regen defense




I have been away since the start of issue 12 and have recently started working over my old main character a claws/regen and am now trying to build in some more defense. I will be respec'ing the toon soon and am looking for any suggestions. I realize soft cap is probably out with claws but any help is appreciated. I already have most of the impervium set but do not have access to mids right now so any tips would be appreciated. High end stuff is ok as I will eventually get to it. Also any tips for the alpha slot would be appreciated as my build is currently only weak in defense and I will be running the mender ramiel arc in the next week or so. Currently level 45.

More specifically let me ask this:

1. Is leadership worth respec'ing into for the defense bonus and how much mileage will I get out of weave? I understand that weave has only a small defense increase, inleadership is it that much better?

2. Shadowmeld from what I understand is a mini MoG is it worth the run to get it?

3. Is there an Alpha that helps with defense specifically? If not what are the best options? I am pretty good for damage with claws but am open to that as well as sometimes the best defense is a great offense.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Welcome back! I answered a similar thread above, but I'll give yours a shot as well.

You want your defense to be roughly 32.5% to S/L/E/N so that you can soft cap with a single small purple inspiration. To get that high, you will need a lot of set bonuses and pool powers. You'll want Weave, Combat Jumping, and Maneuvers. You'll also want to use Kinetic Combats, which will take some time to get. Weave also comes with Tough, which helps you out by increasing your S/L resistance.

Shadow Meld is amazing. You want it ASAP.

As a Regen, your best options are Spiritual or Musculature. Spiritual increases your survivability because it makes your powers recharge faster and makes your heals more powerful. Musculature gives you more damage, which is never a bad thing. If I were you, I'd go Spiritual.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



So essentially there's no defense or resist oriented Alpha slot powers then?

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I think you may be missing how Alpha powers work. They are a lot like having an extra SO of whatever values they enhance in each of your powers that would accept that kind of enhancement. They do not buff those values directly.

Spiritual, for example, is like having an extra recharge IO or SO slotted into all of your powers.

Destiny powers, by contrast, are direct buffs. However, you'll be wanting Rebirth (which is sort of like having a second IH) and not Barrier (which is a def/res buff). Despite the initial appearances, it actually works out better numerically for a Regen to take Rebirth.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



No I see how they work but I was unsure about the types after some digging I can see cardiac, resilient, spiritual and vigor all have merits I can see where this is going to take some thought. The 27% Res bonus and bonus to bypass ED looks good though in resilient.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
No I see how they work but I was unsure about the types after some digging I can see cardiac, resilient, spiritual and vigor all have merits I can see where this is going to take some thought. The 27% Res bonus and bonus to bypass ED looks good though in resilient.
... no it doesn't.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
... no it doesn't.
To expand math-wise:

Resilience offers a base 9.375% resistance.

Say you slot 3 level 50 Resist Damage IOs. You'll enhance by 58.475%, for a total of 14.857% resistance.

Then you add, let's say a Tier 3 Resilient. 27% enhancement to damage resist, half of which ignores ED. After much formula-crunching, that gets you up to an enhancement of 74%, for a total of 16.313% damage resistance. Congrats, you've knocked off 1.5% of incoming damage over just IOs. (If you're using Tough, you get a little more because the Alpha will boost Tough as well, but you see the scale of what we're talking about.)

It's tricky when you're dealing with percents that get enhanced by a percentage of the value. You're not looking at 9.375 PLUS 27, you're looking at 9.375 TIMES 1.27.

A Defense-enhancing Alpha won't help very much either. Since it acts like an enhancement, it'll only work on powers that grant defense. For Regen, that is nada. If you use a sword primary, it'll boost the defense-granting attack, but that's it. It will not affect set bonuses. Set bonuses cannot be enhanced, so Alpha does nothing. If you have 18.75% Smashing/Lethal Defense from IOs, adding Agility will do jack squat.

As mentioned, you want either Spiritual (Recharge, Heal) or Musculature (Damage). Nearly all of Regen's powers benefit from Heal enhancements, so a Heal Alpha will be amazing for it, and Recharge and Damage are just generally useful. Vigor (Heal, End Redux) also works well, but Regen is typically not hurting for Endurance.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
No I see how they work but I was unsure about the types after some digging I can see cardiac, resilient, spiritual and vigor all have merits I can see where this is going to take some thought. The 27% Res bonus and bonus to bypass ED looks good though in resilient.
That 27% resist bonus is enhancing resilience and tough by 27%-ED. So if tough grants 11.3% resist, the alpha will increase it to ~14%. It's even less if you have slots in it, which obviously you should. Go with spiritual, or maybe musculature if you want more damage.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
That 27% resist bonus is enhancing resilience and tough by 27%-ED. So if tough grants 11.3% resist, the alpha will increase it to ~14%. It's even less if you have slots in it, which obviously you should. Go with spiritual, or maybe musculature if you want more damage.
Boss beat me to it, drat.