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  1. Yes i did look in the guides section before i made this post, and all of the links in the guide section lead to a page not found on the coh forums.

    So i ask my questions here.

    Ive heard of people "playing the auctions" as a way of making mass amounts of currency. I would like some tips and tricks on this, as i'm not sure i understand how the auction system in coh works yet. it seems different than other mmo auction houses (namely wow)

    Also what are other ways to make currency besides auctions?

    yet again i ask because i can't get the guides links to work in the guides section of this market forum.
  2. would i really be messing up the build if i took powers out of the flying power pool instead of what you have selected for your power pool?
  3. I have a question about the leveling build, what do the numbers and letters in parenthesis after the name of an enhancment for ?

    as shown here in parenthesis after the orange text showing the numbers and letters
    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Blind -- Acc(A), RechRdx(3), Hold(11)
    Level 1: Radiant Aura -- Heal(A), Heal(9)
    Level 2: Spectral Wounds -- Acc(A), Dmg(3), Dmg(5), Dmg(5)
    Level 4: Deceive -- Acc(A), Conf(11)
    Level 6: Accelerate Metabolism -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(7), RechRdx(7)
    Level 8: Superior Invisibility -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(9)
    Level 10: Radiation Infection -- ToHitDeb(A), EndRdx(13)
    Level 12: Air Superiority -- Acc(A), Acc(13)
  4. Yes I'm a new player. No I don't plan on respeccing unless i have a level 50 that could be respecced to make him better, or get rid of mistakes made.

    This question is for future reference so i Know in advance how respecs work.

    I have a few questions on how respecs work.

    During the time you level up you get to put slots into skills, and you pick out skills at certain levels.
    Now how does respeccing work? would i get to start all over on putting slots on skills? what happens to enhancments that are allready stuck on skill slots?
    how much influence does it cost to respec at 50?
  5. Well Ive started an illusion/rad controller, got him to level 10 so far. not much for group holds except for flash and that has a very long recharge time even with two recharge enhancments on it.

    i got invited into a team and they said "just heal" acting as that was my only power useful for the team.

    so when does illusion/rad get good? what level and what powers make it worth sticking with?
  6. I'm looking for a build on the hero and the villain side for farming.
    Also looking for information on farming itself, I'm relatively new, so i don't know where to farm, or what to farm>?

    I'm guessing you would farm enhancments and salvage/recipes.
    What would be some methods here?
  7. I am the kind of player that loves to team up and be useful to any team i get into.

    I liked the idea of controllers, making enemies immobile, or slowing them down, or putting them to sleep.

    i want a build that works good enough solo, but goes great with a team and good for endgame raids and instances.

    yes i have given the guides section a look, but its like being a kid in a candy store i can't decide on what to get.
  8. thank you, one last question. if i buy and install new costume boosters will the old costumes i have backed up still work properly?
  9. So far i have two costumes i made that i saved for future use. Saved them to the game before i finished my two characters.

    Are these costumes saved locally or server-side?

    If they are saved locally, How would i back them up incase of hard drive or OS issues?

    what location are they at on my windows xp home OS?

    I don't want to lose these saved costumes!

    also another odd question a bout the forums and my avatar, for some reason when i reload a page my avatar is missing, soemtimes it takes a few refreshes before i can see it again. anyone know the deal here?
  10. I should have mentioned that. I bought the architect edition,got it for $10 to see if i could enjoy the game. Found out i greatly enjoy it. Prepurchased the going rogue. yes i have 1 month paid for so far. so i won't have any chat restrictions.

    I plan on buying the mutant booster and the booster that includes the going rogue content that i missed because i did not get the complete edition.
  11. Now does the "N P C" channel have open discussion? Not sure if i would try to get a mentor cause my gaming times can be sporadic depending on whats going on. and sometimes i play late nights.
  12. So my first hero hit level 5, The npc said it might be wise to team up at some point soon.

    I know some people like to solo everything, I myself, do not play an mmorpg to solo. I play mmorpg's to socialize with the gaming community.
    So at this point, Where do heroes and villains go to find people to team up with on this freedom server?
    If they only use chat channels, what chat channels do heroes and villains use to team up and or socialize in? public channels that is.

    If that's the case how do i make new channel tabs and get into different channels?

    also Ive tried to speak in game but it only sent in local, so yeah i am a newbie so i might need a few tips on chat channels, I also don't know how to get into the global freedom chat channel so help with that would also be appreciated.
  13. So i have questions about enchancements.

    What are some neat or strong combonations?
    How long do single enhancments last?
    how long do combined of the same type enhancements last?
    how long to uniuqe combonations last?

    how and where exactly do you get enhancments?
  14. I have a few questions, will going rogue have all the previous boosters? or do you still have to buy them seperately?

    also is $30 for the prepurchase in the ncsoft store actualy just $30? or will my card be charged again for another $10 when its out?

    also since its a digital download, how many times am i limited to downloading it? as many as needed? or just once?

    for obvious reasons that things can go wrong with a computer hard drive and loss of data.
  15. Well i got the architect edition so i picked cyborg as my free booster.

    I was wondering if they have any bundles of boosters packs that are cheaper because they have more than one booster in the bundle?

    last time i tried loading the ncsoft store it would not load for me, this is one reason im asking.

    also what booster packs or extra things from the ncsoft store do you guys think is the bees knees or just plane sweet?
  16. So i bought the architect edition to see if i like the game, so i would know if i wanted to keep playing and get the new city of heroes game coming out.

    it gave me a choice of getting the cyborg or magic booster pack added to my account. i chose cyborg.

    does this mean that the only type of character i can make is cyborg? so mutant, magic and the other ones won't work unless i buy them as booster packs?