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  1. That should hit like a Mack truck full of dynamite...
  2. I would add some procs from some of the lockdown sets like grav anchor, etc. It will boost the may on your holds and you can set containment better which will help you stay alive longer.
  3. A high end regen build is insanely resilient. If you build it right on a Scrapper you can get upwards of 300 HP/s regen going. Now if you play claws or something other than a single sword set 32.5% def is plenty. If you build a sword power set parry will cap you out.

    Regen builds are expensive to be high end, but nothing can overcome the regeneration. We are talking near GM regen rates. You cannot sustain everything full time, but regen is built to be ready for the odd damage spikes especially with a boat load of recharge redux. You will not "need" your click heals when you're cruising only when you're in trouble and they will be there then. Regen is quite possibly the most amazing set in this game from a pure survivability stand point. But there is a learning curve and the faster you figure it out, the faster you will slay mobs. My claws/regen has tanked in cases where the tank fell in eb and AV granted that was running dull pain and hit MoG for a boost but you will find it a very. Survivable set to say the least.
  4. I would add another slot in heal and add regen tissue proc. Not sure where to take it from though. Leadership is good I personally would take something in a different epic pool than mu. That way you have another damage set that offers a different set of powers...say fire if you want damage or I could see the dark epic pool working ok if you want some debuff type stuff.
  5. Gale is more like a panic button to buy yourself more time teams are not going to like it much.
  6. planet_J


    Well I expect the build to be tight, but I liked the defense from steamy mist in the storm set I had on my grav toon. I see mind has a power similar in concept to hurricane, I suppose I could just slot it for end redux like crazy and leave it up on missions.

    Edit: rather time has a defensive power. I also intend to try tk as I can always respec later if I hate it
  7. planet_J


    I rolled him up last night and I played him about an hour got to level 6 and logged off to get some sleep. Do you recommend taking the fighting pool for the melee range aspects or should I focus on defense thru another route like CJ or stealth?
  8. planet_J


    This looks promising...slightly different style of play for a controller, but I like "outside of the box" type stuff. When I come up with a build I like I will post for some feedback.
  9. planet_J


    How is the damage on the set? I know all sets have strengths and weaknesses clearly, but without a pet is the damage enough to offset that shortcoming when properly slotted?
  10. planet_J


    So...essentially I should slot it and play it like a really end heavy blapper? Ok...
  11. planet_J


    Thanks for the help... I appreciate it. Any tips on slotting a build for the set? IO type enhancements.
  12. Propel is not available until level12 iirc either way a blaster power in a control set makes no sense
  13. planet_J


    Does nobody play mind?
  14. Unfortuantely the control sets don't have snipe powers like blasters. Getting it to be a cone will be far more reasonable and more useful, not to mention more likely to actually happen.
  15. Am I the only one who thinks propel needs to be a cone?
  16. planet_J


    I am thinking of rolling a mind/time alternate and I was wondering if there are any powers that are not worth taking. I have never played mind so any suggestions about the set in general are appreciated. I plan to solo about 60-65% of the time. Are there any things I need to plan for where mind is typically weak? I expect the synergy will be good between the two, but what can be done to boost effectiveness on the Psi resistance groups like the Lost etc?
  17. This is what I think would fix gravity and it's just my 2 cents but on top of the current buffs being applied next issue do the following:

    1. Make propel a cone attack power

    2. Move crushing field up to level 6 to offer aoe immobilization sooner like other power sets

    3. Change wormhole to knockdown instead of knock back and increase the radius and range to grab bigger mobs and help avoid aggro.

    4. Turn one of the redundant ST attacks into a pbaoe repel using gravity to help with mitigation on wormhole aggro. Maybe make it a toggle that burns end for each foe repelled.

    Edit: better yet since most pve players skip dimension shift make it pve a self phase and pvp an aoe phase if that's at all possible.
  18. planet_J

    regen defense

    No I see how they work but I was unsure about the types after some digging I can see cardiac, resilient, spiritual and vigor all have merits I can see where this is going to take some thought. The 27% Res bonus and bonus to bypass ED looks good though in resilient.
  19. planet_J

    regen defense

    So essentially there's no defense or resist oriented Alpha slot powers then?
  20. planet_J

    regen defense

    I have been away since the start of issue 12 and have recently started working over my old main character a claws/regen and am now trying to build in some more defense. I will be respec'ing the toon soon and am looking for any suggestions. I realize soft cap is probably out with claws but any help is appreciated. I already have most of the impervium set but do not have access to mids right now so any tips would be appreciated. High end stuff is ok as I will eventually get to it. Also any tips for the alpha slot would be appreciated as my build is currently only weak in defense and I will be running the mender ramiel arc in the next week or so. Currently level 45.

    More specifically let me ask this:

    1. Is leadership worth respec'ing into for the defense bonus and how much mileage will I get out of weave? I understand that weave has only a small defense increase, inleadership is it that much better?

    2. Shadowmeld from what I understand is a mini MoG is it worth the run to get it?

    3. Is there an Alpha that helps with defense specifically? If not what are the best options? I am pretty good for damage with claws but am open to that as well as sometimes the best defense is a great offense.
  21. Agreed most of the glaring holes have been at least addressed I for one would still like to see propel be a cone. Call me crazy but I think humming a forklift at someone should take out a couple guys instead of just 1. But it will make it far faster on ST dmg in teams and solo now that they are adjusting this.
  22. planet_J

    Martial Arts

    I would personally recommend regen. The high end price and IO build points me that way because a high end regen build is a monster with all the powers slotted well. It can be expensive, but the end result is amazing. The damage resistance and +regen make you staggeringly capable of soloing anything you want and at much higher difficulty. I would recommend adding tough from the fighting pool early because regen really comes into it's own in the high teens/ low 20's and once you're in the 30s you should be an a rams tank.
  23. My thoughts...

    I have played grav/storm grav/kin and am playing grav/time now. If you intend to mostly solo I would recommend storm or time. They both add to survivability and control very well, and they both offer good buff/debuff for your repertoire. If you intend to team more or about 50/50 kin is a reasonable choice, kin offers a lot of buffs that will help team mates. Grav's pet doesn't much benefit from some of the buffs but teammates will love it

    Either way storm, time, kin all make the best choices and offer good synergies with the grav set.
  24. I have personally played a regen Scrapper for a long time. There are some toggles to keep up and dull pain can be made almost permanent with hasten. I also took tough among other powers which adds a toggle. However I must say, that survivability is excellent. I solo +3 groups without too much trouble. It does have a learning curve and I had to respec once. But I have lots of confidence in mobs and occasionally with bosses. Ultimately you can't go wrong with whatever you choose, but regent is a good set.
  25. I have thought about the surfing idea several times... though I am personally a big Silver Surfer fan, and that is the one piece that prevents doing any kind of spin off character...

    (That and I hardly think you could make comparable powers but it would be fun to try an Energy Blaster that can surf across the skies...)