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  1. hidbyflames

    Where are you?

    Added mine to North Carolina baby......
  2. I'll be there too standing proud let's save coh its not there world Its ours.....
  3. Nc soft is dead to me....
  4. Now tha NA is live and out of the way where is my Bio Armor i need it asap pls, anyone have a idea of a release date yet?
  5. The in game sounds actually tone you out which isnt a bad thing ive played with you on ts lol......
  6. hidbyflames

    Bio Armor

    Thx Rylas i will definitely look for the berating this weekend on TS, Bio is gonna be my new main i think.......
  7. hidbyflames

    Bio Armor

    To anyone whos has a 50 Bio Brute on beta is the any skippable powers on the set at all im going SS and Soul so any advice so i can start planning my build?
  8. hidbyflames

    Busy, busy, busy

    With the release of Bio Armor i hope lol.......
  9. ive got like 70 going to waste wish i could do something with them
  10. Please COH let me sell these things i have no use for them all my mains have them and i have so many from Superpacks that are in my email going to waste any chance this will ever happen?
  11. I want the omega slot to be a mirror image of alpha i would love to run cardiac and spiritual at the same time..........
  12. First time i get to see coffee talk its all about a mouse, better be glad he metioned powersets or i would of been up set lol
  13. Now that bio is finally tweeked enough any idea when it is called to be released or is it going to still be like a month or so any ideas????
  14. thxs rylas was just curious of the numbers guessing ill need a couple sets of KC in my SS/BIO brute after all lol.....
  15. Does anyone know the numbers for s/l def for bio armor is it like Fire and starts with 0 s/l def?
  16. Any thoughts bumpppppp..............
  17. As i see there is no power to skip in the Bio set making it hard for me to choose my primary (leaning Claws because i have so many SS) any thoughts?
  18. Finally Protector ill be there lol
  19. I havent slotted mine yet can you make the summer io's superior?
  20. hidbyflames

    Bio Armor

    thx for the info looking foward to it
  21. hidbyflames

    Bio Armor

    Any Clue when this is going to go live if i missed it in a earlier thread i applogize but any idea would be nice?
  22. hidbyflames


    thx jay for the info is bio a great set so far?
  23. hidbyflames


    Has any had a chance to play a claws/bio on beta yet to see how the synergy between the two are, thats the combo im thinking of going with or SS/Bio, any beta tester have a opinion on either combo yet?