875 -
so would RL
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No, the world would be subject to constant mass murders. Hollywood celebrities would be lucky to have partners who last more than a day.
In-game though, it would be amusing to start on a quest of trying to gather the torches of as many women as possible, just for the hell of it. Men are supposedly pigs anyway, you women won't be surprised by such things. -
That's distressingly good. Where are the horrific burns inflicted by Captain Napalm though?
There's always that small problem that love isn't really like a torch, you can't just beat a guys head in and take the torch of a womans love from him.
If you could, the in-game would be hilariously more interesting! -
I think he threw it.
He was throwing out hardly any attacks, it looked fishy I tells ya.
It would seem many were only there for the evil Coin, they were all gone by the time I'd finished RPing to death some Scrapper insane enough to pick a fight with a Tank.
Perhaps you stand with the usurper, eh Aethernaught? >
It is convenient there were no recordings of the battle! This propaganda suggests everything except an abject crushing of the villainous pretender, who attempted to usurp the love (and gadgetry) of a beautiful couple!
Hail to Mesmer, worthy by rite of combat! May your wedding be free of of the hopeless jealousy of the fallen!
It was not a battle. Coin was simply massacred. Repeatedly. Love does NOT conquer all.
Excellent, I shall have to be at Pocket D for the carnage.
Can we take the tattered scraps of Coins costume home as souveniers?
Oh I definitely want to go watch this. Who shall I bring? Hmm, with such a hormone fuelled plotline, might be a bad idea to bring Carnal Sin.....Barbarous perhaps, he's the type to go watch a good cage fight.
While it's not technically AoE, the Master of Cones build I've seen in guides looks like an awesome display of multiple enemy killing carnage.
Simply put, it's an AR/NRG blaster making very heavy use of Power Boost to hugely increase the range of the attacks. And with cones, the more range, the wider the cone gets at long range, the more enemies you can get, and the more delicious carnage you produce. With Full Auto, Flamethrower and Buckshot, that's a buttload of multiple target pain with two of those attacks being the most heavily damaging AR has to offer. I hope you like your mobs shredded and well done. -
Tanking is about taunt control. Few get properly into taunt control. Taunt controlling is rather selfless and out of selflessness can come survivability because with it sometimes even half the shields you have are more than enough (thats why scrappers can tank almost any AV as well). Teams as always as expected have to try to work together.
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I throw Taunt out there non-stop simply because I find the animation hilarious in combination with a drawn axe. -
What makes a tank is the idiot behind the keyboard.
It's simple, the build doesn't matter, what does matter is how well that player keeps aggro. They can make a tauntless tank with no aura for all it matters as long as they're holding that aggro. Such bloody pointless and ridiculous classifications people come up with, there's a good tank and a rubbish tank, and that's a split based on how well that player is doing. -
I like to think that it's the other players faults. Everyone will initially stick to me because of my taunt aura. If they can't handle the aggro of a single enemy after shooting the sod, they should just let Daddy deal with it all instead.
Mercs/TA. Had I known how rubbish the combo wuld turn out to be when CoV was released, I'd have simply saved time and stabbed myself in the eye. Good old Mercs, proper classic minions they are. Which is to say they're fine against anything that doesn't have a name. Weird.
I really, really want a Thugs Mastermind, but it causes me serious mental pain thinking about the idea of a bunch of gangbangers making mincemeat out of enemies like the Rikti. It's a total suspension of disbelief failure, I wish I could freeze the appropriate part of the brain or something. -
Merc/TA - None.. lotsa debt, lotsa
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Same here. It's pathetic.
Depends on the EB or AV you're facing as well. I can't imagine being able to do Barracuda at all because of her MM killing 'I WIN' cheat button in the form of her massive damaging cone attack. A few missions on and Calystix is even more cheap in a more subtle way; he's a better MM than you are. How do you fight an EB who summons two lieutenants and a boss who absolutely dump all over everything you have, while still being a DPS powerhouse like any other EB?
Genius. -
there's more to powers then just how nice they look (also i've pretty much done all the other tanker secondaries and i don't like the look of battle axe so much).
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You can tell yourself that, but that doesn't make it any less true. War Mace is the Volvo of the secondaries, it functions like it should, but it ain't as fun to drive. -
War Mace doesn't do anything to be exciting. Why would someone stick with it when everything else is either flashier or noisier. The closest analogue, Battle Axe, is so much more fun with it's constantly smashing bad guys to the floor (over and over and over...bwaaahahaha!), and the noise when you lump the sods is so much meatier.
War Mace gives you an awesome looking weapon...with a boring effect and weedy sounds to go with it. I don't think it has anything at all to do with the numbers, it's just a disappointment from the first moment you swing it. Kudos to those people who like it, but you'd have to be mad not to see why other people aren't taking it over the idea of Haymakering bad guys.
"Oh." -
How risky is an AR/NRG Master of Cones build? The love the concept and I'm wondering if I should expect to die fairly often. I've got this image in my head of jumping out in front of a big spawn, ripping off a one liner and missing absolutely everything with Full Auto.
Then wake up in hospital with a sore bum. -
Conan the Barbarian would only have worn a kilt to infiltrate Scotland. Korgoth the Barbarian would simply kill the man wearing it.
Ironically, what annoys me the most is the lack of skin showing options for men. Call me a repressed man of alternative sexual preference, or whatever lunatic little psychological label you picked up on Wikipedia, but I really like the imagery and evocative background of a cookie cutter fantasy barbarian.
Male figures have jiggery squat for leg options, all you get is a pair of skintight pants. You don't feel barbaric, you feel like you're a stripper whose trousers were stolen at his last gig. Fur boots? Heavens no. Fur cloak? Nothing there. -
Inspired by one of Augury's rather, er, bold costumes she made for an alt lately, I got thinking....
...and no, not about that.
Rather, I was wondering....what are your first impressions on seeing a scantily clad character (and no, guys running around in pink speedoes doesn't count), or someone that looks suitably buff? Do you think they're a pervert? Do you think it's, you know...hawt? Or do you just shrug and move on with your life?
/EDIT - Grammar. Ahmygawd.
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It depends a great deal on the costume. As far as I'm concerned, there's a lot of effort between sexy and perverse. I have absolutely no problem with a female alt who could be described as scantily clad, I'm a man after all and I know what I like looking at, it's just a case of whether the costume works.
I spend a long time on the costume, and it's important that the whole ensemble works. Your hero/villain would look bad in entirely one colour, it's no different if they're entirely naked skin, it's all just one boring colour. If she starts to have an excessive amount of skin showing, often I change it to something more off the wall like blue or green in order to make it more resonant with the costume instead of being gratuitous.
You can spot pointless perversity a mile away, it's usually just a human woman in a bikini and heels, quite likely the creation of a young fool who giggles at the softcore porn on the top shelf. But otherwise there's no inherent problem with a scantily clad character, it's practically the job of female heroes to be sex icons as much as heroic figures. -
What we need is VIKINGS! Three Raiders hitting enemies with swords, two Berzerkers going wild with axes, and a single Einherjar for some mass carnage with a huuuuuuuge double handed battleaxe!
Be hard to control with them all being melee and no range but hey, vikings are supposed to be hard to control. -
So far I've been using Mercenaries, which has, to my perspective anyway, been easy as pie. The soldiers can't melee full stop, and the Spec Ops man only tonks people round the head (which is hilarious) when they come to him. I'm kind of worried about using any other pets, it sounds like they'll be truculent, contrary little gits.