Server Status Page




Since it's going to happen and there are going to be people that come to the forums just to complain about the server status page not working...

Yes, it's broken.

Yes, it's stuck on June 24th.

No, refreshing doesn't fix it anymore. It used to, but that hasn't helped since the forum migration happened.

We know it says the servers are up even though they aren't up yet.



well yes we know all that but what we really want to know is:

Do the Dev's know what the problem is yet?
Are they actually working on the problem?
Why is there no indication/notification on the actual Server Status page that it is borked so we can all be aware of the situation?

Those answers would at least keep us in the loop and stop us wasting our time fruitlessly trying to log on to an indicated UP but actually DOWN server system!

Especially since they cannot even agree just how long the down time is going to be ie four or two hours!


So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Nice to see someone posted this before I could. :P
*thumbs up*

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow