279 -
hot damn, now i can finally play a tabletop game in my hobby shop-less town AND rub it into the faces of smug tabletop vets who think that's the only thing that matters in rp experience!
Who else has done this before when they're on a team and know they can control when the cutscene is triggered and where it is?
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LOL, this beats spamming "ready" at rommy's cutscene by a mile -
You're right, achievement [censored] servers are less than afk shenanigans like back in wow people would hang in the cave for honor, but i like it for one very selfish reason: i can play a spy alone or with someone else when his pack is out.
wait, really? see this is why i need to read patch notes when i play TF2 after a long hiatus, but this makes me so much more relived.
i've been afraid of the achievements really, i love the spy but if history has taught me anything, when a new pack comes out that class becomes obscenely overcrowded, and with even two spies on a team, their jobs become hell on earth and frustrating
pffft, boooring! go SR or maybe regen accually...
i got a achievement as a spy yesterday called burn notice...i knew this would happen but i imagined it would go like this...
Blu spy "my name is spy, i used to sap sentries until..."
Announcer "spy, we got a burn notice on you, you're on fire"
Blu spy "when you're burned, you got nothing, no health, no hope, no escape, you're stuck in what ever place they decide to ignite you"
Blu spy "where am i?"
Blu scout "two fort"
Blu spy "you do whatever comes your way...you rely on any team mates who are still near you"
Blu spy "a trigger happy ex scout"
Blu scout "lotta good that gun did ya!"
Blu spy "a old solider who used to inform on you to team red"
Blue solider "MAGGOT!"
Blu spy "class family too, if...you're desperate"
Red spy "pardon me..."
Blu spy "bottom line, until you escape from the pyro who burned you...you're not going anywhere" -
dear caves, get mined for ore then rot in hell
Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.
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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.
Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*
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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7.
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Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?
In CoH, you're forced to make alt if you want to test a fire hero after playing your ice one. If CO allow full customization and mix-matching of powers, wouldn't give as much powers as you want eliminate the use of alts?
Sure a few people would still make them for RP, names and costumes....but all the "pure gamers" would make 2-3 max then be done with it...
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i...don't quite follow, could you i get clarification on your point? although i heard and though the 7 slots thing was to emphasize build roles....
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I'll give it a try with an exemple from CoH.
Let's say in CO, you make a ranged fire character. With another build, it's a sword melee character. In the other, it's a buffer/debuffer with minor ice ranged attacks. Then in the last build, you make a tanker with a shield.
In CoH, you'd have to play 4 different character, and level them all one by one. To reach 50 with all of them, for a new player that doesnt do any alt.... that's at least 3-4 months.
But in CO, it's just one character you have to level. Sure even after 50, you'll play more that character then any in CoH thanks to the multiple build, but that would still be about 2 months.
Basically, you eliminate the "grind" part almost completly, even more then CoH. And if there's no grinding, it shorten a lot the time most player will stay on the game. (very bad for devs)
Of course, that's all just assumptioms. I have no idea what the max number of builds or powers is. Ad i haven't seen a single thing about the content. o_o
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i guess that works...but can't we have 14 bars and multiple builds? -
Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.
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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.
Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*
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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7.
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Just a little something...but couldn't it be that they did it to favor making alts?
In CoH, you're forced to make alt if you want to test a fire hero after playing your ice one. If CO allow full customization and mix-matching of powers, wouldn't give as much powers as you want eliminate the use of alts?
Sure a few people would still make them for RP, names and costumes....but all the "pure gamers" would make 2-3 max then be done with it...
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i...don't quite follow, could you i get clarification on your point? although i heard and though the 7 slots thing was to emphasize build roles.... -
i'll admit i'm having a stint with EQ2, friend recommended her and...well i can have two, can't i!? CAN'T I!?
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EQ2 was alright. Did some neat things. Although everything you're playing now is the result of a huge revamp, EQ's version of the NGB or whatever Starwars Galaxy went through. Over all I got bored of it because, well personally beyond the mindless grind I was so used to in EQ before hand for five years; they completely butchered the lore. So one way or another I just got bored of it.
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yeah, i've been hearing the original EQ was a huuuge basement dwelling grind, as for lore it's hard to follow cause it's done by books and stuff found ingame, but i picked sarnaks so i can follow their lore with a fresh slate time-line wise. -
Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun.
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Not like everyone uses every single power they have on their character.
Unless they're obsessive compulsive *awesomeface.gif*
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I try to, i like their concepts and animations truthfully, and i love to toss out a fist, fire, ice, bullet, etc salad, but the current state is that you don't even get to use all your favorite powers, just the top 7. -
The vhazalok plague holds a special place in my heart, really.
I've noticed Pinny has never come back to face the music of 10,
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The fanboyism of the CoH forums knows no bounds. Taking what I said completely out of context and then making me seem like the bad guy.
I didn't come back to the forums because it's a cesspool of fanboyism.
Also, JJ, you didn't do a thing, stop acting superior.
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Then please explain what you meant and what the proper "context" was. Because whatever you said made no sense to any of us. It looked like you were claiming that while CO only gets 7 powers, CoH only gets 10.
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Alright fine, I'll keep this short and sweet: I was talking about the power trays only being able to hold 10 powers at a time in CoH.
I was just saying that it might be the case in CO as well.
It would be easy for someone new to CoH look at the first tray they get and say "oh we only get 10 powers? lame" and quit.
Of course, I cannot confirm or deny anything of that nature.
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That's not quite true, the CoX and infact almost all MMOs i know have a spinner bar on their trays, fact CoX's has an arrow to easily set up another, and control and alt pop one up temporally; of course this isn't true with all MMOs mostly they do that in options or a right click. with CO there is no current option to add another bar, everyone has tried, extensively.
Point being unless CO changes that idea, one can't use all of their powers to their fullest and that's never fun. -
i felt kinda cruel for playing this....and that if i enjoy it peta assassins may visit me in my sleep.
i know NUSSING about how most travel powers are flinchy and not a pain to use properly.
and i also know NUSSING on how power tool tips are so complex to understand at first glance you need to digest them like a legal document
AND i know nussing on how max level costume edits cost a mint for even minor changes.
i'll admit i'm having a stint with EQ2, friend recommended her and...well i can have two, can't i!? CAN'T I!?
almost everything from my childhood:
batman beyond (loved that shiz)
invader zim (kinda gross and scared me but funny)
Mission hill
Earthworm jim (i barely remeber this show but i know i lvoed it)
Freakazoid (i found youtube episodes, we had a old times sake stint...but i still miss it)
regular batman animated series (mark hammil > heath ledger anyday) -
Oh wait. *V*Gs. Never mind me then. It's like 5 AM here and I'm not quite sober.
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i made that mistake too, but damn didi find what i was looking for -
<--- would like a magic nerds sg for my scrapper aswell, can't put too much awesome into incog
The thing is, with humans sexual deviancy is plain inevitable, we've been here a long time, feel pleasure in mating and are sentient and free thinking, of course at some point we are going to experiment and people are going to decide what they like more, now whats acceptable is up to human society to decide in the end.
Then I wrote a post about how what you do is in clear violation of human anatomy, and thus very abnormal on an incredable scale, but I forgot that science and logic have no place in the world of "Tolerance", and once more began re-wrting the post...
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This isn't at true as one would think, it does biologically work for both people (how i won't explain here because not everyone wants to read that, i can explain in a PM though) -
i demand the might to marry myself, to be honest.