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  1. kingmouse

    Concept Villains

    Barron Rubix - Sinister inventor of the Rubic's cube, the Barron has never gotten over the fact that man solved his cubic canundrum and has vowed revenge upon the world. Armed with a sinister mustache and a top hat containing his patented Mentalisor ray, he has set out to ensnare the entire planet in the ultimate puzzle...The puzzle of doom!
  2. Group Name: Young Dawn Patrol

    Server/Game: Union

    Theme: Young heroes in the final phase of their training. The idea is to RP capturing the fun of a 'year one' kinda story, where the characters are full of excitment and bravado, quick to snap at each other and just as quick to forgive. It's also about kicking badguys in the face and trying not to get IDed at clubs.

    Webpage: Nope.

    Contacts: @Black-Bullet

    Usual Activities: IC missions and patrols. YDP work hard to gain the approval of older heros run task force missions when possible.

    Other Activities: Trying to get served in Pocket D and arguing over who's mentor could beat who.

    Background & Structure: YDP was formed a year ago as a responce to the need for field training of young superheroes. The initial lineup was comprised of the top students from the first class of Dawn Patrol's youth training Initiative, but has since expanded to include newly enrolled students with proven track records. The group is chaired by the Black-Bullet with several more established heroes providing mentorship.

    Admission Notes/Requirements: As implied by the name all YDP's members are youngsters (though occasionally there are older heros who are just starting their career). We're pretty casual in play times but try to run a team mission once a week if possible. We're not super hardcore so if you're after 24/7 group activity it's probably not the team for you, however we're pretty flexable in terms of what evenings we play, so if you wanna meet up for an RP session/storyline shoot me a message and we'll arrange something.
  3. ((I have a whole team of teen heroes (well 5) who would be up for giving a group interview. We'll be online Wenesday 24th between 7 and 11. They've just graduated from Dawn Patrol's youth program so it's a chance to speak with youngsters who are just begining thier heroic careers. I probably won't be online until Wednesday but if you wanna sort out a time that's good for you then we'll happily come along.))
  4. kingmouse

    In a nutshell...

    Thanks for the help, glad to see it provoked debate. In case anyone's interested I went regen in the end. The character it's on is part of a regular team and uses MA as a primary. Since the team has a tank and fire blaster and MA has only 1 aoe, I reckon I shouldn't have to worry about getting too much aggro and overstretching my regen, plus i do like the lack of downtime.
  5. kingmouse

    In a nutshell...

    How do SR and Regen differ in play? I know one stops you being hit as much and one heals the damage you do take, but what are they like to actually live with?
  6. kingmouse

    RPing on Union

    Well, team rules say that I'm not allowed to level this character outside of game night, but doesn't say anything about hanging out and rping. Looks like I'll be heading the the chalet one evening this week.
  7. kingmouse

    RPing on Union

    That's just what I was looking for. Thanks

    Didn't realise GG was every night. Looking forward to it.
  8. kingmouse

    RPing on Union

    Hi all. My SG and I are rolling new characters on Union in an effort to get in on the RP scene here. Just wondered what events etc to look out for.

  9. kingmouse

    Pyschic Offender

    A few friends and I are putting a new team together and since we have a healer and tank sorted, I have the luxury of getting a free choice in terms of what I bring. I've been playing around with pyschic blast and quite like it, but I'm not that interested in most of the defender primaries.

    Is it possible to build a viable character around Psychic blast or will I just be a poor man's blaster? I want to bring something to the team, but want to be focused on damage over buffs/heals. Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be a good primary for this or any other general tips?
  10. Quick bump since it's tomorrow. I'll be doing a shout out in the morning. Meet by Hess at 11am.
  11. Sorry guys we've had to shunt it forward to 11AM at the request of a couple of members of the team. I'll bring the coffee.

    1) Blaster 26 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster 26 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Defender 26(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
    4) Scrapper 25 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
    5) Controller 50 (Mind/kin) - Robbie Redhat
    6) free
    7) free
    8) free
  12. Well we've finally gotten there, after days of stomping though vampires on Striga I've unlocked the Hess task force. According to States it's best one in the game so expect something rather special. You need to be at least lvl 25 to play and under 30 if you don't want to be auto exeped.

    Time: 12 noon this Thursday (5/10/06)

    Place: Striga

    Level range: 25-30

    Team so far:

    1) Blaster 26 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster 26 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Defender 26(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
    4) Scrapper 25 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
    5) free
    6) free
    7) free
    8) free

    Sound off if you wanna spot on the team.
  13. Good work everyone. We made that look scarily easy!
  14. Cheers Laurel, I think I teamed with you a couple of days ago for some skyraider misions. Here's hoping this one doesn't bag us quite as much debt as that damn 'protect the equipment' mish!

    Don't worry Mat, these things happen. Hope it's nothing serious.

    Team now looks like this:

    1) Blaster 24 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster 25 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Blaster 24 (arc/fir) - Laurel
    4) Scrapper 23 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
    5) Scrapper 38 (kat/SR) - Seph1roth
    6) Defender 25(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
    7) Controller 50 (Mind/kin) - Robbie Redhat
    8) free

    Still could do with a tank. To be honest almost all the dps we have is single target and Mind trollers have 2 very nice mass control effects (one sleep one hold) so we could probably get by. I'll do a shout out tomorrow if nobody comes forward.
  15. We can probably manage that. What's your level, powersets and name?

    The TF, will now start at 3pm rather than 2pm due to our defender being lame. Hope that's ok with everyone, sorry for the change.
  17. Welcome aboard guys.

    1) Blaster 24 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster 25 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Defender 25(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
    4) Scrapper 23 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
    5) Scrapper 38 (kat/SR) - Seph1roth
    6) Scrapper 48 (kat/reg) - Matakoshi
    7) Controller 50 (Mind/kin) - Robbie Redhat
    8) free

    It's DPS central again. One space left, a tank or primary healer would be nice.
  18. After filleting the freakshow last week, we're headed out again this Thursday afternoon with the aim of completing Moonfire's TF. If you're after Council badges (including the Vampyre and Werewolf killing ones) then this is a good way to get them. You need to be at least lvl 23 and below lvl 28 if you want to earn xp. You'll also need to have the whole afternoon free as they do take a while (though with a solid team it's not so bad).

    Here's what we got so far:

    1) Blaster - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Defender - Marie Currie
    4) Scrapper - Red Mao
    5) free
    6) free
    7) free
    8) free

    Sound off if you want a spot on the team.

    Moonfire TF details
  19. Well done everyone. I think we clocked in at about 3hrs 45mins overall which is pretty damn good.
  20. In case anyone reads this before tomorrow, I've been told that we've lost one of our scrappers (Red Mao) so there is an opening in the tf if anyone wants it. I'll be doing a shout out round ID and Atlas tomorrow too.

  21. Ok cool, well in that case we'll just hit them with so much knockback that they land in WoW and get ganked by pvp kids.
  22. Well, despite the fact that logic says we need a defender or troller in the last slot, what kind of blaster would I be if I suggested control or healing over even more dps? Plus if you guys know each other already then that's a boon. I've always felt that a slightly unballanced team who know how to work together are always better than a rounded one who don't. Tell your friend he's more than welcome.

    Final Lineup:

    1) Blaster - Union-Flag
    2) Blaster - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
    3) Defender - Marie Currie
    4) Scrapper - Red Mao
    5) Tanker - Carronade
    6) Scrapper - Vig'rid
    7) Blaster - Heat Fulcrum
    8) Blaster - Primus

    I guess the game plan is going to be pretty simple really. Marie can focus on healing Carronade while he tanks but switch to debuffing if we hit a boss or something equally nasty, Mao and Vig'rid can double team bosses and luits, The rest of us will focus on steamrolling minions then backing you up on the big boys. With a combined snipe (or something simular) from 4 blasters and a defender we should be able to pull some impressive single target alphas. If things get hairy and we need some control then Primus can use the secondary effects of his ice powers and Timmy and I can spam knockbacks. I'm assuming Fulcrum is fire, so I'll just let you do your thing and hope we live

    Just to confirm, we gather at 2pm by sister Psyke in ID.
  23. Is a self heal really useful for a blaster? I always felt that if you were in a position where you needed to heal yourself, a blaster would be dead before he completed the animation.
  24. I've been mulling over power picks for my nrg/nrg blaster for the last couple of days as I'll probably get lvl 22 tonight (it's part of my attempt to escape altitus and get a character beyond the early 20s) and I really can't decide what to take.

    Current powers are:

    Power Bolt
    Power Blast
    Power Burst
    Power Thrust
    Build Up
    Conserve Power
    Super Speed

    I'm slotting up Power Burst with range enchancers with the aim of acting as a mid-ranged blaster able to use hasten/aim/build up to churn out a continuous stream of single target damage vs minions. It's a team based toon (I do solo a fair bit but I've always felt that being useful on a team is more imporatant than being uber by yourself).

    The options I'm looking at are:

    Pick up snipe: I respecced it out recently and haven't really missed it. Being able to churn out 2 or 3 other blasts (with hasten) in the time it takes to get off a snipe seems like a fair tradeoff to me and I'm not sold on the idea that it's required for pulling. That said it IS a lot of damage and with some interrupt reducers it could be an effective mid ranged weapon. Just not convinced that I can't do more damage by getting multiple bolts/blasts instead.

    Energy Torrent: As much as knockback puts a smile on my face, I've always felt that you should stick to doing what your AT does well, nrg blasters are great at single target damage, so picking up a cone seems like an odd choice. Even with slotting, the damage is pretty dissappointing and in a team environment it just feels like it'd be an aggro magnet. On the other hand, loads of people swear by it so it makes me wonder.

    Stealth/Leadership: I've had recomendations to pick up stealth since it will give me the total invis when comboed with super speed, however I have a feeling that the defence bonus won't be worth the power pick. The Leadership pool is something else I've considered, I have endurance to spare and can afford the toggles, so anything that boosts defence or damage seems like a sound investment. That said, I'm concerned that given my already very high damage and very poor defence, these bonuses will barely be noticable.

    If anyone can offer some advice on which one to go for (or suggest something I've not thought of) then I'd appreciate it. I'm really rather stumped over this one.
  25. kingmouse

    Power Boost

    "ToHit Buffs/Debuffs"

    So it would affect the to hit buff portion of buildup/accuracy, but not the damage portion? Or is there a difference between 'To-Hit buffs' and 'Accuracy'?

    I assume I'm right in thinking that the power only boosts the effects of powers that you cast, not buffs affecting you that have been cast by someone else. ie, you'd get a bonus to aid self, but not if someone used aid other on you?

    I'm getting the feeling that this power is either totally skippable or the cornerstone of your build depending on how much number crunching your willing to do beforehand.