Send Us Your Fan Fiction & Art!




If you've written something that you want to share, I would suggest sending it to tropic, the editor/webmaster of He posts everything he gets, and a lot of the posters and readers comment and critic the work in the associated forums.

And, you maintain all control and rights to what you post. Everything posted there is simply cut and pasted with no claim put on any of our work.

Just a thought.




If you've written something that you want to share, I would suggest sending it to tropic, the editor/webmaster of He posts everything he gets, and a lot of the posters and readers comment and critic the work in the associated forums.

And, you maintain all control and rights to what you post. Everything posted there is simply cut and pasted with no claim put on any of our work.

Just a thought.


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I second that post, is very useful and friendly.

I've read most of the post left here, and I would say that getting comments on our story in the CoH forums is, at least for me, a special treat from which I get great satisfaction.

I would definetly love to get more input on my story line, but at this point, it's a long story, and unless one follows it through, reading the last post doesn't help.

As far as being published by NCSOFT, I'm now up to 47k words written, and I doubt even they read my story anymore, but at least I know that it's being viewed from time to time, and that's what matters



Thanks NyteHawk, for the kind words!

You are absolutly right. We post what we get because, well, I was sick of sending stuff in and not seeing word one about it! Updates are done on Tuesdays and new stories get a place on my review forum!

Having said that, I know some of you may go to the site and say, "Hey! This guy hasen't updated in a while! Loser!" Well, my PC died and for the past several weeks I have been reconstructing everything but my long road is almost at an end. Look for an update sooner rather than later.

And stop by and read some of the fantastic stories we have on site. And try to find the Easter Egg and see our hottest gaming hottie WillowWind!

Thanks for all the kind words!




Fan Fic through ID's.

It seems not enough people are writing bio's for their ID's these days, especially for villains. I write bio’s for all my toons (probably have 20-30 of them). The ones on the Infinity server can be found at the Vis Viva family webpage . I’ve created a background “family” much in the vein of the Superman or Batman “families”. Much of their stories are on the ID’s. I’m thinking of writing some more background fiction. Primarily I’m thinking of writing more fiction around Little Viva’s origin, one of Vis Viva’s and Caterina’s earliest meetings, and a story about the years Vis Viva was in a Coma, and the nurse who cared for him during that time. Feel free to let me know what you think about the “ID stories” (who doesn’t like feedback on this kind of thing).

--- ollie

Professionally certified pessimism expert

Statesman is someone who shouldn't rap ever, even if he's trying to help people out. -IolitePhoenix

Check out my Infinity toons at the Vis Viva family web page.



Anyone thought about doing a CoH movie? I lack the equipment but I'd love to participate.

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That's a pretty cool idea. Does anyone got a fan film in the works?

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As executive producer on a 35 MM film i can tell you that making a film is no easy task i have wanted to do one but theirs things you need to decide, those interested throw a email to

live action is obviously out of the question so the quetion is CGI or Cell Animation, i know how to do both but would need

a: Script writers
b: Artists or modlers

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Unless someone already suggested this, use Machinema unless thats what you mean by MM, because you could just take our characters and scripting and run with it, unless its too hard/impossible to do with an MMO



The rustle of newspaper blowing in the gutters and the omnipresent hum of my power are the only sounds, now. Five minutes ago, it was a different story...

A bottle breaks, and ugly laughter sends a crow from its telephone wire vantage point. Three Hellions are celebrating another sucessful escape from Galaxy City's finest. But dont let the bravado fool you, they are afraid. They must be, I could smell it when I got off of the tram from Atlas. Thats why I love this city. Everyone is scared. But the gangs, especially. With the police, and the heroes, they have a right to be. And no one misses them when they turn up dead... Like I said, I love this city.

From the tram, I follow their fear to the garment disctict. Three of them, standing under an overhang to another dilapated warehouse and practically trembleing with fear, despite thier posturing...easy.

I round the corner and they fall silent, confused by my sudden presence. Im smiling, and walking toward them, but they stare, perplexed. Dark, opaque tendrils spill from my sleeves, my pantlegs, my collar; I am still walking and still smiling, but its no longer friendly. Red leather gloves split at the knuckles, clipped cleanly by the extending blades. In a whoosh, the first Hellion is left bleeding and dead, but still standing, his knees locked and bent over at the waist. By the time he falls over, the second Hellion is lifeless and caught on my left claw. I push him off, careful to keep my clothes clean, and turn to the third. The fear from him is intoxicating, and I pause to drink it in. He pivots and sprints, hopping a tall fence almost impossibly, and begins to dissapear into the night.

And so the only sound is the rustle of newspaper in the gutter, and the omnipresent hum of my power. Shadows on the ground seem to dissapate. I straighten my tie, and pull down my sleeves. So much fear in this town. Thats why I love it here.

I feed on fear
I am forever
I am R3dJ4cK



Now that's a damn good question! I am an artist and writer, and would love to contribute. Would like to know if there is any potential for rewarding excellence or if we are basically doing it for the love of it, which I do do...(lol)

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but imeadiately asked about compensation.....
ur no artist ur a capitolist ! lol jk. gl all in this endeavor !



I'm a novice digital artist studying graphics design. Thought I'd share a portrait I did for my character, Tsuki Toru, she's a Hero, Natural Scrapper in the SG Dojo of the Lurking Shadow, on the Virtue Server.

Tsuki Toru Portrait by CrimsonWolf



I don't know if this counts as a story or a role play or what exactly. I made a web site the chronicles my characters adventures off the mean streets. It also includes much more in depth descriptions of their origin stories. So, in case this fits here...


My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw