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  1. I have to post here because I find it amazing that anyone can come up against DR. I am lucky to run 1-2 TF/SF a week let alone in a day!
    DR affects me not at all
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
    I'm in for this. I'm not sure who I'll bring, I need to check which of my toons don't have the badge yet. I'd be happy to bring whatever would help make a successful run though.

    Edit: Okay I checked and my Brute doesn't have it yet. So I'll tentatively say I'm bringing Fuzz Ball, a War Mace/Dark Aura Brute. I may switch up depending on the final team makeup.
    Hey I'll bring my Elec/Dark brute storm claud with two oppressive glooms running we could stun bosses if we hung together Two fluffy clouds of DOOM!!!
  3. Would love to give this another try, Will bring Storm Claud this time.
    Unless you want the MM again.
    I'll be away from game for the next few nights so I should be better rested come Sat
  4. Sign me up with my lvl 20 Elec/Elec Tank: Vander Graph
  5. thetorquenator


    when team building it depends, if I am trying to fill a slot in between missions and they are close or in zone, in level range, and have their flag up they will get a blind invite. if I have time I will send tells particularly if I am trying to fill a slot I really need like a tank or support when we have nothing but blasters in the team. ( Thanks a LOT DP )

    And if I have my flag up I will usually accept blind invites.
    "cause I was asking for them" but I get asked to haul 3/4 of way through city for lame mission I will be gone in a flash.

    Thankfully with new sk system almost no mission is lame anymore (WIN!)
  6. Its been over 2 years since I built a new system and my trigger fingers itching.

    Love putting them together but I have too many computers NOW and 2 of them
    run COH decently, once the ultra mode comes out though we'll have to see how
    my tired old 8800GTX handles it.
  7. Hi i somehow managed to raise the floor in a square of my secret entrance
    such that it makes the room 3 instead of 4 squares. This offends my sensibilities and I would like to fix it but don't know how.

    When I try to delete floor bits the tool says there is something there that has
    to be deleted first, problem is how do I delete THAT if I cant get to it?

    Anyway any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
    Sorry I bailed on this Torq, but I had, what can only be described as a rotten day & did not log-in at all.
    NP After I kept you up late the night before with my a$$hattery in the Barracuda SF I can hardly blame you

    I almost didn't do this myself but I caught a nap prior which helped. I am going to take it easy this week, maybe do my taxes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    It was fun. I'll be willing to come along for Striga too. You know where to find me. ..

    ...but no, you cannot date my avatar! lol
    Felicia Day - Every Geeks wet dream You might enjoy watching "the Guild"
    Its funny in a South Park "that is So Wrong!" sort of way.

    I am not sure when I am going to do Striga I might get a little rest xp boost first. I did knock out the hunt and the Rescue Dr. mission because I picked it up and forgot it was timed (grrrr) timed missions are the tired gamers bane...

    So if anyone wants to pick up in Striga or Finish Doc Delila (sp?) or both post here and I will try to schedule a mutually agreeable time.

    Come and Join the Torquenator Freedom hero leveling system (tm)
    ( I should probably start a new post...)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thetorquenator View Post
    I am going to go for this tonight around 10 I will send a global tell to all the posters here when I get on tonight.
    Thanks to all the people who joined in I had a good time, hit 20 got the first two arcs done and all in a 1hr and a half or so.

    On to Strigga!
  11. I am going to go for this tonight around 10 I will send a global tell to all the posters here when I get on tonight.
  12. Well, a long drawn out TF thanks partially to me as I was quite tired.

    Kananga was the first one down to foil our master of plans even before the last mission. Then I was literally falling asleep trying to follow people around in the tunnels in one mission. Finally I started to get a second wind as things got hot and heavy against the Reichsman who is super tough. Way tougher than any other enemy I have ever fought. We had a fair amount of debuffing going on but it took TONS of time to whittle him down. The ambush spawns were nasty as well. I would be focusing on keeping my pets and the team healed and buffed and then I would look up, where did everybody go? splat!
    THEN I would see the chat saying to move into the corridor - DOH!

    On the plus side, gots lots of xp and a purple drop, not a great purple but only my 2nd purple drop ever!
  13. Sign me up with Storm Claud, its about time he got dusted off
    or if you want a MM I can bring Kananga I think he just dinged 45

  14. Correction, I will target Sunday and or monday I just noticed Mr E. is already bsy Saturday

    (Runs to go sign up....)
  15. I am going to try to do this Saturday night and will poke your globals when I get on, if that falls through I'll try Sunday and Monday night. Anyone reading this that wants in, be in fault line looking for a broadcast around 10pm EST.

    Since these are arcs and not a TF Joining late is not a problem.

    My global is @porcinepine.

    I will be checking this post Saturday night to see if anyone has posted a request to get in on this.
  16. Hi All,

    My tank just got the first mission in faultline and wanted to get a team of like minded heroes together to go and spank out the first two story arcs. These typically go quickly and there is a nice prize at the end of Miss Yinn's arc. They are also challenging if you want them to be with elite bosses and/or AV's. If we level enough and have the tiem we can do the third one which gives the Orobus badge right in time to get into Orobus

    Anyway I am available most nights aroun 10pm EST after kids go to bed.
    So pst info about what you would bring and when would be good for you. (tomorrow (wed) is NOT good as I am doing a villian thing with Mr. E.

  17. I'll bring Intra Venus my lvl 23? mind/psi dom she needs leveling love and does not solo well, unlike Dr. Awe who is doing quite well.

    I still dont seem to be able to love dominators, too squishy and twichy.
    One of these days I guess....
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pylon View Post
    Returning for the freeplay weekend, been kinda bored lately and I thought I'd check out CoV. What do people usually do these days? I used to love running task force mission, there anyone doing that sorta thing anymore? Any advice on the fun stuff I should look for over the weekend would be greatly appreciated. I've got characters on both hero and villain side of various levels.
    I dont have villains on virtue, just heroes, but I'll be happy to team w/ ya.
    Send me a pm or look for my global
  19. AE Baby, you can finish off those levels with one decent AE arc if teamed.
  20. I will usually team unless I have only a short time to be available then it is not worth it. If I have time I will pop my flag on and I don't always get an invite but hey I also will form a team if I need to. I have mostly villains on freedom but one hero send me a PM with times you are on and I will be happy to hook up.
  21. thetorquenator


    Originally Posted by Darthic View Post
    Thanks for all the feedback! Due to the fact that I'm comfortable with Skype,
    I'll probably be sticking with that option. However I am greatful for the info
    and available options.

    I Use Skype but I never have anyone to talk to. The friends I used to adventure with have all moved on.....
    I occasionally get one to come back for a brief while but that is about it.

    I had MUCH better luck with skype than with any other tool but I never tried GTalk yet I Have an account though but I just use for IMing.

    If your on freedom or virtue and want to team let me know
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    I dont use pen & paper to make a build, I use the power set description, the individual powers info chart by pressing the "Info" button during creation, and I make my choices by reading from there.Its acctually a very simple thing, and no, I will not get off Mid's.

    Mid's is for people who have no imagination, or are poor at math, or possibly both.

    I find it funny that people have to sit down and chart out a character, or use Mid's for it, scratching there heads like monkies as if its Rocket Science.

    What I like about this game, that Mid's does not tell you, is the fact that not a single combonation is a poor choice to play compaired to any others within any given AT.Thats why alot of people call Fire Armor, and other sets like it weak, because they dont know how to use it, and gosh darnit!Mid's says its bad, or another player does.

    So Mid' can take a flying leap.

    If you dont like how I talk about Mid's, simply stop listening.You complain about my comment/s on Mid's and ill tell you exactly how I feel about it.Its that simple.

    I was not raised to use Diplomecy, or use Tact.They are utter wastes of Time for our society to keep using them.
    I Kinda agree with you about mids but I do use it, I stared using planners after I screwed up a respec and forgot a power. I never go to the trouble of slotting the powers up past deciding how many go where and when (if it matters) So basically Mids is more convenient for that than writing stuff down though last respec I did I was too lazy so I just screen shotted my manage screen and used that, course it was a pain flipping back and forth and I could not show everything but it worked.
  23. Well I got my DP Blaster to 10 in a few hrs including a longish wait to do isolator.
    Also since I always like to get to a minimum lvl 4 before entering sewers I ran missions from contact to get to 4 and phone (Handy to have). Entered sewers with an almost exclusively DP blaster team lol, many rains of bullets we emerged
    in Kings row, ran 3 radios and the Safeguard, Boom lvl 10 and bedtime, boy am I tired. Now I have to haul my but back to Atlas so I can talk to ^&*(^Ving Wincot grrrrrr
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DataBreaker View Post
    Dang, wish I'd spotted this sooner! I'll sign up Dark Machinist for an alt spot then, please.
    Me too! I meant to sign up earlier, got distracted,
    Dr. Awe is into this as an Alt or 2nd team. I have actually done this TF twice
    with different characters so would be willing to lead but I am not going to be able to remember the exact tactics for optimal times. The final battle can be a real bugger if I recall.
  25. thetorquenator

    Dark Mirror...

    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    Everyones seen the latest right??

    I'm personally excited for this.....
    I have to say I am sporting a tremendous woody for this issue, it
    has almost everything I have been waiting for in UI improvements

    And Sexier Graphics and more content....
    and.. Gush gush gush

    Thank you Devs!!!