Send Us Your Fan Fiction & Art!




Heroic Scribes Wanted!

Time to dust off your trusty word processor and spin a heroic tale of fan fiction for possible posting or publication in a future community project (including web and comic book). What we want to see is a story that chronicles your hero’s or team’s (in-game or original characters) villain-busting adventures. Be as creative as you want, but keep it at least PG-rated. Doc or .txt format preferred. 1000-1500 words max, please! Special word limit consideration (within reason) will be given to exceptional work to be posted on the website. Please send all submissions to Heroic Fiction, with the subject heading Fan Fiction Submission. The by-line can be your real name or a character name (or both).

Heroes of Art!

We aren’t leaving you artists out of the fun either, so here’s the deal. Send us your best City of Heroes-inspired artwork. Any original medium is acceptable (pen & ink, digital, oils, etc.) as long as you keep it on a family-friendly level. Do not send us nudity or other objectionable images. Let us know if you want credit under your real name or a character name. Selected artwork will appear in a future City of Heroes community project (including site gallery or comic book). Images should be in JPG format. The full image should be between 100 x 100 and 2000 x 2000 pixels and be less than 380KB in size. We may also ask for a higher resolution (300dpi) image in .tiff format – so make sure you save a high resolution version of your submission! Please send submissions to Heroic Art with the subject heading Fan Art Submission.

If you have any questions regarding these submissions, please drop a note to CoH Submissions.

We are looking forward to seeing your stories and art!



Request to make the contest, 2000 words please.



If we submitted fan art during beta, should we submit again?



A bit of a clarification... there's no deadline since the art and fiction is for on-going projects. To answer the above question, yes, you may send your work even if you submitted during beta. The 1000 word limit for stories is pretty firm, however we will consider longer pieces for exceptional work.



Will artists receive compensation for their work? Do they retain all of their publication and distribution rights?



Now that's a damn good question! I am an artist and writer, and would love to contribute. Would like to know if there is any potential for rewarding excellence or if we are basically doing it for the love of it, which I do do...(lol)



For the envy and admiration of your peers?



Is that all they pay you, Gilgamesh?

Ahh well, I didn't think so, but I thought it was worth asking.



1000 words, hmmmm...

... can I serialize my story then?

Emerald Cloak



The 1000 word limit for stories is pretty firm, however we will consider longer pieces for exceptional work.

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Hmmm, just submitted a piece which came out at 1034 words on my first draft. I then spent half an hour hunting down about 40 words I could bear to trim

Oh well, if Gilgamesh likes the piece and inspiration strikes me again, maybe I'll be a little more relaxed about the word count on the next one.



What are you going to do with the entires? Post them on this site?



A bit of a clarification... there's no deadline since the art and fiction is for on-going projects. To answer the above question, yes, you may send your work even if you submitted during beta. The 1000 word limit for stories is pretty firm, however we will consider longer pieces for exceptional work.

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Just out of curiosity...will this be in regards to the comic or future storylines/missions/etc. within COH/V? I'm very interested in doing it, but I'm just personally curious as to how this would pop up in public perview.



1000 words, hmmmm...

... can I serialize my story then?

Emerald Cloak

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That's a good question. No WAY could I cut Martin's story down to 1000 words. :P



Anyone thought about doing a CoH movie? I lack the equipment but I'd love to participate.



Anyone thought about doing a CoH movie? I lack the equipment but I'd love to participate.

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That's a pretty cool idea. Does anyone got a fan film in the works?



can we submit two stories for the same character? i have one long origin (pretty sure it's longer than 1000 words) but it could be easily split into two. Maybe I'll send you Fearless Pt 1, and if you like it you can have Fearless Pt 2. Though they might each be pushing 1000 words.

P.S. ah screw it, I'll send them both at once as separate pieces



Anyone thought about doing a CoH movie? I lack the equipment but I'd love to participate.

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That's a pretty cool idea. Does anyone got a fan film in the works?

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As executive producer on a 35 MM film i can tell you that making a film is no easy task i have wanted to do one but theirs things you need to decide, those interested throw a email to

live action is obviously out of the question so the quetion is CGI or Cell Animation, i know how to do both but would need

a: Script writers
b: Artists or modlers

AE # 67087: Journey through the Looking Glass - Save the World
LLX VirtueVerse! - Check out my crazy Toons
This is the size of group that we have balanced AVs for, 6.
-Positron 06/07/06 07:27 PM



What are you going to do with the entires? Post them on this site?

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Haven't you heard, they are writing a comic book.



yeah i just sent mine in two parts and each part is WAY more than 1000 words. serializing would work for me. I understand the desire to keep story lengths to a minimum. however, I'll wager that the best works out there are way more thatn 1000 words. It's REALLY hard to really develope an interesting charachter in less than 1000 words.



I'll wager that the best works out there are way more thatn 1000 words.

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Absolutely true, but then again there are comic books, and there are novels, which are different types of literature. This is a comic book.



When an editor sets submission guidelines, it's best to follow them if you want your work to get a fair shake. (Writer's commandment #2: thou shalt not piss The Editor off. Unless your name happens to be Stephen King, you dance to the editor's tune, not vice versa). Serialised submissions are a pretty transparent attempt to get around the word limit. Unless you're specifically asked to make them, I really recommend you don't.

Some stories can be told in under 1000 words, some take longer. If the guidelines say under 1000, then pick an idea that fits and write that.



Sadly, I almost failed creative writing in highschool because I could never keep my stories under the limit set by my teacher. Thankfully she loved my work too much to fail me, but always warned me that I should do my best to keep them under the guidlines set for me.



I'll wager that the best works out there are way more thatn 1000 words.

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Absolutely true, but then again there are comic books, and there are novels, which are different types of literature. This is a comic book.

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would a story told in a comic book if written out really be less than 1000 words? 1000 words is really really short and it's hard to really develope a character in 1000 words.



When an editor sets submission guidelines, it's best to follow them if you want your work to get a fair shake. (Writer's commandment #2: thou shalt not piss The Editor off. Unless your name happens to be Stephen King, you dance to the editor's tune, not vice versa). Serialised submissions are a pretty transparent attempt to get around the word limit. Unless you're specifically asked to make them, I really recommend you don't.

Some stories can be told in under 1000 words, some take longer. If the guidelines say under 1000, then pick an idea that fits and write that.

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I don't think that anyone is trying to piss anyone off. I just think there are a lot of people out there with origin stories that they feel are good but are way longer than 1000 words. Of course the person who started this thread has the right to set whatever limits he/she wants. I don't blame them for not wanting to read a bunch of ten thousand word origins. its just that some people find 1000 way too limiting.



1000 is way too limiting here, anyways.