Share Your Thoughts About the Main NPCs
*shrugs* I never claimed to be the voice of canon when I started writing "The Course of Superhero Romance." And it may well be that Positron has a crush on Ms Liberty, but she's significantly younger than he is, not to mention the granddaughter of his boss. That's tricky ground. Strictly for myself, I have Positron with Dr. Tavarisch because she's closer to his age, not quite as invested in the ins-and-outs of the Phalanx, and is a soldier, not a hero.
As for the rest of your characterizations, I think they're spot on. I've not explored Synapse being in love with Mynx, although I have him flirting heavily with Andrea Blake in TCoSR because they're both only in it for the short term.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Statesman is a total [censored]. Supported by canon. I agree. That is all I have to say about that.
Synapse is a bit of a bum/slob/womanizer, but decent enough to deserve his current position. Laid-back and casual enough to be likable, smart enough to know when and how to be serious when the time comes. Rough around the edges, but reliable. Now, in-lore his grudge against Crey for what they did to him and Mynx is sadly underplayed. The only real time you see him in action is against the Council. I personally believe that he would honestly brutalize any Crey employees he comes across, and MIGHT even kill the Countess or Hopkins if he thought he could get away with it. Then again, maybe not. Honestly, Synapse is a bit too much of a nice-guy, and one of the more well-developed phalanx members. It's hard to develop out-of-canon opinions regarding him.
I, quite honestly, do not like Positron, the walking atomic/anti-matter bomb in a shoddy suit which falls apart with alarming frequency. Sure, NOWADAYS he's all Captain Kirk. I still don't like him, so I'm not really qualified to make any presumptions here.
Manticore. I loves Manticore. He already crossed his moral event horizon a loooooong time ago, and pretty much everyone knows he does not mind killing when necessary, AND that he doesn't mind going behind their backs with risky and dangerous plots. Don't even get me started on Wyvern. He strikes me as the kinda guy who is the biggest THREAT to Paragon City, merely because he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING in regards to the city and its heroes in combination with his moral ambiguity. But everyone realizes the safest way to deal with him is to let him do as he pleases, and even the uptight [censored] Statesman needs to admit that people like Manticore are needed in such times. He never will, but [censored] him. In the end, I find it kind of funny how easily the other Phalanx members trust him, CONSIDERING. It's a bitlike:
Manticore: Heya Brawler, how ya doin?"
Brawler: "Good! Good! What have you been up to?"
Manticore: "Eh, you know. Maintaining my terrorist organization, going out of my way to deceive you due to how I'm smart enough to know you wouldn't approve of my plans, mapping out ways to not save the Rogue Isles but plunge it into total uncontrolled anarchy...The usual."
Brawler: "Ohhoho, you lovable cad!"
Really. Idiots. Still, Manticore COMPLETES the phalanx, because every major hero group NEEDS somebody of his particular caliber to get REAL, permanent results...At any cost. As far as what I think of his personally, I think his marriage to Psych is a total wash. It's not that I hate the idea of the relationship personally, it's just that Manticore feels like he's the kinda guy who would only get married to a TEAM-MATE for CONVENIENCE or some kind of plot/scheme he has in mind. Keeping a closer eye on her so the Jade Spider incident never happens again springs to mind. I don't think he loves her. Ironically, we can call HIM the ball and chain of the relationship.
As for the dear sister herself...She's older than she looks, third most powerful Psychic in the world, very wise...But very, very naive and far too idealistic. In the books, Lord Recluse once got a pardon from the president for all his misdeeds, and promptly used his position to try and take over the U.S. Psych reminds me of the kind of person who would give ANYONE an unlimited number of second chances. If Malaise goes bonkers again, ten says she defends him by saying that isn't the realm him and blah blah blah...Also, she relies too much on her powers. Case in point, she can't tell Manticore doesn't love her because she can't read people worth [censored] outside of mind-reading, which Manticore is pretty much immune to.
One second, my fuel of Moonbeam Absinthe is running down. I'll be back later.
*shrugs* I never claimed to be the voice of canon when I started writing "The Course of Superhero Romance." And it may well be that Positron has a crush on Ms Liberty, but she's significantly younger than he is, not to mention the granddaughter of his boss. That's tricky ground. Strictly for myself, I have Positron with Dr. Tavarisch because she's closer to his age, not quite as invested in the ins-and-outs of the Phalanx, and is a soldier, not a hero.
As for the rest of your characterizations, I think they're spot on. I've not explored Synapse being in love with Mynx, although I have him flirting heavily with Andrea Blake in TCoSR because they're both only in it for the short term.
[/ QUOTE ]
Freedom Phalanx the novel took place in 1986. Pre-Ms. Liberty was seven or eight in that novel. That would make her about 26 at the start of the Rikti War, and 30 now. Ray was in his mid-twenties in the novel, I think, so he'd be in his late 40s now.
Granted, we don't really know how much either of the novels are canon. There could be a sliding timeline applied to the COHverse where Ray is no more than his mid-30s, though I think it'd be a stretch to see him as in his 20s now.
Also, we don't really know whether Posi ages as much as a normal person. Furthermore, when Lady Grey restored his form afte his explosion he may have wound up with a physically more youthful body as well. (A smal price to pay for the lack of hair.)
I don't see how Ms. Liberty could be under her mid-twenties and still be a credible leader of Longbow.
Given that her grandfather is eternally 30, I don't think Jessica would be put off dating someone she liked just because he's older than her, but Posi is totally not her type . She might have flirted with him in her carefree youth, but she wouldn't consider a long term relationship with him.
And I think Posi's crush is like Anti-Matter's feelings for Dominatrix; more who he thinks she is rather than who she actually is. Once he got to know her outside the masks, he'd totally lose interest in her.
I agree with you that he still sees Statesman as his boss, but I don't think that Statesman looks at it that way. He sees Posi and the rest of the Phalanx as his teammates, and some-- but not all-- of them as his friends.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
Well, I don't think she quite qualifies as a "Main NPC," but she's someone that everyone knows, and just about every character meets at one point or another. Soooo...
Azuria is well regarded as a powerful Seer, and is THE public face for MAGI. While there are those that call her a charlatan... there are also those who will deny the existence of Magic even as a Spectral Demon rips out their soul.
For those willing to accept magic, her power and skill can not be denied. She is also relatively young and attractive, making her the ideal choice to represent MAGI to the people of the world.
However, an unattended side effect of this, is that it allows her to inflict her personal point of view on so many up and coming young magical heroes.
You see, Azuria believes in Destiny. Actually, strike that. She worships Destiny. Azuria is of the school of thought that free will is an illusion. That everything a person does or will ever do, has been predetermined before they were even born.
For her, the second sight she possesses, and the visions reported by the other MAGI Seers, are not guide posts or warning. They are train tracks to the inevitable, and she will do all in her power to ensure that the events happen as have been Seen.
How else do so many powerful artifacts in her care end up in the hands of villains?
Yeah, she just annoys me with her "destiny this" and "destiny that" way of speaking.
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
Well, I'm currently writing an interpretation of Malaise.
I believe he's colorblind. I started considering this when I wondered as to why Sister Psyche inflicted the condition on his Praetorian counterpart and how she would have expected it to affect him as much as it did.
I figure, as a result of some of the abuse he suffered as a child, Prime Earth's Malaise suffers from a form of brain damage that causes his brain's ability to interpret color to flicker in and out. More often than not, he sees the world in shades of gray.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Black scorpion: i have to say he's insecure, insecure, afraid and hates to be vulnerable, he uses his power armor as a security blanket and an anchor to the feeling of power and importance. pretty anti social and paranoid of people, he looks to silver mantis for security aswell
Cap't Mako: Second most Social of recluse's inner circle, this is the guy you would expect to hang out in a sharkhead bar and talk about latest shenanigans as a villain in an abrasive manner. Probably afraid or unable to hold a relationship due to lack of empathy and inhibition aswell, Said lack of inhibition could come from two things.
A: part of his mutation is his frontal lobe is at half power, or two his whole life he's been raised with the notion of being an animal, and that violent mauling is and should be his first choice. very backstab happy guy to rise in power like most of the inner circle.
Ghost widow: Ghost widow most likely seeks two things, arachnos to dissipate and she can move on, or come back to life i do not think she LIKES to hold loyalty to arachnos above all, but has come to terms with she has to and nothing truly bad can come of it, cannot hold a relationship as easily as others but if one were to really get to know her, only arachnos loyalty could probably cause betrayal on her part.
Scirraco: Probably the most moody and indifferent of all of them he feels incredible guilt over what he does and is struggles with his line of work, he tries to find comfort in twisting things to the good side and is probably easy to hold conversation as he is civil and is polite even with enemies; maybe even apologizes to them about hurting them.
The rest of the inner circle He is as said, indifferent to, he Dislikes mako and scorp's smash and maul tactics and loathes the idea of being in the same circle as them, he can tolerate, even like ghost widow due to her using human and resourceful ideas instead of violence off the bat, even if she may not feel guilt or care over evil actions.
He can probably hold a relationship the most, he feels human empathy, care and love, and arachnos couldn't tear him away from true love if he found it, only by force if then.
I try to pretend as much as possible that the Freedom Phalanx doesn't exist... however, my characters are universally convinced States is an idiot and Azuria has Alzheimers and should not be trusted with her own house keys.
Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
Something else about Manticore.
He doesn't have male friends. He gets along fine with women, but he doesn't form close bonds with men. He feels too competitive with them.
The only possible exception is Back Alley Brawler.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
Sure, I'll play the game.
Statesman - The old man in a young man's body. The longer he lives, the less connected he feels to his life and his city. The Freedom Phalanx exists because he desperately needs some group of people to care about and think of as his family. They ground him, and keep him focussed on the here and now as opposed to the ever deepening pit of time stretching out behind him. He's literally seen it all. While some of us tell our children "When I was a kid they didn't HAVE cell phones",he was born when the telephone itself had barely been invented. Television. Automobiles. Airplanes. Submarines. Rocket ships. Every weapon ever made to make killing ever larger numbers of people even more efficient.
He may be physically young but his continual challenge is to keep himself mentally young enough to keep engaged with a world that must seem every year more frivolous, unfocussed and out of control
Ms. Liberty - Just to throw some kindling on the fire, her description in the mission architect refers to her as Megan. I've actually come to the conclusion that both names are correct and that Jessica is her given name while Megan is the middle name that Ms. Liberty herself prefers to use. I suspect that her taciturn nature is not just an inheritance from her grandfather. She experienced first-hand the loss of a celebrated family friend who sacrificed her own life to ensure the continuation of Megan's. Combined with the devastation of the Rikti War and the pressure of dealing with an uncle who is one of the most dangerous men in the world she has come to feel much the same pressure as her vaunted grandfather - namely, that the fate of the world is on her shoulders and one slip could be the end of everything. If I were to conjecture, it would be that "Mr. Duncan" was a powerful villain himself, perhaps a fallen hero, and that she is driven so strongly to oppose and take down Stefan Richter because, deep down, she fears that she will look in the mirror one day and see her reflection wearing the spider suit.
I try to pretend as much as possible that the Freedom Phalanx doesn't exist... however, my characters are universally convinced States is an idiot and Azuria has Alzheimers and should not be trusted with her own house keys.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is pretty much my take. The Freedom Phalanx et all are has beens, hence the standing around and sending us out to do things they obviously can't do. "Those who can't, teach" and all. My own heroes are far more powerful, and far more USEFUL than any of the canon characters.
This is pretty much my take. The Freedom Phalanx et all are has beens, hence the standing around and sending us out to do things they obviously can't do. "Those who can't, teach" and all. My own heroes are far more powerful, and far more USEFUL than any of the canon characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I wouldn't tell anyone how they ought to feel, I'll just point out that the game is supposed to be about the player characters, not the signature characters. If the Freedom Phalanx was active in the world at the power level they rightfully ought to be, they would be showing up our heroes on a daily basis and we'd all be playing second fiddle to a bunch of computer controlled NPC's.
They stand around and send us on missions because anything else is bad writing from a game play standpoint.
I agree with Slick, for the most part.
On the other hand, I feel that while the Freedom Phalanx characters are entirely appropriate to scale to Hero Class, I think the Vindicators should never reach above Elite Boss.
Freedom Phalanx is best of the best, the Justice League of our world. The Vindicators should be like the Titans: powerful as a team, but on a individual basis not all that more powerful than the average Level 50 Hero or Villain.
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links
I've got a theory that the Council's headed for a turbulent end. I foresee the Center taking the more "human" members of the faction (Vandal, Maestro and Burkholder) while Requiem takes the "monsters" (Arakhn, Nosferatu) before they break out into a vicious civil war (only this time, the Galaxy troops will be on the side of the Fifth Column).
Why do I see Vandal as more human than Nosferatu? Well, the guy has a story that doesn't fit with the "I want to conquer the world!" motif of the Council. He just wants to build new and better robots. His problem is that his inventing skills are mercenary (up to a point), so he didn't care that his compatriots were using his machines to try to conquer the world. Now that he knows Requiem and Arakhn have drawn up plans to kill him in the name of consolidating power under themselves, however, he may just start looking past the grindstone to see where things are taking him.
Maestro's story is similar to Vandal's in that all he wanted was to get his hearing back and the Council had the technology. While he may hold a grudge against heroes across the globe (apparently, it's accepted on the blue-side, too, that heroes interrupted the operation at the wrong time, inadvertently creating the supervillain), all the Council in-fighting lately simply MUST be messing with his perception of whom has what in their best interests and who he can trust. I think the Center could make a very convincing argument for the man to stay with his ranks.
Burkholder? He follows money... And he probably has a lot of love for his own life. Requiem's plans are extremely counterproductive toward said life, so Burkholder would be more than willing to follow the Center until Nemesis waves a thick enough roll of bills under his nose.
Why don't I think Vandal would join Nemesis? Simple: Vandal feels his machines are better. It's not like he needs possibly volatile nuclear reactions to get his robots to function.
Requiem, Arakhn and Nosferatu, however, all go hand-in-hand. They're all monsters, far-removed from their original humanity, and their plans involve pretty much devastating the entire human race in the name of achieving their goals. Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out that the Center had plans to have the three of them assassinated.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out that the Center had plans to have the three of them assassinated.
[/ QUOTE ]
Horribly off topic I know, but this needs to become a MA arc.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Yeeg, what is it with people around here getting my ideas? Did I blow a brain gasket sometime back and now have some sort of mind leak?
"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
i dunno grey, i never got the impression nosfloratuo wanted to rule the world, though he seems to get along with requiem,i think his main priories are similar to vandel's he just wants to improve his vampri program, medical skills and he cares most about his vampri faction a bit like a father.
:: shrug ::
I stand by what I said. I play in the world as it is, not as anyone thinks it 'ought to be'.
Here's one I'm surprised no one's put up yet:
A villain that has been active for nearly two centuries. A legitimate genius who's technology not only follows a different tract from the rest of the world, but always seems to remain years in advanced of anything comparable. He is credited for being a tactician greater than Sun Tzu, and more manipulative than Machiavelli. He has built a nearly unstoppable army, and seems to have a connection to everything that happens. Truly, he is an Arch-villain to be feared above all others!
And frightening part... is how much of this is hype, not reality.
Nemesis' genius is undeniable. Mechanical and scientific, Nemesis pushes beyond 'cutting edge' of almost any discipline he chooses to study. This, at least is true. But... were he the General he is thought to be, he would have successfully conquered the world through shear force during his first rise to power. Were he as manipulative and as in control as many accredit him to being... then he has been ruling the world since at least the second world war.
The inescapable conclusion here is that either Nemesis IS everything he is thought to be, and his goal is not nor ever has been world domination... OR - Nemesis is 90% hype.
The truth* is the later. Nemesis is charismatic, for sure, but not much of a leader. He flits from one plan to the next, not out of some twisted, deceitful master plan... but simply because some shiny new thought grabs his attention. Instead of abandoning the old plan, he leaves one of his many, many doubles in charge of it, and moves on, with his forces none the wiser that they no longer are taking orders from the 'Real' Nemesis.
The frightening part of it all is that, many of his doubles - especially recently, with the Fake Nemesis being built - do not realize they are doubles! And they go on to act as Nemesis himself, creating their own plans, before leaving them to their own duplicates and moving on.
Nemesis' army isn't marching to one, supremely complex master plan. Instead, it is an organization with so many heads that it is amazing it can function at all without constantly working at cross purposes.
As for Nemesis himself? No one can say where he himself even is anymore. Or - an even more frightening thought - if the original is even still alive. He's constructed so many copies, and built them so well... the original could have died decades ago, and no one even noticed!
Not even Nemesis himself.
*There is, of course, the question that must be raised regarding Mender Silos. Is there a connection between them? Quite likely. But the real question isn't "Is there a connection?" The real question is worse: "Which came first?"
You see, there IS an alternative explanation to Nemesis, his armies, and how they always seem one step ahead of the opposing forces. And why such a competent and technologically advanced army has yet managed to fail in all ways to move toward their stated ultimate goal of world domination.
That explanation is Mender Silos. Silos isn't some future form of Lord Nemesis... rather, it is the other way around. Lord Nemesis is a persona that Mender Silos created to have a tool he could use to manipulate the past.
Two theories regarding one of the top AVs. Of course, I couldn't give just one... that would make things too easy!
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
I LIKE it.
Especially the last bit. Nemesis as a sock puppet to a timelord.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Well, I have a theory about Nemesis, but it's premature at the moment.
I'll just leave it as "I feel there's really only one man with real access to time travel in this game."
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
A thought on Statesman.
Now, we all know that he's a bit of a humourless bastion of justice. Thing is though, why? My theory is that he's overcompensating.
Think about it - he was empowered by the spirit of Zeus. Zeus, as any student of Greek mythology knows, is a colossal d-bag. Marcus Cole understood that, was horrified by it, and spent the rest of his life repressing it. The reason he's so tough on fighting dirty and bending the rules is that he has been fighting those urges every day for nearly a century.
It would explain a lot. That's why Tyrant's... well, a tyrant. That's why he has that really weird relationship with his granddaughter. All that happened was that the Marcus Cole of that world either let his inner Zeus out or was simply overpowered. Tyrant is no simple dictator, but the vessel for a bloodthirsty, incestuous, and generally unpleasant god.
Plus, it sort of humanises Statesman, which I'm all for.
I've got a theory that the Council's headed for a turbulent end. I foresee the Center taking the more "human" members of the faction (Vandal, Maestro and Burkholder) while Requiem takes the "monsters" (Arakhn, Nosferatu) before they break out into a vicious civil war (only this time, the Galaxy troops will be on the side of the Fifth Column).
Why do I see Vandal as more human than Nosferatu? Well, the guy has a story that doesn't fit with the "I want to conquer the world!" motif of the Council. He just wants to build new and better robots. His problem is that his inventing skills are mercenary (up to a point), so he didn't care that his compatriots were using his machines to try to conquer the world. Now that he knows Requiem and Arakhn have drawn up plans to kill him in the name of consolidating power under themselves, however, he may just start looking past the grindstone to see where things are taking him.
Maestro's story is similar to Vandal's in that all he wanted was to get his hearing back and the Council had the technology. While he may hold a grudge against heroes across the globe (apparently, it's accepted on the blue-side, too, that heroes interrupted the operation at the wrong time, inadvertently creating the supervillain), all the Council in-fighting lately simply MUST be messing with his perception of whom has what in their best interests and who he can trust. I think the Center could make a very convincing argument for the man to stay with his ranks.
Burkholder? He follows money... And he probably has a lot of love for his own life. Requiem's plans are extremely counterproductive toward said life, so Burkholder would be more than willing to follow the Center until Nemesis waves a thick enough roll of bills under his nose.
Why don't I think Vandal would join Nemesis? Simple: Vandal feels his machines are better. It's not like he needs possibly volatile nuclear reactions to get his robots to function.
Requiem, Arakhn and Nosferatu, however, all go hand-in-hand. They're all monsters, far-removed from their original humanity, and their plans involve pretty much devastating the entire human race in the name of achieving their goals. Frankly, I wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out that the Center had plans to have the three of them assassinated.
[/ QUOTE ]
And as an addendum to the whole Vandal deal, his robots swapped sides mid battle when he found out that Requie wanted to destroy his being and make him a Nictus.
EDIT: I'd love to see the Center actually do something noticeble, as opposed to sending his goons out to attack, he's like Tarkin, he's holding a Sith Lord's leash and being dragged by the chain.
Now for someone really interesting; Nemesis
I think the reason Nemesis hasn't taken primal Earth is that his ego and skills are matched by his multiversal equals; himself from other dimensions. I think the true reason why his plans are ultimately foiled is himself. He competes for as much land mass as possible with all the other forms of himself, hence why the army is in all it's fancy colors (or only 3, whatever). The Nemesis Armies all fight for control of each others "home Earth" and thus Nemesis is unable to truly dominate the world, he has to get rid of all his competetive selves first.
Level 50's: Komrade Kommunism (T); King Darksource (T); Burning Red Star (T); Komrade Kosmonaut (WS); Vredesbyrd (Br); Anarchery (Bl)
Just a little something that popped into my head that I thought might be fun.

What are some of the ideas you have about the main characters in the game that you have that may or may not be supported by the lore of the game as we know it now?
Let me get the ball rolling ...
Synapse: there are two people he would die for without question: Mynx and Positron. He loves Posi like a brother. He's in love with Mynx and she's in love with him, but neither of them will admit it to each other or anyone else.
He's the original ADD blaster. He rushes into battle without thinking because he's built for speed, action rather than reaction. He's not stupid, but he's not prone to much introspection or self-analysis. This is because he was so traumatized by what the Crey did to him that he feels he may lose his mind if he thinks about it too much.
He's got the best people skills of the entire Freedom Phalanx, but is absolutely not leadership material. He's a fun guy and has no trouble getting a date, but any woman who dates him expecting something long term is going wind up disappointed.
He's the most normal of the Freedom Phalanx in his outlook and keeps up with popular culture and sports. He's the one most likely to make friends with people outside of the business.
He's also the guy feeding Desperate Guy in Pocket D his lines he tries on Turndown Girl.
Positron: (with due respect to Dark Respite) probably has a bit of a crush on Ms. Liberty but his respect for Statesman-- and his reaction to Anti-Matter's obsession with Dominatrix-- will keep him from ever voicing it. He's a scientist in the "Professor of Gilligan's Island" mode. He can whip up practically any gadget that's needed in a heartbeat and never loses his cool in combat-- unless you hurt someone he cares about and then the kid gloves are off!
Manticore-- he's short, probably no more than 5'6" ... maybe even as short as 5'2". In a world where the average hero or villain seems to top 7 foot, he's the little guy without powers who uses gadgets, training, and physical conditioning to hold his own. At first glance, he may come across as Batman-lite with a bit of Spider-Man thrown in, but he's his own person.
He's driven, but not by guilt. He wants to make the world a better place, and he's not above using subterfuge to achieve his goals. He can be very flirty and charming with the ladies, and is the perfect host-- but probably the only one alive who really knows him is Sister Psyche and even she may be wrong.
He'll do what's right, and to heck with everyone else.
Citadel-- unlike most androids in popular fiction, he doesn't aspire to be human. He understands human emotion fairly well, but he has an outsider's view of the species. He trusts and admires his fellow Phalanxers, but doesn't really socialize with any of them. His closet friend and mentor is Rick Davies, the ex-hero Horatio whose suit was used to rebuild Citadel.
He envies the ease with which Luminary interacts with humanity but doesn't aspire to it. In fact, he worries that she may be too human for her own good.
Ms. Liberty- she's Mary Ann on the outside, but only on the outside. Inside, she probably shares more with her great-uncle than she'd be willing to admit: both can be ruthless and use questionable means to achieve their goals. She grew up idolizing her grandfather, and he's the closest thing to a father she's ever had. As she began to develop her own ideas on heroism, though, she became more estranged from Statesman-- a distance that has only increased since Statesman returned from his Praetorian captivity.
She hates Dominatrix because she's everything that she's not: sensual, self indulgent, and impulsive. She may not realize it herself, but she's jealous over the interest that Statesman paid in Dominatrix's welfare and is secretly glad that his effort to redeem the Praetorian villainess failed.
Okay, these are just my thoughts. Some of them are supported by Canon-- or at least seem to be to me-- others are just my own take based on my own thoughts about the characters.
Share yours. And don't feel that your assumptions have to jive with mine or those of anyone else who posts. I just wanted to see what other people think about these characters and any others they wish to talk about in this thread.
So someone share please!
My COX Fanfiction:
Blue's Assembled Story Links