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  1. //ooc "Since I just noticed this thread I'm starting with the hero inteveiw"

    *Harris interveiws ReVamp*

    Harris: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to appear on the program.

    ReVamp: Not a problem, just had some time on my hands.

    Harris: Could you tell the viewers at home a little bit about how and why you became a hero.

    ReVamp: Well I don't talk about that much, sort of a secret that I was requested never to reveal. I'll just say it's stressful ancient training that takes four full years to complete. But as of why is because I would like to see a world of peace, just another hopeless dreamer.

    Harris: What would you say is the greatest reward for being a hero?

    ReVamp: Just the fact that we're moving towards a better world with the help of all heroes.

    Harris: Have you ever found there is any drawback to being a hero?

    ReVamp: Not really, just that there are a few people who don't entirely trust the hero community. Also the facts that in the public eye heroes make quite a few enemies.

    Harris: What is going through your mind when you are in a dangerous situation that could lead to civilian casualties? That must be a scary situation.

    ReVamp: I fear everyday that I may witness the death of a civilian that I'm unable to save. Even coming upon the corpse of a hostage can curdle my blood.

    Harris: How do you feel about people that use their powers for crime like the outcast or the super villains we starting to see around the city?

    ReVamp: It's a shame that some would rather secede to greed then to help make the world a better place. Some are just confused as to what they truly want out of life and can still come back to the good side, some aren't even that lucky.

    Harris: What do you think is going through these criminals minds when they commit these acts?

    ReVamp: Only that their life will somehow be enriched by the act. Even if at the expense of another's.

    Harris: How do you feel about the various anti hero and anti mutant groups that believe heroes course more problems then they solve? Given the amount of work heroes do for the city this must be quite upsetting.

    ReVamp: It's understandable for people to make those accusations. All I have to say to that is evil was here before heroes, for if there were no evil there would be no need for heroes.

    Harris: and finally, have you ever worked along side the Statesman? What is he like?

    ReVamp: No I have not; I have met him a few times but never had the chance to fight along side with him. From what I know of him he only wants whatÂ’s best for the people, even at his own expense.

    Harris: I would like to thank you for coming on the show and on behalf of the citizens of Paragon city thank you for keeping the streets safe

    ReVamp: Your welcome Harris
  2. ReVamp

    Writing Styles

    Alright, I have serveral hundred ideas but I suck to high hevan when I try to write them out. Anyone have some good writing advice? Or is this something I have to completely develop on my own?
  3. ReVamp

    As many of my friends might know, I am a big fan of the old cartoon show ReBoot. This show is responsible for my first encounter with computers, so my characters outfit relates to that of ReBoot's main character, Bob; well the top half anyway.

    Another big influence I guess would be Dragonball, the powers sort of drived from that though most people I see mimicing Dragonball characters go with scrappers instead of blasters, oh well.

    I always liked Gambit from X Men, well from the old cartoon show on fox. Of course I wanted a raincoat, but it's not available sadly.

    that's all I could think of that influenced my character.
  4. far as I know for a tray button you use /macro, but hell if I know
  5. Oh god that was halarious, you sir are getting 5 stars.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I just got the RECOVER TROPHY FROM CLOCKWORK mission, and it will not let me exit the mission by using the entrance doors.

    The only way I could get out was by logging off. I reset the mission, and the same thing happened again. Not cool when you have four yellow/orange con clockworks chasing you on a solo mission.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you try clicking the green "Mission Complete" text on your NAV? It automatically takes you out.
  7. BRB= Be Right Back (BBL is the same thing)
  8. ReVamp(Blaster) - Freedom
    Powers: Energy Blast/ Enegy Manipulation
    Team: Sons of Liberty
    Brief History: Cursed with a Nomad Soul long ago from Aceint Magic weilded by a Rouge Scorceror, Josiah Bennett has merged with the soul of Scott Mewes. The powers of the true human body is greater then most relize and can create pure energy from both though and mucle reaction. ReVamp abids both magic and technology to aid in his quest to rid the world of evil.
  9. Same problem, but it's "Stop Tsoo attcks on the Family" with my Talos Contact, Fiore is his last name. It's been three weeks and no fix yet for me.