Ernesto Hess TF Thursday 12pm (25-30)
I may be available for this one - it's a little earlier than my usual playing time, but I think I could still make it
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Well, I enjoyed doing the Moonfire TF with you all last week and I haven't done the Hess TF yet, so I'll be up for this. Robbie Redhat, Controller, L50.
Sorry guys we've had to shunt it forward to 11AM at the request of a couple of members of the team. I'll bring the coffee.
1) Blaster 26 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
2) Blaster 26 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
3) Defender 26(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
4) Scrapper 25 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
5) Controller 50 (Mind/kin) - Robbie Redhat
6) free
7) free
8) free
Quick bump since it's tomorrow. I'll be doing a shout out in the morning. Meet by Hess at 11am.
Well we've finally gotten there, after days of stomping though vampires on Striga I've unlocked the Hess task force. According to States it's best one in the game so expect something rather special. You need to be at least lvl 25 to play and under 30 if you don't want to be auto exeped.
Time: 12 noon this Thursday (5/10/06)
Place: Striga
Level range: 25-30
Team so far:
1) Blaster 26 (nrg/nrg) - Union-Flag
2) Blaster 26 (nrg/dev) - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
3) Defender 26(rad/rad) - Marie Currie
4) Scrapper 25 (kat-dar) - Red Mao
5) free
6) free
7) free
8) free
Sound off if you wanna spot on the team.