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  1. i have a farmer, but i do it free for friends. unless someone wants to pay me 300 so i can buy an IO. :P

    The Leagues are kind of dumb, until you are 50.
  2. The Hollows is a great place, and no one goes there. I remember when it was packed with people, everyone forming teams for good old Frostfire. I do what i can when a make a new toon, i start up teams for Frosty, The Hollows is tons of fun, and so many people are missing out because they are all focused on "Sewers" DFB. When i start a new character, i like making a team and running them through Sewer Network. Because of the Leagues, people have no sense of the game. I had to show 5 people where the Sewer Network was, and where The Hollows was. People get clueless when all they play are those leagues. I really hope The Hollows, Sewer Network, and Perez Park don't become another Galaxy City.

    Perez Park is another great place, and people don't even know it exists. I think there truly needs to be some way to Revive the Dead Zones. Because in all, they are great.
  3. jaber93

    Retcon Tokens?

    Don't want to be a party pooper here,
    but Retcon is already used in another MMO.
    Champions Online uses "Retcons"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
    It's called a Bane Spider

    Yes, but Bane gets limited pets. And you cannot really build off it, especially a character.

    With the Brute/MasterMind you get the option to actually give your toon a backstory.

    Plus adding buffs instead of attacks in the mastermind set, the toon can be built to be powerful. Both PvE and PvP.
  5. jaber93

    Farming builds

    If you want a quick Farming build
    Go with a scrapper, you get your Crits in there.
    Suggested Powers:
    Fire Aura

    Yes the Notorious Fire Aura.
    You get two active PBAoE's
    its nice.
    Quills+Blazing Aura=WinWin
  6. jaber93

    Corr in Pvp


    Enemy gets these benefits; Nothing.
    Enemy gets these negative effects; Slows, Debuffs and Tons of Dmg.
  7. jaber93

    Car Chases.

    Being able to pick-up objects would be nice. As a villain, i would love to toss objects at the police ^_^

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    How about:
    • Primary: Melee power sets
    • Secondary: Support focused pets, and a few defense powers instead of blasts
    sounds a lot better, this idea came to me honestly when i was doing a little PvP in Recluse Victory. :P So, it was a 1 day thought that made me want to post it.

    But your editing made it sound a lot better.
  9. You will be dealing enough damage to targets with the mass power.
    Pets+Brute force.
    The user can also invest in getting Fighting selections.
    As you know Blasters have no defensive buffs, they are purely damage.
  10. Tier 4 - Quantum Hasting - You are faster than the human mind can process a thought, your lightning fast thinking allows you to always be head of your enemies as, if you can travel through time and see the next step. this power allows you to reduce the recharge time of all incarnate powers for 3 minutes, and instantly recharge all of them. Self + Recharge to all incarnate powers, and Instant Recharge to all Incarnate powers

    I'snt that a bit much?

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Have you tried making this sort of AT in MA? And fought against it?

    I learned my lesson with giving Custom MA enemies Melee attacks (Axe, Broadsword, etc.) with Ranged Psychic powers.
    yes infact i have, some builds are hard to defeat, others are quite easy to defeat. And i could imagine the gameplay would be fun.
  12. The Crotch of time, Reveals the hope
    For Paragon City!
    Lets Grab And Poke the endless stream
    of Yellow Pee Pee,

    You wonder why we do this?
    Because we wear tights.
    We seem like fruit cakes
    We seem like fruit cakes

    Now Statesman said before he died
    "Make sure you all lick my side"
    We seem like fruit cakes
    We seem like fruit cakes

    When we dine at Bloody Bay
    the Villains sit and watch us say
    We seem like Fruit cakes.
  13. Cross Between Brute and MasterMind.

    Has Melee attacks, but also ability to summon tons of pets.
    Sounds a lot like the Crab spider?
    But you don't get any self defensive buffs.

    For the Primary you would get choices of all Brute Primary's.
    For the Secondary you would get choices of all MasterMind Primary's.

    Survival will be based on how well you slot your enhancements,
    and if you choose on getting the Pool Power "Fighting"
  14. Hack (Sword)
    Call in Villagers
    Slash (Sword)
    Bare Arms
    (Villagers-U-Militia <Weapons: V-Pitchforks, M-Swords>
    (Archers-U-Elite Archers <Weapons: A-Bow/Arrow, EA-Bow/FireArrow>
    (General-U-Warlord <Weapons: G-Axe, W-Horse/Axe>)
    Call in Catapults(Large Stone Fall from Sky (AoE))
    Call in Archers
    Mend Pain(Heal)
    Call in General
    Studded Armor(Single Ally(Pets) Buff, Makes unstoppable for 30 seconds, takes no damage but deals same damage.)

    I would think this to be a fun Primary, would really open up to the Medieval aspect.
  15. this would really up the creativity with character creation!
  16. four legs, snake body, multi-arms sounds amazing lots of more villain toon ideas!
    also how about a more robotic take, the ability to have no legs at all, such as hovering. just being a brain in a robotic body, hovering around.
    would be a great look for a dominator with mind control!

    more animal heads would be pretty fun too
    Loony the Elephant. ;D
  17. OK so it took me just a little while to re-find my post as it was moved...
    I started i think at I4 and quit at I 13. I came back recently about 2 months ago. A lot of Changes have been made.

    I guess having a higher level cap is unnecessary since you can exceed over 50 through Incarnates, but i still believe Origin based quests should be looked at.

    Since I1 you were able to just choose an Origin. Since then there hasn't been much done with it, except for enhancements. Possibly once Omega is Available, You have to do Origin based quests and Defeat the Giant Neo-Shivan on its Home planet. Each origin would get separate quests.
  18. Did not know where to put this

    I had this idea after coming back to City of Heroes after 2 years.
    Those new Shivans that took down Galaxy City angered me, and i thought of a way to strike back.

    After Achieving level 50, Heroes and Villains would go to a Vanguard station Located in both Peragrine Island and GrandVille.

    This station will have some sort of deployment (aircraft) that would take you up into space. You will there spawn on a huge Vanguard Space Station. Based on your Chosen Origin, Magic, Science, Technology, Mutation, or Natural you will have different Missions.

    After completing all the Missions and reaching level 70, the player would have the ability to take down the Giant Monster that you fight in the tutorial in Galaxy City.

    Rewards could vary from Merits to Incarnate Threads/Shards.

    This could be a level 70 version of the Notorious Hamidon.
    You would actually need a large league to Take down the GM.
    Quests could be done on the Shivan planet, fighting Plane Shivans and the New ones.

    I am open to more suggestions, I am directing this to the Dev's to look into this idea.

    Thank You,

    @Healus Jaberus - Live
    @Healus Jaberus - Beta