A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)




Lightning_Fast, what 2-attack combo are you referring to? Do you
mean to say you are waiting for Frost Breath to recharge to kill
with two frost breaths? AOE exping is about a single salvo
killing a pack in a few seconds and moving on. Its not the number
of shots, its the fact that you don't rely on waiting for any
skill to recharge. Not only for the speed, but to not let the
mobs spread out, minimize damage you take so you don't generally
need to bother with a Smoke Grenade, etc. You didn't explain
exactly what you are doing, so I'm guessing here.

Assuming I am reading you correctly, I'd wager what you are doing
will be comparable exp to just killing small packs of 3 or 4
yellow/orange/reds using your single target nukes, in a
higher-level than you area. I put some time numbers below, so
please fill us in on how fast you are getting exp. If you are not
making comparable exp to an AOE blaster, than just the fact you
kill with an AOE isn't very impressive. It takes about 10 seconds
for Frost Breath to recharge assuming permahasten. Plus, it is a
cone so getting the mobs to be in proper positioning for the
second blast will be difficult, you will need to take more time
and inevitably miss some. If you are taking 15 or 20 seconds to
kill 5-10 blues (depending on pack size and misses), then you are
getting comparable exp to what you'd get taking those same 15 or
20 seconds to waste 3 or 4 orange or red minions. Plus the single
target packs often have a lieutenant among them. Lieutenants are
good because they take not a lot more effort to kill than a
minion and are worth a nice chunk more exp.

I can tell you exactly how AOE exping goes for an Assault Rifle
blaster post 22 (SOs). Go to Dark Astoria. Go to section where
mobs can spawn in your level range. Because of the way spawns
work, the vast majority of spawns you trigger will be white.
Thus, you can usually bounce from spawn to spawn, not spending
much time trying to look for a juicy pack (depending on
competition from other players of course). Whites are easy, I
don't even bother with Smoke Grenade most of the time, it just
slows me down. Find pack. Target best mob for flamethrower cone
spread. Luckily Flamethrower has a wider cone than typical cone
attacks, so generally you nail most or all of a pack, say 5 mobs
when you get a bad shot up to 12 mobs on a good one. Flamethrower
takes about 3 seconds to animate. That's it. You are done. I have
Combat Jumping on and jump away, looking for the next pack. A
couple seconds later lots of mobs die, and you get lots of
inspirations, and a big chunk of exp.

I played a bit last night just for fun with my AR blaster, been
spending a lot of times on other alts. At my current level, I
can't quite single-shot a pack of yellows without using an
inspiration. Unfortunately, yellows are rare because of the way
spawns work (mostly whites) but I accept that to get pack after
pack after pack of perfect targets rather than trying to search a
higher level area hoping for yellows. But when I do find a
yellow, I get so many inspirations that I almost always have a
damage one to pop right before doing the rare pack of yellows.
And yellows, even without an inspiration, are so close to dying
from the one shot that an M30 grenade (single slotted) is enough
to finish them, so I hop back, stop for a second to M30, then
continue search for next pack. Good to see some occassional use
of M30 which I generally regret getting. Ok, I admit, sometimes I
don't use an inspiration and use M30 instead just so I can not
feel totally stupid for having wasted a power pick on it.

I'll put it this way. Last night I went from 2 bubs into 27 to 1
bub into 28. I took a break to sell a number of times. And I was
generally gunning down the whole pack. It was more fun to waste
those shaman. I hadn't played this character in a while so I felt
no need to grind. Despite that, the 9 bubs took me a little over
two hours. And that is without permahasten - I only have it one
slotted so far, one of the things I'd have done differently if I
remade the character (get Hasten at least 5-slotted by 22). This
matters because lots of times while truly grinding, I
Flamethrower a pack, find another and have to wait for
Flamethrower to finish charging. Not only does it slow me down,
but it gives the mobs time to move a bit so I hit a few less on
average. I'm not exactly sure how fast I could do a level if I
had hasten fully slotted and I just went from pack to pack
flamethrowering them and moving to the next. Let's say
conservatively an hour and a half a level. It'd probably be a bit
less. If I did no selling and I could find an empty section of
the zone (hard on Virtue), plus had hasten at leasy 5-slotted I
could see doing a level in not a heck of a lot more than an hour.

For comparison, I did these levels in the same zone with my
Energy Blaster where I single-target killed packs. I did
white-orange packs, though again whites were by far the most
common, and I killed everything. And I sold enhancements as well.
I can't remember the exact numbers, but I think it was a bit
under 3 hours a level. Maybe it was a bit faster than that, it
was a long time ago, but I'm sure it was not slower than that.
Now that I have a lot more experience with the game, if I did it
again with no selling, I'd estimate I could get a level in a
little over two hours single-target killing, I'd think that would
be about as good as I could do. About half as fast as the optimal
AR build, and presumably fire would be similar. Granted, these
are optimal numbers, meaning all you care about is the grind, you
are a competent player with a good build, and you focus to
squeeze every last bit of exp out of the time you play. But that
as what powerleveling is all about.

So how quickly are you getting levels using your Ice AOE
techniques? I can't imagine you are coming close to what Assault
Rifle can do, and if you are getting better than a level in 2-3
hours, what you'd get with a single-target approach, I'll be
impressed. But I am interested in what the best Ice can do is, so
please give us your numbers.



So how quickly are you getting levels using your Ice AOE techniques? I can't imagine you are coming close to what Assault Rifle can do, and if you are getting better than a level in 2-3 hours, what you'd get with a single-target approach, I'll be impressed. But I am interested in what the best Ice can do is, so please give us your numbers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rather than belabor spawns/attacks/etc... how about solid numbers.

Using hero logger to watch my xp, inf, xp/hr, I am getting around 80k an hour at 27. This includes usually 2 or 3 1.5 mile round-trip jaunts per hour to the store to sell when I have filled up with only DO/SO enhancements. Obviously it changes each level, moreso when I was too lazy at 26 to find a better spawn hunting ground. So, at 27, it would take me about 1.75 hours to level if I continue to sell. Each selling trip probably takes me 5 minutes total (from hunt site to IP's tech store and back) and is a great time for a smoke break. So, maybe 7-8 minutes total break every 20-30 minutes w/ that being 15 minutes per hour max and probably a little less in reality.

I am sure if I ignored drops, dropped my filthy habit, and ignored when the kid wakes up crying, I could lower that to 1.5 hours. As it is now, I plan on about 2 hours per level, so that I have some flex time and be happy when it takes less.

Single target hunting is quite a bit slower xp/hr. I ran the bridge a few times w/ it's sparse spawns and tried the entire west and east walls. Luckily the somewhat irregular boss makes up for a really slow period with his 450-550 xp... but not enough to make a substantial difference. I also spent a lot of time running missions again to see the numbers. With the hero logger setup with a on-top last 5 minutes xp/hr tab, it's easy to see what areas/groups/mobs are good or bad within 15 minutes. If you don't have it yet, I would suggest giving it a run, for at least the 10 day trial. If nothing else, once you find your ideal hunting grounds, the voice-from-text announcements of enh/insp drops are very helpful.

So, say what you will, I don't think I am far behind fire if any for speed. I already stated that AR would outpace Ice (and Fire) by this level. I still maintain that I am a valid AOE blaster... although, I may be on the edge of what is acceptable, and the bottom AOE choice if energy is as bad as you say at AOE. Not having experience with one that was planned to AOE from the get-go, I can't make a reasonable assesment.

EDIT: I am not saying Ice cannot be built as a single-target blaster, but I didn't bother with the holds since freezing a minion in a group of 10-12 is a waste of a power. Also, to repsond to a recent snipe side-comment someone made, BIB w/ 6 dmg SOs single shots an equal minion, so I don't think I am missing much with snipe. A blast/bolt on a second (with bolt only having 3 slots) equal death also... all in 3 seconds. Just trying to let others know that Ice missing a snipe doesn't seem to be a huge issue, unless I am hitting an lt or boss... but then again, I can continue to cast it during a fight without interruption.



I'd like to see you guys skipping hover and then getting owned by Freak Tanks and speeded Ink Men. You can't hop around like a little bunny with those. The tank doesnt care about little tacs on the ground, he'll knock you down with his m30, run straight over caltrops and 1-hit you. Now please tell me an example where jumpin around would be more effective than hovering.

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Lv26 blaster here and I never regretted in skipping past those chump Hover/Fly disabilities. Between Combat Jump, Hurdle and Super Speed, those wuss mobs that you mentioned never touch me. Those mobs go down just like other mobs. It's slightly annoying seeing those Freaks self-rez but it's no sweat.



If your numbers aren't exaggerated it seems you've found a good
exp spot. However, I wonder how localized it is to Terra Volta.
Are you taking on packs of Skyraiders with lots of lieutenants?
With Smoke Grenade they are doable, and I've heard good exp.
You won't find anything like that post 30. Swarms/Monkeys are the
equivelent and they are getting nerfed. Just like there is
nothing as easy as zombies in Dark Astoria past 30, once swarms
are gone.

You again did not mention what you are fighting or how you are
doing it. So again, I can only guess that you are using 2 Frost
Breaths. You have not disputed that, and I can't see any other
way for Ice to 2-shot anything AOE (Ice Storm will not cut it.)
So I assume you are Frost Breathing a pack twice. It has a 3
second animation time and 16 second recharge timer. Assuming
you've 6-slotted it with damage and have permahasten that is 9.4
second recharge. So it takes you at least 15.4 seconds to down
the pack, casting it twice. And, since Frost Breath is a
small-radius cone, you are going to miss stragglers on the second
breath. Compare that to Fire which uses Fire Ball and Fire
Breath, with a 1 second and a 3 second animation time for a total
of 4 seconds to kill the same pack. So wherever you are exping,
Fire would be a lot better off there.

But wait, here is the kicker. At level 26, Energy gets Explosive
Blast. Now Energy Torrent 6-slotted cast twice won't kill a pack,
but throw in even a 1-slotted Explosive Blast and it will. At 27
if you 3-slot Explosive Blast, the 3-shot combination will be
enough probably to do yellows. Energy Torrent has knockback, but
its all pushed backward rather than scattered, so its perfectly
credible that it will be able to hit a group twice if Ice can.
And I believe Energy Torrent is a wider cone, it feels on par
with flamethrower though admittedly I don't use it all that much.
Anyway Energy Torrent activation time (1 second) plus recharge
time (Hero planner is wrong, it is 12 seconds, 7 seconds with
Hasten) plus second activation time (1 second) plus Explosive
Blast time (2 seconds) is 11 seconds. So whatever mobs you are
killing, Energy would do it faster. And no one tries to say that
Energy is an AOE powerset.

Maybe you just have found a great exp spot. Something like
swarms, that makes weak AOEs perform well. It doesn't mean you
are an AOE blaster. If Ice is an AOE blaster, then Energy is an
AOE blaster because it can do what Ice can faster. Probably that
makes Electricity equal to Ice as an AOE blaster. Slot Short
Circuit for damage with its upgrade and use Ball Lightning plus
Short Circuit plus Ball Lightning again. It takes three shots to
your two, but since the second shot comes while Ball Lightning is
recharging, not a problem. And since Ball Lightning has a 1
second activation time and an equal 16 second recharge time, it
too is slightly faster than Ice. And both those attacks are
circular AOEs, much better for nailing a group than is a cone.
True, Short Circuit is PBAOE but with the enemy Smoke Grenaded,
that really isn't a problem.

The point is, if Ice can do it, so can all the other blasters.
Are we all AOE blasters now? Is every blaster a fool for not
slotting their AOE as much as they can. Or you have found an exp
spot that works well. Care to share it? I advocate going to Dark
Astoria because it is the best place I've found, but I'll change
my tune if you show me someplace better.

At any rate, I'm guessing you've just found a good set of mobs to
exp on in Terra Volts in which lesser AOEs are effective. Heck,
considering how wimpie zombies are in Dark Astoria, I'd bet it
would work there too. But only if you have Smoke Grenade because
otherwise these extended fights against huge packs will mean
downtime. Taking out a pack in 4 seconds means one enemy volley. Taking
out a pack in 11 to 15 seconds means a number of volleys. And any
lieutenants/bosses will become an issue. So I guess the lesson is
that all */Devices blasters can be passable AOE blasters because
Smoke Grenade allows you to stand there laughing at the mobs
while you wait for your AOEs to recharge.

Terra Volta/Dark Astoria ends at 30. When you get to Crey's
Folly, and the patch goes live that nerfs swarms and monkeys,
you'll have trouble. The packs there aren't as forgiving as in
the lower levels. Lots of Crey guys with damage resistance, lots
of Rikti with stuns, Nemesis often has really high level bosses
out of place in weaker packs, and so forth.

I'll stand by my definition. An AOE blaster is such because such
a blaster has powers which are good enough to destroy packs, and
don't require special weak packs that may get nerfed or may only
be in a specific zone. Fire and Assault rifle have the powers
that there is no reason to suspect they will ever not be able to
AOE exp. Even before the 40+ content goes live, I can say with
confidence that those two power sets will be able to AOE through
it. And I can say it is unlikely that Ice, Electricity, or Energy
will be able to. They rely on specific mobs, weak mobs, that
happen to go well with them. Swarms are just the perfect example.
Can we say all powersets are AOE because they can destroy swarms
efficiently? What about now that swarms are nerfed? Assault Rifle
and Fire will always be able to find some targets to AOE
efficiently, unless a nerf comes that changes the basic mechanics
of the game. To my mind, a power set that can AOE efficiently
only a small number of specific mobs, probably underpowered, that
could be nerfed at any time simply does not qualify as an AOE



Hey, another Doc Frost ... not one of my primes, but Doc Frost (Energy/Ice) is lots of fun! Just need to get a few more DO damage enhancements for my sniper shot - get that 'kill' on each minion.

One question for y'all (I'm lazy and I haven't searched) - Can you start sniper, then click on aim and/or build up? Just curious ...




How good is cloaking device? If you add stealth with it is this just as good as invisibility from the concealment pool?

Captain Beyond



stealth & cloak don't stack.



I have a L28 AR/Energy Blaster, as well as a L24 Ice/Elec Blaster.

Assault Rifle is definitely faster to level in "AoE" situations. However, it's very boring compared to the gameplay of Ice. The decision-making part of AR is "where do I stand to pop off flamethrower?". For Ice, the combat is much more dynamic, forcing you to choose real-time who to Freeze, who to concentrate firepower on, etc.

Playing Ice without the Holds and trying to focus on its relatively weak AE attacks is not something I'd really recommend. The only time I use my AE attacks on the ice blaster is purely when I'm in a group with multiple blasters and we're all AEing.

Ice is superior in terms of single-target damage, and you get some great utility out of the two holds. AR is far superior in AE damage. It's a pretty good tradeoff.

In the end, at level 50, I want to have had a good time getting there. Pressing Build-Up/Flamethrower all night long is not necessarily my idea of fun (not after the first 10min, anyhow).



stealth & cloak don't stack.

[/ QUOTE ]

So smoke grenade + cloaking device is what lets ya sneak in and drop that trip mine?

Captain Beyond



stealth & cloak don't stack.

[/ QUOTE ]

So smoke grenade + cloaking device is what lets ya sneak in and drop that trip mine?

Captain Beyond

[/ QUOTE ]

Cloaking device + superspeed would also work



If your numbers aren't exaggerated it seems you've found a good exp spot. However, I wonder how localized it is to Terra Volta.

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So you ask for numbers and then question the veracity of the number I give you, since you think it's too high? Interesting. "Honestly", my xp/hr has followed the curve along with the increase of xp/level, once I found a farmable area.

You won't find anything like that post 30. Swarms/Monkeys are the equivelent and they are getting nerfed. Just like there is nothing as easy as zombies in Dark Astoria past 30, once swarms are gone.

[/ QUOTE ]

You and I both know this isn't true. XPing from non-bugged spawns in TV has nothing to do with Swarm/Monkey type problems. The only swarms I kill are the occasional one on the beach as I head back from the store to TV, since they are a 1 shot kill and I can keep moving.

You again did not mention what you are fighting or how you are doing it. So again, I can only guess that you are using 2 Frost Breaths.

[/ QUOTE ]

Consider your statement disputed. I don't care for telling people my attacks because people can think for themselves. While you may enjoy making a guide and outlining this, I prefer not to see cookie cutter builds and would like people to try stuff out on their own to learn... like I had to. Powers, slots, etc. I don't talk about spawn points because I already have problems with people hunting in my areas and lowering my spawns regularly. Last thing I need is 5+ people messing me up. Perhaps when I am done with TV i'll talk about it. Then again, maybe people should just explore zones themselves instead of things being handed to them on a silver platter.

So whatever mobs you are killing, Energy would do it faster. And no one tries to say that Energy is an AOE powerset.
Are we all AOE blasters now? Is every blaster a fool for not
slotting their AOE as much as they can.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, I have said many times before, all blasters are AOE. As you move up the list of blasters, you get more AOE powers. All are single targets also, some just do it better. Are all blaster AT players fools for not slotting up their AOEs? Maybe, if that is the type of game they prefer and their blaster isn't on the lower end of the AOE blaster spectrum. Why not? So they may be a little slower than the blaster type above them on the list, they will still be able to solo-powerlevel the quickest as that build, more than someone focusing on the single-target attacks and groups.

I would suspect most players that take ice like to pick up the holds because they look cool for a blaster. That's great... it means they are having innocent fun, unlike powerlevelers. Others have probably been told that they are "single target semi-controllers" and should play it that way... then do. Either way, if you build a blaster with a single target focus, your AOE slots and powers are going to be minimal, thereby perpetuating the stereotype.

I'll stand by my definition. An AOE blaster is such because such a blaster has powers which are good enough to destroy packs, and don't require special weak packs that may get nerfed or may only be in a specific zone. Fire and Assault rifle have the powers that there is no reason to suspect they will ever not be able to AOE exp.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, you have mentioned several times that you recommend DA Pantheons to AR and Fire blasters because Pantheons are vulnerable to fire and lethal. So, in effect, you are basing you powerleveling from 21-30 on a mob that is "weak" to your build, although not in the nerf catagory.

Conversly, I don't know of any cold vulnerable mobs in the game, especially not from 21 on. You spent a great deal of your post harping on the fact that I must be killing "weak" mobs, which I am not. I don't xp swarms, nor monkeys.

By your loose definition above, all blasters are AOE blasters.

Side note: Man, did you lock onto that swarm/monkey thing. It just came out of nowhere. I don't even know where you would find groups of swarms and the ones I have killed on the beaches of IP/TV (at least ones between TV and tech store) are minimal xp, alone, and not worth the time.

I think I am about done with this thread. I have made my points and the discussion is getting circular now. You can, and probably will, remain closed minded about fire and AR being the only AOE blasters. Hopefully someone is intrigued by my posts and is willing to try out other builds and see how well they can powerlevel.

Just remember everyone, just because a 40th level whatever writes a guide on powerleveling all builds, it doesn't mean he knows everything about those builds. In fact, he/she won't even know everything about their own build because of the variety possible with so many powers and so few power levels (which will change somewhat when a 50 cap). Also, with the amount of exploiting that has been going on the last few weeks, there are a ton of mid-30/40 toons that are run by players with no practical experience. I am not trying to infer RSRobinson did this, as I doubt he did based on the bulk of his posts. He is somewhat informed, others may not be despite a lvl 40 forum sig.



There are very common, rather large sized groups of swarms and monkeys in crey's folley, they are hard to miss.

On that note, if you define being able to do that as AoE ice can one shot a pack of those and move on to the next all the same. Fbreath is a short recycle.



His point is to not use mobs that are being, or will be, nerfed. Swarms/Monkeys fall into that category.

Also, I realize now that RSRobinson will most likely make a comment regarding attack powers and that I must be using ice breath twice, as he has many times before.

Since I would like to head that discussion off at the pass, let me give one combo (which I am not using, but know for a fact will work) that people can build on for killing -1/equal minion packs. Again... learn the combos for yourself and play around. It's a game, part of the fun is figuring this stuff out...

frost breath
ice storm

If you argue that this combo, properly slotted, will not kill a pack outlined above, you simply have not had the experience of playing an ice blaster as an AOE xp'er. There are more 2/2.5 shot combos that will work. I used 2.5 because for devices, tossing a smoke or caltrops down is really nothing in grand scheme of time/group.



ice storm is unaffected by BU/Aim and damage inspirations, and there are usually more important things to slot over a 10 second duration minor-cold dot, with hasten up you could have used two superior damage frost breaths in the duration it'd take storm to kill



they extra dmg from frost breath would be enough to kill the mobs. i group with a ice blaster all the time. and its build up frost breath. rain and run away.

belive his rain does about 1/2 of an = lvl min



ice storm is unaffected by BU/Aim and damage inspirations, and there are usually more important things to slot over a 10 second duration minor-cold dot, with hasten up you could have used two superior damage frost breaths in the duration it'd take storm to kill

[/ QUOTE ]

The buildup isn't for ice storm, and vs dual frost breaths, I don't have to stick around except to kill fb misses, if I choose to. Nor do I have to try and line up another cone. And, fyi, statements like that about slots is what perpertuates cookie cutter builds.

Long live the only true blasters, fire and assault!!!

Everyone make sure they post their builds as quickly as possible for others to comment. You don't want to think for yourself!

So funny.



Viva la resistance!

Point was that relying on a fear/minor dot is nothing compared to a simple two DD effect similar to FA, flamethrower, fireball/breath etc.

And if you can find me a post of mine asking for an ice/energy build or slot recommendation for myself i'll give ya a cookie



Point was that relying on a fear/minor dot is nothing compared to a simple two DD effect similar to FA, flamethrower, fireball/breath etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't understand the statement. It may be "nothing" compared to the dmg from the other blaster's combos, but it casts quick and gets the same job done. If I can kill the mobs 1 time vs 1.5 times over, what is the actual resulting difference. None, they are dead just the same. If you start talking about red mobs vs white minions, then this would be an issue... but RSRobinson has clearly stated multiple times that whites/yellows should be the max con for safety reasons.

And if you can find me a post of mine asking for an ice/energy build or slot recommendation for myself i'll give ya a cookie

[/ QUOTE ]

I would definately like that cookie and am tempted, but I doubt I would find anything. The first paragraph was directed at you... the rest was me blowing off steam at the cattle that we see mainly in the forums.



I would rather ice storm be replaced with a real ae, or blizzard. Both suck compared to anything that isn't a rain.




I agree... maybe a moderate dmg DOT rain, which still takes slows. Involves no changes except dmg for one power. Chances are that a change would never happen to the ice line. Not enough people play it.

Every day, Paragon City is starting to look more like a CS match. Sky raiders are the Ts and all the AR/dev blasters are the CTs. So much for superheroes.



Lightning_Fast: You have never answered the question of whether you are using 2 frost breaths to take out these entire packs or not.

Since Ice has no other AE powers, one wonders how anything else could be the case.

The reason folks have doubts is because 2 frost breaths is far slower than fire breath/fireball or flamethrower, and due to this delay it is likely the mobs would be spread out by frost breath #2.



The problem with flaming people who base their builds on those of other people is that no powers or slots are refundable. If you experiment you run the risk of wasting a power or slot choice. Knowing in advance what will and will not be advantageous is sensible not weak.

The point about xp locations and exploring the game is very true though. It was the same in Everquest. People will never try anything new because they already know the supposedly best places to do things/gain xp/get loot. It is probably a 50/50 split between who are too stupid to figure things out for themselves and those people who actually don't want to waste time in reaching their goals.

Anyway there's lots of good information in this thread it was worth a read .



The problem with flaming people who base their builds on those of other people is that no powers or slots are refundable. If you experiment you run the risk of wasting a power or slot choice. Knowing in advance what will and will not be advantageous is sensible not weak.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think there are plenty of posts about each and every individual power in the game. These are a good source of information for making informed decisions.

I think now, more than ever, it is almost impossible to mess up your build, as we can even pick up a few more powers now than we could yesterday.

Worst case:
In reference to powers, you may level slower and have to pick up a power later that you could have used earlier... but with a little searching in the forums, it should be rare.

In reference to slots, the most you can do is waste influence slotting the wrong stuff and have to replace them. By the time you are slotting DOs or SOs regularly, you can probably afford to play around with all 6 slots of a power, without causing yourself an monetary problem. I know I can now... probably even change slots on 2-3 powers. If you gave too many slots to something... not a big deal since we get plenty in the 30s.

And yes, overall, this thread has been pretty informative if you ignore the PvP sidetracking.



Hi, I've read every post in this thread, nice read. I like learning logistics of games, so hopefully soon, I can offer some.

I'd like to ask something that has been discussed in other threads. My only reason for asking it in this thread as opposed to accepting what I've read from others, is the very strong emphasis on Stamina throughout this thread. One of RSR's original statements is,
"Every blaster should take Stamina. Once again, someone will post with his wonderful tale of his blaster who gets by without it. Good for you. From a powergaming perspective, your character would be better with it."

So i guess mine is a "what about..?" question.. what about Conserve Power? I haven't seen it discussed in this thread, and am wondering what the viewers of this thread think about Conserve Power as an alternative to Stamina. I have a lvl 10 En/En blaster, inexperienced but experienceing I plan on making my en/en a single target blaster. I have combat jump and hasten already (nothing in the Fitness set, so not sure if getting Stamina is worth it at this point, for my intentions). Thanks!



Lightning_Fast: Are you killing with 2 frost breaths or have you found some other source of pack-sized AoE damage for ice blasters?