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  1. Right now there's really no one to give any money to and there's no reason to give it to anyone.

    Let's see if CoH/Paragon get sold by NCSoft to another publisher first. That's our only real hope for an even remotely professional, continuing version of CoH. And if that happens, you can start subbing/spending in the cash shop again.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
    If you have not gotten in contact with the guys at Titan Network about this, you need to do so ASAP! Coordinate!
    Er, wouldn't it be better to actually tell Paragon Studios?
  3. The WoW forums told me I don't have a WoW account even though I do and my annual pass is active through January 2013 (I did it mainly to get Diablo III free because I had old time cards lying around anyway).

    So I don't know what's going on over there, but even logged in, it wouldn't let me post. I hope others aren't having that same bug right now because we really could use the support for CoH everywhere we can get it.
  4. I am getting a case of deja vu from this thread.

    Only I got yelled at more when I posted about it yesterday.

  5. shadow35



    As always I appreciate what everyone on board with Paragon Studios has accomplished in giving us a respite from the grind we call real life.

    But don't give up the ship yet! I know it's a long shot, but we're all trying our hardest to keep CoH and Paragon going. Just know we're there for you and doing all we can.

    And have some tea! That's what I do when times get tough. Well, that and a bubblebath, but that's a girlie thing.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
    Well, I can point to at least one company with positive reviews:,21.htm

    Of course, it's probably hard for companies more in the middle to get good review scores. On average, more people that are bothered by something will go to a site like this than someone satisified.
    If nothing else, this shows that if a CoH/Paragon Studios buyout doesn't happen, then maybe the Paragon Studios devs should apply for jobs at Riot Games. :P
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I would ask both of you to more thoroughly read the bullet point that I later clarified, or watch the video. Zwill's premise is bacillary in regards to releasing proprietary code free to the public (i.e.: private server, CoH emulator, etc.), which is highly unlikely. If someone were to purchase that proprietary code (such as another publisher), it would be a completely different matter.
    thanks, Obsidian, not only for writing this up which is fantastic, but for pointing that out. I was just going to remind everybody it said "not for free to the public" and said nothing about
    "being bought out by another publisher" myself.

    The odds might still be against this really happening, but even 5% of a chance is a heck of a lot better than 0% chance. And as others said, there must be some shred of hope on Paragon's side because they're not giving away the farm (so to speak) cash-shop-wise. (But could they even do that? They're no longer working at Paragon Studios nor for NCSoft. Does anyone even still have the "keys" to unlock that sort of thing at this point anyway?)
  8. It's kind of hard to believe that people who love a company, its management and their jobs would say bad things. But it should automatically be discounted the minute they do because they're all wrong, period?

    If NCSoft wants people to say good things about them then they should think long and hard about how they handle their teams, their customers and the public in general, because as of right now, their history both with games in the past and the ones they still run now are pretty terrible.

    I linked to this because it's quite telling. And I still don't buy that everything everyone says at Glassdoor is just an unsubstantiated bashing session for no reason. Not every comment is bad, especially not for other businesses. NCSoft does look kinda bad compared to a lot of them, though; perhaps this is because of the differences in how they treat their employees and customers then?
  9. The website features commentary from employees about the businesses they work for. Check out what they have to say about NCSoft:

    "Extremely poor management: The worst I ever had in fact."

    "If you have a choice, don't choose NCSoft."

    "A bad thing that's getting worse."

    "Stay away."

    "Terrible environment, unorganized, a lack of leadership and absolutely no support."


    "Organized chaos, consistently shifting leadership."
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warsuit X-5 View Post
    /me smiles behind her helmet's faceplate and chuckles darkly, a deep metallic female voice rumbles from the "Yes, this is what heroes do. They save things. I am not one of them...I destroy things that do not serve my purposes"

    "Paragon City...for all its...frustrations, serves MY purposes for now. Destroying it does not serve my purposes...those who would destroy it, are acting at cross-purposes to ME. A more...unwise course of action I cannot imagine"
    Tee hee!

    Classic quote of the day.

    Thanks a lot for this thread, people. I'm off to work now, but I will be smiling all day, if only for what might be.

    Go Go Paragon! Go Go Us!
  11. Pro,

    Thanks for Praetoria and all the work you and Paragon Studios have done!

    I guess you really are a "Pro!"

    And words cannot express how much I want PS to succeed in their talks with NSleaz- oh God, where is the strikeout key when you need it?

    I can't even think about them. But if they sell and the Paragon Studios team goes on in any form, I'm there for all of you.

    Meantime, we're all making as much noise as we can and spreading the word. If nothing else it will show you how much all of you meant (and still mean) to us.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    So there are at least some of the devs - maybe even the whole stuido - who are taking an active role in the rescue effort.
    Thank you so much, Golden Girl! You have really made my day, no matter what happens.

    I have always liked you on these boards. I know I never posted much but I always read these boards, and your continually positive outlook must make you a great person to know in real life.

    And thanks for giving us some official word-- all the "false rumor/attention seeking" posts were getting to me here.

    I will continue to hit other games' boards and the blogsphere with petition links, and do my part to spread the word.

    Whether all our efforts pan out or not, it's good to know Paragon themselves are still dedicated to continuing the franchise (and probably that other game they were working on, too).
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Electric Brick View Post
    I think Mishii might be on acid. July 13 of next year falls on a Saturday.

    -Copper Cockroach
    Yes, she's full of it. Here's CM Andy (Zwillinger)'s response to her nonsense:

    The projects have been cancelled.
    Andy Belford
    Community Manager
    Paragon Studios

    And here's the original thread:

    Let's hope all those constantly contributing to the Rumor Mill of Nonsense finally stop now. It's hard enough dealing with what's really going on. Certain people don't need to continually drag corporation heads of other publishers into the spotlight, post ridiculously wrong rumors, and/or constantly imply that they are persons of importance with secret, inside information.

    In reality I'm beginning to think certain people are just desperate for attention and will say just about anything to get it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    The projects have been cancelled.
    Thank you, Zwi. I really appreciate your honesty, professionalism and self-restraint in what is a very trying time for us, devs and players alike.

    And I'm not listening to any more malarchy. Unless it comes straight from a Paragon Studios dev, I'm not paying it any mind.

    Hasn't the silly rumor mill done enough damage already? I mean, forcing those who run other MMO publishers like Smedley, and even CO devs, to have to post publicly about a company and a game that in fact have nothing to do with them at this point?

    When is it going to end?

    And I would suggest the same amount of restraint and common sense be applied to the fantasies of those who think they're going to create a spiritual successor game to CoH, or hack it and rez it on private servers provided they get some big lump sum of money from players at large, etc.

    I understand the sentiment and the hurt, believe me, but reality is still reality and we should start living in it. And as always, I hope the devs do tell us where they wind up, whether it be together doing a new start-up or apart.

    And thanks again, Zwi. This forum is getting totally out of control.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MishiiLove View Post
    Project X

    It lives.

    July 13th 2013
    Look, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but The Rumor Mill has been nothing but people talking out their arses since August 31st. And I'm getting a little tired of the smell.

    Post official links or please refrain from the "veiled secrecy from the all-knowing one" b.s., okay? If you're trying to be cute, it doesn't work now and it hasn't before, either.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
    I don't think anyone expects CoH players boycotting NCSoft to make the company go under. It just gives us personal satisfaction.
    NCSoft seems to have forgotten the golden rule of customer communcations: Angry customers will tell six times' more people about their dissatisfaction than those who are happy will.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Those games are all supported by different people. They're *all* evil?
    Um, Aion NA is completely controlled, programmed and patched by NCSoft Korea. Period. The end. NCWest is a handful of people who merely translate Korea's text into English then push it through straight to live without even putting it up on a NA test server first (which has generated an enormous amount of problems in its own right, believe me). They are completely incapable of even changing the XP rate. They cannot generate or run scripts. Even when the last server merge occurred, character names were a complete disaster area and they could do absolutely nothing about it by themselves.


    They have been uniformly treating NA and EU so badly for so many years I'm surprised there are any players left. However, both Lineage 2 and Aion have been forced to go F2P (and Truly Free to Play with no restrictions at that) to even get any players back on their servers. Pre-F2P, Lineage 2 was down to Chronos, one dead as a doornail NA server. Even with free reactivations, my daughter and I and one other young kid were literally the only players on that server. Lineage 1 was completely shut down here long ago due to having no population. And Aion, well what to say about Aion: It had merged down to 3 empty servers pre-F2P (Kahrun was added as a 4th once it re-launched with 3.0/F2P last April).

    Aion and Lineage 2's horrid grind, Aion's terrible crafting and socketing systems, the complete lack of loot drops, and the awful leveling curve have been there since launch. NCSoft (Korea) never listens. Even since F2P, they have mercilessly made it twice as hard to level fighting and crafting levels and have jacked up their already-insane cash shop prices.

    Good luck with your whatever presentation to NCSoft. You seem like a nice guy. But it isn't going to do the slightest bit of good. At least you can't say no one warned you.

    Our best shot at ever playing CoH again is fading into the breeze more with each passing day, but there really needs to be a pro MMO publisher who is able to convince NCSoft to sell CoH/CoH2 if it's there too. Then they need to get Paragon Studios back together and working before it's too late. And I don't ever even see NCSoft selling, never mind the fact that we haven't heard anything concrete about any pro publishers even trying to get it.

    Good luck talking to NCSoft, but don't expect anyone else to see them for anything but what they really are.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yeah, while the "NCSoft sucks!" attiude is understandable when emotions are running high, it's important to remember that this is a totally out of the blue U-turn on their previouly supportive policy towards the game - and they had such confidence in the developers that they even green lit a new MMO from them, so something has clearly happened within NCSoft very recently to make them change that attitude.
    The Asian company Nexon bought 15% (controlling shares) of NCSoft in June.

    There were hints that this was coming, we just didn't see them. Such as when Aion and Lineage 2 began converting accounts to a different billing login system, but CoH was not required to convert.

    I realize that certain players want to somehow present us as a pro-NCSoft group so they can somehow wrangle the sale of the CoH IP/engine etc. to a bunch of CoH players who want to try doing something with it, but A.) it isn't going to work and B.) this was a sleazy thing for NCSoft to do, it was handled in the worst way possible on top of it, and NCSoft could care less about its North American and European player bases anyway.

    Arcana, you obviously have never played Aion or Lineage 2 in North America or Europe. You should try dealing with GameForge sometime, too. These things will teach you more about NCSoft than you will ever want to know.

    Or even just peruse Aion's North American forums sometime! Whole Aion character databases have been accidentally wiped off the face of the earth with nary an apology or open admission, XP rates have been halved to the complete surprise of the NCWest translation/moderation Team who were not told in advance (making crafting and leveling take twice as long) when Korean patches have been installed, and nothing is ever fixed or openly admitted to, period. Routine lag of 2000-3000 ms from people with otherwise excellent broadband (not to mention getting bumped off in the middle of fort takeovers, which reset whilst the server crashed, etc.) happens daily. And NO ONE CARES, lol. Read the Aion NA forums! The whole entire world outside Asia is hosted on 4 tiny, lag-infested, crashing messes of servers in NA, and all they do is slow XP way down and jack up the prices of XP pots in the cash shop.

    Sorry, kiddo, you just don't know much about NCSoft. But you'll see.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Where would the funding come from? This is pointless.
    This thread is currently funded by: Broken hopes and dreams.

    We all love CoH and are miserable to see Paragon Studios and CoH die, but all these fantasy threads and alternate forums are getting a little depressing in and of themselves.

    I have to say that if the game was going to be salvaged by any professional company worth it being salvaged for, it would have already happened.

    Best of luck to Paragon in finding new jobs, though. Or if they want to stay together and get kickstarter funding for a new project that they can approach a new publisher with, best of luck with that, too. I just hope they let us all know where they wind up so we can follow.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    That is not news. That just confirms that the other project Paragon Studios was working on was very likely running on the same engine. Star Trek Online also runs on the same engine, and it's nothing like CoH or Champions.

    Edit to add:
    The real question is how far along that second project was. If the project was far along to a point where it was able to be sold, then there is a chance for Paragon Studios to be aquired by some one that may be interested in the project. That may, by proxie, save CoH.
    IF NCSoft will sell.

    IF the project is far enough along.

    IF the Paragon team doesn't go their separate ways and get absorbed into different development houses.

    It would still be great for a last-minute save to come through, don't get me wrong, and the thought of CoH otherwise being gone or becoming private server fodder makes me depressed to say the least. But it gets less and less likely that anything professional and positive will really happen as the days tick by here....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Invincible One View Post
    Monetary wise, I wonder how much of an impact this will have on NCSoft's long term finances:
    Thanks for the link to that very interesting article! Notice how it says that NCSoft has the *option* to buy 40 million stocks in China.... Well, perhaps it's more than an option-- maybe it's one of those "hidden requirements" of "you scratch my back and I'll let you bring your GW2 game into China" things.

    That might be yet another reason that NC/Nexon needed to get a lot of cash together in a short period.

    CoH shut down so GW2 could launch in China? Who knows, but China's government isn't exactly known for it's support of online gaming (they have forced in mega restrictions on online gaming useage, which require games to have automatic cutoffs for XP earning/loot drops stop dropping/some even kick you completely offline after X hours) and China has blocked/banned more games from running there than you can shake a stick at.... Heck, even WoW was shut down there for months.

    I played C-Aion (Chinese Aion) while NA Aion was in beta, and whew! What a lot of tangles there were for the average player there. China is one very controlling country to say the least.

    I'm not sure how much money they plan to make on GW2 over there, though, or how. Asians don't usually buy the box for online games, by the way, but merely pay pennies per hour (purchased time rolls over into the next month if you don't use it) to play. I probably still have 60 hours of time there, somewhere, if I ever felt like re-installing the C-Aion client with the English language pack....
  22. Tom's Hardware, the global, mega PC hardware site (link here,17315.html ) features a photo of a very depressed and shocked looking writer, who not only wrote an article about CoH and its closing but solicited NCSoft for further info, which I have re-posted here:

    UPDATE: Here's the response we received from NCSoft:

    Both NCsoft and Paragon Studios are incredibly proud of the success of City of Heroes, but unfortunately, the continued support of the franchise no longer fits within our long term goals for the company. All employees at Paragon Studios are affected by this decision, including the management team.

    We will begin the City of Heroes sun setting process immediately with the goal to officially stop our service offerings for the franchise on November 30, 2012.

    This was a very tough decision to make and wish the best for all Paragon Studio employees in their next ventures.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    It's not the game itself I have an issue with, it's a game that could be dropped like a bad smell and any moment if NCsoft feel it's not making enough money or they bring out a new shiny they love more. Have no interest in having my hard earned time wasted by people who couldn't give a monkeys and the only time they notice you is when they are wiping you off the bottom of their shoe..
    Haha, yeah, I agree with you there. Not to mention that not only were CoH accounts not transitioned to a different login system like Aion and Lineage 2 were, but Guild Wars 1 was not, either.

    At this point, I'd be more than a little nervous if I was still a Guild Wars 1 player in North America as well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    We're highlighting different aspects of the story to appeal to different sites - the key is to spread the news beyond the player base and the geekosphere in general to generate enough attention to change NCSoft's attitude from "whatever" to "oops".
    No matter what happens, this is still a fantastic idea. I'm sure the devs could use the morale boost right now, plus the public at large needs to learn about NC/Nexon and how they treat their customers, as well as what could happen to whatever games they play from that publisher.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    Midnight at 11/30/12 when it becomes 12/1?

    Or Midnight 11/29/12 when it becomes 11/30?

    I intend to be on virtually all day the last day we have so I'm hoping we can get some confirmation of which ....
    Yeah, I was wondering that, too! And they should give us not only an exact day but an exact time (in specified time zones so we can convert if need be), too, so we can make sure to be there.

    With the totally crappy way they have treated Paragon Studios and CoH's player base, it's the least they can do.