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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
    Now now... that is very harsh fatal...
    We all are entitled to what we want as fun, allthough that Damz changed his name on EU was a little shock. *sniff*
    We will just see Damz less then before as the US stole another player from us, but I do wish him alot of fun over there.
    Try to pursuade them Devs that its time to merge the server lists Damz. Remember you are one of our 5'th Column now
    Is that not so Agent 005 Damz?
    tiz only how me and the damz greet each other or have friendly banter when teaming or doing the MS raid he got me killed on serveral times :P i always greet him with ''damz sucks'' he knows its how we roll xD
  2. omg what the hell damz u actually suck!!! who we gonna bully now!!!!! i did take the 14 day free trial over the pond and was very tempted by the amount of players they have over there was fun but the roleplaying server is not for me but all there servers seem to be busy!....but! im with these guys staying here till that fateful day when we can no longer log on! hopefully that market lady will sort us somthing out but highly doubtful warwitch who posted ages still hasnt got back with anything just we wonna impliment somthing but thats all we ever heard shame realli u will be slightly missed... p.s TRAITOR!!!!!!!

  3. and now the EU servers hardly seems fair does it both taken at peak times well all pay the same ammount yet we are far worse off than the US servers they took all our players with the 14 day free trial disks released on magazines that installed the US client so unfair we need a population again!
  4. hi guys gonna give the US servers a bash with there free trial and keep my EU account running aswell, is there any way i can copy EU files and change the name or somthing to get it to the US updater without downloading it from scratch????
  5. hmmm we need a new coh release over here, or a disk we can purchase with an updated installation just got new computer and its been 2 days of downloading and still not done! not my fault internet in this crappy area is slowwwwwwwwww
  6. hi guys wanted to try the 14 day free trial USA side but downloaded the client and it dosnt seem to do anything its stuck on downloading file manifest and isnt downloading? i have the eu client installed cuz thats where i play. is this a normal problem or cant i have eu and na clients both installed?
  7. Hey guys not long till i17 and GR hit! was wondering if any one would want to join a team of "flashbackers" to complete any arcs that they have missed there are lots of badges to collect and will have all old content finished before the new shiney stuff comes out! if any one is interested just holla was thinking tuesday evenings kick off 7pm (GMT) will be fun!
  8. i have ill/storm troller and energy/kin corruptor for raids wouldnt mind jumping in on the auxillary lead for both red and blue (also working on dark/dark defender for the mass rez if it hits 50 will bring instead of troller)
  9. fatalnova

    Re Starting :)

    hey welcome back! just a quick post there are 2 really good chatb channels to join on union

    sals badgehunters
    union taskforces

    join those chat channels your guarenteed to get a group join task forces find a sg and meet really nice people!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    They're still around Just have to search REALLY well for them in the GD area But yeah union won
    i thought so
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I can't even remember the last time I mentioned it

    That whole Defiant vs Union thing kinda ended along with the Euro forums.
    if i remember correctly it was us unionites that won! but as we cant get them posts back people will have to take my word for it :P
  12. The thing is we have only ever had 2 english speaking servers, the US have several and are used to server hopping yeah people will try other servers if there is ever a list merge. But that will still mean an influx in our servers and like most people have said they would not leave their home server, but other players will join for slots cross sea teaming etc but our tight 'LITTLE' communities will remain with a better chance of having more players in them.
  13. yeah u have to have to mess round with camera angle till the blue hand pops up on the banner its the 1st solid banner on the left inbetween the ones with slits works eventually took me ages to get it tho!
  14. still think we DO! need a list merge yeah cross server teaming minght be great but what about the good times under atlas statue when everyone just chats, costume comps just generall community this wont last much longer if we dwindle anymore yeah they minght impliment the cross server teaming makin tf raids more popular! but the servers will still be dead and the community spirit will die slowly after GR fades into being 'old' and then the EU servers WILL die
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post

    Yes, shocking! How very dare they, not playing on the morning of a weekday when most people are working! The nerve!

    not everyone has the same work shedule, i popped on as it was a morning off, just posting to say that is how bad the population is.... maybee this is why other people have left the game if they log in when the servers are actually that dead why would they saty its meant to be a MMO so yes it is shocking
  16. fatalnova

    Test Servers

    are u s US or EU player do u have the right test downloaded?
  17. urfff i just wonna play on a populated server again! sick of logging on and finding no one online! i did a random serch the other day 2 people in atlas park!!!! no jokin 2 on union at 11am think it was a tuesday i was shocked! did another random search 53 people on in total its shocking and scary we NEED a list merge and i dont see whats holding them back!?!?

    if you read this post war witch is there any reason they wont do a server LIST merge???
    everytime this question gets asked we always get the same reply just there are no plans blah blah blah but they never give a reason why?

    there are a lot of loyal players here in the EU community yet it seems the only way we can join a better community is if we pack up and move to eu servers manually losing all toons vet rewards etc and thats just not fair! were only gonna be kept quite a little longer many players have left for the US already so any hope of them returning when GR launches isnt gonna happen

    can we get more insight into this in game development that you guys think is gonna help us out? the leaving it secret isnt keeping us on edge if anything its Pi***ng us off still not knowing the fate of the EU future.... were still pumping money into the game that we could be using to start an US account if the final answer is gonna be were closing eu servers not enough interest move to us servers or stop playing!?!?!?
  18. maybee the rikti just burned them so u didnt get any off them! damn them pesky rikti
  19. i wonna play i17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
    Yeay for War Witch.
    Thanks for the update
    Really curious on this new feature that you were vague about. I suspect some kind of linky with the US. Maybe not a server list merge (I can still hope) but something close. However I would not know or be able to guess what it would be...
    But thank you War Witch. You've given reasons and answers. (If only the men/woman in black that you talked to could have talked abit this... earlier. By the way do they dress in black, are they men/woman or are they Nemesis automatons? ;D )
    Yeay for War Witch.

    @fatalnova. I think you mean Server LIST merge, NOT Server merge.
    Server merge would mean two servers merged into one (and unhappy people). List merge would mean joint US and EU list (aka 15 servers).
    I do believe it was Server LIST you meant to say, just wanted to be sure
    yeah late night rambles i go on make no sense but was list merge i was onna bout dont know why there so against it!?!?! unless were going serverless
  21. well at least we have an ''official word'' but i dont see whats holding a server merge back!? surely it would take time to move our 4 servers onto the US list but after they are merged everyone would be in the same boat? is there any reason that they point blank refuse to do it???

    but thank you in kind for the heads up hope what ever your working on does in fact up our server numbers or GR and other issues are gonna be short lived this side of the pond
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Hi WW

    Thanks for replying, but I'm personally worried more by this response. Given that Avatea originally posted here on 23rd February to tell us that she'd make the people who need to know aware of our feelings, it's taken almost a month for any more info and now it's “No news.”

    That's worrying – that either you can't get, or perhaps more precisely are unable to give – any kind of answer. It's concerning because either marketing or publishing or the “Faceless Ones” aren't allowing that information out.

    Look at it this way: If our concerns are unfounded, then why not just say “It's cool, everything's fine.” If everything is fine, why have the Faceless Ones not allowed that to be said?For me, it's telling that you cannot say that, and chocolate & kittens are all very fine, but it rather deflects from the point that we have been feeling very neglected. For me at least, your post has confirmed, rather than allayed, my fears that the EU is about to go the way of Korea.

    I do appreciate that in any business there are things that must be dealt with internally before being permitted into the wider public domain but the impression I'm getting here isn't a positive one.

    I sincerely hope I'm wrong because I love this game – and I love how passionate you guys who bring the game to us are for it, and for the community – but that doesn't mean we're going to be ok, and nobody – not even you – have been able to tell us that we are.

    agreed is there any ETA on when we will hear anything???
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
    1. *laughs* No. In fact, I don't think I even have a broom at home. I probably do, but I never touch it. That means housework.

    2. The list is long and varied, but during a school basketball game, just after half time, I got the ball, broke from the pack, ran with it (fine, I dribbled with it), and went for a layup. Missed. Went again. Missed. Team-mate walks up to me, yanks the ball away from me, and says, "Wrong hoop, dork."

    3. Television. He's got this amazing wit that just slips out of this very serene person. Just hysterical. He makes us all laugh every day.

    4. Nice try. :P

    5. I have read every Sookie Stackhouse novel (so far). So I don't know if my love is on par with your love, but I do like the books.

    I hope she ends up with Eric - he always had that "I hate him, no wait, he lost his memory - whhaaaaat he's a good guy?, no wait, he's a bad guy...I hate him, but I KNOW he can be reformed!!" vibe about him.

    Love the books and read them all too! even the short stories book!!!

    and deffo think there should be a sookie/pam love interest thrown in before charlaine harris wraps up the sookie novels! and ERIC u kidding me not gonna happen think she will end up with sam but dont want her 2! plus!!!!

    possible season 3 true blood spoliers for some people !!!!

    sam drank from bill in season 2 to recover to kill the menad they have a *ahem* specical bond going on in season 3 of true blood hahah hilarious!