me. Even the name is me (I started calling myself that as a joke...and the joke has kept running). If I were a superhero, I'd be the Techmonkey...using screwball gadgets to fight crime and using a wierd combo-gun held together with duct tape and twist-ties.



Character name: Elaida
Origin: natural
Inspiration: my first character, enaila, on another server. i played her to 5, got bored, and created elaida(at the time, i just wanted a name that was close to, but not, enaila, no wheel of time reference was intended). a telepath. pretty much. everything after, the tail and etc being "chep props" came after. i'm not sure exactly what her past is, so i'm calling it 'secret.' the sg i made is an intentional WoT ref. but role-playing wise, its a 'cover' to whatever it is that my characters 'secret past' is.

Character name: Abby
Origin: Science
Inspiration: boredom, and wanting to go rp heavy with her. i figured that she could be a kid, a 5 yr old. the vaz took her dad, and accident made her a tanker. thats the short version. if you want the long version, go on virtue and get it out of her. its not like its that hard to question a 5 yr old.



Character Name: Perlarosero
Server: Liberty
Details: What inspired my creation of Perlarosero was the song Dreamweaver and my childhood in Riverside, California. The lovely process of storytelling and the play of make-believe was still alive in that time; often there were frightening stories of the old mission in the city, and occult rituals taking place there. Also, there was happier stories, such as the invisible castles atop each hill around the city that would only come into being once a century, and only for a week. Perlarosero is a guardian of dreams, and his name is Esperanto for "Pearl Dew" after the Cocteau Twins song, "Pearly Dewdrops Drops".

Dreamweaver is Gary Wright's song, and the Cocteau Twins are a subculture rarity from the eighties, very popular among the alternative crowd back then.





Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Technology Origin
Assault Rifle / Fire

Deep, dark and fiercely intelligent.. but too cold for most people to approach. Her professionalism is often mistaken for unfriendliness. Wednesday is not an unfriendly girl, she just treats all people as "neutral". She also tends to be sarcastic. Because no one has ever seen her smile, her colleagues often wonder if she even has a heart.

What they don't know, is that beneath her cool exterior she does have feelings. But thanks to a painful history she prefers to keep herself closed in, she tends to stay focused on her objectives.

Wednesday uses the assault rifle with deadly accuracy. It was her keen eye and sharp shooting, her amazing ability to keep her cool in any situation, that granted her the attention of a top ranking general when he was visiting Atlas Park police station. Thanks to general Barnes, Wednesday is now climbing the ranks in a top secret military project, testing new technology enhancements whilst fighting crime.

On the streets, she only comes close to showing emotion when fighting the freakshow - her eyes turn blacker than black and she shows them even less mercy than other opponents. Known only to her is her ultimate objective: shut down the freaks completely, even killing them if need be. Afterall, they took everything from her. Her Mother, her Father, and the only woman she had ever loved. She won't rest until they are completely destroyed.



Nice thread!

Character Name: Zephyr Starr

Server: Protector

Archetype: Empathy Defender/Dark Miasma (Magic)

Inspiration: The name Zephyr Starr comes from a short story I wrote a while back, though the actual characters are nothing alike. I just liked the name.

In her description it states that she receives a vision of the problems on Earth, so she travels from her home planet to Paragon City to help out. I've been meaning to write out more, but I just haven't had the time...




OOC: they should have rain coats and trench coats ReVAmp, the only thing is there would be Neo clones runnin around all like "I KNOW KUNG FU" and alot of people like Gambit so there would be alot of people like that too, but they would be sweet

[/ QUOTE ]

Two things.
1: The whole thread is ooc so no need for any ooc labels or double parenthesis.
b) I have a feeling trenchcoats and other more "dynamic" costuming weren't included for the same reason we don't have capes right now. Then again it could be something stupid and politically correct... you never really know (unless you're the Shadow). Just remember... they wouldn't have left it out just to prevent you from making a gambit or neo clone (both of which you see everywhere still)... my irrefutable proof of the gods? They added in every aspect of wolverine's costume, you can make a terrifyingly accurate cyclops clone, you can make a power ranger that looks better then the real thing, a 60s version of batman exists out there and, oh yeah, this game is a giant comic book. Just remember, you can pretend to be someone who looks like and is inspired by a copy protected character, but you cannot pretend to be that character... what was I talking about again?

Character Name: Perlarosero
Server: Liberty
Details: What inspired my creation of Perlarosero was the song Dreamweaver and my childhood in Riverside, California. The lovely process of storytelling and the play of make-believe was still alive in that time; often there were frightening stories of the old mission in the city, and occult rituals taking place there. Also, there was happier stories, such as the invisible castles atop each hill around the city that would only come into being once a century, and only for a week. Perlarosero is a guardian of dreams, and his name is Esperanto for "Pearl Dew" after the Cocteau Twins song, "Pearly Dewdrops Drops".

Dreamweaver is Gary Wright's song, and the Cocteau Twins are a subculture rarity from the eighties, very popular among the alternative crowd back then.

[/ QUOTE ]

Post some links to the songs, or throw down the lyrics themselves, or images of the sheet or... whatever!



Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Technology Origin
Assault Rifle / Fire

Deep, dark and fiercely intelligent.. but too cold for most people to approach. Her professionalism is often mistaken for unfriendliness. Wednesday is not an unfriendly girl, she just treats all people as "neutral". She also tends to be sarcastic. Because no one has ever seen her smile, her colleagues often wonder if she even has a heart.

What they don't know, is that beneath her cool exterior she does have feelings. But thanks to a painful history she prefers to keep herself closed in, she tends to stay focused on her objectives.

Wednesday uses the assault rifle with deadly accuracy. It was her keen eye and sharp shooting, her amazing ability to keep her cool in any situation, that granted her the attention of a top ranking general when he was visiting Atlas Park police station. Thanks to general Barnes, Wednesday is now climbing the ranks in a top secret military project, testing new technology enhancements whilst fighting crime.

On the streets, she only comes close to showing emotion when fighting the freakshow - her eyes turn blacker than black and she shows them even less mercy than other opponents. Known only to her is her ultimate objective: shut down the freaks completely, even killing them if need be. Afterall, they took everything from her. Her Mother, her Father, and the only woman she had ever loved. She won't rest until they are completely destroyed.

[/ QUOTE ]

and of course.... you completely neglected telling us what inspired you to make this character... and what server you're on... good job not reading the thread kthxbye

I've been meaning to write out more, but I just haven't had the time...

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Hurray for honesty! you get a star.



lol, thanks for the pointless, immature and random flame. I thought it was on topic, I'll start my own thread instead.

Jerk.. I mean what the hell?

And fyi kthxbye comes from the general q2/fps community. I don't expect to see it on an rp forum for a mmorpg game. Why don't you stop with the power trip mate, telling people what to do like you own the place.. heh. Amusing in a way.

What INSPIRED me to create Weds is simple. I always liked the darker heroines in stories and comics whilst I grew up. I also wanted a professional looking, smart hero. So I created Wednesday. Tragic past, on a mission for revenge. And so on.

I'm sure you'll find something in that paragraph to stamp on too. Do enjoy yourself!



Whoa, somone is looking for hostility in all the wrong places. All I said in a rather abbrassive way was that you didn't post any of the information that this thread really asks for.

As for the fps community, you know they play mmos also. In fact, I've known a few mmo players that play sports... and athletes who play consoles, guys who use designer shampoo, women who like action movies, texans who don't wear cowboy hats, dogs that like cats, intillectuals who box, ceos that aren't crooked and lawyers who aren't snakes. Smell lik eltist in here?

Next time I'll make sure to ask you, someone who doesn't have the courtesy to read an entire thread before posting in it (likes to hear themself speak? probobly), if I can play the same game as you. You know, because I'm not exclusively an mmoer... so I shouldn't be here... oops.

What INSPIRED me to create Weds is simple. I always liked the darker heroines in stories and comics whilst I grew up. I also wanted a professional looking, smart hero. So I created Wednesday. Tragic past, on a mission for revenge. And so on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Remember someone asking for details? Let's hear more. Which characters really left a mark on you when you were growing up? Who were your favorite artists or writers that brought ou this sort of fascination? Why exactly would you choose a darker character over a more "traditional" (most characters seem to have dark pasts or presents in books these days) character?

Not exactly stamping, u if you post again maybe I can try harder.

...bit *cough*
who said that?



My latest hero is

Character Name: Spinomania

Server: Virtue

Archetype: Spine-Regen Scrapper

Inspiration: I just wanted to try my first scrapper, a sword was not an option for me, martial artist is not my favourite and claws are far too common IMHO.
Spines seemed like the only option to me.
I wanted to give him a monstruous look, and spines fit also very well in this concept.
The guy has an orange skin (bio 3 type) a wears denim baggy trousers above the knees.
The name comes from a street fighter II alpha plus character (Skullomania) I thought it was cool enough and reflected very well the power. X-men/Morlock Marrow was also a character I think of when I see a spine hero.

Brief Explanation or a link to my origin: Simply a mutant, nothing to explain on that side, really. The guy hurts everytime his powers manifest.



Here are the Toons I have 'On Trial' perhaps this will help me choose the ones to keep around.

Name: Buzz Killer
Archtype: Blaster (elec/elec)
Origin: Technology
Server: Victory
Inspiration: Iron Man. Hes always been my favorite Hero, the idea of a very fragile man covering himself in Armour to fight his disability and hide from the world behind a persona whos 'Invincible' just stuck with me. As a Tribute I created Buzz Killer, a genius in the feild of Micro electronics she created Super-Tranistors capable of boosting any electic source many times over. A direct copy of Tony Starks transiors during the earlyest years of Iron Man. Giving here a weak nervoussystem I decided that her Transistors boosted the signal avoiding paralysis and death. She then constructed a belt, Gloves and so on to allow her to do some good before her Nerve web fails. So yeah she's my Iron Man tibute.

Name: SpringHeel Jack
Archtype: Scrapper (Martial Arts/Dark Armor)
Origin: Natural (naturally a HobGoblin)
Server: Victory
Inspiration: I've a fondness for monsters and weird stuff. A semi famous figure from English Myth is Spring Heeled Jack. Argubly the last goverment recorded Hobgoblin, hes known to have leapt buildings in a single bound and cause intense fear in those who tried to apprehend him. Being fascinated by the nature of a Super Heros costume, that as long as their wearing one people don't mind that they can fly, blow stuff up with eye vison and so on. I stuck the figure of Jack inside one. The idea being that a soceity that feared him for his powers has now reached the stage where hes accepted, as long as hes dressed like a 'Superhero'. I then threw a ton of Pat Mills style mythology into his character to give him a background.

Name: The Mambo
Archtype: Defender (rad/rad)
Origin: Magic
Server: Victory
Inspiration: I like Vodoun as a religion and decided to make a more mystical figure of a Preistess. The radiation seemed to provide mutiple effects allowing me to claim she channled many differnt Loa than Just the famous Samedi. Thinking of redisigning the Concept to channel different Angels and Saints. As a Christian I think I should probably avoid making figures based on other religions than my own, worried about not doing a good job of it and being offensive.

Name: El Santo Fuego
Archtype: Blaster (fire/fire)
Server: Victory
Origin: Mutant
Inspiration: The discusiosn about createing a 'European Army' inspired me and soem friends to create Team Typhoon an EU sponsered SG, El Santo was to be the Spanish representative. Sadly I had other SG concerns with OHMS to concentrate much and others dropped out of teh SG. I made him a mutant for teh same reason mutants exist at all in the Marvel comics, couldn't think of an Origin for him.



Name: The Mambo
Archtype: Defender (rad/rad)
Origin: Magic
Server: Victory
Inspiration: I like Vodoun as a religion and decided to make a more mystical figure of a Preistess. The radiation seemed to provide mutiple effects allowing me to claim she channled many differnt Loa than Just the famous Samedi. Thinking of redisigning the Concept to channel different Angels and Saints. As a Christian I think I should probably avoid making figures based on other religions than my own, worried about not doing a good job of it and being offensive.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's easy to understand why you might be uncomfortable with portraying an image you don't understand. There are several solutions, though.

Study. Read up on a few things, find someone who knows your subject, find a pbs documentary on the internet and download it. If you can claim to adequately understand a religion without practicing it, you often gain a much more genuine understanding then someone who might... then again, Voodoo is a very interesting set of beliefs practiced by a very interesting and diverse crowd.

Or you could go a much, much easier route. I being an American prefer this route :P. Stop giving a crap. If you worry about what everyone will think, you will risk missing out on some of the most genuine fun you might have. I play a character who's origin is heavily based on brutally edited greek and norse mythology (remastered in surround, if you will). On top of that there are a number biblical undertones, a few ideas stolen from good books and a suprising entry made by my own experience with the first-person shooter genre (then again, I guess I'm not allowed to post here because of that, oops).

Point being, if I were worried about offending someone... or perhaps just about portraying something incorrectly, I wouldn't have this fantastic set of characters and story before me. You can never please everyone, but you should never have to.

There is a great deal of difference between accidently offending someone and going out of your way to do so.

By the by, I love that character idea... maybe I'll steal it :P

Consider Illusion Control and a pretty looking secondary.

Also remember that Voodoo (Vodou Voudoun, whatever) is a religion that has changed, evolved and adapted to its surroundings, which leaves you with an open door to create your own little set of fictional beliefs given an appropriate background.



ok maybe some of will know the movie "The Boondock Saints"

[/ QUOTE ]
One of the best movies ever!

Sorry..just wanted to coment on that..and sorry again for the long post inc....I have alot of "mains"

Character name: Ishtara
Origin: magic
Inspiration:Oddly enough, for my first char, there was no real "inspiration" for her so to speak, her personality type is close to a char I play in another game but not quite...all I knew is I wanted to make her inspired for the love of aesthetics? Her name was however taken from the Egyptian Goddess of sexuality(and magical protection)

Character name: Saraan
Origin: magic
Inspiration: The story of Sarram, in Bastet lore, the orgin of the Nine Tribes of Twilight..from Werewolf rpg (white wolf).

Character name: The Mertseger
Origin: mutant
Inspiration: The Mertseger sort of created herself, the only ispiration being my love for ancient Egypt and my relization that unless I'm deep in a char...I dont really talk much so what perfect way to combine the two then a mutant reptillian humanoid thing who can only comunicate through her psycic abilities and whos namesake is the Egyptian Goddess of destiny literally meaning "she who loves silence"? hehe I'm sure there were acctually better ways but for me! =b

Character name: Lava Sprite
Origin: mutant
Inspiration: Lava was inspired by a poem someone wrote for me...a tribute so to speak...shes the embodiment of a certain passionate firey period of my life.



Somebody played a Setite

Very cool. Lore is always a great place to draw ideas from.



Love it. Feel free to read my origin story ("Beginnings..." just posted it today).

Character Name: The Lord of Entropy
Server: Virtue
Archetype: Energy/Energy blaster
Inspiration: When I was in high school, my chemistry teacher was talking about entropy and he said "If you think about it, the force of chaos is so strong it's actually science's greatest marvel that we don't all instantly burst into flames right this second."

High school was a long time ago, but that quote has always stuck in my head. So when I was making a new character, I got to thinking. I never was much for science, but I've always enjoyed poking holes in convention, so to me the challenge of making someone that sounded "evil" (and really, who ever thinks of chaos as "good"?) and coming up with a story that justifies them acting in a positive matter was a fun challenge. He even looks like a bad guy (red, glowing eyes, lots of leather and buckles, etc...). But he's actually a good guy with a different set of values and beliefs.



Character name: The Encharger.
Server: Virtue.
Archetype: Martial Arts/Regeneration Scrapper.
Inspiration: Um, none really, but I've been told I remind people of the Flash.

Origin: Read me, view me, love me!



Character name: Stout
Server: Freedom
Archetype: Super Strength/Invulnerability Mutation Tanker
Inspiration: Honestly it was a an issue from the "Infinity War"
series that gave me the idea. It was a spalsh page with all the various heroes standing around and talking in small groups. Off to one corner were Hulk, Strong Guy, The Thing (I think) and Puck. Puck, at 3 foot whatever, seemed so very out of place among the other three but he was drawn as very wide shouldered and I thought it would be interesting to have a hero that was Puck's size with strength comparable to the Hulk. Enter Stout, an Irishman who stands 4 foot 6 inches high and weighs 3/4 of a ton. I gave him super strength, invulnerability and immovability. He's basically a giant in a very buffed out dwarf's body. I spent alot of time writing him on a PBeM and had all but retired him until CoH came along.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Character Name: Miss Pink
Server: Justice
Archetype: Magic Dark/Dark Scrapper
Inspiration: Strangely enough, pink was my initial inspiration. For whatever reason when I was gifted the game, I had the urge to make the smallest, cutest, pinkest character ever. I also watched several episodes of Teen Titans and decided that what every teen girl needs is a little dark power.
Theme Song: Get This Party Started by Pink
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started

Get this party started on a Saturday night
Everybody's waitin for me to arrive
Sendin' out the message to all of my friends
We'll be lookin flashy in my Mercedes Benz
I got lotsa style, got my gold diamond rings
I can go for miles if you know what I mean
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started

Pumpin up the volume, breakin down to the beat
Cruisin' through the west side
We'll be checkin' the scene
Boulevard is freakin' as I'm comin' up fast
I'll be burnin' rubber, you'll be kissin' my ***
Pull up to the bumper, get out of the car
License plate says Stunner #1 Superstar

I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
Get this party started

Makin my connection as I enter the room
Everybody's chillin as I set up the groove
Pumpin' up the volume with this brand new beat
Everybody's dancin and their dancin for me
I'm your operator, you can call anytime
I'll be your connection to the party line

I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started
Get this party started
Get this party started right now
Get this party started
Get this party started
Get this party started right now

[/ QUOTE ]

Character Name: Doctor Medica
Server: Justice
Archetype: Technology Empathy/Electric Defender
Inspiration: When I read the backstory about the Rikti attack, I couldn't help but think of the 9-11 attacks in the US. Then I thought about all the non-super-powered people in the real world that made such a difference in the wake of the destruction. I wanted to make a character who was not super-powered, but had the desire to make a difference in the wake of the destruction of Paragon City. Forever haunted by what she witnessed, she doesn't care about prestige or money--she just wants to do her part and help everyone as much as possible.
Theme Song: Hurt by Nine Inch Nails
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of [censored]
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stain of time
The feeling disappears
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

[/ QUOTE ]



Name: Gideon
Archtype:Regen BS Scrapper
Inspiration: When I was small my uncle used to tell me stories on how when Christ comes for the Christains he would transfcorm thier bodies to be perefect and that they would have super natural abilities.The immortal now known as Gideon was once known as Rick Ricochet Benitez. Once a vigilante he took the law into his own hands after the death of his best friend by the hands of the vampire Stonecold. Gideon grew up in the streets and knew his way around his favorite weapons were his two uzis which he used. The night Gideon died he had an encouter with Stonecold who was about to embrace a girl which reminded Gideon of his sister. Gideon shot Stonecold with his uzi having no effect on Stonecold. Gideon then charged Stonecold. Stonecold picked him up in the air and bit Gideon. While that was happening Gideon heard a voice in his head telling him it was time. Stonecold killed Gideon and the girl. Gideon found himself in Hell chained up and again he heard the voice telling him it was time. Next thing he knew Christ was standing before him telling him its time to begin a new life as Gideon savior of the innocent . Christ squeezed his wrist and blood came out of the wounds where the nail used to be the blood fell on the floor and turned into the sword of the spirit nazarene Christ took the sword and cut the chains and released Gideon from hell and handed the sword to him. Gideon woke up in the hospital but the power of the sword was so great that it caused the machine that supposed to keep him alive to explode. No longer Rick Ricohet Benitez he wondered the world as Gideon hunting vampires and demons.

I made this character in 1993 I drew many pics of him and almost I year ago I wrote the first story. If you want to read it I posted it here. Its called Dark Revelations.



Name: Gideon
Archtype:Magic Regen BS Scrapper
Inspiration: When I was small my uncle used to tell me stories on how when Christ comes for the Christains he would transfcorm thier bodies to be perefect and that they would have super natural abilities.The immortal now known as Gideon was once known as Rick Ricochet Benitez. Once a vigilante he took the law into his own hands after the death of his best friend by the hands of the vampire Stonecold. Gideon grew up in the streets and knew his way around his favorite weapons were his two uzis which he used. The night Gideon died he had an encouter with Stonecold who was about to embrace a girl which reminded Gideon of his sister. Gideon shot Stonecold with his uzi having no effect on Stonecold. Gideon then charged Stonecold. Stonecold picked him up in the air and bit Gideon. While that was happening Gideon heard a voice in his head telling him it was time. Stonecold killed Gideon and the girl. Gideon found himself in Hell chained up and again he heard the voice telling him it was time. Next thing he knew Christ was standing before him telling him its time to begin a new life as Gideon savior of the innocent . Christ squeezed his wrist and blood came out of the wounds where the nail used to be the blood fell on the floor and turned into the sword of the spirit nazarene Christ took the sword and cut the chains and released Gideon from hell and handed the sword to him. Gideon woke up in the hospital but the power of the sword was so great that it caused the machine that supposed to keep him alive to explode. No longer Rick Ricohet Benitez he wondered the world as Gideon hunting vampires and demons.

I made this character in 1993 I drew many pics of him and almost I year ago I wrote the first story. If you want to read it I posted it here. Its called Dark Revelations.



Character Name: Justin Cypher
Server: Virtue
Archetype: Mutation Scrapper, Claws/Invulnerability
Inspiration: Didn't have one.

Brief Explanation or a link to my origin:
When Justin was six months old, he and his parents moved to Paragon City. Five years later, a bomb destroyed their home. Justin's parents were killed, but he survived, buried under rubble near his father's body. This traumatizing effect left Justin with the severe claustrophobia that still afflicts him today.

Homeless and orphaned, Justin, came under the tutelage of Tsoo leader Tub Ci. He became his prize pupil in martial arts and old artifacts.

It wasn't before long that Tub Ci began to realize Justin's latent mutant powers and its potential. And soon Tub Ci began experimenting with Justin's powers.

Within the first experiment, however, Tub Ci had made a big mistake. A small silver sliver had dug its way into Justin's brain gouging out some very fine nerve clusters. This resulted in sending Justin into a coma, which made Tub Ci think he had died.

Tub Ci dumped Justin's body into an alley for dead. But it was upon Tub Ci's departure that Justin woke. For all it was worth he could not recall anything up until the point he woke in that alley. And although he might not have particularly realized it, or more appropriately, perhaps he was not capable of coming to such a realization , this is what it came down to; he could feel no emotion: felt no sorrow, no fear or pity for his predicament.

To fit in with the society that he found himself within, he decided to join the ranks of heroes. Until the day comes that he may remember who he is. And for all intensive purposes, perhaps those emotion still lingered in the back of his mind?


Character Name: Griffith, Saint
Server: Virtue
Archetype: Science Scrapper, Dark Melee/Regeneration
Inspiration: Again, none. Capt. Valor had a small part in my concept.


Griffith was born among the Gypsy in the year of 1919. However, this is unimportant to his present day predicament. It was during the time of 1941-1944 in a war against the 5th Column, that his true story comes into play.

During one of his scoutings of a base that could possibly belong to Reqeium himself, Griffith was captured. He quickly found out that he was indeed within the base of Reqeium.

Reqeium, instead of just killing Griffith, decided to play with his body. Using archane ritual and science, dark energies were forced into Griffith's body. The dark energies coursed throughout his bloodviens causing his body to be wreaked with weakness and pain. It was during this ritual that an advanced squad of Freedom Phalanx crashed the joint (for a homing beacon had been placed upon Griffith, unnoticed by Reqeium) and rescued Griffith.

The scientist charged with the care of Griffith, injected his blood stream with preprogrammed regenerative nanobots that were directed at fighting the dark energies. They also had the unexpected side effect of healing old tissue and cells, which increased his life span beyond that of a normal human being. However, these same nanobots were unable to cure Griffith's paralasis within his legs.

A special armor was created to incase Griffith's legs to allow him to walk, and with Griffith's request, they also allowed him to jump great heights.

To this day, Griffith spends his time in religious study under an unknown sect. With any defeat he wrought he found himself praying for any criminal he defeat and sent to prison. The citizens noticing this began calling him the 'Saint'. Tho' he felt he was no 'Saint' and always denied such, the name stuck. He does believe that spirituality will help keep his "dark feelings" in check.

To any who come upon Griffith, it should be noted that one should take great care. Griffith is a sensative soul, however aloof and quiet he may seem. He always longs for his home among the Gypsy (who vanished into an alternate dimension).



Character Name: Sir Locke (BS/Regen Scrapper)
Server: Pinnacle
Origin: Magic
Inspiration: Well, I'm an EQ convert, so I wanted to retain a fantasy-type character in the modern-day world. Immortality came to mind, and the idea to make immortal life a curse unto my hero went well with my original desire to create more of an anti-hero. Just to add the usual flair, the big twist to Adameus Locke is that he, a decent man, and locally famous knight, was cursed with the inability to die by his jealous, frail (although magically-gifted) brother. Embarking on a long search after his now-power mad and elusive brother, he finds a clue as to his whereabouts in a lich's tomb, in a dusty tome: his brother, now going by the name Adameus Ghend, is now a high-ranking member of the Circle of Thorns, rumored to be based somewhere around Paragon City. There's more, but I think I've already written too much.