A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)




You nailed it alright...good write-up!



Good lord. Um...since ED, this is pretty much outdated now.
That, and the fact that I've seen SEVERAL elec/elec that could render entire groups totally impotent about every other group indicates that either your info is dated, or just not that well thought out. I've never personally used it, but my best friend took his to fifty with very little problem. LOVED it, in fact. He also almost never ran out of end, on a side note. Seriously, with us now being able to slot only thrice, you might like to rethink your post. Points for effort though



Congratulations! You win the Necro Post of the Day award! Good lord, this is ancient!



You noticed this was written in 2004 didn't you?

Wow, I remember reading this post when it was first written and saving to my HD to read at work.

Ah, memories.



My 1st Blaster was a Elec/elec, with hover, ugh no wonder he was dying all the time and took forever to go places.
My new blaster is Assualt/devices and has not died once, currently level 8 (plus I learned better skills)

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me