287 -
As noted in multiple threads on this topic: How fast did you receive new powersets before? What choices did you have or did you take whatever was released at a given time?
The fact that your free points don't cover them all *up front, right now* is meaningless. If the monthly stipend will allow you to get at least as much *over a full year* as you did on average before the store, then you are getting at least the same value.
The value may be even higher just considering that more sets are being produced now than previously and you can pick and choose what to spend your free points on rather than just taking what is handed out with an update. If you don't want a given powerset, don't spend your stipend of points on it. Wait for one you do like.
You never have to buy a power with real money. If you wait and save points you can get them. This is not much different than waiting for game updates/expansions under the previous system, which were months apart. -
If over the course of a year, our monthy stipend of Paragon Points gets us as much as we had before (at least), then as VIPs we will have nothing to complain about. Paying for items over and above that is not unreasonable.
If, however, our points don't bring as much value to the table as what we received as subscribers already, then there is room for complaint.
The fact that we can't get everything for free as soon as it hits the market is not an issue. We never received releases this fast before. The idea that they can afford to create even more powersets, costumes, and the like than we received before with the additional revenue is a good thing.
We really won't know what value we have as subscribers until we see how it plays out over time. -
Quote:You realize, of course, that the only reason you can read that is because you have already learned the words and/or grammar correctly and your mind is automatically reordering them properly? If you didn't know the words and their proper usage, it would make no sense at all.I had a small exchange over the global channels the other day about the "shorthand" and typos that occur so frequently in chat.
Then I came across this:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
Dunno about you folks, but I read that mess just as easy as if it were written correctly. -
Quote:My wife and I just celebrated our 21st anniversary a couple of weeks ago. That's not lucky, it's blessed.Can't argue with Arcanaville. I'm sure she's got a mathematical proof somewhere that proves what we all know: if a man has managed to stay married for 10 years, then he's one lucky sonuvagun.
Quote:I guess. I spotted it the first time I read it. Didn't seem hidden to me.Read what I said again - customers shouldn't be put in a position of having to read the fine print and spot the catch in a document that's intended to inform. Well-written documentation should lead people to infer what it is the documentation is trying to say anyway. Badly-written documentation leads people to assume things that are functionally false, and which can only be proven false by very careful reading.
I also read the chart the Paragon included in advance to let everyone know *exactly* what would be included in each option. No one should have been surprised at the outcome. -
Quote:And it never made it into the purchased content so it was not part Going Rogue. Intentions are not product, only what makes the final cut is.Actually no incarnates was originally a part of going rogue but due to the fact they they didn't finish it on time they pushed it back into a .5 issue. It was originally a part of going rogue.
/thread. -
Quote:Read the quote you posted again. It does not say "Everything you already purchased." It says "nearly" everything.Which is patently not true. This needs to be taken out of the official documentation before Freedom goes Live proper. "Everything you already purchased" is just a horrible choice of phrase that ends up being far broader than the deal actually includes, and is just not true. This has to go. Fast.
If the i18 vs. i19 comment earlier was accurate, then purchasing GR did not include the Incarnate system anyway.
Premium players should have expected significant things being held back, for a couple of reasons: 1) it's reasonable; they can't just give the whole game away for free, and 2) the grid provided well in advance tells them exactly what to expect. If they didn't do their research, that's their own fault.
If you want everything, subscribe. It you want a more limited subset (but not nearly as limited as F2P), go premium.
They could have skipped the premium tier altogether, which would have been *severely* limiting. I'm glad they didn't. I got to play CoH with my brother last night for the first time in a couple of years because the premium option is there. -
Quote:I sincerely hope they don't go through with that notion. It makes no sense at all; titles such as King, Captain, and so forth are a significant part of the superhero genre.Possibly due to a plan to remove titles such as king and similar by the devs...
If they truly do decide to do this, I hope they at least can provide a logical reason for that decision. Something beyond the iconic heroes being offended by the idea of the lesser mortals claiming titles. -
Quote:Most of the best story arcs I've played have not been dev's choice.But story arcs are pretty easy to find. You just have to search for Dev's Choice and bam! there's a whole bunch of them waiting for you.
I bounce around the search, often choosing missions that have zero plays. But I try to hit various ratings and high/medium/low number of plays. I also keep a log of those missions I enjoyed, so I can go back to them again on another character later or with my family when we're running together (I'm often the initial play tester to find said arcs).
This forum is invaluable for finding arcs as well. Many thanks to those who have taken the time to discuss and list arcs they enjoy. -
Quote:To me the value of the VIP server is twelve more free character slots. Altitis is a wonderful thing.The value of the VIP server is the voluntary self-segregation of players who are too good to play with just anyone, and their replacement with scads of new players who have yet to develop such personality defects.
None of my characters are moving; only new ones will be made. -
Quote:You, sir, win the thread.What? You need to be on the action item list?
1: Try something
2: Doesn't work
3: Notify Clouded
4: Try something else
5: Doesn't work
6: Notify Clouded
7: Sit back and think about it for a minute.
8: Notify Clouded
9: Go to the bathroom
10: Notify Clouded
What EXACTLY do you expect them to do besides give you a long string of "Not fixed yet"s capped by a "fixed, servers coming back up"?
Common sense instead of self entitlement please. -
Quote:When I write an arc, I know that I will play them. So will my wife and daughter and any friends/family that play CoH. Beyond that, anything else is extra. I hope people will find my arcs and enjoy them immensely, but I'm not concerned about getting ratings/tickets."Why should I bother to put in the effort?" After pumping out guides at the introduction, it's rather depressing to find I have that attitude toward the system.
I write what I enjoy playing. To me, that's the greatest thing about AE. If one of my characters hits a point where I'm not interested in the available contacts, I can play my own mission line or play story missions from other players (thanks to those of you who post about good story-based missions). I also tend to search for missions with no stars or few plays just to give them a shot.
So "why should I bother to put forth the effort"? Because it's fun. If it's not fun, there's no point in doing it, regardless of the number of plays/stars it receives. -
Quote:That would be a great marketing opportunity for them. It'll be interesting to see how they decide to handle it. The OP does raise a good point; your suggestion would go a long way to addressing that concern.Since they're giving us the ability to try out costume pieces we haven't bought yet on our characters in the character creator, it would be great if they could extend this to powersets. That way we could preview different weapon models for sets that have them or different colour customisations for sets that allow it.
My sister currently plays LOTRO with us. She can't justify in her budget paying for another MMO right now.
When CoH goes F2P, she will be playing that with us too. She won't be a "n00b", a gold seller, one of the "unwashed masses", or any of the other stereotypes bandied about. She will be a player, just like the rest of us.
Sounds good to me. -
Unfortunately this will be a deterrent to some potential premium players, especially in light of the fact that at least one other hybrid game (LOTRO) gave both premium and F2P (I believe) two slots per server.
Now CoH -- with 15 servers -- is only offering returning players who go premium two total (plus whatever unlocks, etc).
I know one former player who wants to get back in but can't afford it at the moment. If there were two slots per server, he'd be in like a shot. With all the alts he has (he's been here since beta), the current limitation weakens the idea for him. He is more than aware that it will -- and should -- be limited. This just seems a little too limited. Even one per server (plus unlocks, vet) might do the job.
Paragon has a careful balancing act to do. They want subscribers, but in order to entice former players back as premiums, they've got to make it attractive without giving away too much. I don't envy them in this regard. -
Quote:I hope not. $10 for a power set seems a little steep to me. That is really the upper end of anything I am willing to pay on a store item. I'm with others in hoping that they are no more than 400 points.That'd be $25 and $50, respectively. That won't sell. 400 ($5) to 1200 ($15) max would be my opinion. I'd personally guess maybe around 800 ($10) to buy the powerset for all applicable AT's, but that's just a gut feeling.
It's a tough call.
One small area of disappointment I have is that it seems like there will be no way to earn points in game (in small increments like LOTRO). The only two options seem to be VIP monthly points and purchasing them. It's not a gamebreaker by any stretch, just something I was hoping for. -
Quote:Yeah, I did end up putting a few players on ignore (which I rarely do) early on.OOC chat was the worst. I always kept in on because some people ask for help in OOC rather than Advice. Sometimes the chat moved into other channels, but the abuse was primarily in OOC. This was how it was on my server. I don't know about other servers.
It's much better now, but the transition was rough. My kinship found about a dozen new good players and we're the better for it. We did avoid the starter zones, then Lonelands, and primarily stuck to the highend except for when helping our new players with tours and the like.
I think COH can learn from LOTRO's experience and hope they do. I also play AION and really, really hope that COH's store is more like LOTRO's and less like AION's. The pricing and value is worlds apart.
CoH has a great opportunity here to learn from how Turbine and others handled their implementation. They can avoid some of the pitfalls, although I'm sure they'll find some of their own.
Overall, I'm excited by CoH:F as it is currently described, and will go into it with high hopes. I won't, however, blind myself to the potential for problems. -
Quote:Thank you for prefacing this by acknowledging that it is personal opinion. I'll apply the same acknowlegement to the following comments as well:VIP accounts were dropping like flies, and those of us who stayed moved into the 50+ zones and didn't come out for months. Now, in LOTRO an harassment petition will typically be answered in 5 minutes or less. Seriously.
I hope COH takes the good and learns from the bad in the FTP model. It's been a real adjustment as a LOTRO player and I still wish they'd never done it. The game was dwindling before the influx of ftp money, but it was a friendlier and happier place.
To the best of my knowledge, VIP accounts were not "dropping like flies." Some dropped, but there was by no means a mass exodus. Neither I nor anyone I know in game moved to 50+ zones; I've got characters new and old, in low and high level ranges on 11 servers and have never felt the need to avoid specific zones during the transition.
While I certainly saw awful chat spam in the earliest days, it really wasn't any worse than launch or expansion releases.* There were new players that were serious troublemakers, but there were almost as many vets skewering newbs (not n00bs) for asking the same types of questions we all asked when we first started playing. Not all n00bs were new players.
I find LOTRO just about as friendly and happy now as I have since the beginning (Founder, earliest alpha member). There were definitely some speed bumps for a little while, but nothing to cause panic or make me not want to log in. As you noted, Turbine responded pretty quickly to harassment reports and nipped much of the drama in the bud. Hopefully that too is something Paragon has been watching.
The overwhelming majority of new players I've had any dealings with have been very pleasant. There was no massive horde of savages washing over the servers, just a few bad apples here and there.
Sometimes I think the few significant instances of problems get blown 'way out of proportion to reality because some players expected the worst, so they saw it -- whether it was really that bad all around or not (my experience says not). YMMV, but my advice to CoH/V players is to go into this with an overall positive attitude, while realizing there will be some bumps in the road. It will make for a much smoother transition and better experience for all of us.
*NOTE: I don't have OOC chat on, but turned that off at launch and never looked back. -
Quote:I hadn't seen that. So much for my logic, although I like it a lot better than this scenario.VIP and Premium keep track of Open Slots using two different systems that do not interact with each other. As you go back and forth between the systems, you go to where you left off the last time you were in that system.
Think of them as two different Character Slot Unlock Builds.
However, what about players that have full servers and want to simply unlock their existing characters?
Edit: That's now been answered too. -
Quote:(post edited by Lionheart_fr to avoid confusion for future readers. The logic was sound -- but apparently not the way it really works.You missed the part where I said I go from ViP to Premium and back again. Okay, let's do it slowly.
ViP: 12 Slots
Purchased and applied: 24 Slots
Vet (not applied): 6 Slots
Going Rogue (not applied): 2 Slots
Single Server Play on Virtue.
Currently: 36 Slots, 8 Slot Tokens
Under ViP; 36 Slots, 8 Slot Tokens
Under Premium: 24 Slots, 10 Slot Tokens
Under Premium After Applying all 10 tokens: 34 Slots 0 Tokens
After Returnign to ViP which reopens the original 12 Slots with a sub: 46 Slots, 0 Tokens
46 Slots isn't possible, 36 is the maximum, so where do the 10 extra slots go?)
Quote:No, we are not getting 12 more slots; we already have 12 slots on every server (I think that's what the devs are saying). VIPs start with 12 slots per server just like we do now, plus whatever veteran rewards, purchases, and unlocks we've received.Let's try that again... Assume that I've bought 24 slots in the second example I had. So I have as a ViP 36 slots on Virtue and 8 avaliable tokens. I go Premium, I have 24 Slots on Virtue (puchased before Freedom) now and 10 Tokens (the original 8 +2 from being Premium). I now use all 10 t unlock 10 more slots on Virtue. I now have 34 of 36 slots on Virtue. I then resub and get back my original 12 "free" slots. I now have 46 out of 36 poossible slots on Virtue. Where do the extra 10 go?
If you use 10 slots to unlock more on Virtue (which you have filled), you are electing to unlock access to your other characters that are already on the server, not 10 new slots in addition to the original 36. If you want to use them for new characters, you'll need to unlock them on a different server that you haven't filled up yet.
At least I believe this is what they are saying. -
That wasn't two, that was two *per server*, if I recall. I think it would be a mistake to take those away since GvE/CoV was also purchased.
The way I view the VIP server is 12 more character slots. If the dev comments are right about a lot of incentive to create new alts (not that I need additional incentive), then a new server with 12 free slots is a good thing.
Altitis is not a problem, it is a gift to be nurtured and embraced. -
I think to a large extent it will be up to you, not to the other players. Whatever attitude you take into it will color your perception of the change, for good or ill.
I've gone through the same change in another MMO and am still having a blast. It has not changed for me. Yet I see other posters who play that same MMO comment that F2P "ruined" the game for them.
The only examples of seen of this "ruining" are things I've seen from day one of the game (non-lore character names, players not knowing how to play their ATs, etc.). None of this is new in the least, though there is greater volume -- because there are more players. If any game has an explosion of players -- subbed or F2P -- you'd see exactly the same thing.
My advice would be that until you actually do experience something mindnumbingly negative, just play as you have always played and you'll probably still have fun. If you go into it looking for negatives, you'll find them, whether it's really any different or not.