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  1. essential npcs meleeing nemesis warhulks (you are a general, you understand that they EXPLODE, maybe dont use a gun as a melee weapon)

    to hit buffs...i played a sr primarily. in fact, i played a ma/sr, so you know who i wont miss? mother @#$%ing maruder, he was made of kryptonite
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Really? With mission completion statements like


    I have something of a hard time seeing how whoever wrote those didn't think comic books and the people who enjoy them were anything but worthy of contempt.
    those are both from the foxbat line though, right. One thing I have noticed is that when foxbat is the central theme (and I dont recall him showing up in the later game) The stuff is more over the top and silly, from all angles. I'd say some of the later stuff shows a competent handling of comic tropes that suggests an affection for the genre. Its like how on kotaku everyone rags on gamer nerds, a little schadenfreude and a litle hope that you are a higher calibur of fan than the embarrassing ones.

    we have fifth column/council antagonizing a game developer using complaints that are exaggerations of complaints here, but i dont think paragon or cryptic hate online video gamers.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    You're always profiting, Profit.
    doubly disqualifying him from being a cheetah
  4. rian_frostdrake

    Interesting news

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'd like to see Hellgate: London resurface.
    well bill, I have good news on that front. http://hellgate.t3fun.com/Home/Home.aspx

    the problem is that games like hellgate, apb, and apparently now rf online is that their publishers just shut them down, ncsoft seems to actively bury their dead games, otherwise i'd expect tabula rasa or exsteel to have been resurrected by nexon or pwi. ncsoft seems to want to make sure their former i.p. s dont become competitors in the future.
  5. lets not get ahead of ourselves, we got some good news It is still a long shot. its still a long way and the best we can do is to keep up with the titan network stuff, show unity and act in large enough groups.
  6. You come in with your attitude and wonder why you dont get good responses? You could be offering free 20 dollar bills, but with your attitude, who would bother with you? back up the 20% and 10% numbers please, thanks
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I never said CO was doing financially better before COH was cancelled. I don't know if they're doing financially better. Before you accuse me of being 'factually incorrect,' you might start by checking what I've said. I said CO is doing better. Whether they're more profitable or not is immaterial- Their existence isn't being negated. Nothing makes a profit when it doesn't exist, and I'm pretty sure that whatever CO is making after Nov. 30th will be more than what COH is making after Nov. 30th. And even from now until then, since all payments on COH have been suspended. How much do you think COH is making now, when it won't even let me buy stuff or pay my sub fee...? Existing and continuing service is a pretty significant advantage.
    ok, i misread that, my bad. i still think your post and overall attitude here is more harmful than helpful. If you actually have the professional background to tell us that the efofrt will not work, please share your credentials so we can all be enlightened, otherwise you are simply taking advantage of the situation to be as disruptive as you seem to find amusing. As for now I will assume that Brian Clayton (gg can spell check this please and make a dismissive remark if i made any errors) may know a bit more about the business than you do.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    lol, wut? It's factually incorrect that COH is closing and Champions Online isn't? Please... Tell me more.
    it is factually incorrect that Co was doing better financially because co was picked up by pwi . CO got lucky, coh has not..yet. if you ever actually played or read the forums, you know how outright dismal the mood has been for a very long time And how dead the live server is. be somewhat rational. hoensty, I question how big a bump you think this is going to generate for cryptic, and if you think it is realistic that cryptic would start paying attention to CO. We lost tumerboy, we have lost producers left and right, even stormshade was tasked with covering all the forums as a community lead, we weren't even judged as important enough for our own until we finally got trailturtle after several months. Have you seen ANY investment or attention on the part of pwi Outside of region banning a bunch of players? it may be moving from one sinking ship to a slightly slower sinking one.
  9. The statement was still factually incorrect. And you really aren't one to call out attitudes.(to thb, not cap)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    You're so freaking obnoxious, I swear to god. Let me speak candidly for a minute. You're insulting another game that is clearly doing better than this one, since it isn't being shut down. l.
    reign in yourself there cowboy, you know very well that CO was in a very similar situation when atari got rid of them last year. It is not about who is doing better, it is about who has a publisher that is willing to accept a game's performance. You know very well that had pwi not stepped in, co would be just as dead months ago.
  11. ok, will edit the post, could have sworn it said his name was josh..ah well, it was late.

    And lets tone down the trash talk. the Co playerbase has been surprisingly supportive of us during this time, and several less civil elements could easily have taken this as an opportunity to grave dance about the subject, as would some here if pw had not come through when atari did much the same to co and pwi saved them.. Lets reserve a modicum of civility towards them. We can make our case without being catty.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Getting the devs' names right would probably be a good first step for your plan.
    who did I get wrong? I used paragonwiki for the names.
  13. way ahead of ya. http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=2419741&postcount=77
    I do feel your comments are unhelpful and nonconstructive here, and question whether you actually have the professional background to be making those statements with your air of certainty, but whatever, as a last ditch effort, I made the suggestions, hopefully some of them will even be on co, rather than being fast tracked to neverwinter like babs was.

    also, suggestion box? nobody reads the suggestion box. i went in the main forums at least.
  14. rian_frostdrake

    Good news all..

    that was an appreciable shot of morale, thanks for posting. we are making headway apparently.
  15. rian_frostdrake

    Boost Morale

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Y'know what's boosting my un-changed morale (realistic with very faint optimism)?

    Telling you now what I've thought for ages;
    Please, for other peoples sakes, type English right will you? The majority of people I played with in CoH were from non-English countries like Finland and Sweden, people like Sam Tow are from middle Europe, and they type it better than most English people I know.

    You have no excuse. Fething hell.
    He has mentioned that he has a learning disability. he has previously quit the forums over people yelling at him about this, and you know what, at least he is trying. It is not that hard to tell, and most people have the basic human decency to not act like an *** to him over it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
    People are making lots of assumptions. Just because the OP mentions computer science doesn't mean he's talking about computer hacking...
    its true, there ar other definitions of hacking. in fact, going by the definition provided by a song in fallout 3, his plan is to sleep with ncsoft...clever boy!

    in reality nothing. i wont buy any more of their games, but that's pretty much it. life is too short to be going around worrying about getting revenge. If a grocery store ticked me off, I dont shop there, and if i can, i convince my friends not to, thats pretty much it. I will try to follow the devs info feeds to see where they land and try their games, rewarding is more important than revenge, and they deserve rewards. and i will play my gigantic pile of shame that encompasses at leas 4 consoles, pc games, and handheld games, most of which are long rpgs. that should hold me for about 2 lifespans of a human being. so yeah, no more money to ncsoft, but beyond that, i move on and live my life.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    Okay, had NCSoft not cancelled CoH... I would've give this game a shot.

    To me, it looks effin cool.

    But until CoH is uncancelled.... not a chance in Hell.
    As i said in another thread, this. love martial arts, like tae-kim's art, but the situation is bad, same with gw2. great game, bad situation.
  18. will write tommorow, saved the emails, will be nice.
  19. gw2 hit 2 million sold, as per kotaku. its doing alright. nothing is a "wow-killer" but I dont think even educationally qualified duck enthusiasts can claim its not attracting droves.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    If we could, we'd buy your jobs back.
    actually, i'd say we are trying

    oh, and was going to contribute after work..ill be in next time.
  21. and nothing about a MUCH higher profile game being released earlier in the week of coh's shutdown with a gigantic marketing budget? or a very large purchase of a rival games publisher that was a large up front cost.or a soft market for a heavily promoted other fantasy title? none of that is wearing a blue sailor suit with a speech impediment, harassing a wabbit or transforming into a mech at the sound of the word "blathersmithe"? I can at least admit that I do not and will not know or be able to fully understand all the financial factors going into the decision, it is a specialized field I am not trained in. but if we are making wildly uneducated guesses, there are bigger and more obvious targets targets than a niche martial arts title being marketed in the land of the three color first person shooter

    I really am more interested on are there other posts on titan network letting us know the situation that someone would like to share, good news is good news, but if I'm going to be able to help out, I'd like if info was shared to more than just the titan network, a lot of us still go here as a mater of habit, and while I dont not want to go there, lets all work together to keep the major gathering places in the know.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    When the financial dealings of multimillion dollar softwre corporations are as easy to spot as the defining characteristics of a duck, that would be relevant. And I'd wonder how many zoologists would be impressed with the average person's capacity to determine duck-like behavior.
  23. was that shared here? I'd hope we realize we are all working towards the same goal here and we should spread the information on the major avenues, like the official forum. that is two days old and I'd like to have heard that myself.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Really? What does "realign focus and publishing support" mean in Santa Elf-ese, then? Seriously, the correlation of the B&S announcement following the axing of CoH with their "realign" language is obvious.
    Actually I had assumed that they realigned the monetary resources they had tied up in coh, which net them a modest but fairly flat profit in heavier marketing and other technical resources for guild wars 2, which has the potential to net them a higher reward given the massive hype for the game(mostly deserved, it is good) or, more likely, the reorganization refers to a host of business decisions, including both gw2, trying to promote aion more effectively, and promoting blade and soul, as well as other things we wont know about for some time, or internal things dealing with recent acquisitions that will only be understood by, and wont bore into a coma, people directly in the finance field. correlation is nice an all, but I dont think anyone needs to remind you of its relation to actual causation.

    If anything, I'd expect that of the recent news we have heard from ncsoft, blade and soul is the least of the reasons anything happened, I doubt anyone in ncsoft expects america to get a sizable population for a eastern themed martial arts game with art designs by a guy who did some niche rpgs. outside of myself and a small number of other American anime/kung-fu nerds i expect even the most optimistic plans set it at niche in the west.
  25. It reminds me of phantasy star online, back in the day. I loved that And i'd love this. as chase can verify I have been tossing around ideas for single player games with larger join-able campaigns as an option aspect for a long time(and at that time, i was ripping off the original idea for fable 2 multiplayer...before it didnt quite turn out as hoped). it is the direction that I wished mmos would have taken and would love to see them take it.