Help me with a good secondary for Gravity Please!




Greetings! I have wanted, for some time, to make a Gravity Toon that can seriously contribute to a team or at least hold his own. Gravity, from my attempts anyway, seems a bit light on damage and particularly on AOEs. I don't care if it's aoe or strong single target attacks. So what secondaries would pickup the slack damage wise and why? I posted a similar post on the Dom page - which would make a more effective Grav toon, Controller or Dom?



If DPS is all you are interested in, then Dom is probably the best route regarding Grav and likely go the single target route. While there are outliers in the AT, controllers are mostly not DPS characters and should be looked at as support characters. ***Now before anyone starts explaining how their X/Y controller out damages their [insert damage AT]. Yes there are certain controller builds that can put out the DPS, but the AT as a whole including all powersets, is best a support AT. It's best to look at a contoller as a character that can lockdown enemies and debuff the bejeebus out of them while buffing your team. You control the battlefield. Sure it's less sexy as doing uber damage and laying enemies to waste; but even without lots of damage it can feel very very powerful.

But if you a bent on a controller and grav, then you probably want to look at Grav/Kin or Grav/Storm for damage output and maybe Grav/Rad, TA or Time for safety/control.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



My thoughts...

I have played grav/storm grav/kin and am playing grav/time now. If you intend to mostly solo I would recommend storm or time. They both add to survivability and control very well, and they both offer good buff/debuff for your repertoire. If you intend to team more or about 50/50 kin is a reasonable choice, kin offers a lot of buffs that will help team mates. Grav's pet doesn't much benefit from some of the buffs but teammates will love it

Either way storm, time, kin all make the best choices and offer good synergies with the grav set.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Thank you very much for the thoughts and explanations - i had been reading up on certain Grav posts and heard plenty of reasons why Grav is broken/how to fix it, why it works great with/awful with: Time, etc. Frankly i found it all a bit confusing. I have started several Grav toons over the years but didn't find them fun. Dying often AND not really contributing to the team on control or damage left me annoyed with my toons. So perhaps what i am asking is for Grav trollers to tell me what secondaries they had the most fun using and why. I like the concept of the powerset but agree it seems a bit. . . broken or at least wounded. So how do You make Gravity Control Fun?



Originally Posted by Son of Amber View Post
Thank you very much for the thoughts and explanations - i had been reading up on certain Grav posts and heard plenty of reasons why Grav is broken/how to fix it, why it works great with/awful with: Time, etc. Frankly i found it all a bit confusing. I have started several Grav toons over the years but didn't find them fun. Dying often AND not really contributing to the team on control or damage left me annoyed with my toons. So perhaps what i am asking is for Grav trollers to tell me what secondaries they had the most fun using and why. I like the concept of the powerset but agree it seems a bit. . . broken or at least wounded. So how do You make Gravity Control Fun?
I struggled with Gravity for a while, but I was determined to take all of the controller primaries to 50. I tried Grav/Rad, Grav/Kin and Grav/Therm. I finally stuck with Grav/Storm because there is some really great synergy between the sets. Storm really fills in some of Gravity's weaknesses. I mostly solo'ed my Grav/Storm up to 50, and found him to be a fun character . . . not fast, but fun. It really took a lot of strategy to play the character well. I would often pause before each encounter to look over the area and try to figure out how to best use my powers to take down this next group.

Other Grav combos were really tough in low levels, but as soon as I got the Freezing Rain/Crushing Field combo for Grav/Storm, it solved the problem of a lack of AoE control in low levels. Because Crushing Field does not have -knockback, CF immobilized foes in place while Freezing Rain provided knockdown (and lots of debuff). Hurricane was also huge . . . I used it more on my Grav/Storm than any other */Storm character I have. Because Gravity is so single target-focused, Hurricane keeps foes out of melee and debuffs their ToHit, giving me time to use my GD-Crush-Propel attack chain to take down one foe at a time.

Thunderclap's stun stacks with Wormhole's, and allows you to keep the minions stunned while you focus on taking down the tougher foes. Steamy Mist+Super Speed for full invisibility, which makes leading Singy in to tank for me easy. Lightning Storm and Tornado for extra damage.

One of my favorite strategies was to set up a corner of doom . . . fire off Lightning storm, then wormhole a group into a corner. Trap them there with Hurricane while I use Crushing Field, Tornado, Singy and my attack chain, with an occasional Thunderclap to keep them stunned.

The one down-side: an Immob with -knockback allows Tornado to be a huge damage dealer instead of a chaos-maker. But I didn't see that as a downside for my mostly solo, mostly single-target damage controller. The single target hold DOES have -knockback, so while I pounded away on my single target, 'Nado would throw all of the other foes around which kept them from attacking me. Once my initial target was face-planted, then I could root down the next one as I pounded him. So I didn't find the lack of an AoE Immob to be a problem . . . except on teams. On teams, I generally didn't use Tornado unless we were pounding on an AV.

As Mental Maden said, if you are looking for Damage, you will do better with a Dominator. But if you really want to run a Controller, I suggest Grav/Storm.

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