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  1. Hi Mateo,

    ah, I thought all the zones were dark black at the start, it has been a while since I did not use the map pack!

    Worry solved, many thanks

  2. Hello everybody,

    I use the superb Vidiotmaps overlays (as should everybody given how brilliant they are) and have noticed that when running a new toon I get different Fogs of War in various zones.

    All zones are covered by the Fog but in some I can see through the fog and read all the details on the zone map. Others I am unable to see through at all, and have to uncover in the traditional way by travelling the zone.

    Any ideas as to why the differences?

    Just curious really, cheers.
  3. Hi Guys,

    am having to set up a test version and am going through hell with the agonisingly slow download speeds.

    Yes I know all about the "their end, my end" debate but my first question is, if I am downloading the latest updates to either test or live and the servers go down, as today for routine maintenance for example, does that interupt the download of data as well?

    I am doing all the usual tricks to set up test, but the latest version is a nine hour download at approx 100 kb/sec and I need to schedule that. I also know that the usual updates save their postion and restart when data restarts but for an initial installation it goes into "Fixing Files" mode which does not remember and so restarts from square one! Arghhh.....

    My end? Well in the time it has taken me to type this in, I have also downloaded 5.8 Gb of data from Tom Tom, being the entire maps for Europe for my Sat Nav. So no problems there!

    Finally and because of the slow download situation, my last question is, when the new Going Rogue issue goes live will we non-users still have to download any patches to it. I wonder what happened to anybody who had only CoH when CoV was released?

  4. Hi
    you need a few power choice changes. Have a look in the controller forum and search out TopDoc's build. It is as near the definative AV solo killer build as you can get, oh and I hope you got deep pockets full of influence cause it will not come cheap
  5. jacktar


    lol nice post ZM, now if only I could find out where I left my glasses
  6. jacktar

    Forum Skins

    Hi Guys,
    well apart from anything else I got to change my font because at a quick glance this thread title seems to be sexually explicit
  7. jacktar


    Hi Guys,

    minor threadjack here, nice to read you again Roderick but how come you switched names?

    It is a shame you lost your old forum count and title with the switch

    Anyway welcome back to the new you

  8. jacktar



    I am not sure if you can use it as a compass to set waypoints, but the wise heads will hopefully sort that out for you.

    I think the co-ordinates are more a Dev tool thing that we get to use as an offshoot.

    I have used it a lot when badge hunting especially in zones still covered by the fog of war (blacked out) as their locations are all published in the Wiki and Badgehunters sites.

    Also now we get notices of GM's spawning in zones we can use it in chat to let other players know roughly where in zone it is.

    The hardest thing is getting used to which direction the 3 coordinates refer to and each zone uses a completely different set of figures so it is confusing for less experienced users to get a handle on.

    One tip is to remember that if you are having trouble finding a mission entrance but you are sure you are at the spot is to check the middle coordinate. This gives your height and can indicate that the door may be below you or you may be below it!

    Hope this makes some sense

  9. Hi Guys,
    this is the actual error message, just for info!

    Couldn't find TypeDef NonCombatPet_RiktiMonkey in Sequencer NONCOMBATPET_RIKTIMONKEY.TXT

    Thanks for info, I see the servers are down, well apart from the borked status page showing UP still!

    Do our Dev's get paid overtime rates lol.

  10. Hi Guys,
    have just been crashed out to desktop from an AE mish in Atlas for the third time in 30 mins. same problem and chat shows others having the same.
    Eight man team and we all get an error message saying: a line of code stuff and then "Error could not find Rikti Monkey" and then we all get bombed out.
    Last time I was not on team and by Ms Liberty.
    Any ideas?
  11. Hi,
    well yes we know all that but what we really want to know is:

    Do the Dev's know what the problem is yet?
    Are they actually working on the problem?
    Why is there no indication/notification on the actual Server Status page that it is borked so we can all be aware of the situation?

    Those answers would at least keep us in the loop and stop us wasting our time fruitlessly trying to log on to an indicated UP but actually DOWN server system!

    Especially since they cannot even agree just how long the down time is going to be ie four or two hours!

  12. Hi everybody,
    yep TopDoc says in his recent article in the City Scoop that he has done every GM apart from the Kronos Titan, Ukon Gria and a Rikti Drop Ship and that he too found Lusca the longest contest, simply because it is actually nine GM's in one. All done with his Ill/Rad troller.
  13. Hi,
    well it appears you are about half way through the story arc after which she will continue to give you missions including the Battle Maiden ones.
    Worst case scenario will mean you have another 16 missions to complete till the Maiden missions appear!
    Best of luck
  14. Thanks Fleeting, guess I will just have to brush up on my raiding skills, put the effort in and in any case, either of the rewards are still jolly nice
  15. hello everybody,

    when a raid is completed you get the choice of 53 merits or a Hami O enhancement.

    If I choose the latter, do I then get to select which type of Hami O I want or is it a random prize?

    My current build needs Enzyms, Micro's, Nucleas's and Membranes so I guess even a random award would be okay for now but just wondered about it for later on. Thanks.
  16. Hi everybody,

    well new Forum, so I just have to ask....

    If I leave the Reputation option unchecked (tiny box under location/number of posts et cetera info panel) so you can all add to it, will it help me get the PvP rep badges any quicker?

    Okay, it was just a thought lol

  17. Hi,
    I have had the "See the AE guy" answer on the contacts on PI if I have not been introduced to them yet. Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended.
    Anyway if ypou need 45's just go see Ghost Falcon by the PI ferry and do his real quick mission and get access to lvl 40 and 45 and 50 SO's. Or you could go to see the guy in the RWZ HQ, just by Lady Grey. Have fun

    LOL I guess we were all typing at thge same time
  18. Hi Guys,

    well, in just a few hours time this board will be dead and we will all proclaim amen.

    I am no Luddite and see the new Forum as a necessary step in keeping the game fresh.

    But despite all it's faults and shortcomings it will be like saying goodbye to an old friend and I, bye and large, will take with me fond memories of this board.

    So given that as a community we will soon all be one I, toast this passing in that immortal phrase - "The King is dead - long live the King".

    Thanks for the memories old friend.
  19. Hi all
    many thanks for responses which have provided exactly the info I needed. Much appreciated
  20. Hi everybody,
    sorry to have to ask about this but my hard drive went belly up and I lost a bunch of favourites links..arghh!
    can anybody link me to the spreadsheet (Excel or Access I think it is) listing all the games factions and where they are to be found zone by zone?
    Sorry to be a pain and thanks in advance for replies
  21. Hi Guys,
    thanks for all your answers

    I went back and had another look at the lists using the O crystal and saw that in the 40-45 level, the mission Head of the Hydra, which was the last one in the listings, can be selected.
    This gives the MultiDimentional badge during the first mission so is available after Tina is outlevelled as a contact.
    I ran it and was about 6 minutes into the mission when I was awarded the badge.
    I believe that Snow-Globe is exactly correct about an in and out strategy and will confirm with another toon later today.
    The Shrouded badge is available during two missions of the Maria arc which is available through flashback lvls 45-50.
    So to sum up, my fears about outlevelling the content required for the Accolade were unfounded and the whole thing can be obtained by any level 50 toon regardless of their route to that level.

    Thanks for the support it really did help to get me focused
  22. Hi Guys,
    am working on my Portal Jockey accolade on my just levelled 49 ill/rad troller.
    I missed Tina McIntyre (lvl 40-45) as a contact and so have done her AV mish by flashback.
    However she does not offer the badge mission for the Multidimentional exploration badge.
    I also need to get the Shrouded badge from Maria Jenkins (lvl 45-50) but as yet have not been introduced to her by Crimson.
    I believe I can get the Multidimentional badge from Unia Kemster (?) (lvl 45-50) but as yet have not got him as a contact.
    Is my only option to turn off earning xp and work on Crimson till I get the lvl 45-50 contacts and then do their badge arcs and then eventually pick up Maria's AV arc as it comes or perhaps by flashback?
    PS. To end on a positive note, I see no problems getting the History Plaques!
  23. Hello Snow-Globe
    thank you very much for your reply which was just the ticket

    Please be assured that all the teams efforts are very much appreciated.

  24. Hi Guys,
    sorry if this is a dumb question with an obvious answer but I can't find an answer using search et cetera.
    Is there a Forum thread dedicated to the City Scoop that lists all the editions in issue/date order?
    I am using announcements at the moment and the issues are lost in amongst all the other stuff.
    Thanks for any pointers and/or linkies and apologies again if I am missing the "Bleedin Obvious"

    Edit 01: Duh found it by pure chance when checking out the Issue 16 discussions! Exactly what I wanted. Sorry for bothering you all with this

    Edit 02: Oops that list ends Oct 2008 so the newer issues are still lost in the myriad of other announcements. There should be a dedicated back issue listings thread kept up to date. I'll volunteer for that duty if somebody can show me how to do it!
  25. Hi Guys,
    aha a four meg patch, so we make progress, will see if I can login after it has been applied!
    Fingers crossed