522 -
can you tell us what server and approx times you are on please?
Thanks -
Ah well,
I was going to bring my "Fly" alt, but there is not "Mouche" point now that Vigilance is shut
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
I am sure there was a thread in the Tech section that was very similiar to this problem. I cannot get a linkie just now sorry.
In that thread we all agreed that starting/running the game was causing shut down due to CPU overheating.
By using the windows task manager to monitor the CPU usage we were seeing a 99/100% continuous CPU loading from when the game got to the first splash screen. It also dropped back to normal low levels if you quit the game before it crashed.
What was causing this ie Windows Version (Number and 32/64 bit version) or drivers or the "Game" were all debated to no satisfaction.
We never found the cause or a solution but like the OP said it did stop me playing on that particular gaming laptop. I had been using the same rig and drivers for about two years with no problems then about Issue 20 (ish!) the overheating/shutdown stuff started.
Cheers. -
Hi Guys,
advise please.
Does this PMB.exe stuff have anything to do with the PMBdeviceInfoProvider.exe file I have on all my machines?
I do have a software programme called PMB from Sony that plays my HD video taken on my Sony HD camcorder.
Just a bit concerned that's all.
Thanks -
Hi Guys,
I am not a tech anything!
But I do have a problem that sounds very similiar to the OP's.
I have been a player for over 6 years and have had a number of machines to play on. (6 regular PC's and 3 laptops) and all the versions of Windows in between.
My current laptop is an MSI GX723 with a GT130M processor and is sold as a gaming rig laptop. (I understand that "Gaming" must be seen in context)
I have been using this for 2 years and it flys along with everything graphics maxed out.
However for the last couple of months I have been getting sudden and total lockups whilst ingame. The screen crashes to blackness and I have to power down using the on/off button held down to power off it. This has been getting steadily worse and more frequent.
So I have been using my Task Manager stuff to try and find anything that might give me a clue.
The laptop has one other software programme installed, Photoshop CS5 which I use a lot for my image manipulations, large raw files many Mbs big.
At idle my processor is at 2% ish usage. I have 4Gb of ram and have abour 2.5 free.
When I start the new NcSoft launcher that usage builds to about 40% usage and then immediately the game loading splash screen appears (the emasculated Statesman one) it bangs up to 100% usage and stays jammed up there. Not a flicker even when it gets fully loaded and presents the Login boxes.
No matter how long I linger on that screen and even when it is minimised the processor usage is locked at 100%.
I can log in and seect an Alt and get ingame for an indefinate period. The usage will then drop but never below 95%.
I guess that I am then getting a heat build up dependant on what I do ingame so if idle I can hang about but when I get the Pets out and start a mish it overheats because of the high usage and crashes the machine.
Just my laymans's gut feeling.
If at any time I quit to desktop the usage immediately drops to the usual 1 or 2 % range. This has got to be game related but why I have no idea.
Have you please? Thanks
Oh, Win 7 - 64 bit latest updates version and all latest Nvidia drivers cause I do know about that side. -
Quote:Well "Spinebreaker" eh.Just as an FYI I read this post over on the Titan forum that says they are going to be renaming this badge to 'Spinebreaker' in Issue 23. No reason to doubt this as far as I can tell. At least this'll give us a vague idea how long we'll have to wait for the fix.
My Brute is going to be all over that like a rash for it's new title.
Lovely! -
Hi Guys,
got a shiny new lvl 50 Elec/Fire/Mu Brute and a full set of the ATIO's.
Seen a few builds in our forum section with the set in different powers soooo....
Thunder Strike or
Chain Reaction or
Anywhere else?
Muchly thanks for thoughts
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
am real new to top end Brutes so please excuse this naive question
I have a lvl 50 +1 Elec/Fire/Mu with a few sets and a lot of SO's running about a cave with lots of fire foes. (Just for fun mind you!)
I am having a hoot of a time and slaying all when running at +2x8 with Bosses.
I seem to be maxing out my fury at 84/85% ish where it stays no problem.
Why does it not go up to 100% and if there is a game mechanics reason as opposed to my weakish build say, how does that mechanic work to throttle back the max Fury level?
Just curious that's all and to see if there is anything I can start working on to improve the level on my build if that is possible.
Thanks -
not sure about the way to go, but if you use 2 Dam IO's you can also boost them to +5.
"Burn Baby Burn" -
Hi Guys,
no the servers had been down to stop 2xp and had only been up about 30 mins but in that time there had been a few mapserver lost's. Then they went down with a bang, no announcements or anything.
Seems like Pinnacle, Liberty and Victory are the ones down as well. -
Freedom and a few others just crashed.
Just to stop you fretting that it is your end.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
just a huge thanks to Blondeshell and all at Badgehunters (you know who you are) for this small but perfectly formed update.
At last an "Itch Free" play session.
Goes off to caress badge section listings..... (how sad is that lol)
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
was gently scrolling through my badges when I noticed that the 3 event badges (Clothes Horse et al) had new artwork. That had passed me by, so I hit the Wiki and see that they were changed for I18! (Note to self - pay more attention!)
However same page, I see that the 200 badge badge as above is still an odd one out as well and wondered if you had seen anything about that being changed?
Totally not important, but just jars on my sense of order like an out of reach itch
And are there any other "odd" badges still out there?
Cheers -
Hi everybody,
and the mantle of darkness falls from the eyes
So simple and yet so missable!
LoL at 8 Heroes standing in a circle around the first meteor, all clicking like mad and grumbling and using profanity filter speak because it is not doing anythingBoy were we miffed!
So muchly thanks, and am now off to renew the fight, cheers. -
Hi Guys,
can somebody tell me how to do what I need to do to get this badge please.
Ran it 3 times to try and learn and all the team leaders wanted was to rush through it with no messing about with badges.
I am happy to start and lead but I can find no info on how to get the 4 shards.
Any help/pointers to a guide et cetera will be very welcome.
I am surprised just how few runs I see shouted for this new content on Freedom, everybody still seems fixated on DFB runs
Cheers -
What about "Sunstorm" in Atlas.
Probably the most visible contact given his closeness to Ms Liberty and on the route to the Ww store and also being a Kheld only contact, totally ignored! (Well not totally, but you know what I mean)
And in addition his mishs are the same old stuff when I had hoped they would be tailored for stuff that needed a Kheld to complete.
And for a long time required getting to a lvl 50 alt to unlock the Khelds to access him.
Cheers -
yes, fully bugged with details of both clashing badges and a tongue in cheek suggestion about a use of simple database/spreadsheet/word doc whatever with predictive text enabled.
Although to be even handed, I suspect that this is a weird glitch/finger problem that scrambled something during the "End of Beta"/"Going Live" process.
Either way all reported. -
Quote:Now, when you say "2nd floor" is that the one above the street entrance level, or the next one up, cause a lot of us "overseas" players number floors starting with "Ground" then "First" and then "Second" et cetera, whereas I believe over your way you refer to the "Ground" floor as "First"?For Buddy Cop, in Heather's arc, Hopper is in the office building, 2nd floor.
Also here in a two floor building we also just use "Ground" and "Upper".
Only asking to avoid confusion this side of the Pond
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
have run DD once and got one Purple.
I have run a few BAF's/LAMs (enough to get one alt to unlock 3 slots) and got one Catalyst and one Purple.
I have also opened 120 (5 x 24) superpacks and now have 15 Catalysts and 81 AO's. But still no Wolf lol.
I also have capped Merits and a bunch still to reclaim.
I was spending points that were just lying about unused as I am not into costumes or lots of new sets and stuff.
Maybe they have weighted the packs to drop Catalysts and AO's for now just to shift them fast?
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
and at last, following a Masters of Diabolical Diabolique, Silver Albatross joins the club
And it was made even sweeter because the very next foe that got biffed after I completed the Masters, dropped a purple recipe Ragnarok. So a Masters and a Purple in two kills.
Made me smile.
Cheers -
thanks ZM, nice to know I am not alone
And forgot to mention that, obviously, I cannot get that badge verified on "BadgeHunters" either.
Cheers -
Hi Snow and the Gang,
Am I missing something?
Did a Masters of DD and got all the badges (Thanks to Crux).
I never got "Rescued and Recovered" for the 4 spines, but did get "Gate Crashed" for it, with all the same text.
Did I miss a change?