43 -
Zone Giant Monsters are getting the buff. GM's that are mission-specified (like the ambush ones, or the Eden trial, etc) are not being touched. Those GMs are "arch-villain" level, i.e. made to be beaten by 1 team.
Zone Giant Monsters are the GM's that appear randomly (or triggered) in zones. This does not include the ambushes that are triggered from missions.
This change will be both CoH and CoV.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have to ask, WHY?
On Protector, a part of the herolimpics was a memorial clearing of "Monster Island" in PI. It took a long time to kill the GM's and the experience for one was abysmal compared to the massive debt many got while clearing this area (which never happened due to the spawn rate and mobs of GM's apearing near each other. We had 50 people or more and could not clear the island fast enough.
Doesn't that tell you that gian mosters are already so far out of wack compared to the XP gained that no one is going to tray and take them on if they get even harder? We were getting hundreds of thousands in debt but only 800xp per monster. Explain that?
Please explain why this is happening because it doesn't make any sense to me at face value. -
ok, i'm sure someone has brought this up but I have gotten sick of this. This is taking place on Protector but i have reason to believe that this could be happening on other servers. I have played both sides in pvp zones, and i have noticed that many heroes are starting to camp for villains inside their own safe areas. I have noted heroes have managed to worm their way into the villain hospitals and trap other villains inside. Here's how:
In Siren's Call: Once again, Blasters and Defenders can float above the villain base with fly and pick off villains coming out of the hospital with fly or villains entering the zone and waiting there getting a mission. But many heroes can sneak past the arbiter drones and get into a small nook inside the hospital and take out villains that just died, trapping them within.
[/ QUOTE ]
On protector there is a flying scrapper with teleport foe and tactis/ir gogs to see through inviso (brilliant build BTW). Real annoyance that caps the villian base by flying directly over it. His range on TP foe is far enough so that as soon as you come out of the hospital (still in base) he TP's you, hits you with a spine attck so no hover works then drops you. Repeat until dead. He camps to make sure you don't actually get OUT of the base.
Ruined a PvP night my SG took a week to get together. We asked the team to stop ganking us with their PvP exploit builds but to no avail.
Suggestion, put arbiter drones higher over the villian base so the heroes can't camp it so much. -
I always wondered why the INF part could not be transferred over. After all it is a one way street Live -> Test never Test -> Live. It is a pain that once on Test you have to go run a bunch of mish to afford reslotting anyhow.
Give me my Bajillion INF please!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks, I've always felt the same too. Why not give everyone free $$ on test when they 1st log in or some such.
If we don't get free enhancements then it's hardly a Test now is it? I'm not spending 3 weeks on test needed to earn enough $$$ fully slot a lvl 30 with all new enhancements. Well, honestly about one to two thirds of new enhancements. -
With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.
Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.
[/ QUOTE ]
When is it live on test?
Will we get free enhancements from all stores so we can test easily sice $$$ doesn't transfer to the test server?
Will free respecs be given? I suggest unlimited on test after this goes out. -
No, I believe Statesman is saying that all power pool defenses, in parallel with providing melee/ranged defense, will also be providing smash/lethal defense.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep. That's what it meant.
As for changing the way defense works...eek. That's not really an option. There's simply too many things that would break...It's just not do-able.
As for why only S/L? Because in these powers, that simply made sense - and because of the prevalence of S/L damage throughout the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, no, it doesn't make sense for me. I'm a bubble controller. When alone, I never have issues but on teams with large #'s of mobs I can't get total controll over a fair amount of agro gets to me. I'd like my dispersion bubble to help mitigate some of the damage I get directed at me. Trouble is that it's only got about 16% for me in AoE and all typed damage. If I stack Maneuvers I can add another 8% on top, but it's only for smash lethal. 24% isn't wonderful but it is way better than 16% alone.
Smash lethal is the most common type of damage but most mobs do an additional attack that is not smash lethal. A lot of things will ignore the combo. IMO maneuvers still isn't usefull to me or my team, though I did take it and slot it thinking that it would help out significantly, esp on teams where multiple maneuvers run.
Yes it stacks with my bubbles I put on my team mates but I'm still out in the cold. IMO the pool sets should guard against most types of typed damage. -
Just wanted to point out that you can go to Croatoa at level 25 and talk to the mayor NPC and start the Croatoa missions. Just as you can start the Hollows content at level 5 just by visiting Lt Wincott, even if your first level 5 contact hasnt sent you to Wincott yet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gotta be kidding. Why the sudden break in how we get missions? That's moronic. Sigh... -
First, a big thank you to everyone who played on the Training Room server and helped I5 to be one of our best launches ever! Were extremely happy about how I5 went live.
Second, were still scouring the boards for bugs and other issues, but weve finished making large changes to the power sets. Well still be looking at issues as the arise. For instance, there are issues with Defense builds; were going to look at that problem more carefully (the Damage Resistance Inspirations are a step, but there's a little more to come).
Thanks for all your great feedback!
[/ QUOTE ]
MY SG's answer to this nerffest was to create an all defender and all controller team. Guess what, both AT's are so effective on large teams that bosses drop like minions and minions are all dead before half the debuffs are on. We don't mind, we adapted and found the next thing that made us feel uber.
We'd play our 50's but it's just too much at times to deal with any of the invulns complaining about how crappy they are now. They don't die nearly as much as you would expect given all the pissing and moaning they do, but I their AT isn't at all like they wanted it to be when picking the powers in the 1st place. Kind of like when I made a controller and now he's a blastroller with a third of the pets. I don't mind, it's just different.
I think better response from you and the devs would have made this a lot better and would have removed some of the griping and whining. We gave two tons of info about this stuff on Test and didn't get a ton of response about it. I know you're busy but getting some extra response would be nice, perhaps explaining why you are changing something beyond the "this didn't feel right" argument. Just come out as say stuff like, Invuln was like rolling up a god and despite several nerfs it was just something that was too powerful and didn't offer any chance of getting defeated in the normal game or in the arena. Or Regen, despite several nerfs it was just something that was too powerful and didn't offer any chance of getting defeated in the normal game or in the arena.
Croatoa, I'll outlevel it before my contacts give me a contact there probably. Why did you make this almost the same levels as Striga I'll never understand. We want to play it but the majority of the SG can't get the initial contacts and almost all our defender team is 25.
Anyway, don't pat yourself on the back, the majority of folks DON'T like this issue or just don't care. I'm in the dont care catagory. I took a hit on every toon, and rolled up a new one so I could be uber again. You keep nerfing, we'll keep finding a way around it. -
Wanted to explain the reasons for changing Burn...
It became apparent that Burn was the trump power...with it, a Tanker needed to do nothing else. He could lay down a Burn patch and Taunt foes in and out of it. The damage was so great that the Burn patch itself would do the defeating; the Tanker only needed to hit Taunt.
The question has come up - "what's the point of Burn now?" Well, it still offers Immobilization defense (we're actually going to increase that duration). And Burn does do a lot of damage. Taunt alone might not bring mobs into Burn continually, but stunning, holding, immobilizing mobs in Burn is just plain devastating.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's fine, we can accept it's supposed to damage, but not be the only damage power the fire tanks need. Thing is, why the ovverwhelming fear effect in addition to the lowered damage and recharge time? I think the majority of fire tanks will be fine with a lowered damge/recharge as long as the fear effect doesn't make the mobs run. At least, that's what I feel. I'd be happy with even longer recharge but the fear just makes the power useless.
Previously, I called burn, "Scatter Mob" and I still think that's what you should rename it to because that's all it does. I have many an instance on test where the mob scatters even before the damage starts to tick off. -
Sorry that I've been out of touch for the past week. I spent most of the time with my family back East. My brother is set to deploy in Iraq in just a few days so I wanted to make sure that I saw him off right! He's a hero of mine, and one of the game's most committed players. I can't speak highly enough of my brother and all that he's done for this country.
OK - now back to work stuff. I'm going through my PM's (287 of them at last count) slowly but surely. I at least read, if not respond, to every one of them. Positron and I will also be reading all of the threads over this week and we HOPE to post updates or responses on every single one.
Now, I'll wax philosophic for a moment. Before I left, I posted a couple of things that a few posters thought were "flippant" or "snarky." I certainly didn't intend either...but here's the reality. I do NOT pass my posts through PR, community relations or anyone. I post, well, exactly as I think. So sometimes I won't sound polished like a snake oil salesman. Sometimes, I'll sound just like any other gamer out there. I could have someone edit everything I post - but that would inevitably delay responses and cut back on communication. I think, though I could be wrong, that the majority of you would prefer my honest thoughts, rather than sales talk. It's probably pretty different than the game developer norm, but it's what feels right for me to say. I'm not going to always write the best responses, but you'll at least have truthful ones.
[/ QUOTE ]
Best of luck for your brother, our thoughts will be with him.
Good response on the "Snarky" thing. Nice to know you're listening. -
I've been testing previous to most of my comments as of late and today is no different (well the testing part). Short bout of testing on test shows burn to be about 100% useless now. The recent changes, coupled with the fear don't work IMO. In many situations, the mobs ran well before the patch was even down, taking zero damage (air thorns). Others took so little damage the power is utterly pointless.
If left in the form it is today I think the best thing to do would be to rename the power to "SCATTER MOB" in the next version of the manual due in 2007.
Kidding aside, it really is useless. I'm respecing it out.
In all my lvl 39 fire tank is doing great, but given the huge end drain on young fire tanks and the low damage output, it's gonna be really tough to get by. For me though, the respec out of Scatter Mob and the slots recouped from it was great! I wonder now why I never thought of dumping Scatter Mob before?
EDIT: On a constructive note, since I fight even con mobs for the same XP as before, I can ram thought them even faster. Good change there. -
We started this same sort of thing on Victory last week. Totally works, wonderful idea. Defenders are so overpowered in teams it's insane. I'd suspect that this would work with all controllers just as well.
I wonder if an all fire tank group would do even better? Imagine 8 burns going down all at once, nothing would be able to run out of the patches in time... -
Statesman I have tried to side with you on every change you have made. I understand that you are a visonary that has the best intentions at heart. I watched you build my invunerability/super strength tanker from poor to uber and I loved it. I have also seen names of people dear to me changed, some very very unsubstantial, but I have understood. But here is a change I can not side with you on, this change I feel is going too far.
You are NERFING debt.
And I will not take this and be quiet.
Debt is one of the many reasons I play this game. Debt is the major draw/focus of my supergroup, of the J-Force. If someones debt is not in the 7 figures they aren't J-Force.
I go OUT OF MY WAY to reach the debt cap every level. I have leveled in debt 7 levels in a row (since 33) I am the J-Man and my mass amounts of debt are one of my defining features.
First you take away debt until level 10. I'm saddened by this because nothing is more exciting then your first real death with debt. And now myself, my J-Force and the CoH community have to wait 5 more grueling levels until that first debt. But on this I understand, this is a kind of force/incentive to play beyond level 5 (something I rarely do besides my main).
The second one is really really tough for me. See the majority of my game play is with a large team on invincible missions. The J-Force and I get together NIGHTLY to go on what we coined Debt Runs(TM) and we dont' just keep it to ourselves we welcome any hero who wants to see what real fun is. With only receiving half debt you are effectivly forcing us to work three times as hard to do what we are now, hit debt cap.
I REFUSE to be forced to street hunt.
But after reading each and every post on this thread I see that this comunity is not made up of real men and woman. That its mostly sissy, wimps, wusses, chumps, wankers, girlie men, and even more girlie woman who can't seem to take their debt like the hardcore heros they are. Yes this is griefing of the entire community, because the many are making the life of the few so much more difficult.
Statesman, please, I beg you do not take my debt from me.
But if you do, I have one small request. Please Statesman, remove the debt cap. This way while it may take me longer (much longer) to accure massive amounts of debt I will never ever have to reach a point to where my deaths are worthless, every death will raise not only my purple bar, but my enjoyment of the game.
It has been my dream to out debt a level 50 before I reach it. Never ending debt *swoon*
I appologize if this post sounds rude, I don't want to be rude. I am just very upset at the prospect of losing the ease of my debt.
Thank you for your time
-The Legendary J-Man-
[/ QUOTE ]
Sadly, these boards are filled with folks who don't understand the concept of humor and you probably see the flames out there (dim flames at that).
You rock. If you're on protector look up my blaster, miss dynamo - we'll grab some debt. -
Let's say a stranger dangles a $1000 dollar bill in your face.
Now he does it to twenty other people.
Most of you are going to beat him up and run off with the cash.
Removing blatant temptations allows for a better game. Want proof?
Take a look at many of the FPS games out there. Lots of them have map glitches that are easy to exploit. Notice how people continually exploit them? They don't STOP playing the game when the glitch gets fixed and they don't NOT buy a game just because it LACKS map glitches. But it never fails... the easier the glitch is to reproduce, the more people will take advantage of it.
Remove the glitch, you remove the incentive. But just because a map is patched, people aren't going to stop playing the game.
Remove the powerleveling methods, you remove the drive. But just because powerleveling is gone, people aren't going to be so quick to ditch the game itself. There's a lot more to this game than just powerleveling to 50.
[/ QUOTE ]
You are correct, but I think you may be missing the point. The thing is that people are tired of "fixes" or changes to things that already work well work in lieu of changes that are most commonly asked for, fixes to broken or weak powersets and other issues with ingame play. I think that's where the ire comes from. -
Based on data from the Training Room and feedback on the forums, we will be making the following changes to how XP, Influence and other drops are divided:
If a player is in a zone, did NO damage in a combat and has dead for more than a minute, he receives no XP. If a player is more than 300 ft. away (an increase of 100 ft.) from the mob when its defeated and did NO damage, he receives no XP. Otherwise, the player receives his full share of XP.
If players are on a mission map, they always receive their full shares. Theres no distance limitation. Teams can split up in maps players can be separated by elevators everyone receives their XP.
This system does not affect Mission rewards.
Well be putting the distance and mission map changes up on the Training Room soon (week or so) to see how it plays out.
Now, let me clarify the situation with Badges and Defeat tasks. As long as you or any of your teammates are within 200 ft. of the defeated mob, EVERYONE on the team gets credit. This is not a change in Issue 4; this is the way that it currently works.
[/ QUOTE ]
Take with grain of salt, I have a headache and didn't get much sleep all week.
No XP when dead is asinine. I'm not even going to argue it. You know this is going to cause huge issues but you're ignoring it.
A heck of a lot of the PLing takes place inside missions anymore so you have just invalidated all of your efforts. Wolves ring a bell? Stick lowbie on rock, herd 50 wolves, kill, rinse and repeat, don't agro the AV, leave, reset mission, rinse and repeat. You just gave powerlevelers a giant way around your "Fix". So, anything outside is now useless, so why implement it? All you are doing is forcing people into missions and street hunting will die unless it's solo or duo action. Why did you even build the Hollows if this is your plan?
Now before someone tells me I'm out of touch with PLing, stop. I'm a bubbler and I can testify that I don't get tells asking me for PL's in the street anymore at all. Neither do my team mates. I get /tells asking me, "Wolves man? Wanna do wolves?" I get that request if I am in PI with my bubbles up, which is every single night. I run by Ghost falcon or the train and I see a lot of folks but no /tells. Also, I run about the city and look, no one is hunting. With the 10-20 guys standing there all the time you'd expect to see 10-20 hunters but you don't, do you? I thought maybe monsters, yeah, they are hunting monsters to get insane XP for lowbies, never saw anyone in the hive or in PI hunting monsters yet, maybe they are too damned hard to do so people skip them.
You are doing nothing but cheesing off a lot of folks that play the game. Don't put this into action. Fix the well known knows bugs that have been sitting idle since day one. Give content. Quit "fixing" stuff that works.
Sorry I'm just being a big jerk about it, this is just one of those things that cheeses me and it shouldn't, but it does. Previous to becoming a Cisco technician I worked retail for 15 years and I learned one crucial thing that was true in good times and bad. Don't alienate your customers. Don't do things that tick them off or they leave and they go down the block. Your customers know what they want, listen to them, do a few little things they ask for and you can keep them coming back forever (no bend over backwards actions needed, just some simple coddling). I'm sure that this issue will dwarf all issues in the past for content and fun play and I'll be around for a while even through the nerfs. Again, thanks for the best game ever, but please do what the players (customers) ask of you and put that stupid nerfbat back in the closet where it belongs. -
Didn't read anything, threads too big...
BANK - For Influence, Enhancements and Inspirations.
TRAINING ROOM - With instanced missions where you fight and get XP for fighting baddies of desired class (COT, Warriors, etc.) at a level that you desire. Perhaps XP could be half of normal XP but no debt could be incurred in the training room and defeated toons automatically rez at the end of the session. This could give toons the ability to train to fight their next encounter with baddies before they have to go an fight them. Perhaps low level toons could earn even more XP than normal here so they can level faster (Im thinking of lvl 1-20 so that PLing might tone down and high level players can get new alternates into play easier).
STORE That sells all Enhancements and/or Inspirations of every kind. Perhaps the ability to buy the better inspirations for a substantially increased sum of influence.
CRIME COMPUTER With stats on all SG members. Perhaps with some way of tracking or plotting story lines. Perhaps one that could give exact #s on powers effects and how modifications would change them. I.E. a way to play with your enhancements so that you can see how they might play out before you buy them. NOTE - This could tie in with the training room in addition or instead so that people could play out changes to slotting and what not.
TELEPHONE - So you can call any of your contacts from one location.
COMMUNICATIONS GRID A calendar of events where toons can post times for events. Perhaps a form of bulletin board system for people to chat off line that ties into the game.
TELEPORTER That warps you to the entrance or train in any zone of your choice.
DEFENSES And the ability to have an instanced assault of baddies on your base where you defend it.
BUY The items above to add to your fort. They dont come stock.
TEAM COSTUMES Instead of just colors for the team how about a whole costume set that the originator creates in addition to the team colors. Yes we can spend a costume slot on this now but how about a freebie that puts a specific effect as well as color on SG members. I.E. the team members turn on SG colors and they all get tiger stripes on any body part that it can go on.
GENERALS Or whatever the term for the leader of the SG could get maneuvers or some such team power for free when the team is made up of 3 or more SG members.
TEMPORARY ITEMS As a part of an SG I would expect that one could collaborate with local vendors who could build such devices for them. You could change the shops so that the guy behind the counter has a special mission that you can do so that you then have access to buy temporary powers/weapons. Each shop could have a quest and have one item to buy in each zone.
ARCH NEMESIS Pick a group that you hate and they hate you. You get a negative in battle when fighting them but more XP. Perhaps there could be instanced missions for this group that your SG has access to.
RANKS Need more ranks. Ability to promote/demote offline, etc. -
is anyone getting corrupted cohupdate.exe or failed checksum errors at game startup? the game's remedy is to 'fix' the files, which take hours on a dsl connection.
how can the files be corrupted, i uninstalled and re-installed with a fresh copy of the game? eventually i can get back into the game, but an unexpected disconnect (going through a portal or just flying around) will again kick me to the desktop. upon game restart i can guarantee i will see 'cohupdate.exe corrupted' and experience the whole 'checksum error' and 'fixing file piggs/sound1.pigg' sequence all over again. is anyone else experiencing this nightmare?
win2k, sp4
raedon 128 9200, latest drivers
1 gig ram
directX 9.0c
extigy, latest drivers
dsl connection
the game worked fine up to level 6, then i started getting kicked out of the game to my desktop. with a fresh install, why is the updater becoming corrupted?
please help!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes! I did have an issue previously with a bad stick of RAM that caused this though. Now it seems to be something with Issue 2. If I were you I'd go to www.memtest86.com and download and run the memtest86 app just for gigles. Also, the manufacturer of your hard drive (HDD) will have a utility on their web site that will let you look for errors. Get it and run it. You may also want to check your motherboard drivers and update to the lastest to be sure there is no issue with tour HDD controller. Just suggestions.
Also, I have had issues with Teleportation being so laggy now that I'm dropping out of the sky a heck of a lot and since I'mm a lvl 22 in Talos I'm dropping into lvl 26-27 mobs that are doing tons of Dmg through my personnal force field.
I am getting the logon error as well were you log on and it errors and boots you out.
Many friends and now freezing mid game and need a reboot (I have not seen this).
I am getting the mapserver issue now and again (dsl connection with ping to the internet never drops a packet).
A note that has nothing to do with the update - in Talos the red zone often has lvl 21-22 mobs while the surrounding "orange" zones have lvl 24-27 mobs in them. I find this kind of an oversight. I move off the train and into the orange and boom, nasty mobs. Get with some higher level people and head to the red zones and find low level mobs, what gives? -
Just a small question. How do we get exp tonight when people will be fighting "en masse" and hitting anything that comes out of the portals? Will we get XP for the baddies? Just wondering.
Hell, if we don't get any, I don't care, long as I get to take part and it lasts until midnight or longer. The Phantoms Of War will be on Perigrine Island tonight defending Paragon City. -
I have to agree with one of the posts waaaaaay above. I'm so excited but I don't know why or when!!!
I've got things planned, it sure would be nice if you were somewhat less than Cryptic goshdarnit!! Just be out with it so we can make plans for poop sake.