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  1. khorak_EU

    Religeous Origin

    The only reason this would even exist is for fundamentalist twerps who don't like that the word 'magic', a surprisingly wide ranging descriptor, also has definitions of illusion and being 'not real'. Funny, since the whole idea came initially from the mysticism of religion.

    Gods, God, Angels, Demons and any other such religious thing is magic. If they don't like it, then they shouldn't have spent all that time believing in magic really. I arch an eyebrow and produce a flood, it's magic, God arches an eyebrow and prduces a flood, it's not magic? Whatever.
  2. Frankly it feels like the game enjoys cheating with its 'random' number generator unless you're running at a 95% chance to hit non-stop. I can't say I entirely trust a system so predictably capable of chucking probability to the wind that it needs a dedicated streakbreaker code.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Almost soft core pron for ladies
    I liked 300

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Considering you prefer other women, if 300 managed to make even you like its sweaty manliness then the effect on others would be little more than devastating! I'm going to check to see if female working absenteeism went up the day it was released....
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    So i would assume any debit cards will get hindered as FFM suggests due to the direct link to a persons bank account but credit cards which are a seperate account will not be so limited.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Visa cards are so internationally flexible because they go through the same process regardless of what kind of Visa they are. My Visa debit card goes through as a credit card in Canada, but essentially it doesn't matter. As far as Visa transactions are concerned, they're all pretty much the same.

    So if they can't do Visa debit anymore, then they can't do Visa anything.
  5. khorak_EU

    powers you like?

    Being able to pick up 'defeated' enemies and use them as shields or projectiles.
  6. khorak_EU

    I love CoX!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Anti-female actions? That just confirms it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not anti-female, it's anti-female-nonsense. We love our busty tavern wenches. Frequently.
  7. khorak_EU

    I love CoX!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I guess what they say about barbarians is true then

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *hits GG in the face with a brick*
  8. khorak_EU

    I love CoX!

    [ QUOTE ]
    You can solo a lot of AoC

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I hope so. I'll be playing it when my computer gets stuffed with yummy new stuff tomorrow so I can stride, unafraid, into the next generation of computer gaming.

    [ QUOTE ]
    i have to add to the idea the WoW wasn't solo friendly when i played it, lost of stuff was so absurdly hard to do that you were forced to group and the game punished you massively for being in a group by dropping of the XP hugely.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All that and the colossal excitement WoW inspires in solo combat. Which would be none. In CoX playing solo for me is an exercise in horrific carnage, a non-stop act of ultraviolence that leaves vast hordes of my enemies broken and lifeless behind me. I don't go on missions, I commit genocide.
  9. I'm hoping it's things you can save up like Vanguard merits for st00f and services.

    *gleefully rubs hands together and starts saving for the Ms Liberty conjugal visit*
  10. khorak_EU

    I love CoX!

    I'm really sorry, but the thread title is making me giggle in the most disgustingly juvenile fashion.

    Also, this is the first MMO I ever played. I picked it because I was attracted by the superhero idea and it said it has viable solo play. Three years on and I've discovered they're the only ones who weren't lying about the solo play bit, which is why it's still the only MMO I play.

    Oh you can give me a load of "WoW can be played solo!" pish if you want, but frankly I'm so tired of it I'll just hit you in the face with a brick instead of talking about it.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    As far as I was aware Maestro is the debit card in the UK. I've never had, or even been offered a Visa card by my bank...and I'm no longer "the younger generation."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, it's more like Visa is for the younger generation. They're the invaders. And thank God too, their system kicks the nuts out of the s**tty Maestros for international use.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Not everyone has, has access to or wants a CC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good old Visa Debit card. The only thing Halifax have done right for me! I had to cut the credit card in half right there at their helpdesk and tell them to stop irritating me about having a credit card though.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Nope, they simply fixed the account so I could use the Solo card. Like I do on the other account.

    I don't like using my Visa Debit card

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't think I'm blind to the half truth there, you threatened them with an Assault Bot.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    As a side note - I had a problem using my Solo card on a secondary account recently with the option not showing - a quick message to Customer Support got them to fix the problem with the account.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The problem of course being that you were using a "do not trust this person" Solo card. I hope that customer support were able to direct you to a nice bank account using Visa. Not Visa Electron though, of course.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    And if he dosent, due to the ambush, the runners, the missed mobs, the fliers, the teleporters, the double spawns, the summoned reinforcements, the double (or more) AV's, or the plain mistake,

    Do you care how he missed them?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is your question supposed to be smart or something? I'll just start shouting at people when it turns out they're not flawless, sounds good.
  16. Other Pantheons getting in on the Incarnate action. No-one should let the damn Olympians be the only ones with shards of themselves walking around Midgard. Uh....Earth.
  17. If the tank stops my Blaster getting snapped in half, I couldn't give a crab how he's doing it.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    along with making Dark Astoria look a little more like Bloody Bay, with older buildings and winding, narrow streets, and knocking a hole in the war wall so that the sea can make part of it into a swamp, so the zombies feel at home

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love you. <3
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Banished Pantheon as part of a Dark Astoria makeover?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes please!
  20. I run a FM/WP Scrapper called Carnal Sin, and it's a blast. Fire Melee is nothing less than a brutal declaration of intent to kill. It doesn't have anything that even looks like mitigation though. Seriously, you don't even understand the little help other sets provide with knockdowns and fears or massive parry defense bonuses until you're nothing but a Fire Melee damage train. Everything is going to fall over dead real fast, but you're going to get hurt. You need Tough. Seriously. With Tough and Mind Over Body you can get a nice enough 50%(ish) smash/lethal resist, without Tough, guys like the Cimerorans are going to be able to hand you your own ****hole on a platter far faster than is comfortable. Oh it's doable, but it's not preferable. You just can't rely on Strength of Will to be up often enough to help in that regard, and S/L damage is what tends to be the real pain factor.

    I've been considering adding just Assault to her if I can swing the End cost with set bonuses. Fire Melee does that to you I'm afraid, any extra percent of damage you can find so everything can be HURT more....
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    *kicks Khorak in th dangly bits and runs off with the catnip*

    Mine, mine, mine... MINE! Meeow-hahahaha!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *removes cup*
    Well that deals with the whole innocent lie.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    *whistles innocently*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *jingles some catnip in front of you*
  23. khorak_EU

    Feel like paper

    You're not a tank. Stop trying to tank. Run in there and smash the everloving s*** out of everything that moves. The second you stop ripping out spines and crushing skulls to do some tanking, you hand in your Brute badge and spiky armour, slide into some girly spandex and have a good long cry when your team mates die instead of using their body as a projectile or shield.

    You have those extra hitpoints so you're still standing after the alpha strike, unlike a scrapper, and with enough Fury to turn even a harsh glare from your mighty countenance into the fiery ocular wrath of the Gods.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    For a future issue do you think it would be a good idea to really turn it on it's heel?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes. CoX is starting to get a bit 'Warhammer 40,000' in its bleakness.

    [ QUOTE ]
    1) The Rikti win the war, and in a future issue we the heroes and villains are fighting as an insurgency force trying to reclaim the planet.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's City of Heroes, not Hellgate: London.

    [ QUOTE ]
    2) We win the war and we are now on the Rikti homeworld, all new zones on that world, trying to destroy them completely.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Uh....destroy them completely? No. I want to take the fight to them, hard, but even Khorak stops the killing when no-one wants to fight him anymore.
    [ QUOTE ]

    3) Humanity turns on the super beings, heroes and villains are forced to ally in order to survive.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This doesn't even make sense, the heroes have very obviously saved the entire planet. They're bulletproof as an institution. You can tell people heroes saved them from Galactus, but they rarely ever SEE it. The Rikti performed a worldwide invasion that levelled vast swathes of modern civilisation, and the heroes stopped them fight in front of our faces. That's PR that can't be swept away.
  25. khorak_EU

    Actors ATs.

    "I'm Tony Jaa, and I'm the greatest MA/SR scrapper on the face of the planet."

    Then he elbows you in the face.