NPC Citizens and their uses




I did a quick search and didn't find these listed anywhere so I went ahead and did this. Sorry if it has indeed been posted before.

There are 7 different types of NPC citizens wandering the streets of Paragon City that offer a hero some additional information. To garner this information, you just need to stand near them and left-click. The type of information given depends solely on the first letter of their names, here is a list of the letters and what information they give:
<ul type="square"> [*] E - Official Real Time (based off of Cryptic's location I believe)[*] F - Official Paragon City time (in-game time)[*] G - Number of Heroes in your current zone [*] H - Randomly selects a name of another hero in current zone and praises them[*] J - Informs you how many times you have used a power today (may take several clicks to get results)[*] K - Informs you how much damage you have done with a power today (may take several clicks to get results)[*] M - Total time played since current hero's creation [*] N - Number of times you've logged in with current Hero [*] O - How long you've been logged in today with current Hero (this one seems buggy though, as it resets after each indoor mission) [/list]Anyhow, I hope this helps others or is at least interesting to anyone else out there.

Just a small note - Ok, found the two NPC types that give statistics for power usage and damage done from powers. Both may take several clicks to get the desired results.




Night Goblin 35 lvl BS/Regen Scrapper
Slag Heap 38 lvl Fire/Axe Tanker
Energy Anomoly 23 lvl Energy/Energy Blaster



Interesting notes! I wondered if there was some way I could pick out which NPCs give which information. Thanks for sharing!



I have also seen 2 other types.
Some NPC's give statistics on your hero, such as "You have done 314 points of damage with your Fireball power today".
Also, there are some that praise your hero about specific missions (saved workers at X), general missions (streets safer from Hellions), and even task forces (Task Force XYZ sure has the goods).
Unfortunately, I did not take note of names, but I will in the future.



It would be nice to have /commands for these factoids. It's obvious that the servers are tracking this info, so why can't we access it on demand? Just my 0.02 influence.



I got a clue from a citizen today. I was messing around with a new character... about 5th level when he got the info, I was in Atlas Park and the citizen told me about something blah blah blah Sky Raiders, etc.



I was wondering about that. I'd seen some of the random stat messages from them before.



I came to the conclusion that the other messages one can get are either purely random, or based upon some certain recent activity.

The ones I listed above were the only ones that I found to be consistent throughout all the city zones. I went to each city zone and clicked on 5 names of each letter I could find, and those listed above were the only constants.

One thing I did note about the "random" ones though..if you click on two in the same zone with the same first letter, they tend to tell you the exact same thing.

Some of the "random" messages will give you tidbits about some of the villian groups (ie. Sky Raiders or Skulls), some will talk about your hero's previous exploits, sometimes you will get information about the name of a shop where your origin can get DO or SO enhancements (and these ones will usually mention city zone and the street "zone" to find it in), others will talk about the lore of the game such as some of the original 6 (I think it's 6), etc. But the ones i listed were the only consistent ones I found.



I have also seen 2 other types.
Some NPC's give statistics on your hero, such as "You have done 314 points of damage with your Fireball power today".

[/ QUOTE ]

only gotten it once but they also list number of times you've used a power, it was combat jumping.



Here I thought their only use was to push my Superhero around as he stood fighting a Lt.

Which makes no sense. I am standing there readying my moonbeam. All of a sudden here comes joe blow on the same path that I am standing ready to fire, when...Whats this? he is pushing me. WHAT? I am out of range? ARGH so much for that endurance. Cars do it also if you fight in the street. but I can understand but a mere puny non superhero able to push my guy around? How lame.



And of course, some of the responses are just inside jokes. Had a citizen declare once "Stop clicking on me!" a'la Warcraft.



I've been assisted by some. I was using Unyielding Stance when I knocked the the bad guy out of range, a citizen pushed right up to him.



A few times I have seen a citizen that tells you how often you have used a certain power since you've logged in. "You have used Sniper Blast 32 times today."



One of the other ones THat I had seen was something like"you have died only 16 times"



neat, i had no idea

on the guide index you go!



Ok, I found the two that give the damage and usage statistics and added them to the list.

One of the other ones THat I had seen was something like"you have died only 16 times"

[/ QUOTE ]

I've not found this one yet, but i will keep looking and then add it to the list when I find it.



The locals sure are pushy indeed. Try any self-rooting power and see what happens. One of the first times I turned on "Unyielding Stance" was just as a bunch of pedestrians was coming by. I was laughing too hard to turn my power off and get out of the way. After all, there's nothing quite so humiliating for a young hero as having a couple of little old ladies absent-mindedly pushing you down the street. "Unyielding" indeed.

Come to think of it, I want the "Pedestrian" powerset on my next character. These folks are superstrong and invulnerable - they get repeatedly attacked by villains for arbitrary periods and never take damage, can jump off of any building safely, and can push immobile objects around. Sign me up!



I find it amusing that several of the prisoners in Brickstown have shouted "TODO: Add Text!" as I was flying over. Apparently someone is slacking.
I also recgognized several names of prisoners as names of Devs.

I also almost died laughing when a clockwork named boss at the end of a door mission yelled at me "I hate you Mjolnis!". Most hilarious thing I've ever heard a robot say.



the villan need better ai one of them should yell help and any one around should come to help

"Never attempt to balance mechanics through Role Playing."




I like how a lot of the NPCs have names that don't match their ethnicity. Like white guys name Juan and Elian and stuff.



The strangest thing I have ever heard was having a villian shout out a different hero's name, e.g. Everyone kill Pojo Potatoe! even though he was not on that mission. What was really freaky was that a couple of hours later I met that hero for the 1st time.



I've also had a civillian shout out the names of the other heroes in the zone. IE, "I hear &lt;Superhero name&gt; is awesome!" I kept clicking on him, and he kept saying the same phrase, just with different names of the people in the zone.

Tygara - 50 Claws/Regen/Power Scrapper, Virtue- Member of Kitties on the Prowl.
Shadeburn - Dark/Rad Defender, Virtue- Member of Catch 'Em Crew
Nature Boy' - Elec/Ice Blaster, Virtue - Member of Young Phalanx



Besides the statistics and other superhero praises I've had NPC's tell me other things like "The Symphony was wonderfaul last night". I cracked up though when I clicked on one guy and he asks: "Is interrupting people heroic?



I read somewhere that it has to do with the first letter of their name. Can't find that now.



ur on that forum...