A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)




A. you have NO idea what these rules are

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Go get teleport and try to teleport around a corner. Now do you understand why tsoo (Sky raider porters, rikti headman) don't have the same rules?

Yes, shots curve and go through walls. That doesn't matter. What matters is if they were in range and in position to be hit at the start of the animation. Sniper shots play by different rules, they are interruptible as i mentioned and if the target is in an out of sight location.. your shot won't go through the wall unless they walk behind it after the blast has left your hands.

I've never had my 3.7 second bitter freeze ray interrupted.



Fifth_Element, why are you so convinced that electricity stuns when it's not even in the power description?

Fact is, if this were such a great ability like you describe (chain stuns lol...), there would be no debate that it exists.

As for your Sorc example with them teleporting in place, the same thing happens with my 25 emp/drk defender and 23 burn tanker. It's a bug and has nothing to do with electricity "stun."



Fifth_Element, why are you so convinced that electricity stuns when it's not even in the power description?

Fact is, if this were such a great ability like you describe (chain stuns lol...), there would be no debate that it exists.

As for your Sorc example with them teleporting in place, the same thing happens with my 25 emp/drk defender and 23 burn tanker. It's a bug and has nothing to do with electricity "stun."

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You obviously did not read my post, and perhaps a few sentances. Shame on you

1. When any electricity attack hits an opponent, it drains endurance. The process of the draining IS the stun. So pretty much EVERYTHING but charged bolts is a 2 second stun. So if you would actually make the blaster and level him to a decent amount, you would see that ALL of your attacks, while draining the enemy, make him shake in place... meaning hes not attacking you. So please stop denying this FACT. You obviously have no first hand experience, and are like the many other posters who cannot conceive of such being true, therefor it must not.

2. You use the "if its such a great ability, then why isn't everyone ******* out the elec blaster" argument. This is simple, because 3 influential posters convinced you (the mindless herd) why its better to play some blaster types than others.

3. The example of a Tsoo tping in place WAS NOT MINE. And my retort to that was if you were shooting a Tsoo while he was teleporting, he would remain in place for the duration of the shock and then teleport... making the entire process about double the time it takes to teleport. Again your statement has NOTHING to do with what im actually saying.... I'm rather annoyed that I actually have to clear your misunderstandings up



Actually I went ahead and made a web page out of it. If you would prefer a different name for the credit to you, let me know (here or PM).



Player & mob powers work differently. None of my powers, other than snipe, have ever been interrupted, even when getting held, knocked down, stunned, disoriented, whatever. You can interrupt some mob effects, mid animations (and others, you only seem to interrupt them, but the powers still go off). Doesn't work with player powers.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



A. you have NO idea what these rules are

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Go get teleport and try to teleport around a corner. Now do you understand why tsoo (Sky raider porters, rikti headman) don't have the same rules?

Yes, shots curve and go through walls. That doesn't matter. What matters is if they were in range and in position to be hit at the start of the animation. Sniper shots play by different rules, they are interruptible as i mentioned and if the target is in an out of sight location.. your shot won't go through the wall unless they walk behind it after the blast has left your hands.

I've never had my 3.7 second bitter freeze ray interrupted.

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These statements are now going off on a different tangent than the ones we were previously engaged in.... I do not understand why though

These npc's do follow the same rules, what you see on your client and the speed at which their moving and what you saw them do are 2 different issues.

Concerning sniper shots, they actually apply by the same rules. Rather, try not to think of the gun being held up and aiming as an animation where LOS is required. No, thats the WAIT TIME before the actual LOS check occurs.

So if your aiming and trying to snipe a mob thats walking behind a pipe, obviously when your going to PULL the trigger you can't see him. That's merely a wait time invovled for balance purposes, and while it is an animation, it is not one where any LOS check is made. Only at the instance when you fire..... Because if the same mob is in view, walks behind a pipe, and then comes into view again before you actually pull the trigger, your shot lands.

Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP. Perhaps you have not been in optimal situations for an interrupt... mine gets interrupted

Going back to the original debate, would you risk casting a 4 second spell against an elec blaster? Much less you concede it only has 60 range, as opposed to the elec blasters 80 range nukes which are 1 and 2 seconds casting time? Furthermore, do you acknowledge, interruption or not.. your attack is not the subject, rather its the elec's attack that is of importance? If you land on me, great im slowed, if i land on you, your shocked. While you are being shocked,2+ seconds,(you cannot cast spells, and all toggles are off) and these spells can be chained indefinately.

Once the first spells land, so must the rest (unless a miss occurs)

The problem here with these arguments, including RSRobinson's.... is that it matters not whose class has more firepower or is better or faster. Rather the elec blaster is placing his opponent in a situation where he CANNOT win unless some error occurs against the elec blaster



When any electricity attack hits an opponent, it drains endurance. The process of the draining IS the stun. So pretty much EVERYTHING but charged bolts is a 2 second stun. So if you would actually make the blaster and level him to a decent amount, you would see that ALL of your attacks, while draining the enemy, make him shake in place... meaning hes not attacking you.

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My level 31 Electric blaster disagrees.

So please stop denying this FACT. You obviously have no first hand experience, and are like the many other posters who cannot conceive of such being true, therefor it must not.

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Electricity definitely does not stun. I'm 100% sure of this. Electricity may have a sleep effect that happens occassionally but thats much different (and less effective) than a stun.

With Power Boost all secondary effects are magnified and if you were right Id be stunning enemies for 4 seconds every time that power was active. That's not happening.



Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP.

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Hit/Miss is calculated and applied before the animation goes off for all powers except ones where it is described as interruptable in the power's description.



Very interesting read.

I have a Electric/Electric that I enjoy playing very much (she is 18 now), I'm in no rush to get to 40, because I cant see what all the rush is about getting there anyway... I mean, what is there to do at 40?..... make another alt and start again, hehe, doesnt appeal to me, but I wont knock others for wanting to do it

I do already have various alts, including an Energy/Energy Blast and I am taken aback at how much faster I can level her, who knows maybe she'll overtake my Electric/Electric.

As RSR stated, his post was aimed at people who wanted to get to 40 fast. I have gained some good info from it just the same (re defense) and I shall certainly take it into account. I already have Hover/Fly on my Elect/Elect and I love Fly just for the entertainmen value alone, but I may well try Superspeed on my Energy/Energy.



When any electricity attack hits an opponent, it drains endurance. The process of the draining IS the stun. So pretty much EVERYTHING but charged bolts is a 2 second stun. So if you would actually make the blaster and level him to a decent amount, you would see that ALL of your attacks, while draining the enemy, make him shake in place... meaning hes not attacking you.

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My level 31 Electric blaster disagrees.

So please stop denying this FACT. You obviously have no first hand experience, and are like the many other posters who cannot conceive of such being true, therefor it must not.

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Electricity definitely does not stun. I'm 100% sure of this. Electricity may have a sleep effect that happens occassionally but thats much different (and less effective) than a stun.

With Power Boost all secondary effects are magnified and if you were right Id be stunning enemies for 4 seconds every time that power was active. That's not happening.

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Pulsewave, for all intents and purposes a sleep is the equivalent of a stun as long as it prevents the enemy from continuing on its current course of action.

My level 40 elec blaster disagrees with you (freedom)

Occassionaly is an understatement Pulsewave. Call it what you will, if the enemy is unable to attack me back and if i can stop them from, say performing a long animated move, then by all intents and purposes it is a stun. Simply re-labeling it to something you can accept easier is pointless.

"With Power Boost all secondary effects are magnified and if you were right Id be stunning enemies for 4 seconds every time that power was active. That's not happening"

Perhaps my arguments were understood differently /sigh

The effect of the actual shocking process that an opponent undergoes when they are being shocked IS a stun.... What the opponent is actually experiencing is not categorized as a stun, rather they are being shocked and drained of some endurance, but it IS stunning them, is it not?

So Obviously power boost is not going to boost the duration for which they shake, because thats an endurance drain component, and power boost displays: Disorient, Hold, knockback, and immobilize.

Again, your nukes have the side effect of stopping an opponent of its movements, which is what i am referring to here as a stun.

In addition to the "it does not interrupt crowd"... If you are unable to continue on your current course of action, have you not been interrupted of something? Present OR Future?
Thus, you cannot deam the term interruption as inappropriate for the consequence that takes place every time an enemy is hit with an electricity nuke (cept maybe charged bolts which is too small.... unless enhanced)



These npc's do follow the same rules, what you see on your client and the speed at which their moving and what you saw them do are 2 different issues.

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What is so hard to understand about an NPC right in front of you teleporting to the room next to you? That isn't in LoS. And it sure isn't client/server syncing. Thats on the other side of a wall and PCs cannot do that, yet NPCs clearly can. There are a plethora of threads asking why Tsoo sorcerors can teleport to places not in their LoS.

Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP. Perhaps you have not been in optimal situations for an interrupt... mine gets interrupted

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This lends true doubt as to if you even know what you're talking about. I'm quite sure any of the other ice blasters here can verify that they've never had their BFR not go off once they've initiated it. I've been knocked down in animation, put to sleep, disoriented and held and it has never failed to go off as long as it was initiated before the stat effect. It'll also do its normal hit or miss reaction which isn't modified by my own status. I'm sure you'll fire back with the "Oh thats not optimal situations for interruptions.." but what more proof do you want?

If you feel this is in doubt, use it on non-aggressives until it "Misses" and note when the miss pops up compared to when the damage/hold pops up when it hits, and also as to if the NPC responds before it gets hit. Its quite simple to see when the hit/miss is calculated on that specific power, which holds true for any other power that is done at the moment of activation.

If i were to stealth near a vampyr adjutant and start BFR, if i miss the miss pops up during the very start of the animation and the adjutant will turn to me and start his routine while i'm still in the animation. If i hit the NPC will not react until the power hits him (at which point he'll be frozen anyway) and i'll be out of the animation.

Do you even have a blaster past 15? 10? It really seems like you don't.



Electricity does not stun, yes they shake if they get hit. But that has no ingame affect, it's just a graphic.

Would be great if it did, then electricity would be more in line with other blaster secondary affect powers. Still a lot of fun to play, like any blaster.

Either way I hope we learn more about how PvP will work soon. Then we can start laying down real plans.



Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP.

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Hit/Miss is calculated and applied before the animation goes off for all powers except ones where it is described as interruptable in the power's description.

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Close but no cigar. The Hit or miss check is performed at the start of the animation or somewhere just after the start of it.

Burst on my Ar/dev is not described as interruptable but has been many times before

What of my lightning bolt on my elec blaster... that has been interrupted (not usually) by status effects like sleep and the like.

If I don't see any text in the chat window or above the monster's head, regarding dmg or miss, and don't see its health move.... Have i not be Interrupted???



These npc's do follow the same rules, what you see on your client and the speed at which their moving and what you saw them do are 2 different issues.

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What is so hard to understand about an NPC right in front of you teleporting to the room next to you? That isn't in LoS. And it sure isn't client/server syncing. Thats on the other side of a wall and PCs cannot do that, yet NPCs clearly can. There are a plethora of threads asking why Tsoo sorcerors can teleport to places not in their LoS.

Bitter freeze ray is a 4 second 'animated' move.. give or take a few decimals.... this would be easily interrupted in any PVP. Perhaps you have not been in optimal situations for an interrupt... mine gets interrupted

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This lends true doubt as to if you even know what you're talking about. I'm quite sure any of the other ice blasters here can verify that they've never had their BFR not go off once they've initiated it. I've been knocked down in animation, put to sleep, disoriented and held and it has never failed to go off as long as it was initiated before the stat effect. It'll also do its normal hit or miss reaction which isn't modified by my own status. I'm sure you'll fire back with the "Oh thats not optimal situations for interruptions.." but what more proof do you want?

If you feel this is in doubt, use it on non-aggressives until it "Misses" and note when the miss pops up compared to when the damage/hold pops up when it hits, and also as to if the NPC responds before it gets hit. Its quite simple to see when the hit/miss is calculated on that specific power, which holds true for any other power that is done at the moment of activation.

If i were to stealth near a vampyr adjutant and start BFR, if i miss the miss pops up during the very start of the animation and the adjutant will turn to me and start his routine while i'm still in the animation. If i hit the NPC will not react until the power hits him (at which point he'll be frozen anyway) and i'll be out of the animation.

Do you even have a blaster past 15? 10? It really seems like you don't.

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Concerning your Tsoo example teleporting through office building walls.... Thats a problem with the NPC not being bound to a z axis. Or rather not having z plane... that is being fixed

My Ice/energy is 36. I have 4 char's post 31. I have access to 2 other accounts with lots of other post 30 chars. Simply questioning my understanding of the game, because you can't retort directly to ANY of the original subjects we were discussing is YOUR deficiency, not mine.

1. The Hold effect of BFR is instant, the dmg is not. Understand this difference, and stop making cheap references and examples which have NOTHING to do with the usefulness of that spell in PVP purposes, which was an original argument of ours and RSRobinson

2. Your STILL in an animated pose, even IF the effect lands. While the point is to place the hold, the animation is long and I hope I do not have to explain to you the meaning of this

Your obviously angry because you can't continue to argue any of the original subjects we were discussing. I will stop entertaining you because you continue to steer your arguments elsewhere in the lack of any real refute to the orignial argument about Elec blasters being able to prevent you from casting.

I have more, and have acces to even more end game characters than you will most likely realize in the next year. Do not ascertain to that with which you have no idea of.....



Do clocks display any of these "stun" delays in their attacks because if they have, I've never noticed them. Or is the stun phenomena a PC only side effect?



Electricity does not stun, yes they shake if they get hit. But that has no ingame affect, it's just a graphic.

Would be great if it did, then electricity would be more in line with other blaster secondary affect powers. Still a lot of fun to play, like any blaster.

Either way I hope we learn more about how PvP will work soon. Then we can start laying down real plans.

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Ok last one here, i refuse to continue to ward off the misinformed public.

It is, for intents and purposes, a stun.

Say you felt creative one day, and that you were in control of your own decision making processes (and not these forums for so many) and you rolled an Elec/? blaster

Suppose you were able to engage in a fight against a single target, and all your spells landed (blue/green for easier acceptace). If you were perma hasted, you could combo that enemy, so that he always appeared to be shaking.

Ok now to the point. Please tell me, WHY this enemy is NOT attacking me back

PLEASE.... Can ANYONE please tell me WHY, most of my enemies DO NOT ATTACK me back?

Is it possible this shocking effect (which is actually the endurance drain) wears off? SURE

But what does it MEAN, when the enemy I am attacking, has not Fired a single shot, or casted a single spell against me?
Were they actually a peaceful opponent?
Did they think I was one of them?

No, I would like to think they were STUNNED



1. The Hold effect of BFR is instant, the dmg is not. Understand this difference, and stop making cheap references and examples which have NOTHING to do with the usefulness of that spell in PVP purposes, which was an original argument of ours and RSRobinson

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Cheap references? You mean proving its uninterruptible doesn't mean anything to your "all attacks are interruptible" stance? You've got to be one of the most easily pigheaded people i've run across. Also, in the heat of a fight and on fleeing mobs, the hold does not land until the damage is applied, but you know, that's to hard to prove obviously.

2. Your STILL in an animated pose, even IF the effect lands. While the point is to place the hold, the animation is long and I hope I do not have to explain to you the meaning of this

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait wait, first you chat on about how the 3.7 second anim makes it easily interruptible, now you change why its bad to be the duration of the animation with it having nothing to do with interruption? Pick a stance already!

My Ice/energy is 36. I have 4 char's post 31. I have access to 2 other accounts with lots of other post 30 chars. Simply questioning my understanding of the game, because you can't retort directly to ANY of the original subjects we were discussing is YOUR deficiency, not mine.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh yeah, claiming things on a message board is most definately a claim to your e-manhood. I could claim anything i want here about my characters and you would be none the wiser too.

Your obviously angry because you can't continue to argue any of the original subjects we were discussing. I will stop entertaining you because you continue to steer your arguments elsewhere in the lack of any real refute to the orignial argument about Elec blasters being able to prevent you from casting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Clockworks have never kept me from acting except when they land tesla cage. And according to you they follow the same rules as PC... so... oh, their powers are also named the same as PC elec blasts.. lightning bolt, charged bolt, tesla cage...

I've also responded to your posts about interruptions, so making your own grandiose claims about me steering in a different direction hold as much water as a seive considering you talked about it yourself.

I have more, and have acces to even more end game characters than you will most likely realize in the next year. Do not ascertain to that with which you have no idea of.....

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"My e-manhood is bigger than your e-manhood!"


PLEASE.... Can ANYONE please tell me WHY, most of my enemies DO NOT ATTACK me back?

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Probably because they took their shot and are waiting on recycles. You may be surprised just how slow some of them recycle.



Pulsewave, for all intents and purposes a sleep is the equivalent of a stun as long as it prevents the enemy from continuing on its current course of action.

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A stun prevents you from doing anything until you the stun timer expires. A sleep prevents you from doing anything until the timer expires or you are hit by another attack. A stun is VASTLY superior to a sleep effect.

In niether case will either effect stop you from making an attack. Once you start an attack it will execute unless you are defeated or are interrupted during a Sniper Shot. What either WILL do is prevent you from executing a toggle, since toggles are shut off when slept OR stunned. The toggle still will be executed, but then is immediately shut off again. I think you are confused about that.

Occassionaly is an understatement Pulsewave. Call it what you will, if the enemy is unable to attack me back and if i can stop them from, say performing a long animated move, then by all intents and purposes it is a stun. Simply re-labeling it to something you can accept easier is pointless.

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I simply dont agree with you. I've attacked many foes and they dont pause for 2 seconds every time I hit. I wish they did. They occassionally get the shaking animation. It's definitely not happening 100% of the time. I get hit all the time hunting Freak stunners and I dont shake from the effects either.

"With Power Boost all secondary effects are magnified and if you were right Id be stunning enemies for 4 seconds every time that power was active. That's not happening"

Perhaps my arguments were understood differently /sigh

The effect of the actual shocking process that an opponent undergoes when they are being shocked IS a stun.... What the opponent is actually experiencing is not categorized as a stun, rather they are being shocked and drained of some endurance, but it IS stunning them, is it not?

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No, it's not. If it was stunning them, the following effects happen:
1) All active toggles would drop
2) MOB would wander aimlessly
3) MOB would be unable to attack
4) I could attack MOB without breaking his stun

So Obviously power boost is not going to boost the duration for which they shake, because thats an endurance drain component, and power boost displays: Disorient, Hold, knockback, and immobilize.

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Power Boost actually effects almost all secondary effects. It increases endurance drained as well as boosts your flight and running speed. I've tested it extensively; feel free to do a search and you'll see my experiences with it in this forum.

Again, your nukes have the side effect of stopping an opponent of its movements, which is what i am referring to here as a stun.

[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree on that. I think there may be an occassional sleep effect from electric attacks but definitely not stun effects. There are tangible differences between the two. The game engine makes use of 5 basic forms of crowd control: Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Stun, and Knockback. They all operate differently.

In addition to the "it does not interrupt crowd"... If you are unable to continue on your current course of action, have you not been interrupted of something? Present OR Future?
Thus, you cannot deam the term interruption as inappropriate for the consequence that takes place every time an enemy is hit with an electricity nuke (cept maybe charged bolts which is too small.... unless enhanced)

[/ QUOTE ]
I just dont see that effect. I dont recall ever being interrupted while fighting Freakshow electric blasters unless I was hit while making a sniper attack or killed while activating intangibility.



Power boost is also listed as +special, not + to specific effects. If you really had an energy secondary character you would be able to see that.



Definitly not a sleep effect on electricity. Sleep generaly lasts a long time and you see a big Zzz over their heads.

I dont know if electric does actually stun or if its a graphic thing, very possible it is just an interrupt.



My Ice/energy is 36. I have 4 char's post 31. I have access to 2 other accounts with lots of other post 30 chars.


I have more, and have acces to even more end game characters than you will most likely realize in the next year. Do not ascertain to that with which you have no idea of.....

[/ QUOTE ]

As a poster in this thread, long before it went this far off topic, I would request that if we are not going to keep it on topic... can we carry this on in the COV forum. This is where this discussion belongs.

The only discussion about powerleveling involves the above quote, which only shows me that someone (and his group) has spent some time using the exploit that is being patched. Tisk Tisk. This thread was never about exploits. We could all have toons in the 30s quickly if we wanted to cheat. Of course this is completely lame, since it means nothing until PvP. You didn't even get a powerleveling high. Sad.



Pulsewave, for all intents and purposes a sleep is the equivalent of a stun as long as it prevents the enemy from continuing on its current course of action.

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A stun prevents you from doing anything until you the stun timer expires. A sleep prevents you from doing anything until the timer expires or you are hit by another attack. A stun is VASTLY superior to a sleep effect.

In niether case will either effect stop you from making an attack. Once you start an attack it will execute unless you are defeated or are interrupted during a Sniper Shot. What either WILL do is prevent you from executing a toggle, since toggles are shut off when slept OR stunned. The toggle still will be executed, but then is immediately shut off again. I think you are confused about that.

Occassionaly is an understatement Pulsewave. Call it what you will, if the enemy is unable to attack me back and if i can stop them from, say performing a long animated move, then by all intents and purposes it is a stun. Simply re-labeling it to something you can accept easier is pointless.

[/ QUOTE ]
I simply dont agree with you. I've attacked many foes and they dont pause for 2 seconds every time I hit. I wish they did. They occassionally get the shaking animation. It's definitely not happening 100% of the time. I get hit all the time hunting Freak stunners and I dont shake from the effects either.

"With Power Boost all secondary effects are magnified and if you were right Id be stunning enemies for 4 seconds every time that power was active. That's not happening"

Perhaps my arguments were understood differently /sigh

The effect of the actual shocking process that an opponent undergoes when they are being shocked IS a stun.... What the opponent is actually experiencing is not categorized as a stun, rather they are being shocked and drained of some endurance, but it IS stunning them, is it not?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it's not. If it was stunning them, the following effects happen:
1) All active toggles would drop
2) MOB would wander aimlessly
3) MOB would be unable to attack
4) I could attack MOB without breaking his stun

So Obviously power boost is not going to boost the duration for which they shake, because thats an endurance drain component, and power boost displays: Disorient, Hold, knockback, and immobilize.

[/ QUOTE ]
Power Boost actually effects almost all secondary effects. It increases endurance drained as well as boosts your flight and running speed. I've tested it extensively; feel free to do a search and you'll see my experiences with it in this forum.

Again, your nukes have the side effect of stopping an opponent of its movements, which is what i am referring to here as a stun.

[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree on that. I think there may be an occassional sleep effect from electric attacks but definitely not stun effects. There are tangible differences between the two. The game engine makes use of 5 basic forms of crowd control: Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Stun, and Knockback. They all operate differently.

In addition to the "it does not interrupt crowd"... If you are unable to continue on your current course of action, have you not been interrupted of something? Present OR Future?
Thus, you cannot deam the term interruption as inappropriate for the consequence that takes place every time an enemy is hit with an electricity nuke (cept maybe charged bolts which is too small.... unless enhanced)

[/ QUOTE ]
I just dont see that effect. I dont recall ever being interrupted while fighting Freakshow electric blasters unless I was hit while making a sniper attack or killed while activating intangibility.

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1. Noting the difference between a stun or sleep has nothing to do with my argument... again an inability to maintain on the current topic. I was saying for all intents and purposes it ACTS as a stun in the regard that it prevents them from taking action.. something BOTH a sleep and a stun have in common

2. That is in your experience, you can slot for more 'shaking' if you want. Maybe then it will be more apparent

3. A. MOBS DO NOT sometimes wander around aimlessly when stunned. No
B. The mob is stunned, you are NOT, you have no idea what is being dropped and what isnt, you can only speculate.
C. Because you can't chain stun it, and i can are 2 different issues... consider your slotting, but do not impose your experiences as any sort of guideline or rule of thumb... Again, thats ignorance
D. I have experienced the same effects with power boost but they WILL NOT increase the animation the mob undergoes when you land with your nukes. Stop trying to tie one with the other... they are not related

4. Stop interpreting my use of STUN as a genuine STUN. It is LIKE a stun. It provides nearly the same control that a stun does.

Pulsewave, we just have different experiences here on the actual stasis that i put mobs in when i shoot them than when you shoot them. I can tell you for a fact im certain we slotted differently

Also, you point out that a stun continues to hold a mob in place regardless of what actions are taken upon them, where as a sleep does not and any aggressive action would wake the mob. While thats true, its also inapplicable to this situation.

Because EVERY nuke WILL 'sleep'/'stun' them. So if i cast a nuke that Sleeps them, then cast a nuke that sleeps them again, WHERE have they awoken from their sleep???

So again, for all intents and purposes, IT IS A STUN .... you cannot refute this



1. The Hold effect of BFR is instant, the dmg is not. Understand this difference, and stop making cheap references and examples which have NOTHING to do with the usefulness of that spell in PVP purposes, which was an original argument of ours and RSRobinson

[/ QUOTE ]

Cheap references? You mean proving its uninterruptible doesn't mean anything to your "all attacks are interruptible" stance? You've got to be one of the most easily pigheaded people i've run across. Also, in the heat of a fight and on fleeing mobs, the hold does not land until the damage is applied, but you know, that's to hard to prove obviously.

2. Your STILL in an animated pose, even IF the effect lands. While the point is to place the hold, the animation is long and I hope I do not have to explain to you the meaning of this

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait wait, first you chat on about how the 3.7 second anim makes it easily interruptible, now you change why its bad to be the duration of the animation with it having nothing to do with interruption? Pick a stance already!

My Ice/energy is 36. I have 4 char's post 31. I have access to 2 other accounts with lots of other post 30 chars. Simply questioning my understanding of the game, because you can't retort directly to ANY of the original subjects we were discussing is YOUR deficiency, not mine.

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Oh yeah, claiming things on a message board is most definately a claim to your e-manhood. I could claim anything i want here about my characters and you would be none the wiser too.

Your obviously angry because you can't continue to argue any of the original subjects we were discussing. I will stop entertaining you because you continue to steer your arguments elsewhere in the lack of any real refute to the orignial argument about Elec blasters being able to prevent you from casting.

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Clockworks have never kept me from acting except when they land tesla cage. And according to you they follow the same rules as PC... so... oh, their powers are also named the same as PC elec blasts.. lightning bolt, charged bolt, tesla cage...

I've also responded to your posts about interruptions, so making your own grandiose claims about me steering in a different direction hold as much water as a seive considering you talked about it yourself.

I have more, and have acces to even more end game characters than you will most likely realize in the next year. Do not ascertain to that with which you have no idea of.....

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"My e-manhood is bigger than your e-manhood!"


PLEASE.... Can ANYONE please tell me WHY, most of my enemies DO NOT ATTACK me back?

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Probably because they took their shot and are waiting on recycles. You may be surprised just how slow some of them recycle.

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Iceshrike i'd like to first state that you invovle personal attacks into your criticims of others' arguements which often clouds your ability to be clear and concise while mainting any sort of premise.

1. You have not proved its uninterruptible. Again, If i see no dmg, or a miss, have i been interrupted? Where did my spell go? refute this

2. Yes, the BFR is easily interrupable... Have you ever fired a status effect on a monster that fired a status effect on you at the same time. You hear the effect occur, but you never were under any condition of the effect. Also, if you note those occurances, they most likely occured because you fired simultaneously at the enemy. You have not, and as such, can't understand or are open to acceptance of this fact.

3. Either you are jealous, or are in dis-belief. Anyhow you take it, I listed my character selection so that you might perhaps take my arguments seriously. Obviously you do not, and are some gimp who can't understand why I have more and you have less. Bottom Line

Again you avoid the topic of PVP between an ice vs elec... Why? You only continue to drag out the intricacies of a spell and not talk about its implications on PVP which is how this argument originally started. Your hiding behind other concepts and issues which could be dragged on forever, and ofcourse you are aware of this



I have to agree with some of the other posters that Fire will most likely NOT dominate PVP. We do not do enough damage to a single target. It wont matter how fast your animation is or how fast your attacks refresh if another plaster is taking you out in a shot or two.




Again you avoid the topic of PVP between an ice vs elec... Why? You only continue to drag out the intricacies of a spell and not talk about its implications on PVP which is how this argument originally started. Your hiding behind other concepts and issues which could be dragged on forever, and ofcourse you are aware of this

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Are you going to comment on why i've never been "stunned" or unable to act when fighting electric powered mobs? Crey Voltaic tanks, clockworks, freakshow juicers among them. I've never stopped moving while running and getting hit by electric blasts from NPCs, i've never had a power stop firing when hit by them either, or anything else. This IS relevant to your own ice vs elec pvp fight, because i've yet to see any type of stun as you seem to imply occuring with electric powerset. Are you going to ignore everyone else's post saying the same thing?

That's all i have for you now, the rest is seriously not worth the effort, its clear nothing will budge you from whatever stance you're in (since you waffle around those as well).

If you respond with another circuitous arguement that ignores what i've just posted, you've proven beyond a doubt every one of my suspicions.

But i'll answer this in parting:

2. Yes, the BFR is easily interrupable... Have you ever fired a status effect on a monster that fired a status effect on you at the same time. You hear the effect occur, but you never were under any condition of the effect

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Actually, i've been in a sleep from a Crey Protector's freeze cannon at the same time as i had it ice cubed. (Yes its a boss, but i had applied freeze ray before hand)