A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)




I'll give even one last one, a specific example based on everyone's desire for me to use 2 frost breaths.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, cut to the chase, what IS your caltrop + 2 attack combo you've mentioned? You've said so many times that you must be doing something right with AOE, yet you are still evading the question and offering set ups from 'other people.'

No offense, I believe your claim about mowing down blue/whites, and I'm not powergaming (2~3 hours per night, if available). I just want to know what exactly this 'caltrop + 2 attacks' which you've claimed to be effecient is, when there really aren't that many AOE -and- you've said it's not double FB.



Activation time for *frost breath* (not sure what ice breath is - my ice/ice blaster sure doesn't have it) is 3 seconds with a 16 second recharge. Activation time for SG is 2 seconds and 1 second for caltrops. Assuming you used the powers in the exact order you listed, SG + caltrops + frost breath + 2nd frost breath would take a total time of 16.7 seconds with hasten. Further, this is assuming you are using a +3 level recharge SO in frost breath. If you use caltrops after your first frost breath you'd save 1 second.

[/ QUOTE ]

Although only going further to prove my point of by picking on numbers (and the use of ice instead of frost), I will admit that your numbers seem fine. It was a hypothetical build based on what everyone expects an ice blaster to use. If I was off by a couple seconds, whatever... you obviously are ignoring the more important parts and picking on whatever fine points you can. Can't see the trees for the forest. Seems to be an epidimic.

How can that be? Easy. We are playing the theory game, remember? You should as you were the one that started it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the original poster started it when he posted theories on blasters he hasn't experienced. I simply have picked on points about one of those blasters he hasn't played all the way up, and obviously not built for anything but single target damage/killing... since that is what he recommends.

This is a thread to help others with quickly leveling a blaster. RSRobinson has created a helpful guide to help players. *snip* If you don't want to take part in that, then don't, but please stop derailing this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess my previous posts, saying I think his guide was helpful and only had grievences with some of his ice comments, were never read.

So... either agree whole heartedly with all his opinions or leave the thread? Don't bother to try and discuss discrepencies? I guess you are right... we certainly do have a shortage of fire/dev and ar/dev blasters in Paragon.

I propose we have a new definition for an AOE blaster. It may allay some of my concerns (and possibly others') and allow people to get back to their DPS spreadsheets:

AOE blaster - A blaster, who over the course of his life, will earn better XP using AOE powers than his single target powers, measured in XP/hr.

That allows you to draw a clear line in the sand. Beyond that, everyone can argue to their heart's content about DPS. Dare I mention my previous statements about where ice falls and how far down? Nah, no one has bothered reading it up to this point obviously.

Everyone is so concerned about what powers I use, in what order, and how I am doing it. That was never the point but has been the only concern of so many it scares me. The helpful points/facts/discussions have been so far buried in these crusades that it's actually all of these zealots derailing the original purpose.




Why did it take about 5 pages and a week before you'd finally admit you were AoE killing by using 2 frost breaths?

That's nothing magical and there's no Uber Brilliant build going on there. What's fancy about using a single cone attack twice? Nothing.

RSRobinson already made the point earlier that if you were relying on frost breath twice, the same logic would make energy an even better AoE blaster since energy torrent does a better job and has a faster recharge than frost breath.

You seem to be having fun acting high and mighty and turning your nose down at anyone who tries to analyze things. Then the truth finally came out that you were doing exactly what everyone thought you were doing from the first time you posted.



RSRobinson - Great post .. though sometimes it's best that the uninformed remain as such, lest the nerf bat cometh before Christmas this year.

My own experience with AR, Fire, and Ice is that Fire is the superior AoE build. The reason is that the Fire has two fast-damage AoE attacks are given early, slotted early, and effective.

With AR, Flamthrower is at 18 and Full Auto is at 32. That means you'll have to grind thru most of 10-20 without any AoE.

Ice gets Frost Breath at 2 and Ice Storm at 12. Ice Storm is not an effective spell when we have no way to hold the pack in place until they die. Mobs in Boomtown and Dark Astoria now scatter when you walk near, and they jump/scatter even more during combat - Devs' new anti-AoE tactic?

Now Fire gets Fireball at 2 and Fire Breath at 8. We now have two attacks that do not require a provoke tanker or controller for AoE hold/immob. Finally we can punch in 2 attacks without waiting for recharge and execute entire pack of white con minions, and repeat.

I tried compensating for Ice Storm's suckiness with Fire Sword Circle from secondary, and it did even more damage than Fire Breath! The problem is that it has a long "act" and is a small radius PBAoE - Meaning all the mobs that did not die will have a field day. My Ice/Fire is tons of fun, great in a group, but it simply cannot compete with my Fire/Devices blaster for pure efficiency.

The AR/Dev is a lot of fun also, mainly because I can run missions in a relaxed manner. Snipe, burst, slug - 2 mobs dead ... chat with friends on channels, and move onto the next pair. In a way I find this to be most enjoyable, as xp becomes secondary to socializing with friends.



What is the point of choosing ice? If you want AE, choose fire. If you want single targets, choose energy. If you want both, choose assault. Sorry but ice is not that good, nor is it effective for AE. You get one good AE attack - ice breath. It has a long recharge (even with hasten) and takes more than 1 use just to kill a group of whites. Ice storm sucks, and you could get FSC I guess.... at the cost of not having the great devices powers. If you want to AE you go Fire/Devices though, trying to do it with ice is just gimping yourself for no reason.



using 2 frost breaths on equal lvl lt's isnt the same. he wouldnt have to use 2 fb's if he were killing minions

he said his combo was on -1 lt's i believe. the before posts were based on minions

or am i the only 1 who read that about 6 pages ago




Why did it take about 5 pages and a week before you'd finally admit you were AoE killing by using 2 frost breaths?

[/ QUOTE ]

Blindness still prevails. What post did you read?

I think I understand why people start cursing on forums now. No one reads. It appears unless you are telling someone how cool their build is, only every 18th word is read.



good post I was a bit shocked about the dislike to fire storm it's pretty usefull for those first lvls in perez the whole caltrop+fireball+firestorm=dead group lvld very fast in perez with that combo



good post I was a bit shocked about the dislike to fire storm it's pretty usefull for those first lvls in perez the whole caltrop+fireball+firestorm=dead group lvld very fast in perez with that combo

[/ QUOTE ]


Someone willing to try new stuff. An interesting note is that this would carry forward through most of the toon's life. Obviously, a fire blaster would have other options available soon after he levels out of PP (fire breath). An ice blaster would not have that new option, but could continue to use their version. Apparently, no one 6 slots the rains because they see 1s still after the first dmg slot addition (usually when at DO level). I seem to be one of the few posters who has. Most people also don't realize the dmg is still pretty good and blizzard gives so much more because it lasts 2x as long (with additional dmg).

Bravo for original thinking Ash.




What post did you read?
I think I understand why people start cursing on forums now. No one reads. It appears unless you are telling someone how cool their build is, only every 18th word is read.

[/ QUOTE ]

...and apparently, no one replies, either. Man, in a decade on the Net, nothing has EVER changed. Trolls are still using the "respond to every question with an unrelated question, followed by a nebulous claim that they've previously answered the original query, but nobody was smart enough to understand it" ploy.

I guess it's always good to go with the classics.



...and apparently, no one replies, either. Man, in a decade on the Net, nothing has EVER changed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think anyone can accuse me of not replying in this thread. Just because I don't want to discuss my exact tactics, it appears anything else I say is invalid. I have offered several options (ones I do not use, or at least not any longer) to accomplish the same result, which haven't been disputed. All this has only served to derail my original posts and purpose... maybe because they were valid points and changing the topic was the only recourse for some.

So... let's bring it home again and talk about the subject of the original post.

RSR made a guide about powerleveling. In this guide he outlines powers for all blaster types, not just fire and AR, as many have forgotten. It appears he was promoting powerleveling for all types and giving his opinion on the best way for each to do so. In his assesment, he claims that fire and AR are the only AOE blasters and that ice, energy, and electricity are all relegated to single targets. Because of this assessment, he advises that those 3 non-AOE blaster will make their best XP/hr on small groups of higher cons.

This is my whole problem and has been from the start. It is an invalid statement. The best xp/hr for any blaster involves taking out largish packs of lower or equal level mobs quicker than they can take out 2-3 higher cons, AOE if you will. So, any blaster able to do this can AOE.

I never claimed to have an uber build (although it was amusing to hear others refer to it as that), only that I was not best served, as an ice blaster, by choosing 2-3 minion/lt/boss groups to powerlevel. Again... the guide wasn't about pl'ing with only fire or AR, but in general.

Does Ice make more XP/hr taking on the same groups (or similar) that RSR advises for fire and AR than it would on groups that he advises for them? An emphatic yes.

Will ice level as quickly as fire over it's life? No. Will fire level as quickly as AR over it's life? No. Will electricity level as quickly as ice over it's life? No. And so on. That isn't the point anymore, despite those that change the topic to that constantly.

Was his assesment of energy as a single target vs group focus correct? I have no idea... he is the one with the 40 energy blaster, so I will have to believe him when he says it is. I know that, at least until they get explosive blast at 26, they will be better served as single target for xp/hr. Perhaps after a few slots in that, energy blasters should change gears. Until that point, Torrent does less dmg than needed, needs at least 3 casts (although quicker casts than ice) to kill the group, and knocks the group back... which on some maps could be a problem with other spawns. Not to mention a miss or 2 would result in you leaving a target or 2 behind the main group you keep pushing. But hey, maybe someone is making it work.

If anyone cares to discuss these points pertaining to the original guide and powerleveling, please do. Let's hope we can get away from the questions of what build I am using, what are my exact attacks, what I ate for lunch yesterday, and so on. Unfortunately, it appears that is what the majority of posters still want, despite saying otherwise.



Although only going further to prove my point of by picking on numbers (and the use of ice instead of frost), I will admit that your numbers seem fine.

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Actually you'd be further *disproving* your point by continuing posting on the numbers. Also the reason my numbers seem fine is because they are. Again, if you want to use numbers, why not use the correct ones?

If I was off by a couple seconds, whatever... you obviously are ignoring the more important parts and picking on whatever fine points you can.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually when considering killing speeds, every second does matter. The difference between 6 seconds for fire versus 16.7 seconds for ice is a factor of nearly 2.8. In other words, ice has about 36% the killing speed (or XP generation rate) of fire. In practice the time to find foes, sell enhancements, breaks, etc. all bring them closer in line - but from a purely powergaming point of view, ice is not in fires league imo.

Further, the faster the foes die, the less attacks they can get off. Surviving 1 volley of attacks is easier than 2+. I'll concede that with SG this isn't much of a factor against yellows and below though.

Actually, the original poster started it when he posted theories on blasters he hasn't experienced.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to get into what the original poster posted, you may want to go back and re-read his original post. He clearly states his playing experience and the premise on which he based his opinions. Anyone can test his claims because he has backed them up stating the build, powers, slots, foes to be fought, etc. that he considered optimal.

Again, anyone can test his claims to either verify or refute his assertations. He didn't simply throw out numbers that are unsubstatiated and unable to be verified because he was using some 'secret' strategy against 'secret' foes. That would go against the entire premise of this thread and is the point you continue to miss.

I simply have picked on points about one of those blasters he hasn't played all the way up, and obviously not built for anything but single target damage/killing... since that is what he recommends.

[/ QUOTE ]

I should point out that you haven't played an ice blaster all the way up either. However, you do have a point in that RSRobinson may not have built his ice blaster around AoE. However, it isn't very difficult to prove conclusively that an ice blaster is never going to be able to compete with fire (or higher level assault) in AoE.

I guess my previous posts, saying I think his guide was helpful and only had grievences with some of his ice comments, were never read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually they were read. However, you keep missing the point of this thread. Please re-read the original post. Then read the bolded sentences that I wrote to you but that you failed to address (and quoted around in your response to me):

This is a thread to help others with quickly leveling a blaster. RSRobinson has created a helpful guide to help players. It gives insight into primary / secondaries considerations, powers to select / avoid, advise on how to slot them, where to hunt, etc. Simply put, it is a resource.

If you don't want to take part in that, then don't, but please stop derailing this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you still truly feel that ice can level "almost as quickly as fire" as you claimed, then prove it. The numbers don't back it up. My experiences don't back it up. In fact, I think you are the only poster I have ever read to make such a claim. Why make such a claim and then refuse to prove its veracity?

Oh that's right you claim:
While you may enjoy making a guide and outlining this, I prefer not to see cookie cutter builds and would like people to try stuff out on their own to learn... like I had to.

[/ QUOTE ]

First, no one forced you to try stuff out on your own to learn even if you claim you "had to". You were always able to use these boards (or the beta ones) or other players in the game as a resource.

Second, if you truly feel that way then why are you posting on this thread again?



Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
So, now I am 27.5 and still waiting to see when things are going to change. At what point will I not be able to use my caltrops + 2 attack combo to kill groups? Please tell me that I just have to level higher to understand... it worked so well last time.

[/ QUOTE ]

RSRobinson [ QUOTE ]
Lightning_Fast, what 2-attack combo are you referring to?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
Rather than belabor spawns/attacks/etc... how about solid numbers.

[/ QUOTE ]

RSRobinson [ QUOTE ]
You again did not mention what you are fighting or how you are doing it. So again, I can only guess that you are using 2 Frost Breaths. You have not disputed that, and I can't see any other way for Ice to 2-shot anything AOE (Ice Storm will not cut it.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
Consider your statement disputed. I don't care for telling people my attacks because people can think for themselves. While you may enjoy making a guide and outlining this, I prefer not to see cookie cutter builds and would like people to try stuff out on their own to learn... like I had to. Powers, slots, etc. I don't talk about spawn points because I already have problems with people hunting in my areas and lowering my spawns regularly. Last thing I need is 5+ people messing me up. Perhaps when I am done with TV i'll talk about it. Then again, maybe people should just explore zones themselves instead of things being handed to them on a silver platter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
Also, I realize now that RSRobinson will most likely make a comment regarding attack powers and that I must be using ice breath twice, as he has many times before.

Since I would like to head that discussion off at the pass, let me give one combo (which I am not using, but know for a fact will work)

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
The buildup isn't for ice storm, and vs dual frost breaths, I don't have to stick around except to kill fb misses, if I choose to. Nor do I have to try and line up another cone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cambios [ QUOTE ]
Lightning_Fast: You have never answered the question of whether you are using 2 frost breaths to take out these entire packs or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cambios [ QUOTE ]
Lightning_Fast: Are you killing with 2 frost breaths or have you found some other source of pack-sized AoE damage for ice blasters?

[/ QUOTE ]

RSRobinson [ QUOTE ]
Lightning_Fast, the only possible AOE combinations Ice/Devices has to kill AOE in the 20s is Frost Breath/Frost Breath or Frost Breath/Ice Storm. That's it. ... You've explicitly stated that you don't Frost Breath twice.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
I must be doing something right with AOE...

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
I have given 2 examples up to now. I know many people don't read and probably never saw them. Another Ice blaster (33) gave a possible solution. I'll give even one last one, a specific example based on everyone's desire for me to use 2 frost breaths.

Can Ice be an efficient AOE blaster based on RSR's original post's mob criteria?

Ummm... yeah, of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
Everyone is so concerned about what powers I use, in what order, and how I am doing it.

That was never the point but has been the only concern of so many it scares me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cambios [ QUOTE ]
Lightning_fast: Why did it take about 5 pages and a week before you'd finally admit you were AoE killing by using 2 frost breaths?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lightning_Fast [ QUOTE ]
Blindness still prevails. What post did you read?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, what IS your point? Coming here and offering a 'trust me it can be done' build? Knowing people reading this thread would very likely ask for specifics AND still post a self proclaimed method without disclosing any finer points? It's a simple concept: you back up what your say with specific info and methods, how can you expect to convince anyone by overlapping your words?

This thread has the intent to let people know what mistakes/advantages others have gone through, so they won't fall into the same pit, or save themselve a few rerolls. Knowing that, and STILL bears the attitude of 'you guys will just have to go through it all....like I had to' doesn't put you on any credible stance nor impression.

To whoever mentioned Tahiro...yeah, this guy's just like him, claiming to have some kind of uber SR build that's untouchable, yet unable to give out ANY specifics.



Ok, what IS your point? Coming here and offering a 'trust me it can be done' build? Knowing people reading this thread would very likely ask for specifics AND still post a self proclaimed method without disclosing any finer points? It's a simple concept: you back up what your say with specific info and methods, how can you expect to convince anyone by overlapping your words?

This thread has the intent to let people know what mistakes/advantages others have gone through, so they won't fall into the same pit, or save themselve a few rerolls. Knowing that, and STILL bears the attitude of 'you guys will just have to go through it all....like I had to' doesn't put you on any credible stance nor impression.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do applaud your ability to read past posts. Some obviously aren't so able. Although I hope you didn't spend too much time doing all that, since it's of no relevance.

The simple fact of the matter is that there are multiple ways to accomplish the same goal. I think I have provided more than enough options up to this point... at least 3 right? One of those options would allow you to use any secondary besides devices. Another used devices. Why do people have to know what I am using if I (and 1 other ice blaster) have given many options?

The most amusing thing, and probably secondary reason for me not saying up to this point... many have stated that I have a limited number of possibilities... I have stated one that I do not use (which actually will be more xp/hr for ice)... given what is left, how is everyone so blind? Does it really have to be spelled out? Is that the level of deductive reasoning the majority of people in this forum have?

To the guy above your post... this isn't about who levels faster anymore. I have conceded, in multiple posts over the last couple weeks, and now... that over the life of fire and ice, fire will be faster, and fire second to AR. Please read my latest post. It was the original discrepency, which has been twisted long ago into this farce. If you would like to argue any points in that, please do.



I think I have provided more than enough options up to this point... at least 3 right? One of those options would allow you to use any secondary besides devices. Another used devices. Why do people have to know what I am using if I (and 1 other ice blaster) have given many options?

[/ QUOTE ]

...because you are saying how things work for you, therefore it's only reasonable to ask what is it that you are doing to validify such claim?

And you STILL are giving so many (not your own) options... Noticed how many times various people have asked you the same question, yet you always either dodge it or reply with something unrelated? (the post I'm replying to is just another example)

I guess it's pointless, obviously you either have nothing practical to prove, or just -really- guarding this unknown combo as a secret of some sort. Do us a favor, show it or leave it.

I've always wanted to try out an Ice/X blaster. Guess I'll just start one and see how it goes, thanks anyway.



Every blaster should take Stamina. Once again, someone will post
with his wonderful tale of his blaster who gets by without it.
Good for you. From a powergaming perspective, your character
would be better with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

- original poster

ROFL ... haha sooo true

btw nice post i didnt know that much from blaster and this single post help me a lot to understand many aspect of the blasters.



Man, i feel sorry for Robinson, having to deal with all these nutjobs who just don't understand the the concept of using compairitive analysis and logical reasoning.

Please guys, stop taking this thread so personaly.

Just because you have an electricity blaster and you are upset about the fact that endurace drain isn't as good as stun doesn't mean you have to flame Robinson.

Just because you have an ice blaster and your AOE capability isn't as good as an AR or fire blaster doesn't mean you have to flame Robinson.

Please, just check your emotions. It's just a game.

Robinson is trying to talk about things it intellegently with power in mind. Nothing more, nothing less. If you don't like that, fine. But please take your gipes to a thread that suits them better.

Thanks Robinson, this thread is great and you've prooven yourself to be a very smart guy who knows what he's talking about. You should turn this stuff into a full fledged guide and post it on gamefaqs or something.



Man, i feel sorry for Robinson, having to deal with all these nutjobs who just don't understand the the concept of using compairitive analysis and logical reasoning.

[/ QUOTE ]

Comparative analysis would require a thorough evaluation of the subject matter. To my knowledge, short of exploits, no one has played all the blaster combinations to a SO level. If it isn't obvious, I am including slot experimentation in comparison, which would be required also. Until that time, anyone posting a guide that speaks to each blaster's abilities is going to have some misunderstandings and misconceptions. If they aren't up for the challenge of defending their post, and more importantly... understanding their mistakes, they shouldn't have made it in the first place.

I've made mistakes in this thread. I have corrected the important ones and am learning.

Meanwhile, your post is just a faint echo of the entire peanut gallery. Feel free to stand with them... if you can find a seat. Watch out though, most are on fire or are carrying guns.



Comparative analysis would require a thorough evaluation of the subject matter. To my knowledge, short of exploits, no one has played all the blaster combinations to a SO level.

[/ QUOTE ]

Irrelevant. No one player needs to play all blasters to SO levels do conduct a comparative test. The reason this is possible is because unlike yourself, who believes everyone should "try stuff out on their own to learn... like [you] had to.", others are willing to share information.

So given relavent data on a power such as damage against even con, non-resistant/non-vulnerable minions at a given level, slotting information, etc. the base damage, duration, defense, etc. of a power can be determined. This combined with knowledge of endurance cost, activation and recycle times, range, cone angle, area of effect, etc. allows players to conduct an informative analsyis of comparative powers.

I think it is the entire concept of the sharing of information that eludes you.

Until that time, anyone posting a guide that speaks to each blaster's abilities is going to have some misunderstandings and misconceptions.

[/ QUOTE ]

If we lived in an isolated world where no one communicated with eachother than you may be right. However, you may be surprised to find that, unlike yourself, a lot of people are willing to share information, strategies, findings, etc. with others to ensure that this doesn't happen.

Players are even willing to work with others to conduct extensive testing that may be difficult or impossible for 1 player to do alone. Visit the tanker boards to see examples of this. Most of it is on base defense values though, which Geko has recently posted the values on, nevertheless it is great info done by players for players.

Meanwhile, your post is just a faint echo of the entire peanut gallery. Feel free to stand with them... if you can find a seat. Watch out though, most are on fire or are carrying guns.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was there a point to this childish remark?



Thank you very much for an informative post RSrobinson!!!
I have recently created a fire dev on infinity named Hawks and am having a great time. Not sure what use im going to have for web grenade but C'est la vie. Aoe is great fun. My orig was a Elec.dev and then a fire/fire. Leveling much faster. The concentrated powerleveling gives me a feeling of progress on my character. It allows me to enjoy the slow exp times when doing missions and teaming. Heck, first thing I do when i logon is hit team seek. I love the grouping battles. Not the best exp but best fun for me. Exp is for my solo powerlvl times. THanks again. at work and rambling online as usual.



Irrelevant. No one player needs to play all blasters to SO levels do conduct a comparative test. The reason this is possible is because unlike yourself, who believes everyone should "try stuff out on their own to learn... like [you] had to.", others are willing to share information.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you would like to comment on my post on the top of page 37, to further the discussion on the original post, please do.




Blindness still prevails. What post did you read?

I think I understand why people start cursing on forums now. No one reads. It appears unless you are telling someone how cool their build is, only every 18th word is read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Take your own advice.

Apparently, you were called out so many times your only tactic now is to try and change the subject.

2 Frost Breaths != an AoE blaster. I wish it did, but it doesn't.

I'm not sorry you had your lies exposed.



Just because I don't want to discuss my exact tactics, it appears anything else I say is invalid. I have offered several options (ones I do not use, or at least not any longer) to accomplish the same result, which haven't been disputed.

[/ QUOTE ]

And this is why you are so full of crap.

You claim to be able to produce RESULT X and yet when challenged on your claim being outragrous you refuse to back up the claim.

Your credibility is ZERO because you make absurd claims, refuse to back them up, and then act like a snob when people call you to the mat.



how is everyone so blind? Does it really have to be spelled out? Is that the level of deductive reasoning the majority of people in this forum have?

[/ QUOTE ]

You have (over)used this same convenient and OBVIOUS tactic to avoid backing you your bogus claims.

People aren't blind. They see right through your BS every single time you spew it.



how is everyone so blind? Does it really have to be spelled out? Is that the level of deductive reasoning the majority of people in this forum have?

[/ QUOTE ]

You have (over)used this same convenient and OBVIOUS tactic to avoid backing you your bogus claims.

People aren't blind. They see right through your BS every single time you spew it.

[/ QUOTE ]

In the interest of getting back on topic, and more so about my post on the top of page 37:

PermaHaste/Smoke/Caltrops/Frost Breath/Rain - single shot any missed mobs from my breath, so the rain finishes them off. If Rain hasn't recycled in time for the next group, waste a little time double frost breathing. Rain and breath all have dmg slotted, rain with slow also.

Oddly, I had posted this combination before as something I had planned on trying out. Strange that no one picked up on it based on all the posts.

Anyhoo... I could care less about credibility. Everyone wants to stay on topic, yet pages have been wasted about this attack sequence that has nothing to do with the original post, nor my original intent. For me, that shows that people could care less about helping each other... only belaboring small and irrelevant points.

I'm sure someone will reply to this, possibly to try and argue that this attack won't work, despite it working just fine... instead of trying to discuss my post on page 37. To those people, in advance, good job on continuing to derail.

Since this has obviously been a point of major contention and is now "known", there should be nothing stopping us from continuing to talk about the real topic. I'm not sitting at work for the next 3 days, so I won't waste my time on posts like this.

I do find it odd that someone will reply about me using "ice breath" instead of "frost breath" in a post and say I am not contributing, yet no one has argued any points of any of my contributions (including the latest on pg 37). I guess I am correct in my statements and no one else has anything better to discuss. Great.