4197 -
not likely to happen.
For starters, there are no non-humanoid skeletal systems in the game. Creatures such as the Arachnos spiders are effective cheats animated around an "invisible" bi-pedal frame.
Now, that being said, there are some pretty effective tricks that can be pulled off with only a bipedal frame. Demon Summoning, for example, demonstrates that a bipedel skeleton doesn't always have to animate like a Bipedal Humanoid. The use of a Tail Rig on Demon's also removes the possible barrier of too many "action parts" through the use of wings.
However, we then get into other problems... such as the fact that there is no Artificial Intelligence in the game. All NPC characters have a rudimentary series of scripted events they work though. These limited "action scripts" are why NPC's can do things teleport through walls, something players cannot do. This is also why some enemies will suddenly take off running or flying. There is very little, if absolutely none, contextual information being fed to the NPC on the player's actions.
These scripting limitations already affect Mastermind Pets: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patch_No...itect_Overview
Quote:These scripting limitations pose a huge technical hurdle for a "flying pet". Contextual information on the status of the player such as flying / hovering would need to be passed to the pet. Contextual information on the enemy such as flying / groundbound would also need to be passed along to properly synch up Mastermind Pet positioning with Target positioning... neverminding that Mastermind positioning on the ground in just two dimensions is random.recharge times on pet attack powers will no longer be affected by any outside source. This includes buffs and debuffs. What this means is that pets can no longer have the recharge time on their powers increased by player buffs (like Speed Boost) or their recharge time decreased by player or NPC debuffs. This change was made to allow pets to correctly cycle through their attacks instead of getting locked on using the same attack over and over and neglecting to use other available powers.
This brings up another technical hurdle: Positioning
Players can use the GoTo command and other functions to direct their pets to any specific location. However, the reticule system in the game currently has no allowences for depth control. When the player places their reticule in an open space for a targeted power such as Rain of Arrows or Teleport the reticule is always set to maximum distance. There is no method that I am aware of to shorten the distance the reticule activates to when placed in open space.
This tech limitation is a major hurdle to the prospect of a flying pet. Not only does the player have to deal with a 3rd dimension, they don't have control over how that third dimension operates.
* * *
Now, to go ahead and nip this in the bud, no, animating the dragon pets to always look like they are flying when they are not actually flying is not an option. Here's what Tunnel Rat had to say on the subject of animating wings in non-flight modes: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...2&postcount=28
Quote:I desperately wanted to have an option to turn the wings off in non-flight mode, but was unsuccessful in implementing it properly. Basically, the wings would get “left behind” the character when Flight was turned off. It was glaringly obvious, even in the short time the effects took to die out. Fixing this introduced another problem; spamming Flight would cause multiple sets of the wings to stack on each other, creating a particle overload and dramatically dropping frame rate.
It’s something I’ll continue to look into, but unfortunately there is currently no way to get this option in and have it look pretty and functional. -
Quote:No. That was not why they changed it.IIRC, CoH was built like this before it was released, but the devs changed it in part because tank mages were about the only thing rolled.
They changed the system because it was impossible to balance around. A freeform power-system is quite simply bad MMO game design.
I think Sailboat nails the problem on the head quiet well. A freeform system works in an environment where certain caveats are met:- The in-game situations can be randomized by a Game-Master
- The character must take penalties to their character to obtain certain feats or powers
Which is where we get back to the lack of flexibility on the part of a game. The game situations have to be presented to a wide range of players with a wide range of capabilities. The game itself is not flexible and cannot adapt itself to the strengths or weaknesses of the player themselves.
The Cryptic developers found out very, very, very early on that a Freeform power-system was simply bad game design, and they threw the idea out the window pretty quickly, before City of Heroes ever launched. Which is why we get shock-horror at the launch of Champions Online which revived the Free-form power system... and... as we witnessed in the sales market... it was still broken and the Cryptic developers could not balance the game properly. Eventually the Cryptic development team had to give in and go back to the Archetype system. Just to make a fair point of it, there are some very good reasons Champions Online bombed, why Atari dropped Cryptic like a hot potato, and why Cryptic is now owned by a Chinese company that specializes in low-budget Micro-transaction games.
This game, City of Heroes, does not need to repeat the catastrophic mistakes made by Atari and Cryptic Studios. -
Quote:um...Actually it'd be a failed dodge. Diamond was bought by ATI about 10 years ago.
Diamond Multimedia is it's own company: http://www.diamondmm.com/about.php
No part of their stock is, or has ever been, owned by AMD or ATi.
The extent of the relationship of Diamond MultiMedia to AMD is that DiamondMM is a purchaser and vendor of AMD's GPU parts, same as Asus, XFX, PowerColor, and HIS.
The only AMD card vendor with direct monetary investment from AMD is Sapphire Technology. -
There's a bug that has been introduced into the AMD OpenGL driver stack.
I have created a thread on the AMD developer forums to track this issue: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
All AMD card owners experiencing driver crashes NEED TO GO POST IN THAT THREAD ON THE AMD FORUMS. -
The best improvement?
I think that about sums it up. -
Quote:It does.Yeah, the card should put you over the top. Your framerate may or may not go up a little (CoH is a rather...strange...game when it comes to determining framerate) and I'm unsure the built-in framerate monitor works properly.
I've verified both the ./showfps and ./graphfps functions against FRAPS. -
Quote:Continue to hold off.Chicken (glazed,) some seafood, specifically shrimp, white wine, some salads and pork dishes.
Don't see anything about COH in the notes, but I do see problems with another game I play on occasion... holding off a bit.
I got a hard-lock after about an hour or so standing around doing nothing.
Again, a thread is open on the AMD developer forums: http://forums.amd.com/devforum/messa...&enterthread=y
if you try the 11.8 drivers and experience a crash: PLEASE POST IN THE THREAD ON THE AMD FORUMS. -
Quote:Point of note: the official Position from Positron (say that 5 times fast) has changed on Power-Set-Respecs. In a recent Ustream Positron stated that the ability to respec power-sets and or archtypes has been brought up internally (I'm assuming by NCSoft looking for something else to sell) and research into the possibility has been taken.The Devs have already made it pretty clear they don't really want people to have a single character that can "do everything". This is why (for instance) they've told us we will likely never get the ability to respec powerset choices. They don't want people taking a level 50 character and turning it into -any- kind of powerset combo you want. I figure the same mindset applies for having more builds than the few we already have.
According to Positron a changing of Archtypes is Functionally impossible.
Power-Respecs are possible, but they still require a lot of work. Enough work that such a feature is not going to get worked on... and if it did get worked on... it would be a very expensive monetary pay-for option to cover the costs of implementing such a feature.
It still is a No to power-set and archtype respecs.
Part of the reason I think the developers have softened their view is that the level 50+ gameplay, the new incarnate gameplay, is made easier by players being able to gain attributes and abilities normally beholden to other archtypes. However, the incarnate content is built around the concepts of players having multiple Incarnate-Powers and swapping between those powers. For example, Keys Reactor places a focus on healing. If everybody on a 16-player raid has a Rebirth Incarnate power, it's fairly trivial to stagger rebirth bursts to cover teams working with each other.
As to the original posters idea: /unsigned
Here's another way to look at it: offering more builds, even those that can change patron / epic / pool powers at the drop of the hat, reduces the perception that players need to field more avatars.
Let me put this another way: It would give a F2P player less reasons to think about subscribing or buying character slots. -
only works in 50+ content.
Does nothing if he exemps down to run the other 95% of the game.
Remember; don't rely on incarnate powers to achieve character goals unless you only want to play less than 5% of the game's content. -
Short version: you aren't going to get mez protection
Unless you are running either the Force Field or Sonic Resonance secondary power-sets you'll find that Corruptors get no native anti-mez protections in their available power sets.
The mez resistances available in IO sets are also miniscule. No matter what you do you are not going to be able to build up any significant resistances to mez attacks.
Your best method to avoid damage is to not get hit.
Your best method of not getting hit as a Corruptor is to focus on Ranged Defense
So, basically, what you need to do is scrap your entire build, go back, and build it up with Ranged Defense, not smashing / lethal.
Once you have Ranged Softcap, you should be able to tar patch, darkest night, and then unload damage with relative impunity on most mobs that won't be able to get to you through Tar-Patch, and will have additional difficulty hitting you with the to-hit on Darkest Night. -
Quote:I'll pass on your comment about going back to a vendor that outright lies to it's customers, but to answer your actual question: A driver update may or may not have any value for you depending on your specific card.Heck I am still running on 10.12 on my Sapphire HD4890. The drivers prompted me to update to 11.6 today and after doing so I instantly had problems at character select alone. Prompting me to roll back to my trusty rusty 10.12 drivers. I highly doubt that I will ever buy another ATI/AMD video card at this point.
Edit: Can some one please explain what I would really be gaining by upgrading to say 11.2 or 11.3 which it seems many people here seem to be swearing by.
In some cases a driver updates can increase performance. Where you might have had ~25fps before, you might manage a smoother ~30fps.
In some cases a driver update can fix game bugs. Let's say a newly released game is built for Nvidia, such as Batman: Arkham Asylum. A driver update from AMD could fix deliberate code sabotage made by Nvidia to that game. And no, that's not a hypothetical situation. Nvidia does deliberately sabotage games at the code level to make them break on competitors products.
In some cases a driver update can introduce new features. Case in point, OpenGL 4.2 was just ratified. A new driver update will expose new features in the OpenGL update to GPU's that support those updates. Both AMD and Nvidia have introduced new Anti-Aliasing solutions through their respective driver sets, features which improve rendered image quality.
In some cases a driver update can introduce new problems. Maybe there's a memory leak, or an API call isn't being translated correctly. Maybe there's a bit of legacy code that's kicking in, or maybe there's an unintentional buffer overflow.
This last reason is why Intel, AMD, Via/S3, Nvidia, Matrox, PowerVR, 3DFX, SiS, XGI, and Trident... you know... everybody who has ever made a graphics card compatible with Microsoft Windows... all have posted warnings to not update drivers unless you are having a problem.
In your case you probably should just stick with the 10.12 drivers if they work for you. The Catalyst 11 set isn't going to expose any useful features for you as the 48xx series are an OpenGL 3.3 architecture. -
Quote:So... what happens if you aren't doing level 50 content?If you are taking, or not taking, a power based on the assumption that when you use it, team mates are going to wipe spawns, what is the point even taking ANY powers? With judgements, its basically the first two people too Judge a spawn..kill it. That's how it goes. Ignite is still fun and useful..if only as a set mule for Posi's.
Oh yeah, that's right... you don't HAVE Judgement powers. -
*note to Positron and War Witch: have that Desdemona Cosplayer drop by and give Nobel Savage his birthday spankings*
Actually, by the time they get the memo, it'll be Happy Belated Birthday Spankings... might need to add a few swats for the over-time :P -
Quote:Not... really.This thread will prob help.
Depends alot on what your video card can keep up with, and the frame rates you can live with. Cards with more ram generally can run higher resolutions at better frame rates.
There is a break point. in resolution to memory size, normally based around four factors:- GPU Clock speed
- Memory Controller Clock Speed
- Memory Controller Bitwidth
- Memory speed
Just to pick on Nvidia for a second: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=7 :: http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=6
Nvidia had 4 different versions of the GT 440. Two models featured a 128-bit interface. The other two models had a 192-bit interface. The memory bandwidth difference between the versions is well.. astounding.
The Model with the highest memory performance was the consumer 512mb version which utilized GDDR5 memory and hit a bandwidth of 51.2gb/s
The 1gb consumer model could only manage 28.8gb/s memory bandwidth, and that extra 512mb was not enough to add any performance.
Throwing more memory at a card will only affect resolution if that memory retains the same clock-speed and memory controller.. -
Quote:Thank you for giving all of the concerned players an update.Issue 21 will not go live with this issue in place. The reason this was not addressed in closed beta is due to the need to coordinate such fixes with Transgaming.
There's a lot of moving parts with Issue 21 and Freedom, and a lot of things that need to be tested. Unfortunately, the timing on the known issues with the Paragon Market being addressed didn't line up with our need to start concurrency testing.
We are working with Transgaming to address this issue ASAP and will let you know the minute that it's corrected.
Thank you for being patient.
-Z -
I have to echo Toxa here. It is all high and mighty of some of you to say "we need to act" or some other rant. I have no power here: I was not invited to any Beta test; I have no skill at program trouble shooting; If the game craps out, all I know how to do is restart the damn thing; I can't compile or any other crap that you software oriented people do. Quote:Aside from sending bug reports to Paragon and/or Transgaming, what exactly can we, the Mac client users, do? I'm not a programmer, I don't know the first thing about it. I can only -describe- the problems I encounter, I certainly can't troubleshoot them.
Now I've seen some comments in this thread about Mac players not helping enough...
Ghost Falcon used to be a primary point of contact, but with his promotion, the task of dealing with Transgaming fell to Skippy Sidekick and Doc Delilah, who also have other tasks to accomplish within Paragon Studios. The lack of a known primary point contact raises a barrier between the players and the developers.
Whether or not anything is done about the problems posted about here on the forums largely comes down to whether or not the developers here read the forums, and/or whether or not the Moderators / Community Reps of the forums pass along threads of interest to the developers that the developers may have missed or skipped.
Ultimately, what we need before we can go any further... is more information. We, as subscribers of City of Heroes, need to know what the relationship between Transgaming and Paragon Studios is. We need to know whether or not Paragon Studios is doing the portage work in-house using tech from Transgaming; or if Paragon Studios hands Transgaming the completed source code that compiles for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and Transgaming does all of the work on the Cider/G.T.L. tech on their end, then hands the modified packages back to Paragon Studios.
We, as City of Heroes subscribers, need to know whom we need to contact for bug reports. We need to know whom is responsible for getting those bugs addressed. Is it a Paragon Studios employee, or is it a Transgaming employee?
At the end of it all, I don't know what to tell you if you don't know how to enable debug mode, run the game under a Code Analyzer like Xcode-Shark, or read log-files. I went into this... somewhere...
Quote:Kind of a difficult question to answer beyond "I'm having a crash"
As far as I'm aware the City of Heroes Client does not support a -verbose command, nor is there a command to log from the console option that is available for the game client. -
Quote:Warning: semi-rambling rant, bear with it.Personally I think NCSoft should re-evaluate it's relationship with Transgaming, but I imagine that the Mac portion of the player base is too small to warrant any drastic measures to remedy the situation.
I'd agree that NCSoft should re-evaluate their relationship with Transgaming. On the surface, Transgaming has a history of taking on "too many" projects and simply not having enough resources to address specific problems. E.G., Cedega 8 series was in a beta stage for almost close to 2 years before it was converted into G.T.L. Up to the present the G.T.L. files are available for download, but there's still no support structure such as the one we, speaking as Cedega beta testers, had with the Cedega beta's.
We, speaking as City of Heroes subscribers, have never been informed of exactly what the relationship between Transgaming and NCSoft entails. For all we know NCSoft has to pay for each and every specific bug that needs to be addressed... and it's possible that NCSoft won't pay to fix bugs that don't break the game... meaning that updates to fix bugs only come when Transgaming updates their internal Cider/Cedega builds..
Now, given Transgaming's track-record, they have proved that they know what they are doing when it comes to emulating Windows clients in *nix-type operating systems, partially because Transgaming does use proprietary-licensed software if it will translate into better compatibility.
As a general rule of thumb, I tend to question the need for an emulation environment to begin with. Going back to my specific point of contention on the "new" NCSoft launcher, had NCSoft used a platform-neutral toolkit with a platform-neutral API, the launcher would have likely been a non-issue for users not using a Microsoft Windows Operating System. On some level NCSoft has to understand the benefits of platform neutral tools given that several open-source software packages are used by the company. In the case of the new launcher, it leverages a GPL'd software package known as Xdelta. Ergo, somebody in NCSoft had to have understood the requirements of Xdelta's license and on some level somebody in NCSoft had to sign off on the use of a GPL software'd product.
My opinion, as somebody external to the actual development, is that NCSoft / Paragon Studios would be best served in the long run by getting the game-client itself running natively on OSX and Linux in addition to running natively on Windows. I don't think a mis-understanding of licenses such as the GPL that is generally attributed to a lack of Linux ports from commercial developers would apply to a company that apparently does understand those license's.
However, as somebody external to that actual development, I can't imagine such a conversion to be an easy task. The game's engine architecture was developed back in 2001 and 2002, a year before Mepis Linux would revolutionize the Linux LiveCD market, and at least two years before Mark Shuttleworth would poor Money into Ubuntu and capitalize on the ground Mepis Linux broke. 2001 / 2002 would have also placed development of the game before Apple's Ipod Renaissance.
Given the development timeline that I am aware of, I would have to assume that the game-client was originally built with several assumptions about the operating system in use, and that getting the game-client to compile and run natively on other operating systems is likely functionally impossible.
In that aspect, an emulation-wrapper may have been the only realistic method of getting City of Heroes to run on other platforms, neverminding the associated costs with having to hire or train developers to work on OSX and Linux platforms.
Could I make an argument for NCSoft to simply do what Google did with Picasa, and pull directly from W.I.N.E. and build their own emulation-wrappers around the game-client and simply run their own builds internally?
While such a method would indeed be more cost-efficient than getting the engine working directly on OSX and Linux, given that the game is already 99% supported through the W.I.N.E. base, it would require hiring or training developers to work with W.I.N.E.
Could I make an argument to NCSoft to pay for a "new" client for the game that is content compatible but easily portable from platform to platform?
A brand-new binary-engine client would likely be able to resolve several performance and / or legacy issues. The disadvantage to a new game-client is determining what is kept in and what is kept out of the client. For example, let's say the new client scraps all of the rendering information that isn't required for Ultra-Mode graphics? Well, now how do we deal with everybody who doesn't have computer systems that can't drive Ultra-Mode graphics?
The point I'm leading to here is that a re-evaluation of the relationship with Transgaming opens up hard-questions about what to do with the game itself. Given the costs that could be associated with some of the potential solutions outlined here, it is possible that NCSoft could conclude that the best re-evaluation result is a simple termination. -
Quote:03-14-2007, 12:55 PMbut regular 360 controllers don't have 16 buttons. I don't have an old S type xbox controller lying around, and even if I did, I'm not about to do all this cutting and splicing, but I do want a controller with more than the 10 buttons on my logitech. So far I've not been able to find something suitable.
Quote:gav@transgaming.com - transgaming CTOOk, here's what I don't understand...the issue with the Paragon Market is impossible to miss and seems to affect ALL Mac users. Does that mean that no Mac players were in the closed beta??? (I know I wasn't, and I am astonished to hear that Cuppa (who I consider our unofficial Mac Rep) wasn't either.) How could this problem have been missed?
This issue certainly should certainly be considered a show stopping bug. However small the Mac player population is (would be nice to have some numbers, wouldn't it...), this game is being sold as playable on a Mac. I am prepaid for a bunch of month and this would prevent me from playing the game in any meaningful way. So there is a real issue here...and if Cuppa is right that the launch might be imminent, this does need to get addressed first.
Any thoughts on best course of action? Cross-posting on the Beta Forums? PMs?
matt.robinson@transgaming.com I forget what he does
daniel@transgaming.com - Senior Graphics Architect
I'd pop an email to these guys since the limitation appears to be in the Cider/G.T.L. code-base.
As far as player-pop goes, remember, statistics can say many things. There's no way of knowing how many subscribers have OSX systems and don't use those OSX systems to login because of on-going bugs and errors with the OSX Cider-client. There's also no way of knowing how many players have OSX systems that don't know they can download the OSX-Cider wrapper from their NCsoft account even if they did not buy the "Mac Booster" from the store. -
Quote:Kinda wanted to re-emphasize this point since I don't think I made it strong enough in my other post.Well this round, (2) happened - I wasn't involved in closed beta - and you see the result. Nobody took my place, and now it took till the last minute for the broken Mac Beta client to be realized.
We might be the most visible players who advocate/support/help *nix users run CoH.
We can't be the only ones "stepping up to the plate" though. We need other players to be pro-active, not re-active.
And yes, to get one point out of the way, the specific bug in question right now, the Paragon Market crash, should have been caught internally by anybody at Paragon Studios... which raises the question of why wasn't anybody in Paragon Studios running the Beta atop OSX to begin with.
Now I'll make the argument that Paragon Studios needs to be running Windows, OSX+Cider, and Linux+GTL (or WINE, but GTL is transgaming's product) internally. Even if NCSoft isn't paying Transgaming to wrap the game under G.T.L. and make a separate binary download, running those three combinations of operating systems still gives the developers more reference points for potential bugs in the system. Badly written or sloppy code that may compile fine and run on Windows might trigger an error on Cider/G.T.L. The more points of data the developers have on hand to see how the code actually works is more information that can be used to clean up and optimize that code, and the greater the chances are that critical bugs will be found earlier in the development process... before those bugs make their way into public releases.