72 -
That's because I copy-pasted the quote and just entered the text into the quick-reply box at the bottom. So it appended the last poster's name to the RE: bit.
I know how the forums work. -
Badges arent a status sybmol because you can use work arounds and cheats to get em. If I meet 2 people with similar badges and person A got them through cheating and person B obtained them the hard way and I am looking for an 8th person for a TF or team I pick person B simply because it says a lot about someone's drive to achive as opposed to his eagerness to cheat
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So, just as an idle comment, I have to ask...
Did you "earn" every single badge, accolade, etc the "right" way? Or did you farm for some of them?
For instance, if you wanted the Archmage badge, would you do it the "non-cheating" way, of ONLY killing the 3 little illusionists the MI's spawn per fight? Because clearly, sitting and "farming" them cheapens the efforts of those who got it the "right" way, repeatedly doing Carnie missions until they finally got all 500 kills, right?
Likewise, with certain redside accolades, such as Born in Battle or High Pain Threshold, you of course never "farmed" any of the damage taken/debt paid off badges, right? You honestly earned every last point of damage you took, never sitting in lava somewhere or going into rest-mode in front of a weak mob that would build up your damage taken. Of course not, that would be cheating, wouldn't it? I'd much rather have someone on my team that earned everything the old-fashioned way, without any of these "cheating" IOs or anything! If you didn't earn all your badges with just SO's, and only doing the arcs when you got them (no using Oro, that's cheating!), then clearly you're not as skilled (or "leet", if you'd like) as other players.
Badges aren't "status symbols" unless you WANT them to be. If you perceive them to be some sort of status symbol, more power to you, but other people don't. They want the title because it fits their character, or because they're after all the badges, or because they want the power(s) that having that badge gives them.
But then, I guess you're one of those types that sits around complaining about how easy kids have it these days, and how when YOU were young you walked to school in the snow twenty miles, up hill both ways, barefoot, with wolves chasing after you, right?
Seems silly to me to try and be all holier-than-thou about a tiny fraction of badges, just because you feel your pvp epeen might be threatened. Maybe it's a guy thing. -
I was not so much shocked by my opponents being angry and as what they were angry about. If we were playing chess, and you got very angry that I moved my bishop just moved my bishop, thats all then I would be equally surprised.[ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ] Makes me wonder what would happen if I cast Teleport Foe on that bishop.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is hyperbole and it's missplaced. There is no TP Foe in Chess.
What you quoted is actually where he makes a valid point. Which is that people whine even when tactics are used which are within the game rules, but often against social rules. This is compounded by the fact that it is entirely consensual for them to be there (they voluntarily chose to enter a PvP zone).
Furthermore, he is making the point that it is distressing, at least to him, when game rules are changed or removed because of the volume from the social rules.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, my take on it would be something like this:
In chess, there's no rule AGAINST having a half-dozen coaches, taking six hours between moves to study every aspect of what your opponent just did, playing the moves out against something like Big Blue to determine what your ideal next move would be, etc.
However, that's generally FROWNED UPON, because it would be viewed as a form of "cheating", even though it's not technically cheating (unless you're in a tournament or something similar where there are written rules to the contrary). Your opponent could do the exact same thing, after all. They just choose not to, because they're playing with the understanding that there are certain "unspoken rules" that are obeyed.
MMOs function similarly to that, both in PvE and PvP. While it's perfectly legal and within the rules to, say, let someone repeatedly die just so you can use Vengeance on them, or Fallout for your own benefit, it's generally viewed as a kind of malicious thing to do, and hence is frowned upon. There's nothing in the rules that SAYS an Empathy Defender must take Fortitude or Adrenaline Boost, but if you don't, it's generally frowned upon. Etc, etc.
This is a case of "social rules". In PvP, it's similar. It's generally understood that you don't abuse the police/arachnos drones to kill someone, or teleport them into a bunch of NPCs. What Twixt did was simply IGNORE the "social rules", believing him to be superior to them, and believing that the "game rules" trumped them, so that whatever he did -- no matter what, as long as it was within the mechanical rules of the game -- was fair.
This went against the established social rules. And he acts surprised that he ended up disliked because of it.
Let's use another example. We're all standing in line waiting to buy tickets to a new movie that just came out. There's nothing LEGAL stopping me from just walking to he head of the line ahead of everyone else and buying my ticket. Nobody could call a cop and have them arrest me for it. However, SOCIETY has established over the years that this is a behavior that is frowned upon, so you don't do it.
I imagine that the professor doesn't cut in front of lines just because there's no rule against it, right? And surely he wouldn't act surprised if those he cut in front of reacted angrily do his doing so, right?
The entire basis of his "research" is flawed, as many others have said. He acted like a jerk, went against the "social rules" (or acted "unsportsmanlike" if you'd prefer), and tries to pretend that he's surprised when this garners him a negative reaction. The fact that he added fuel to the fire by constant trash-talking doesn't win him any points, either. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he was doing that.
As someone said very early on in the thread, my guess is that he got caught playing CoX on a university computer/univeristy time, and threw together his "research" excuse to cover for it. That's why his paper is so simplistic, and its conclusion of "If you act like a jerk, people won't like you" a head-scratcher. This is a revelation WHY?
Oh well. -
I actually use /Ice as my epic pool for everyday stuff. Gives me two AE attacks for killing groups of mobs at once, as well as a single-target blast. I have next to nothing for resists/defense outside of hover, superior invis, and a couple minor +resist set bonuses. Not to mention that the two AE attacks allow me to get some nice set bonuses out of them (Posi's Blast sets).
Something has happened with my badge window, now whenever I scroll down my badge window, it starts twitching really badly. It'll scroll up a quarter-inch or so, then back down really rapidly. It's really starting to bug the hell out of me. It's ONLY the badge window that does it, too. The other windows, like my souveniers, recipes, etc don't do it.
Anyone else have this problem? -
Nothing affects the recharge of pet powers. They changed that a while ago.
The IO set bonuses only apply to you, not your pets. -
There is an enemy in the zone that's capable of a devastating amount of damage, but you can't see him because he's got more steath than you have perception. Suddenly you're hit with several attacks, and you have no idea where from - and then you're staring at the "Go to hospital" button while you're still trying to figure out what killed you.
What have I just described? A Blaster or Dominator under your proposed "higher stealth caps for non-stealth-based ATs" plan.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, that happens all the time even WITHOUT stealth. At least to me.
I'll be moving around, panning the camera around (not frantically, but not just staring straight ahead), and someone will whip out from behind a building, drop down from the altitude cap, etc, and just blow me in half. Even while I'm stealthed. Why? Because my stealth is USELESS, unless I'm a stalker.
My ill/rad troller has superior invis. I've yet to find ANYONE who CAN'T see me in pvp with her. I had a long chat with someone in broadcast about it, who had been idly following me around and firing snipe shots at me.
I'd be fine if someone could pierce my stealth from, say, 100-150 feet away. But at 500+ feet away, even when I'm at the supposed stealth cap? That's insane.
The problem is the incredibly binary nature of just about everything in the game. If stealth would LOWER peoples' perception radius against you, rather than just giving you a "stealth radius", that would work much better. Because as it stands right now, all it takes to pierce any non-stalker's stealth is a single +perc power/IO.
And that's nuts. I'm not even a big pvper (I spend about 99% of my time in pve) and I find that ludicrous. -
Not sure that the OP has such a build--if you do, please show us soloing a Pylon in 3:43, cuz that's what a DPS of 300 could do. We might even provide the necessary mitigation if required so that you can just do damage.
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Actually, killing a pylon in 3:43 isn't 300 dps. Pylons have 30675 hp. 300 dps would kill that in under 2 minutes.(Just to be nit-picky)
My ill/rad troller just solo'd a pylon, and I timed it with a stopwatch to 4:58. That's just over 100 dps. -
I believe the Players that like i13 -i14 PvP are majority PvEers (i'm not a PvEer).
[/ QUOTE ]
I spend probably 99% of my time in PvE. Before i13, I would putter around in the pvp zones from time to time, usually getting my butt kicked, occasionally beating someone.
Post-i13, the vast majority of my characters are worthless in pvp now, due to diminishing returns, controls/heals/debuffs/buffs not working the way they should, etc.
As a primarily pve player, and only once-in-a-while pvper, I cannot begin to comprehend what the freaking hell the devs were thinking with this pile of horse-puckey that was i13 pvp. I hate it. Hate hate hate it. To the point that I don't even TRY to pvp anymore. I only go out there to sit and get the time-spent badges, shivans, nukes, and to farm (yeah, you heard me, devs!) the "kill other players" badge with my friend. -
Also, Hardcase is a representative of the Anti-Villain type, he's protecting the innocent using underhanded means, so he won't want the totally random and dangerous violence going on at the end of Verandi's arc, since you started it you get to fix it. What do you expect from another villain, him to say "Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"
[/ QUOTE ]
As others have said, it's not the fact that he threatens you that I have a problem with. He wants to threaten me? Fine, let him.
It's the fact that your character's ONLY option to him threatening you is to basically whimper, tuck your tail between your legs and mumble, "Yessir, sorry sir, don't hurt me!" and scuttle off to do what he's ordering you to do.
THAT is what I have a problem with.
And quite frankly, that kind of massive railroad plot is FAR too prevalent in CoV. It's sloppy writing. -
Singy can't be healed. That puts it at a distinct disadvantage over Stoney (Depending on your secondary).
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, Singy can't be healed or buffed, which is why he's as tough as he is. The earth/thermal I'm tinkering with might be pretty fun, once I get all my powers together. Put both shields and forge on the rock, and let him go to town. -
I wouldn't say the stone pet is "by far" the toughest. The singularity is just as tough as it is (50% resist to all damage types, immune to psionic/toxic), plus it has repel to keep things away from it in melee.
Singy's only real downside is that it doesn't hit as hard. But it cycles its attacks pretty well, and I've watched it solo a +1 boss without any assistance from me. -
I've always hated that arc because of Hardcase and his whole "do what I say or I'll beat you up" railroad plot. I don't think ANY of my characters would think twice about saying "Try it, you little peon" if he threatened them. Yet the game basically makes you cower and whimper, replying, "Yessir, sorry sir, won't happen again! Don't hurt me!"
It makes me sick.
By the time you're into your 30's, you've likely tangled with numerous elite bosses, including several of the Vindicators, and even some of the Freedom Phalanx. Who the hell is THIS punka** to threaten you?
Meh. -
The Phantom Army is the core of your offense and defenses as an illusion troller. You'll want as much recharge as possible, to keep it active as often as you can. Pick up Hasten, and slot Accelerate Metabolism for recharge as well, so that you can stack them together and get them both down to permanent while they're active.
My current ill/rad has around 63% global recharge, and with AM and Hasten up, AM's recharge is around 115 seconds, and Hasten is at 123 or so, making it almost permanent. This also brings PA's recharge down to about 63 seconds. There's a SMALL gap there, but generally my phantasm's decoy is enough to keep the GM/AV occupied for those couple seconds until I can put another PA out.
Eventually I'll pick up some more recharge, and get everything perma.
If you've got Mids, go through there and put together some builds geared towards recharge. Basilisk's Gaze for your two holds, Expedient Reinforcement for your pets, Doctored Wounds for your heal, Malaise for your confuse, etc.
If you've got some serious money, you can also look at picking up a couple of LotG recharges and putting them into your invis power(s). -
No actualy. plz explain more on how standing up for what i believe and keeping morals and values intact has anything to do with common sense. sry if your lame attack makes no sense and you do nothing to contribute to the topic. Go troll somewhere else plz.
[/ QUOTE ]
Again, I must ask:
THIS is what you say crosses the line? The fact that someone could shapeshift from male to female, or female to male? What about a girl who wears a large, bulky powersuit (built on the "huge" model)? Is that "crossdressing" as well?
This game has BDSM villains, outright murder, torture, sadism, biological warfare on a city-wide scale, incest, scantily clad women, an entire map full of bondage-clad gimp-boys, and THIS is where you claim you're suddenly "standing up for morals and values?"
Where've you been? Are you afraid that if you try to chat up "hottiefirekin2000" she'll suddenly switch "costumes" on you and become a male, and laugh at you for all your clumsy advances?
As far as the cartoons examples go. What happen to two wrongs dont make a right? I never said i agree with it. you only presume i do. Wrong is wrong and that's just the way it is. As far as mulan dressing up as a warrior. i didnt know soldiers had to be males. i fail to see how Disney has cross dressing in there movies. If they have and im unaware of it then plz provide a better example then then Mulan. Your comment is not only wrong but comes off sounding sexist.
[/ QUOTE ]
You "fail to see how Disney has crossdressing in their movies", yet you were pointed directly at Mulan. A movie about a girl dressing as a man for 90% of the film. And you're hardly one to try and claim the "don't be sexist" stance, bucko.
As to Zombie saying men with long hair and girls wearing jeans is cross dressing that's just ridiculous. May be it was considered some generations ago but not today. today ppl changing outfits/costumes or appearance to look like the opposite sex is a current day example. See drag. Which by allowing to change form male to female with different outfits on the same toon at will is drag. like it or not.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, no, it's not. The fact that you fail to grasp that, and cling desperately to to your bizarre argument is why people are mocking you for it.
As to the person that said there are clubs that do dress up stuff and drag that are 16 and older not just 18 still only furthers my point. 16+ doesnt fall under the Teen rating. which states its sutable for thous that are 13+. 16 dont equal 13.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, what part of "13+" doesn't equal 16? See the little "+" there? That means "more than". 16 is more than 13. Therefore it falls into the "13+" range. Simple math.
But really, guy, this is either a very elaborate troll, or you have some SERIOUS issues with the concept of crossdressing people. I suspect it's the latter, and thus I urge you to seek counseling for it, before you infect your kids (assuming you actually have some, and aren't just posturing) with your misguided hatred.
Seriously. -
personally i have no 'feeling' i need to work out about transgenders as you put it but i dont think cross dressing is appropriate for a game that my children or any1s child might and do play. Like i said. whats wrong with making it so if you do change from a male to female or visa versa it applies to all character slots not just one. Thous saying its acceptable to cross dress to young teens.
[/ QUOTE ]
I just have to ask...
In a game where you have half-dressed catgirls, girls who run around in thongs and bras, shapeshifting aliens, girls who look 13 except for the fact that they're smuggling watermelons under their shirt, people being tortured, maimed, even outright murdered...
THIS is what is unacceptable to you? The idea that a character could shift from male to female, or female to male?
THAT'S what crosses the line?
If you're this hung up on it, don't let your kids play the game. Problem solved.
Take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and try to, as they say, 'get a grip'. -
My reactions went basically along these lines:
Heh, cute, another 'zomg, doom!' humor thread.
Wait, is he serious?
Oh good lord, I think he's actually serious.
/facepalm -
I've always liked the name of my peacebringer, Concordance.
And my ninja mastermind, Sanguine Dancer.
And my old stone/electric brute, Archammer.
Those are probably my favorites. -
Yeah, I don't use shout when I'm trying to fight GMs. Just cycle shriek and scream. Maybe toss in electric fence if neither one is recharged just yet.
Even with LR on the mob, though, I barely make any headway at all. I just don't see it happening. If there's someone who has a "GM killer" build for a rad/sonic, I'd love to see it. Because right now, I have pretty much zero chance against them, despite everything I've tried. -
Generally I'll slot them with a couple of sets (accurate healing and to-hit debuff) to get whatever benefits I'm looking for.
Sometimes I'll put 2-3 Touch of the Nictus into it to make it more accurate and heal better, and a to-hit debuff for extra health, recovery, or recharge.
The beauty of the dark servant is that you really can customize it to do whatever job you need it to do. -
I want which one gives me the best soloability. Once I get phatasm, I'll solo the rest of the game. I get the feeling that Rad is more solo and Kin is more teams. Is this correct?
[/ QUOTE ]
Pretty much, yes. On my ill/rad troller, I can solo VERY well, due to the debuffs from rad, as well as my PA recharging in about 70 seconds (AM + hasten, and 40-ish global recharge). The phantom army, for illusion, is your biggest source of safety as well as damage. The rad debuffs help them hit more often and do more damage, which makes them kill a lot faster. Kinetics won't buff them, so fulcrum would really only be affecting you and your phantasm (assuming he's in melee with you).
Ill/rad is a very strong soloer, and would probably serve you better if you want a solo character from 32-50. -
I've tried several GMs with my build, and still can't do so much as put a dent in them. Kraken, Adamastor, Lusca, Babbage... while lingering radiation is active I can chip away a tiny bit at their health (maybe get them down 300 or so from max), but the second it drops, their health goes back up to full again, and there's nothing I can do about it, since I don't have massive amounts of recharge in order to make it permanent.
Like I said, unless there's one specific build (like perma-AM/Hasten/LR) that can do it, I don't see it.
I consider myself a very good player. But I can't even begin to put a dent in a GM with my rad/sonic, who is fully IO'd out. I had built her specifically TO fight GMs, because I thought it would be fun, but if she's not capable of it, I may just scrap the character. -
I really don't get the "Rad/Sonic kills GMs" thing. How? I mean, apparently it's possible, but HOW? Is there some ultra-secret specific build that you must take, and slot in a specific way, in order to do it? Or is it "soloing" in the sense that you and a bunch of temp pets do it?
I tried to build my rad/sonic to tackle GMs. I've got soft-capped ranged def, my debuffs are slotted well (imo), and yet they still have anywhere from 20-30% chance to hit me, and I can't overcome their regen, due to lingering radiation not being permanent (I don't have 200% recharge, since I don't have hasten).
Is this only something you can do when you're purpled out to the gills with a 2-billion build or something? -
The slots in equip and upgrade are slightly less useful now than they were before when you had to cast them once for each pet. As long as you can cast both in a row end-wise you should be fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
This part I wouldn't particularly agree with. The end costs for the upgrading powers are high enough that double-slotting them with end reducers is, to me, almost essential, especially for Dark. The reason being that if you DO lose one of your key pets (tier-2 or the tier-3), you can resummon and rebuff it mid-combat, and not bottom out your end bar. With only one end-reducer in each, you'll be spending over 80 end to summon and rebuff, which means you won't have much end left to heal, fear, hold, etc for a while. In a tight battle, that could end up killing you.
But that's just my opinion. I've always erred on the side of safety as far as my end bar goes, with Dark, since it's fairly end-heavy if you're really using it to its full potential. -
Generally my thoughts on taking leadership for my masterminds is based on what I want out of it. For secondaries that are defense-based (FF, Traps, and to a lesser extent Dark, due to the combination of def and to-hit debuffing), I almost always pick up at least Maneuvers. Assault and Tactics can be useful, and if I have a free power slot, I'll generally toss at least one of them in. Especially Tactics if I can, for the +perception. Fighting blind-happy Arachnos is no fun without it.
It all comes down to whether or not you feel that you can afford the slots and the power picks.
You won't see a big improvement in damage with Assault, but it does help. If you have Tactics, you can skimp on accuracy for your minions (allowing you to bump up their secondary effects, or add procs), etc.