A powerleveler's guide to blasters (very long)




let me clarifizzle my nizzles, the guide is misleading. I just get so tired of hearing people bash powers and say they cant be usefull for powerleveling. Im a powerlever since beta, and i only agree on a few things he has to say.
I was able to get to level 13 in 7 hours . . . and now i can get my travel power in one day, i have a good 4 chars i leveled to 14 in a week. I think ive got my game down pretty solid.

HOVER BASHING. ok this guy bashes hover for powerleveling, when its essential for powerleveling. at level 30 fire/fire blaster hover will allow you to RIP thru brixtown mobs and keep you out of melee range, something combat jump, hasten, ect ect cannot do (unless u use them to run). If hover is slotted with 2 SO flight speed an NO defence it will give u the protection and the speed to be VERRYYYyyyYYYyyY safe in battle and avoid every mele attack. 90% of the people who get HOVER never bother to add that ONE extra slot it takes to make it l33t.

With the new level cap its possible to choose more powers from diffrent power POOL sets. . . what elese can i say about that?

The first char i powerleveled was a FIRE/FIRE blaster. The thing to remember with a blaster is that, purple mobs can DROP you with 1 critical melee hit, OR a good 3 to 4 melee hit(not critical). BUT Ranged power for mobs is lower. There is no reason to put a blaster on the front lines. . no reason what so ever. You should never be in the position where u have to use a power like FIRE SWORD CIRCLE.... in honesty fighting purples running up into a mob of 12, 5 levels higher than u trying to pull off a "COMBUSTION" is suicide... Power leveling is about getting to the next level with the quickness. Not getting out of debt then getting to the next level. I chose EVERY power in the primary power set for fire blaster, simple because u need to inflict the most damage FAST. and only chose Ring of fire and Build up in my secondary power set. I got combustion but that was a mistake. . i still have gen enhancements in it at level 48...

The guide is a basic rule of thumb for powerleveling, a helpfull guide, but not the best way to powerlevel... The most helpfull things in the guide, is the time the poster took to actually DATA MINE the numbers. Something i do not have the time to do because im powerleveling... Damage and defence are the key to a blaster powerleveling. . KEY!



Ah! the ever evolving novel that is this wonderous thread. What's this? A new character has revealed himself to the audience!

Lets start with the "Hover Bashing", I do not believe that Robinson meant "Hover suxxors". Though, for Robinson's power leveling build, hover would be detrimental to the experience rate since if you follow his advice all the enemy mobs will be dead in the first shot (assault rifle) or 2 shots (fire blaster) and as such melee is not an issue. This in turn means hover would have been useless since the first volley of hits is ranged anyway and would have hit a hovering hero or a ground based hero regardless. The second volley isn't important because all the mobs are already dead and you've super speeded away to the next group. However, if you're fighting mobs higher than Robinson suggests hover would be necessary. However, he didn't tell you to go hunt red/purple con mobs now did he?

In addition, he opts for devices which i can tell you from personal experience from following his guide (currently 33) smoke grenade and the defensive powers he suggests have made enemies miss me far more often than without. I have tried (by mistake) and died shortly thereafter, so if you aren't taking devices i can see why hover would be necessary but you didn't follow his guide for the optimal power leveling hero if you neglected devices. I really don't think it needs to be said but taking all the powers in a set is not necessarily a good thing. You can't fire off all your powers at once and by the time you get through half of them you most certainly will have some of them recharged. Personally, i haven't missed not getting buckshot/grenade launcher since getting flame thrower and am quite glad I did not do so.

In closing, I would like to address your closing paragraph. It is a helpful guide, you agree with most of the other postes in that regard. You also stated that Damage and defense are key, Robinsion posts the same theory in his original thread and is evidenced by his advice for 6 slotting damage and picking up cloaking device/combat jumping/hasten/manuvers. To me, that doesn't seem like a contradiction but a validation of Robinsion's guide, though admittedly Robinsion tells us how to do it while you give a vague suggestion.

Finally, is it the best guide? What is the best guide? I'm certainly in favor of Robinson's for the moment. What is the best computer this month? Will it be the best computer next month? What is the best food? Is it your room mates favorite food or does he despise it? Point being this guide is far more than just DATA MINING as you suggest.

Boy that was fun! let the story continue!



HOVER BASHING. ok this guy bashes hover for powerleveling, when its essential for powerleveling. at level 30 fire/fire blaster hover will allow you to RIP thru brixtown mobs and keep you out of melee range, something combat jump, hasten, ect ect cannot do (unless u use them to run).

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Right, I'm going to take advice from somebody who thinks that Hover will grant them tons of XP, doesn't have a clue what Hasten does, and doesn't even know how to spell Brickstown correctly. FYI a true XP blaster doesn't have to worry about "...keep you out of melee range" because all the mobs will be dead in seconds. Last I checked at Brickstown, almost every mob uses a ranged attack so they'll be turkey shooting your hovering butt.



HOVER BASHING. ok this guy bashes hover for powerleveling, when its essential for powerleveling. at level 30 fire/fire blaster hover will allow you to RIP thru brixtown mobs and keep you out of melee range, something combat jump, hasten, ect ect cannot do (unless u use them to run).

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Right, I'm going to take advice from somebody who thinks that Hover will grant them tons of XP, doesn't have a clue what Hasten does, and doesn't even know how to spell Brickstown correctly. FYI a true XP blaster doesn't have to worry about "...keep you out of melee range" because all the mobs will be dead in seconds. Last I checked at Brickstown, almost every mob uses a ranged attack so they'll be turkey shooting your hovering butt.

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even with my fire blaster i cannot kill a boss 3 levels ahead of me in 5 shots, i need a good 7 to 10 moves to drop him. . . the fastes way to POWER level is to kill mobs 3 to 4 levels above you. . . i can drop oranges with one shot and sometimes have to back it up with fire breath, but i cannot kill 4+ level purples with one shot, let alone 2. . . . you cant effectivlizzle powerlizzle unless your kill purples. . . SOLO. . i have 2 level 40's . . . . . and 1 level 44!!! i think ive got it down.... and i dont even use the brix exploit. . . so why all the hating on me????? If my chars had the powerset outlined in this manual, 3+ bosses would eat me for dinner. . . ive had the SPEED build b4. . . and its just not that efficient for MASS exp. .. . believe it or not. . . ITS SAFE for ornages and reds, but not purples.



Let me just post about the so called stun affect on Electric. This is only animation delay, it like taking out your sword, there is no delay in damage. What the computer does is if you have an effect like that is cuts time off of the animation from the attack. This has bin proven with Boxing and katana or broad sword (forget witch). If you started with boxing, and did hack-slash it was faster if you did slash-hack (this was a bug). So there is no stun on electric.



Allo again, I didn't know this yesterday when I posted but I know now after hitting 34. Following Robinson's guide I can safely solo a group of up to red con minions in 2 shots and kill off any lieuts/bosses that survive said massacre with burst/slug/sniper. Yes sniper because with smoke grenade mobs hit so very few times its more unlikely that they will hit rather than not hit.

I'm not going to bash whiteboi because for all we know he isn't really an escaped patient of a mental assylum and actually has 2 40's and a 44. It doesn't really matter now. The point is Robinson's guide works and it works well.

P.S. If you doubt it, throw together a toon and send Palintone a tell and i'll show you just how well Robinson's guide works.



rofl after his first post, im supprised he came back to post again lol.

yes there is lots and lots of useful information here, just have to read a bit now to find it all lol



Very diplomatic Cambios.
Well done.
/e clap

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I have my moments.



lol i was taking his guide seriously untill he said "you only get 4 power pool powers" . . then why do i have 6? I have Teleport friend, foe, self, hover, hurlde, health. . . where do people get this number 4?!?! you can have as many power pools as u want. . . if you dont want your primarys , then dont take them ,but telling people u only get 4 pools is wrong. . guide not worth reading past that line. LoL power leveling!!! HAHAHAHA without HOVER!! LoL!!! hahahahahahaha what an @$$

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Uhhh... I have both a Fire blaster and an Energy blaster in thier twenties (the Fire blaster only took 3 days to lvl 22, Energy is for missions and RP) and Hover is the most useless power except for going afk with no aggro. As far as I'm concerned SS is the travel mode of choice for any build. It should, however, be complimented by another, less vertically challenged power as soon as possible. (My Fire is SS/SJ, and Energy is SS/Fly)

It has gotten to the point that I hate grouping with people who do not have SS b/c I have to worry about them getting aggro and (except for SJ) just can't keep up when moving short distances (>100 yards) from group to group.



saying hover is a req for PLing is like saying elec blasters can compete with ARs. it's just friggin WRONG!

if you continue to stand by that statement you will lose any credibility you've managed to hold on to. you're just wrong. you need to admit it.

coming to this thread and flaming this guy's work with references that are WRONG is a waste of everyone's time. there are people trying to learn from others with more experience. people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT and your crap just gets in the way.

*euVicious slaps whiteboi with a large trout*



let me clarifizzle my nizzles

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oh my god.

I was able to get to level 13 in 7 hours . . . and now i can get my travel power in one day, i have a good 4 chars i leveled to 14 in a week. I think ive got my game down pretty solid.

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yes, yes you do. you think you're the *****. you're bragging about these "great accomplishments" that aren't that difficult. do something hard and tell me about it. you've just showed us that you're standards for PLing are incredibly low, and that you shouldn't be listened to at all. so much came from those two sentences. that's talent.

now i havent played since the update, so i'm not going to say that it's still incredibly inefficient to go after purples. At the time this thread started, the best way to PL was going after whatever you could 2-hit KO. then you run to the next group. that's it. for most this is whites and yellows. some people could handle oranges with two hits. w/e you could handle with 2 hits, that's what you go after. why were you going after purples... if you would like, i can show you some #s proving this. i haven't bothered yet for the knew patch since im out of town.

the point is, when this thread started, rsrob was completely right. his advice was great.

telling him his advice is bad now, after a major patch... go do something productive.



yes there is lots and lots of useful information here, just have to read a bit now to find it all lol

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I did put all of his relevant posts into one web page to make it easier.



LoL your all [censored]!!! hahahaha sit there and tell me i dont know what im talking about. . hahahahhahaha . but for someodd reason i have 3 40+ heroes. . . . ohh thats right. . . what do i know. . . ive only been playing since beta phase 2. . . go ahead, build your speed blasters. . . have a good time, and youll all be level 40 a week or 2 after me. . . ohh yhea thats right, hover is useless. . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO LO LO LO LOLO L OL OL OL O level 20's think they know everything !!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL , lets see you guys take down hamidon twice in one day. . . . with a speed build!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAA ohh man im loving this! hit me back with summore "weve never pased level 30" flames!!! cummon hit it homies!



saying hover is a req for PLing is like saying elec blasters can compete with ARs. it's just friggin WRONG!

if you continue to stand by that statement you will lose any credibility you've managed to hold on to. you're just wrong. you need to admit it.

coming to this thread and flaming this guy's work with references that are WRONG is a waste of everyone's time. there are people trying to learn from others with more experience. people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT and your crap just gets in the way.

*euVicious slaps whiteboi with a large trout*

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. . . lol . . . whats your highest character ? ? ? 25 - 30 ? ? ? come back when youve maxed a few of em out. . not one. . . a FEW. . . .
LoL you guys are wild!!!! I never said the guide was wrong. . . lol i said its not the best guide for powerleveling by any damn means, the speed build was trashed in EARLY beta because purples were too much of a risk with the speed build. . . can you get to level 40 quicker with the speed build opposed to using just "guessing the next power you pick" build. . shure u can. . . but can you get there as fast as a energy power build or a fire aoe build. . . in your dreams maybe. . . but not in reality. . . the INFO/Guide is CoO guys, its not info for players that have been playingthe game 6 months. . sorry, believe what u want, its just not. . chill out people damn!!! your loosing composure over a GUIDE!!! LoL Im not going to write a guide, ever, because i dont have the time, and you can find a guide for a simple fire aoe power build anywhere on theese forums. . . theyve been around since BETA piznimps....

you guys are gettin a little outa hand with this madness



saying hover is a req for PLing is like saying elec blasters can compete with ARs. it's just friggin WRONG!

if you continue to stand by that statement you will lose any credibility you've managed to hold on to. you're just wrong. you need to admit it.

coming to this thread and flaming this guy's work with references that are WRONG is a waste of everyone's time. there are people trying to learn from others with more experience. people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT and your crap just gets in the way.

*euVicious slaps whiteboi with a large trout*

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. . . lol . . . whats your highest character ? ? ? 25 - 30 ? ? ? come back when youve maxed a few of em out. . not one. . . a FEW. . . .
LoL you guys are wild!!!! I never said the guide was wrong. . . lol i said its not the best guide for powerleveling by any damn means, the speed build was trashed in EARLY beta because purples were too much of a risk with the speed build. . . can you get to level 40 quicker with the speed build opposed to using just "guessing the next power you pick" build. . shure u can. . . but can you get there as fast as a energy power build or a fire aoe build. . . in your dreams maybe. . . but not in reality. . . the INFO/Guide is CoO guys, its not info for players that have been playingthe game 6 months. . sorry, believe what u want, its just not. . chill out people damn!!! your loosing composure over a GUIDE!!! LoL Im not going to write a guide, ever, because i dont have the time, and you can find a guide for a simple fire aoe power build anywhere on theese forums. . . theyve been around since BETA piznimps....

you guys are gettin a little outa hand with this madness

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Unless you've hit level 50, you haven't maxed any of your characters out either.



GQwhatever = another name to ignore. I think I lost brain cells reading those posts...



GQwhatever = another name to ignore. I think I lost brain cells reading those posts...

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i know, and i lost PowerLeveling TIME writing them!! im OUT!!



LoL your all [censored]!!! hahahaha sit there and tell me i dont know what im talking about. . hahahahhahaha . but for someodd reason i have 3 40+ heroes. . . . ohh thats right. . . what do i know. . . ive only been playing since beta phase 2. . . go ahead, build your speed blasters. . . have a good time, and youll all be level 40 a week or 2 after me. . . ohh yhea thats right, hover is useless. . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO LO LO LO LOLO L OL OL OL O level 20's think they know everything !!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL , lets see you guys take down hamidon twice in one day. . . . with a speed build!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAA ohh man im loving this! hit me back with summore "weve never pased level 30" flames!!! cummon hit it homies!

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What's going on here? I think I am lost, I was looking for a thread titled... let me check my notes for a sec... something about blasters and powerleveling? Am I in the right place?


P.S. What is a speed blaster?
P.P.S. What is a LOLO?



LoL your all [censored]!!! hahahaha sit there and tell me i dont know what im talking about. . hahahahhahaha . but for someodd reason i have 3 40+ heroes. . . . ohh thats right. . . what do i know. . . ive only been playing since beta phase 2. . . go ahead, build your speed blasters. . . have a good time, and youll all be level 40 a week or 2 after me. . . ohh yhea thats right, hover is useless. . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO LO LO LO LOLO L OL OL OL O level 20's think they know everything !!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL , lets see you guys take down hamidon twice in one day. . . . with a speed build!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAAA ohh man im loving this! hit me back with summore "weve never pased level 30" flames!!! cummon hit it homies!

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What's going on here? I think I am lost, I was looking for a thread titled... let me check my notes for a sec... something about blasters and powerleveling? Am I in the right place?


P.S. What is a speed blaster?
P.P.S. What is a LOLO?

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there is a GUIDE on the first page of thread about building a SPEED/Defence Blaster..... the guide will show you how to build a blaster that can level white to orange moobs with ease... It depends on your taste, if you want to run thru speedy and safely use this guide . . If you want to level purples not so quickly, but get more exp per kill, build a AOEpower/Defence blaster, or AOEpwer/Speed blaster. . You can find a guide on theese all up in deez boards.



lol i was taking his guide seriously untill he said "you only get 4 power pool powers" . . then why do i have 6? I have Teleport friend, foe, self, hover, hurlde, health. . . where do people get this number 4?!?! you can have as many power pools as u want. . . if you dont want your primarys , then dont take them ,but telling people u only get 4 pools is wrong. . guide not worth reading past that line. LoL power leveling!!! HAHAHAHA without HOVER!! LoL!!! hahahahahahaha what an @$$

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Wow. Just....wow.



Don't be so quick to ignore Lightning_Fast.

While he did get out of control in this thread, he pretty much saw the light and was willing to admit errors and overstatements.

Also, if you've read his posts in other threads, he has contributed some useful information and analysis.

While it is possible the crazy Lightning_Fast from about page 2 to page 9 is the real Lightning_Fast, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk that up to getting carried away in a heated debate.

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I appreciate the post Cam, and I'm glad you found benefit in my other posts. But, that was the real me for the first few pages... just diverted completely away from my point. That divergence removed focus from my valid points, but maybe some caught it. I'll tell you what was the main problem. I still purport that Ice can xp as quickly as fire through all the levels, IF fire takes a few seconds off between groups. What I never caught onto was the recycles between fights being faster for fire. I was killing exactly what was suggested in 2 attacks. I was doing it as quick as 3 casts (including caltrops as a slow in between the attacks). I did require groups to be well formed, but fire breath would require that also. I just missed the whole recycling between groups being much smaller for fire and that didn't really get discussed until much later.

End result, I am sure ice, energy, and lightning can all AOE effectively (including orange minions) by the 30s if they use tripmine. Trip, backup, ball/breath/torrent. Move on. Note: no need for follow up if you slot all dmg, but you will miss some... easier to hit all and do a second cast, than play cleanup.

Up to that point... Ice is faster than energy and elec, and can AOE groups effectively, just with some between group downtime unless you double frost breath... which means you stick around longer. People say ignore the rain, but as it slows inherantly and does nice dmg 6 slotted, I ignore them.

Energy should be able to AOE without tripmine after explosive blast is 6 slotted (lvl 31), as long as they can pop a dmg insp or hit aim or buildup. It looks like my frost breath is going to double the dmg that RSR stated for torrent at 40, where EB will do the same.

Electricity... it will never AOE effectively without device's tripmine.

After watching Hero Logger a ton for xp/hr in many situations, killing medium groups of whites/yellows/oranges is much faster xp than 2 - 3 red/purp mob groups including bosses. It doesn't matter what build you are unless you simply can't kill the 10 mob groups in 15 seconds or less with some AOE/cone/whatever combo. In that case, continue with the boss/lt groups.

Blizzard... hmmm... underwhelming. Tried to switch things up some to test it out. It appears caltrops w/ 2 SO slows works better than my rain with 4 SO slows (I guess base slow on caltrops is much higher). With caltrops down, both rains can obliterate packs of yellows (oranges too I think, hard to remember). Without caltrops (or shiver from ice secondary), they will just run out. But, it is amusing to see the animation end and have mobs run back into it's effects 10 seconds later. Useless power, way more than the other 32s unless you have a controller to immob/hold. As a couple others mentioned... not an effective xping tool.

Oh, btw, to everyone... ignore me if you want, no need to post. My feelings won't be hurt. You might miss some of my good threads, but since there are hundreds of thousands around... who cares?



I think it's funny... People can't have their own experience anymore. They have to find the perfect build so they can rule the world. Where’s the fun in taking out a mob in one or two hits? Where’s the challenge? Where’s the blood pumping excitement? I gots a Enrg/Enrg Blaster that most of you would probably laugh at, but I bet I have more fun gettin into trouble and surviving by the skin of my teeth while lvling at a comfortable rate. Is there some prize for hitting the lvl cap quick? Do they give you a Super Cookie or something?

Call me crazy but using my melee attacks on a Red con Boss is hella fun.

And this is an MMO not a single player game that just happenes to be online...

I guess what it comes down to is how you like to have fun. But to be honest I'd rather read a Comic with action and tight situations than one where the hero stands there and blast’s the bad guy in one or two cells.

So that my two cents...*grabs umbrella and waits for poo storm*



Piznimps? You actually wrote out 'piznimps'?

Well, blibbledang and gollingol, my ijazizizzles!






Piznimps? You actually wrote out 'piznimps'?

Well, blibbledang and gollingol, my ijazizizzles!




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isnt that like scrimping on the scray? BUT what if the scray scrimps the scrizzle?!?! thats the question there, how does one scrimp to the point the scray has been scrowdizzled?? Ill never know . . . one of the mysterys of lizife. . .



lol i was taking his guide seriously untill he said "you only get 4 power pool powers" . . then why do i have 6? I have Teleport friend, foe, self, hover, hurlde, health. . . where do people get this number 4?!?! you can have as many power pools as u want. . . if you dont want your primarys , then dont take them ,but telling people u only get 4 pools is wrong. . guide not worth reading past that line. LoL power leveling!!! HAHAHAHA without HOVER!! LoL!!! hahahahahahaha what an @$$

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Wow. Just....wow.

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Yep, it makes my heart cry too.