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  1. Last night was fun. Not at the station but at Huntington manor, a Haloween party was held and Tarvin brought his prank side for once, playing pranks on Tam (with a rubber snake), Erik (pushing him into a jelly filled pool with a force bolt) and Richard (covering the bobbing barrel with a forcefield and removing it when Richard pushed really hard so he went in.)

    Ellie, of course, pranked him with - amongst other things - an animatronic pumpkin head and an impression of a Tiger shark in the Jelly pool.
  2. Last night comprised general chattage. Ellie did warn of a certain other cat-girl and her ways.

    On a humourous note, If Tarvin wants to look more dangerous, perhaps he should get a collar... http://cdn.svcs.c2.uclick.com/c2/983...5b?width=900.0
  3. This COULD be why he's not planning on letting Tarvin know until after he goes...

    Or not.
  4. Last night. Nothing was happening at the station so, after a zombie apocalypse and a bit of a talk about food with Richard and Squish, Tarvin went off.

    I considered taking him to the D but didn't. So Keevan went instead and had rather a good conversation with Ellie. After watching her encounters with Outclaw and a girl whos' chat up line was pretty much "I'm a lesbian; please sleep with me". This amused him. Keevan advised that he's bought a home in Salamanca and T's going to get the key when Keevan decides to wander on.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    And don't get me started on how Rich (who left before Shanna, that night) feels about the whole thing. He's contemplating taking Tarvin on his personal brand of training course.
    So long as he can term it 'educational'...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fea_ View Post
    Unfortunately, Tarvin put his foot in it in a rather epic fashion, which eventually had Shanna making a poor excuse and going off to "deal with" something - that something being her desire to punch Tarvin!.
    This is new. Not even I know what I did!
  7. Coming soon to the Megazine. A new case for Brit-Cit Detective Judge Armitage. "The Underground." Guest starring Judge Dredd. The two finally meet in canon.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Ah okay, I haven't watched any of the older Doctor Who series (and most likely won't; no time!)...

    But I guess another question is, when did they mention the Brigadier in this last episode? I didn't hear anything; but then again, still have the issue where they talksofastIcan'tunderstandthem....
    When he was putting off his death, he called to invite the Brig out to dinner (or summat) and was told he'd died.
  9. 5th. But I think Moffy has spoken to Andrew Cartmel - or at least read his work - because Doc 11 is drawing a lot of comparisons with Doc #7. He uses companions. He always has a plan, the killing Amy's faith in him was done better as McCoy annihilated Ace's faith in him in Fenric, in [Silver Nemesis] Lady Peinforte asks Ace "Doctor Who? Don't you want to know WHO he is?" and then threatens to blow the lid off with tales of the Dark times of Gallifrey and how the Doctor was in those up top his neck...
  10. Gotta say, for anyone who can get the Judge Dredd Megazine ((£5.49 in UK)), pick up #316! New series - American Reaper - launches with a full THIRTY TWO pages - most of them double pages - by Clint Langley. In this title he becomes a serious threat to Alex Ross's mantle. Story's good too.
  11. Tarvin had been on a train when the first impact struck. Travelling back from Talos to his home in Perez, the wolfman habitually used the Galaxy City station and he wasn’t bothered enough by the events of the morning to change his plans. The forces of Artemis were no slouches but, even though he often derided himself, nor was he. Adding to that the fact that the extra time gave him time to use the medical machine to mend the damage to his unbooted feet and think about past days.

    He’d never really been at home anywhere but here. Largely unwanted by his family, it was only since the runt of the litter had not only survived here but begun to thrive that he’d won any sort of respect. It had been in his fathers last communique, sent after his death. A message of congratulation and a statement of respect. He’d been left his fathers’ sword but he would have to have it shipped to him and he was thinking of how expensive that would be as the train entered Galaxy City limits.

    The first he knew of the incoming trouble was when the boy child to the front of the cabin opined that the meteor shower seemed to be a lot closer than he’d expected. He’d looked and put up a shields around the people of the carriage, ignoring their squawks of protest. Something hit the elevated lines and the train bucked and crashed to the ground. The shields he’d used would save some from falling beams and glass but he knew there was little he could do against the falling injuries. He tried not to think about impact in the five seconds it took for the train to smash itself against the ground.

    Cries of pain pulled him around from the stupor he’d found himself in and the wolfman wondered how long he’d been out. It felt like several moments. He shook his head hard and wished he hadn’t. His vision swam and he fought to steady his vision. His medical device could be set to work on humans too so he reset the device and tried pushing the train roof off people. He pulled several from the rubble and left three more there including the boy. There was no point rescuing them. None at all, he thought sadly. A propelled force field knocked out the door above him and he pulled himself out of the tomb to look around.

    Buildings destroyed all around him. The smell of smoke in the air and fire burning bright as rock after rock rained down. He gave no advice to those he’d freed as to if they should stay or go. Neither option was preferable right now. Their choice was their own although he felt bitterly for the keening of the mother he’d spoken to not five minutes back. He felt the loss. Then he saw something rise from one of the meteors and he felt a growl rise within. Hundreds dead. An entire city destroyed. Now the enemy revealed itself. With a howl of defiance, he joined the battle.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    its an *Australian* Nemesis plot, having this downtime during our play hours....
    Surely that would be a Nemozsis plot?
  13. I'm hoping they're looking to sort out the problems some of us have been having for a bit where it boots us back to the log in screen quite regularly when loading zones like Brickstown and Atlas. It's really quite annoying, trying to get to Steel and failing six times in a row...
  14. I've been having problems where it dumps me to the log in screen for a couple of weeks now. I've seen messages from others so I know at least a few other people have been having the same problem. Mayhaps it is this that has caused the maintenance. I apologise for interrupting everyone's enjoyment but I really would like to be able to go from Atlas to Steel without having to log in five or six times.
  15. I've never seen Uhura's top look so... stretched before.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    The City of Heroes Trial program may be coming to an end, it is a new beginning with City of Heroes Freedom and the choices it will give you!
    Ok, it might just be me but it's always comments like this that actually make me worry. I mean, I understand the free play is a good thing but sometimes affirmations in a single sentence worry me. It makes it seem... determined and beyond argument that we're going to agree. Which often makes me want to disagree...

    But, yeah, from what I've heard Freedom will be a good step.
  17. Ok. Not totally looking to rez the thread but I was hit with a desire to list the ten best films (in my opinion) that I actually have the DVD of. Not necessarily hero movies and in no particular order

    Dark Knight Returns - Darkest hero movie ever.
    Iron Man - Great origins movie
    X-Men - The whole genre owes a lot to this one.
    District 13 - A good spin on the 'visiting alien cultures' idea
    Taken - Liam Neeson IS a predator. nuff said.
    Copland - The best movie people forget Stallone made.
    Star Trek - Best reboot ever. Probably.
    Serenity - A classic Sci-fi story
    Inside Man - a thriller that ACTUALLY keeps you guessing!
    Let the Right one in - The swedes show the Americans how a vampire movie should be.
  18. welshman_EU

    Hulk Movies

    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    If you're arguing "uncontrollable berserker rage", he was calm enough to say "Got it, go high" immediately prior to the hit that broke Surfer's control disc. He was even specifically aiming for the disc. He knew the Surfer would be in control if he succeeded with that hit. And after the Surfer said "You broke the disk, I'm free, thank y--" he pummels the hell out of him.

    I think it's a writing flaw. They wanted Hulk to be mad at him for the reasons Nericus stated above (hence the "You lousy punk, I thought you were different. But you're just like the rest of them" line at the start of the fight), but it doesn't make any sense. It would make sense for Savage Hulk-- all he'd know is that the Surfer was attacking him. But this Hulk knows what the disks do, to the point that he directly targeted it.
    Sorry. I'm going from the film version, where there's no dialogue before the breaking of the disk and Beta Ray just about manages to get out "You broke the disk" before he takes a large green fist to the face.
  19. welshman_EU

    Hulk Movies

    I think he was so worked up that it could have been anyone in there and he'd be punching them into a pulpy mush at that stage. Until an ally pulled him back gently.
  20. welshman_EU

    Hulk Movies

    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    I was disappointed in the movie. The comic was awesome. With the exception of the extra unnecessary pounding the Silver Surfer took, that's the Hulk I want to see in the live action movies. Too bad World War Hulk totally ruined the whole thing.

    I have the simple excuse that, whilst I know a fair amount of the Hulk in the comics, I never actually read the comic version of Planet Hulk. Which I will at some point. With relation to the Silver Surfer scene though, I do know that movie-wise he was bound to 20th century Fox so Marvel couldn't use him in the Planet Hulk film. Having already done 'Hulk Vs Thor', the similarly powerful Beta Ray Bill was the best stand in they could get.

    One of the main things I liked on the film was the fact that he doesn't seem to be able to work out why they aren't looking at him like a monster. It's a level of intelligence that the live action movies are JUST coming to at the end of Incredible Hulk. Now, will they continue that in The Avengers?
  21. welshman_EU

    Hulk Movies

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Well the Nick Fury IS the Ultimates version at least...
    A real 'turnaround is fair play' thing as they admit in interviews that the Ultimates Nick Fury look from the comics was based on Samuel L. Jackson.

    To chip in on the best Hulk movie? Go animated. Planet Hulk is a storyline that puts both the live action movies to shame.
  22. Paragon Times
    Wednesday 19 July

    Perez Bloodshed

    Perez Park has never been the safest of areas but last nights' bloodshed was even more viloent than this benighted zone experiences in a normal evening. Over one hundred Hellions and Skulls were assaulted last night, it seems, with many sustaining deep lacerations and several suffering what appear to be bite wounds to the chest and abdomen. Several of the wounded were treated at the Steel Canyon Medical centre and have indicated it was some sort of animal attack. Several of the animalistic superbeings that frequent the city are known to use the park for recretion and travel.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
    Ok I missed the DD directors cut so could someone explain why it is so much better then the original...or is it a case of they added 2 or 3 scenes that make the total experience more palatable? I gave the original a C-...could have been a C+ had they not destroyed Bullseye.
    The Directors cut put in a full 30 minute subplot that included Foggy coming to the fore. It has Nelson & Murdoch defending a ganger accused of murdering a prostitute. With Matt distracted by Electra, it's Foggy that leads the defence and, pivotally, Foggy that uncovers the murderer being Fisks right hand man. (Remember the line 'the word's out on the Kingpin' at the end of the theatrical? The Directors' cut gives you the story beyond that line that, quite frankly, is bizarre in the theatrical as it has no reason to exist.)

    A number of scenes are also changed (including it being a cop who purjures himself in trial scenes telling him Kingpin kills entire families) and it's almost a different movie.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
    I didn't think the Director's Cut was that good, but it did make it a better movie by adding more characterization of the character Matt Murdock who was pretty ignored by the first film by putting in several scenes of Matt Murdock, lawyer, that was cut from the film, as well as showed what the people actually thought of Daredevil's vigilantic actions, and how his patrols affected him physically. Also scaled down was the love story between him and Elektra, which IMHO is a major plus!
    It also brought Foggy more into the film and revealed it was him who managed to legally nail the Kingpin, thus resulting in the cops suddenly turning up at the end of the film making sense.
  25. My ten.

    10. Fantastic Four:- Rise of the Silver Surfer.
    9. Daredevil:- Director's cut
    8 The Incredible Hulk (Roth rules!)
    7. Spider-Man 2
    6. Batman Begins - (What a reboot)
    5. Iron Man
    4 Superman II (Donner cut)
    3 Dark Knight
    2 Unbreakable (for being so damn different)
    1. Spider-Man

    Honourable animation mentions - "Planet Hulk", "Green Lantern - First Flight", "Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker."