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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I dunno what a better term would be. 'Intolerance' would fit the OP's situation far better then ignorance, but I'm not entirely sure that he's asking for similar situations as that tends to come up far less often (in my experience) in this game then in some others. Some people that do use the term 'gay' do so out of ignorance of it's meaning. But as stated before, it's pretty clear that the OP's team leader understood what the term meant and chose to discriminate based on that fact.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you're right foxy, the term can be used in a ignorant manner, if i had nickle for everytime a kiddie called me it gay for backstabbing him as a spy...but you covered my point and i refuse to be redundant
  2. two things...

    one, you handled that pretty well and acted in a damn funny manner

    two, *WARNING RANT* the word ignorant or ignorance makes me cringe today, instead of the proper definition of being uneducated in a particular situation, subject, thing, noun, trout, etc it's been turned into a pretentious dime a dozen word for general stupidity, what makes it worse it comes packed with more shenanigans like fat, lazy, stupid and hick; using these to belittle or insult one does not make you look intelligent, it just makes you look like a [censored].

    and the truth here in this context it's even WORSE because it's not used for general stupidity, but disagreeing viewpoints; i think one can safely assume that team leader fully knew what the term gay was, just found it offensive or clashed with their personal beliefs which doesn't make him any less educated in what it is, just it clashes with anyone who disagrees with his view on it.
  3. hypocratic_oath


    the fact that there's no aux bars available really turns me off, and the whole build swiching thing take like a minute to cooldown if you try to be cleaver with that
  4. hypocratic_oath

    Meet The Spy

    i want neck chop on spies NOW!
  5. hypocratic_oath

    Alias, Smith

    ((i shouldn't have laughed at ares' last minute KO blow but still, pretty epic ending scene))
  6. hypocratic_oath

    Alias, Smith

    ((so uh...i just wanted to pop in to say i liked these stories, bit complex but i don't care they're cool!))
  7. hypocratic_oath

    Puppy love

    ((eh, gonna take a break from writing this to ponder where i want it to go, that and i know i'm doing *something* wrong with either pacing or dialogue, and i don't wanna do anything till i put my finger on it and figure out how to correct it.))
  8. hypocratic_oath

    Puppy love

    ((well no criticisms must mean i am doing attiquite also forgive my ignorance of the pocket D techno lyrics...))

    =monday march 23rd, 7:15 pm=

    "DJ riker is in the house!"

    "so...is why...color beige"
    "i *see*! but have you ever tried a pink color?"

    Pocket D at night hosted enough characters to write a novel series. heroes, villains, gangs and normal people; anyone who could find the place and in this case a very kind Icon employee.

    "honey i am telling you, pink would be great for those nails"
    "hm...." Agilo looked over his hands thinking, pink would be nice, or maybe that was Spending too much time around harper speaking...

    Ironicly as if almost on cue a 5' 9" man with erratic hair walked over to agilo and the woman he was speaking to, wearing casual skyraider attire.

    "hey Agilo, heya lady"

    but before the woman could greet him she answered her beeper and waved to them before hurrying "i've got an emergancy gentlemen, toodles!"

    "er...right, what ya up to agilo?"
    "is...thinking of...new manicure"
    "really? i say go pink, man"
    "was...thinking green"
    "why green? where can you go wrong with pink?"
    "would...be girly!"
    "it is not!"

    the discussion went like that for minutes before they were interupted, Following suit with the woman's beeper, both men's comms made loud noises alerting them like doctors on a medical drama before they could argue the idea further

    "no way man, i'm only human and don't want my butt kicked, just tell who ever it is to not ruin anything important, durant will make me fix it probably"

    Moping off to the exit like a child to his room the warwolf looked annoyed, apparently the council had stepped a bit too far on the Arachnos' toes.

    =Monday, march 23rd, 7:44 pm=

    Gunshots rang out as both parties fired automatic weapons, and the council had formed a line in a base corridor that agilo had managed to get across and help hold, but it was failing fast.

    "five caverns are collapsed, they're making a push to corner us we speak..."

    Tatctical officer alberto sighing, he knew the only two ways he could live with himself and his men was winning...or death in service of the council, he made a plan...

    "okay, reload your arms men, this is a final stand..."

    almost in unison they nodded and did so, sans the vampri and the like of course, but they got the idea...

    As the arachnos gunfire stopped the officer gave them a silent count to three and they got out of cover, gunners going fullauto and vampri throwing blasts of darkness, Agilo and the rest of the eclipse defiling the ground under them and throwing it.

    Spiders going for cover the eclipse and vampri charged at them to scatter them in melee combat, it often worked quite well.

    =Monday, march 23rd, 7:49 pm=

    "get off me mutt!" was all the banespider could say before Agilo put him in a cavern wall with all his might, the battle was far from over but the suicide charge had tipped the battle in their favor.

    Throwing another chunk of base floor, Agilo beaned a nearby widow, the battles nearby were scattered and 3 other riflemen were in a firefight next to him. the woman bled on the floor as the Brute came over and raised his foot to curb stomp her; the poor woman never stood a chance.

    As two of his riflemen comrades took bullets and fell, the last one hide behind a box, two wolfspider arachnos doing the same and pinning him down with gunfire as best as possible, In a desperate move the last solider blindly put his rifle over the top of his crate and fired blindly. luckly tagging one of them.

    Sadly before agilo and he could finish the last arachnos goon, he had dropped his gun and put his hands up, surrendering. They shrugged at each other and restrained the average size man as trained and led him the base meeting point; recluse's men had retreated.

    =Monday, march 23rd, 8:10 pm=

    "three prisoners and...mild base damage, we could have done better than that!"

    Base personal has been lined up to be debriefed (mostly lectured...) in an empty room where they met up, it was a normal thing after most battles, the council expecting efficiency of all troops to an extreme. After being dismissed from the two hour long speech, Agilo slowly marched to his quarters to sleep. but not before checking a computer screen, he had missed WSPDR in the firefight, and was once again reminded of one of his biggest desires in life he may not get, or so he thought. For even the most simple of beasts have have romantic strokes of genius...
  9. hypocratic_oath

    Puppy love

    ((as promised last night i made my first fanfiction....ever, and based off warwolf toon adjutant agilo who has a crush on a certain reporter and is working up the courage to tell her, so here's the short first installment to get my sea legs. Feel more than free to leave criticism to help said legs come to me faster!))

    =Monday, march 23rd, 2:55 PM=

    "and in today's weather, sunny for most of the week, but on Thursday..."

    Contrary to what most thought, the council wasn't a complete thought controlling Fascist group. Often soldiers were given off duty time, breaks and paid leave, though that isn't to say what they did during those times was watched for signs of unloyalty and treason, thankfully, the news was harmless.

    "and in today's stories-"

    "ACHTUNG, break time ist over! back to work!"

    As the Base comms of the caverns of port oakes base #316 aired the orders it was indeed 3:00pm, break hour was over...

    The rec room couch squeaked when the soldiers got up to go back to their posts, one of them, an eclipse to be exact kept hypnotized by the boob tube...
    "hey! Agilo! you heard the Archon, break is over."
    The brown colored brute looked over and nodded finally understanding his orders; grimacing at a base door all day for the off chance of a foolhardy meta breaking in was not the most exciting of times to be honest, even if it did have good pay.

    =Monday, March 23rd, 4:15PM=

    The sound of a tennis ball could heard down the base caverns, the same warwolf slumped against a Cave by himself and tossing it back and forth between him and the wall. To put simply, he was bored out of his mind, and as all bored minds, his started to wander. darting between mental images of today's memories and reflecting on them; he eventually came to WSPDR in his train of thought.

    "Wish they would open more time for news stories....Vines does such a nice job telling them and is nice woman...just wish could say..." the beast's train of thought drifted again to another memory. one of two vagreants and a boulder and act of heroisom his part. A beeping noise coming from his standard issue comm reminding him it was four thirty interrupted him again much like the Archon's orders.

    After the comm stopped he spoke up to no one in particuler "maybe will....get drink after...shift.... and...maybe work...up courage...to...tell her...today..."

    Agilo sighed heavily, reality coming down on him "will...share feelings...one day...and...do perfectly...."
  10. I see, well you're right, i got this started and ideas are coming, though it IS short but...we all start somewhere, i'll post it tommorow
  11. i see, and should i finish it in word then post it all up so people don't have to wait for updates, or do installments in the fourms to get valuable feedback?
  12. So my personal muse has given me a inspiring kick in the jewels, and idea for a fan fiction no less, and while i think it's a good idea and all i need is some writing focus to deliver it properly; one thing always stops me from acting on these ideas: finishing them

    i don't want to act on creative idea and leave it half way done, and look back on it feeling i wasted some story potential and possibly left fans hanging, so i ask this. how do the rest of you curb unfinished writing and push through the whole story idea?
  13. i dunno grey, i never got the impression nosfloratuo wanted to rule the world, though he seems to get along with requiem,i think his main priories are similar to vandel's he just wants to improve his vampri program, medical skills and he cares most about his vampri faction a bit like a father.
  14. hm...

    Black scorpion: i have to say he's insecure, insecure, afraid and hates to be vulnerable, he uses his power armor as a security blanket and an anchor to the feeling of power and importance. pretty anti social and paranoid of people, he looks to silver mantis for security aswell

    Cap't Mako: Second most Social of recluse's inner circle, this is the guy you would expect to hang out in a sharkhead bar and talk about latest shenanigans as a villain in an abrasive manner. Probably afraid or unable to hold a relationship due to lack of empathy and inhibition aswell, Said lack of inhibition could come from two things.

    A: part of his mutation is his frontal lobe is at half power, or two his whole life he's been raised with the notion of being an animal, and that violent mauling is and should be his first choice. very backstab happy guy to rise in power like most of the inner circle.

    Ghost widow: Ghost widow most likely seeks two things, arachnos to dissipate and she can move on, or come back to life i do not think she LIKES to hold loyalty to arachnos above all, but has come to terms with she has to and nothing truly bad can come of it, cannot hold a relationship as easily as others but if one were to really get to know her, only arachnos loyalty could probably cause betrayal on her part.

    Scirraco: Probably the most moody and indifferent of all of them he feels incredible guilt over what he does and is struggles with his line of work, he tries to find comfort in twisting things to the good side and is probably easy to hold conversation as he is civil and is polite even with enemies; maybe even apologizes to them about hurting them.

    The rest of the inner circle He is as said, indifferent to, he Dislikes mako and scorp's smash and maul tactics and loathes the idea of being in the same circle as them, he can tolerate, even like ghost widow due to her using human and resourceful ideas instead of violence off the bat, even if she may not feel guilt or care over evil actions.

    He can probably hold a relationship the most, he feels human empathy, care and love, and arachnos couldn't tear him away from true love if he found it, only by force if then.
  15. oh jeeze, let's see....

    Gila my main villain hangs out in the st. martial sewers, has a cot and lamp and keeps the council from hiding there temporally with force and show.

    Austain flame has a "decent" apartment in the bricks.

    Adamant Dawn, always disliking to pop out of squid or lobster form has a fridge box in skyway he snuggles up in.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    huh, interesting, well i guess this calls for my council brute adjutant agilo.

    the one on the left...

    VV page for other angle images and redundancy

    npc refrance image, for even more redundancy.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I see you serve under Dread. Nice job.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  17. pretty much what everyone else here has said, it can be adjustments to power armor, gene splicing, study or some motivation.

    though this reminds me of one thought i always had was it would be hard to explain IO sets for what their name suggests. like doctored wounds when a character has no medical background, or reactive armor when a character has non scaled skin.
  18. or at least their recoring company....unless it's WMG!
  19. Sorry, i forgot the desire to listen to pretty sounds every once in a while should be fulfilled by overpriced disks, shame on me! for now a music artist shall surely starve because i youtube'd a fan made music video!
  20. well this kills my theory of WMG being a fake recording company and a group of people trying to make a quick buck in these times by trying to scare youtube into paying them a quick royalty and removing videos with their music.

    either way they're taking away music i wanna listen to!
  21. i forgot my flashlight....

    though i take comfort in knowing if i can't enjoy the end, no one shall!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I like this!

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    Thank you kindly!

    I'm in a bit of a downtime at the moment, but I should get around to finishing this soon. I've not yet lost the drive and inspiration, so I am determined to finish this.

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    a finished fanfiction i enjoy? next thing you know hell will freeze over!

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    well....i jinxed it!