Sister Psyke TF Saturday 23rd September (20-26)
I'd like to join with my lvl 32 tanker Carronade. I dont mind the autoexemp to lvl 26
Groovy, it'll be good to have you.
1) Blaster - Union-Flag
2) Blaster - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
3) Defender - Marie Currie
4) Scrapper - Red Mao
5) Tanker - Carronade
6) free
7) free
8) free
I'm up for this with Vig'rid (L46 BS/SR Scrapper).
Its the last I need for TAask force commander.
Vig'rid - L50 BS/SR Scrapper
Captain in [color=Blue]The Divine Syndicate [/color]
Ka'moon - L27 FF/PSI Defender
Captain in [color=red]The Protangonists[/color]
My Blaster, Heat Fulcrum, could use the badge... so I'm up for it if there's room. Besides, I wanna try how tough Clamor is if you've got a real team - when I did the Sister Psyche TF on my scrapper, all but 3 of the team had quit when we reached her, and all of us had hit the debt-cap headfirst before we finally took her down...
Welcome aboard guys.
1) Blaster - Union-Flag
2) Blaster - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
3) Defender - Marie Currie
4) Scrapper - Red Mao
5) Tanker - Carronade
6) Scrapper - Vig'rid
7) Blaster - Heat Fulcrum
8) free
One more space left. We've got a lot of DPS now so ideally we need a healer or a good troller.
My mate doesn't have a forum account (despite playing the game for more than a year ) and I am posting this on his behalf.
Can he come as Primus, level 50 ice/ice blaster.
Vig'rid - L50 BS/SR Scrapper
Captain in [color=Blue]The Divine Syndicate [/color]
Ka'moon - L27 FF/PSI Defender
Captain in [color=red]The Protangonists[/color]
Vigrid AND Primus, huh? Sounds like a regular stroll down memory lane...
Well, despite the fact that logic says we need a defender or troller in the last slot, what kind of blaster would I be if I suggested control or healing over even more dps? Plus if you guys know each other already then that's a boon. I've always felt that a slightly unballanced team who know how to work together are always better than a rounded one who don't. Tell your friend he's more than welcome.
Final Lineup:
1) Blaster - Union-Flag
2) Blaster - Little Timmy 9 Shoes
3) Defender - Marie Currie
4) Scrapper - Red Mao
5) Tanker - Carronade
6) Scrapper - Vig'rid
7) Blaster - Heat Fulcrum
8) Blaster - Primus
I guess the game plan is going to be pretty simple really. Marie can focus on healing Carronade while he tanks but switch to debuffing if we hit a boss or something equally nasty, Mao and Vig'rid can double team bosses and luits, The rest of us will focus on steamrolling minions then backing you up on the big boys. With a combined snipe (or something simular) from 4 blasters and a defender we should be able to pull some impressive single target alphas. If things get hairy and we need some control then Primus can use the secondary effects of his ice powers and Timmy and I can spam knockbacks. I'm assuming Fulcrum is fire, so I'll just let you do your thing and hope we live
Just to confirm, we gather at 2pm by sister Psyke in ID.
I'm assuming Fulcrum is fire, so I'll just let you do your thing and hope we live
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Actually, she's Energy/Ice. It's a common mistake... and I won't even MENTION the number of times someone has mistaken me for a Kinetics Defender...
See, she is a FULCRUM (turning point) for HEAT... she absorbs heat from the surroundings, resuling in ice (cold is, after all, simply the absence of heat) and then transforms it into pure energy she can emit as destructive blasts...
Yes, that is overly complicated. Just be glad I'm not going to explain the idea behind my Claws/Energy Stalker 'Ergeist', too.
ANYWAY... yeah, I've got some handy slow and knockdown powers from my secondary, though I'm not completely sure how many of them I'll have when exemplared. I tend to use Snow Storm whenever it won't cause all the aggro to revert to me, and Ice Patch whenever there's a good mob of enemies gathered close enough together.
Ok cool, well in that case we'll just hit them with so much knockback that they land in WoW and get ganked by pvp kids.
Yeah, Carronade will sure get a lot of exercise... ^_^
In case anyone reads this before tomorrow, I've been told that we've lost one of our scrappers (Red Mao) so there is an opening in the tf if anyone wants it. I'll be doing a shout out round ID and Atlas tomorrow too.
Yeah, Carronade will sure get a lot of exercise... ^_^
[/ QUOTE ]
lol, I can foresee a lot of running around trying to attract the attention of all the 'knockbacked' enemies
Well done everyone. I think we clocked in at about 3hrs 45mins overall which is pretty damn good.
Hi all,

New Dawn Patrol are going to be hitting the Sister Psyke TF this saturday afternoon. If you've not done it before then Please do come along, it's a great laugh as Freakshow are a blast to fight in a big group.
Team so far:
1) Blaster (nrg/nrg)
2) Blaster (nrg/dev)
3) Defender (rad/rad)
4) Scrapper (kat/dark)
5) free
6) free
7) free
8) free
Due to the big spawns on this one we could really do with a good tank and someone with a bit of crowd control. Also our defender is specced as a debuffer and can only really fill in as a secondary healer, so anyone who wants to take on the roll of primary healer would be very welcome.
We'll be meeting in Independance Port at about 2pm (i'll confirm times closer to the day).
Post here to book your slot and come kick the cans with us.
(note: although NDP is a casual RP sg, we're not treating this as an rp day so don't be scared of us